#' This function generates an hdf5 file as the gene expression input to lamian_test_h5().
#' @import rhdf5
#' @return No return but write an hdf5 file into a path.
#' @author Wenpin Hou <whou10@jhu.edu>
#' @export
#' @param expr gene by cell expression matrix. Values are library-size-normalized log-transformed gene expression matrix. They can be either imputed or non-imputed. Zero-expression genes should have been filtered out.
#' @param cellanno a dataframe where the first column are cell names and second column are sample names.
#' @param pseudotime a numeric vector of pseudotime, and the names of this vector are the corresponding cell names.
#' @param path a path (string, with the file name suffix .h5) to write three files. An example is 'data/multi.h5'.
#' @param fix.all.zero logical. If TRUE (default), fix the case when expression values within a sample is too small (smaller than the cutoff).
#' @param cutoff a numeric value. The cutoff used to determine whether to add some very small white noise to genes when fix.all.zero is TRUE.
#' @param sd.adjust the variance of the noise to be added if fix.all.zero is TRUE.
#' @examples
#' data(expdata)
#' saveh5(expr = expdata$expr, pseudotime = expdata$pseudotime, cellanno = expdata$cellanno, path = 'data/multi.h5')
saveh5 <- function(expr, pseudotime, cellanno, path, fix.all.zero = TRUE, cutoff = 1e-3, sd.adjust = 1e-3) {
expr <- expr[,names(pseudotime)]
cellanno <- cellanno[match(names(pseudotime),cellanno[,1]),]
if (fix.all.zero){
sdm <- sapply(unique(cellanno[,2]),function(us) {
tmp <- expr[,cellanno[,2]==us, drop=FALSE]
m <- rowMeans(tmp)
}) < cutoff ## first version <20210407 is 0.
gid <- which(rowSums(sdm) > 0) ## identify if any genes have sd=0 expression in any one of the samples
if (length(gid) > 0) { ## if yes, for those genes, add a white-noise with sd=1e-5 on the sample with sd=0.
mask <- sdm[gid,rep(1:ncol(sdm),as.vector(table(cellanno[,2])[colnames(sdm)])),drop=F]
colnames(mask) <- unlist(sapply(colnames(sdm),function(i) cellanno[cellanno[,2]==i,1]))
expr[gid,] <- expr[gid,] + mask[,colnames(expr),drop=F] * matrix(rnorm(length(mask),sd=sd.adjust), nrow=length(gid)) ## before 20211126, sd.adjust = 1e-5; 20211126 changed to sd.adjust=1; 20220115 sd.adjust and cutoff both changed to 1e-3
h5createFile(path) ## create a hdf5 file
for (s in unique(cellanno[,2])) { ## operation for each sample
h5createGroup(path,s) ## create a group for each sample
d <- expr[,cellanno[cellanno[,2]==s,1]]
h5createDataset(path, paste0(s,"/expr"), c(nrow(d),ncol(d)), chunk=c(10,ncol(d)), level=1) ## demonstrate will create a dataset of size nrow*ncol, chunk is the smallest saving unit
h5write(d, file=path, paste0(s,"/expr"), index=list(1:nrow(d),NULL)) ## write the xpr. index: allow to get the data for each gene across all cell (1:nrow(d)), not allow to get a cell across all genes (second arg of index is NULL). The matrix saved here has no row or col names.
h5createDataset(path, paste0(s,"/feature"), c(nrow(d)), chunk=c(nrow(d)), level=1,storage.mode='character',size=max(nchar(rownames(d)))+5)
h5write(rownames(d), file=path, name=paste0(s,"/feature"), index=list(1:nrow(d))) ## save feature names (row names, gene names)
h5createDataset(path, paste0(s,"/barcode"), c(ncol(d)), chunk=c(ncol(d)), level=1,storage.mode='character',size=max(nchar(colnames(d)))+5)
h5write(colnames(d), file=path, name=paste0(s,"/barcode"), index=list(1:ncol(d))) ## save barcode names (col names, cell names).
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