#' Compare the orders of two vectors
#' @description compare the orders of two vectors
#' @param name1 a vector with first order.
#' @param name2 a vector with anothoer second order.
#' @rawNamespace import(ggplot2, except = margin)
#' @return A plot of comparing two orders of vectors.
#' @examples
#' a = c('a1', 'a2', 'a5', 'a4')
#' b = c( 'a2', 'a5', 'a7', 'a4', 'a6')
#' plotOrders(a, b)
#' @export
plotOrders = function(name1, name2) {
lab1 = deparse(substitute(name1))
lab2 = deparse(substitute(name2))
names = unique(c(name1, name2))
m = length(name1)
n = length(name2)
x = match(name1, names)
y = match(name2, names)
xy = data.frame(order = c(seq_along(x), seq_along(y)), rank = c(x,
y), group = c(rep(lab1, m), rep(lab2, n)))
ggplot(data = xy, aes_string(x = "group", y = "order")) +
geom_point() + geom_line(aes(group = rank)) + scale_y_reverse()+
#' Plot regulator and its targets expression
#' @param object a RegenrichSet object, to which at
#' least \code{\link{regenrich_diffExpr}} and \code{\link{regenrich_network}}
#' functions have been applied.
#' @param reg a regulator to plot.
#' @param n the maximun number of targets to plot.
#' @param scale logical, whether gene expression is z-score normalized.
#' @param tarCol the color of the lines for the targets of the regulator.
#' @param tarColAlpha numeric, ranging from 0 to 1, indicating transparancy
#' of target lines.
#' @param regCol the color of the line for the 'reg'.
#' @param xlab x label of plot.
#' @param ylab y label of plot.
#' @param ... other parameters in \code{\link{ggplot}} function.
#' @return a ggplot object.
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # constructing a RegenrichSet object
#' colData = data.frame(patientID = paste0('Sample_', seq(50)),
#' week = rep(c('0', '1'), each = 25),
#' row.names = paste0('Sample_', seq(50)),
#' stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#' design = ~week
#' reduced = ~1
#' set.seed(123)
#' cnts = matrix(as.integer(rnbinom(n=1000*50, mu=100, size=1/0.1)), ncol=50,
#' dimnames = list(paste0('gene', seq(1000)), rownames(colData)))
#' cnts[5,26:50] = cnts[5,26:50] + 50L # add reads to gene5 in some samples.
#' id = sample(31:1000, 20) # randomly select 20 rows, and assign reads.
#' cnts[id,] = vapply(cnts[5,], function(x){
#' as.integer(rnbinom(n = 20, size = 1/0.02, mu = x))},
#' FUN.VALUE = rep(1L, 20))
#' object = RegenrichSet(expr = cnts,
#' colData = colData,
#' method = 'LRT_DESeq2', minMeanExpr = 0,
#' design = design, reduced = reduced, fitType = 'local',
#' networkConstruction = 'COEN',
#' enrichTest = 'FET',
#' reg = paste0('gene', seq(30)))
# \donttest{
#' ## RegEnrich analysis
#' object = regenrich_diffExpr(object)
#' # Set a random softPower, otherwise it is difficult to achive a
#' # scale-free network because of a randomly generated count data.
#' object = regenrich_network(object, softPower = 3)
#' object = regenrich_enrich(object)
#' object = regenrich_rankScore(object)
#' ## plot expression of a regulator and its targets.
#' plotRegTarExpr(object, reg = 'gene5')
#' plotRegTarExpr(object, reg = 'gene27')
# }
plotRegTarExpr = function(object, reg, n = 1000, scale = TRUE,
tarCol = "black", tarColAlpha = 0.1, regCol = "#ffaa00",
xlab = "Samples", ylab = "Z-scores", ...) {
if (length(reg) != 1) {
stop("The length of 'reg' must be one.")
if (ncol(object) < 2 || nrow(object) <
2) {
stop("Too little expression data.")
} else {
expr = assay(object)
if (isEmptyPFC(mcols(object))) {
stop("Differential expression ",
"analysis needs to be performed.")
} else {
pFC = as.data.frame(mcols(object))
if (is.null(object@topNetwork)) {
stop("object@topNetwork is empty, network inference ",
"needs to be performed.")
} else {
topNet = object@topNetwork
.plotRegTarExpr(reg = reg, expr = expr, pFC = pFC, topNet = topNet,
n = n, scale = scale, tarCol = alpha(tarCol, tarColAlpha),
regCol = regCol, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
.plotRegTarExpr = function(reg, expr, pFC, topNet, n = 1000,
scale = TRUE, tarCol = alpha("black", 0.1), regCol = "#ffaa00",
xlab = "Samples", ylab = "Z-scores", ...) {
if (length(reg) != 1) {
stop("The length of reg must be one")
# stopifnot(class(topNet) %in% 'TopNetwork')
stopifnot(is(topNet, "TopNetwork"))
net = .net(topNet)
stopifnot(reg %in% names(net))
stopifnot("p" %in% colnames(pFC))
stopifnot(n > 1)
pReg = subset(pFC[net[[reg]], ], p < 0.05)
gNames = rownames(sortDataframe(pReg, "p"))[seq(min(n, nrow(pReg)))]
regG = c(reg, gNames)
regG_id = regG %in% rownames(expr)
if (!all(regG_id)) {
regG = regG[regG_id]
expr_regTar = expr[regG, ]
if (scale) {
expr_regTar = t(scale(t(expr_regTar)))
# reshape::melt
expr_regTar2 = melt(data.frame(expr_regTar,
gene = factor(rownames(expr_regTar),
rownames(expr_regTar))), id.vars = "gene")
expr_regTar2 = sortDataframe(expr_regTar2, c("gene", "variable"))
p = ggplot(data = expr_regTar2, aes_string(x = "variable",
y = "value", group = "gene"), ...) + geom_line(aes(color = I(tarCol)),
show.legend = FALSE) + geom_line(aes(color = I(regCol)),
data = subset(expr_regTar2, expr_regTar2$gene == reg)) +
xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + ggtitle(reg) + theme_light() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,
hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5))
#' Plot soft power for WGCNA analysis
#' @description Plot soft power and corresponding scale free topology
#' fitting index to find a proper soft power for WGCNA analysis.
#' @param expr Gene expression data, either a matrix or a data frame.
#' By default, each row represents a gene, each column represents a sample.
#' @param rowSample logic. If \code{TRUE}, each row represents a sample.
#' The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param weights, optional observation weights for \code{expr} to be used
#' in correlation calculation.
#' @param powerVector a vector of soft thresholding powers for which the scale
#' free topology fit indices are to be calculated.
#' @param RsquaredCut desired minimum scale free topology fitting index R^2.
#' The default is 0.85.
#' @param networkType character, network type. Allowed values are
#' (unique abbreviations of) "unsigned" (default), "signed", "signed hybrid".
#' See \code{\link{adjacency}}.
#' @param removeFirst, should the first bin be removed from the connectivity
#' histogram? The default is FALSE.
#' @param nBreaks, number of bins in connectivity histograms. The default is
#' 10.
#' @param corFnc, correlation function to be used in adjacency calculation.
#' The default is the \code{cor} function in WGCNA.
#' @param corOptions, a named list of options to the correlation function
#' specified in corFnc. The default is list(use = "p").
#' @return a list of three elements: \code{powerEstimate}, \code{fitIndices},
#' and \code{plot}.
#' \code{powerEstimate} is an estimate of an appropriate soft-thresholding
#' power. \code{fitIndices} is a data frame containing the fit indices for
#' scale free topology. The \code{plot} is a ggplot object.
#' @import WGCNA
#' @examples
#' data(Lyme_GSE63085)
#' log2FPKM = log2(Lyme_GSE63085$FPKM + 1)
#' log2FPKMhi = log2FPKM[rowMeans(log2FPKM) >= 10^-3, , drop = FALSE]
#' log2FPKMhi = head(log2FPKMhi, 3000) # First 3000 genes for example
#' \donttest{
#' softP = plotSoftPower(log2FPKMhi, RsquaredCut = 0.85)
#' print(softP)
#' }
#' @export
plotSoftPower = function(expr, rowSample = FALSE,
weights = NULL,
powerVector = c(seq(10), seq(12, 20, by=2)),
RsquaredCut = 0.85, networkType = "unsigned",
removeFirst = FALSE, nBreaks = 10,
corFnc = WGCNA::cor,
corOptions = list(use = "p")){
stopifnot(RsquaredCut < 1 || RsquaredCut > 0)
if(!rowSample) {
expr = t(expr)
rowSample = !rowSample
# Call the network topology analysis function
sft <- pickSoftThreshold2(
expr, weights = weights,
RsquaredCut = RsquaredCut,
powerVector = powerVector,
networkType = networkType,
removeFirst = removeFirst,
nBreaks = nBreaks,
corFnc = corFnc,
corOptions = corOptions)
# Scale-free topology fit index as a function
# of the soft-thresholding power
ylab = expression(paste("Scale Free Topology Model Fit (signed, ",
R^2, ")"))
dat = sft$fitIndices
dat$textY = dat$mean.k./max(dat$mean.k.)
sft$plot = ggplot(dat, aes_string(x = "Power")) +
geom_text(aes_string(y = "SFT.R.sq", label = "Power"), colour = "red")+
geom_text(aes_string(y = "textY", label = "Power"), colour = "blue")+
geom_hline(yintercept = RsquaredCut, color = "red")+
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, length = 6),
sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*max(dat$mean.k.),
name = "Mean connectivity"))+
labs(x = "Soft Threshold (power)", y = ylab)+
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1))+
theme(axis.title.y.left = element_text(colour = "red"),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(colour = "blue"))
# A light version of pickSoftThreshold function from WGCNA
pickSoftThreshold2 = function (data,
weights = NULL, RsquaredCut = 0.85,
powerVector = c(seq(1, 10, by = 1),
seq(12, 20, by = 2)),
removeFirst = FALSE, nBreaks = 10,
corFnc = WGCNA::cor,
corOptions = list(use = "p"),
networkType = "unsigned") {
powerVector = sort(powerVector)
.networkTypes = c("unsigned", "signed", "signed hybrid")
intType = charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes)
if (is.na(intType))
stop(paste0("networkType must be one of: ",
paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", "), "."))
nGenes = ncol(data)
if (nGenes < 3) {
stop("The input data data contain fewer than 3 rows (nodes).",
"\nThis would result in a trivial correlation network.")
colname1 = c("Power", "SFT.R.sq", "slope", "truncated R.sq",
"mean(k)", "median(k)", "max(k)")
corFnc = match.fun(corFnc)
corOptions$x = data
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(data), dim(weights))))
stop("When 'weights' are given, dimensions of 'data' and 'weights'",
" must be the same.")
corOptions$weights.x = weights
corOptions$y = data
if (!is.null(weights))
corOptions$weights.y = weights
corx = do.call(corFnc, corOptions)
if (intType == 1) {
corx = abs(corx)
} else if (intType == 2) {
corx = (1 + corx)/2
} else if (intType == 3) {
corx[corx < 0] = 0
if (any(is.na(corx))) warning("Some correlations are NA.")
scaleFreeFitIndex = utils::getFromNamespace("scaleFreeFitIndex", "WGCNA")
corxPrev = matrix(1, nrow = nrow(corx), ncol = ncol(corx))
powerSteps <- powerVector - c(0, head(powerVector, -1))
uniquePowerSteps <- unique(powerSteps)
corxPowers <- lapply(uniquePowerSteps, function(p) corx^p)
names(corxPowers) <- uniquePowerSteps
dat = list()
for(i in seq_along(powerVector)){
corxCur = corxPrev * corxPowers[[as.character(powerSteps[i])]]
corxPrev = corxCur
dat[[i]] = colSums(corxCur, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
datout = lapply(seq_along(powerVector), function(i){
# corxCur <- corxPrev * corxPowers[[as.character(powerSteps[i])]]
# assign("corxPrev", corxCur, envir = env)
# khelp = colSums(corxCur, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
khelp = dat[[i]]
SFT1 = scaleFreeFitIndex(k = khelp, nBreaks = nBreaks,
removeFirst = removeFirst)
c(powerVector[i], unlist(SFT1),
unlist(lapply(c(mean, stats::median, max), function(f) {
f(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)})))
datout = do.call(rbind, datout)
colnames(datout) = colname1
ind1 = datout[, 2] > RsquaredCut
indcut = ifelse(sum(ind1) > 0, min(seq_along(ind1)[ind1]), NA)
powerEstimate = powerVector[indcut][[1]]
list(powerEstimate = powerEstimate, fitIndices = data.frame(datout))
# function inside plot_Enrich
.plot_Enrich = function(object, reg = NULL, showCategory = 20,
regDescription = NULL, font.size = 12){
regAll = results_enrich(object)@allResult[,1]
DescriptionAll = results_enrich(object)@allResult[,1]
regDescription = data.frame(reg = regAll, Description = DescriptionAll)
stopifnot(is.data.frame(regDescription) && ncol(regDescription) == 2)
stopifnot(is.null(reg) || length(reg) == 1)
object_enrich = results_enrich(object)
stop("FET/GSEA enrichment analysis has to be performed.")
if (object_enrich@type == "FET"){
if (!is.null(reg)){
message("'reg' argument is not used when ",
"the enrichment method is 'FET'.")
topResult = object_enrich@topResult
stopifnot(nrow(topResult) > 0)
df = topResult[seq(min(nrow(topResult), showCategory)), ]
ratio = vapply(df$GeneRatio,
function(x) eval(parse(text = x)), FUN.VALUE = 1)
idx = order(ratio, decreasing = FALSE)
Description = regDescription[match(df$Description,
regDescription[,1]), 2]
df$Description <- factor(Description, levels = Description[idx])
# replace Inf with the maximum finite value
cB = -log10(df[["p.adjust"]])
cB[is.infinite(cB)] = max(cB[is.finite(cB)])
# color
colorStr = paste0("-log10(p.adjust)")
df$color = cB
df$GeneRatio = ratio
# plot
pt = ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "ratio", y = "Description",
size = "Count", color = "color")) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_gradient(name = colorStr, low = "blue", high = "red") +
xlab("GeneRatio") + ylab("Regulator") +
} else if (object_enrich@type == "GSEA"){
namedScores = object_enrich@namedScores
network = .net(results_topNet(object))
message("reg is not provided, the most ",
"significantly enriched regulator is plotted.")
reg = object_enrich@allResult$regulator[1]
Description = regDescription[match(reg, regDescription[,1]), 2][1]
pt = fgsea::plotEnrichment(pathway = network[[reg]],
stats = namedScores) +
ggtitle(Description) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
} else {
stop("Unknown enrichment result.")
#' @rdname plot_Enrich
#' @export
setGeneric("plot_Enrich", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("plot_Enrich"))
#' Plot results of FET/GSEA enrichment analysis
#' Plot FET/GSEA enrichment results. If the FET method is applied,
#' the top `showCategory` regulator will be plotted.
#' If the GSEA method is applied, the GSEA graph of regulator `reg`
#' will be plotted.
#' @param object a \code{RegenrichSet} object.
#' @param reg The regulator to plot. This only works when the
#' GSEA enrichment method has used.
#' @param showCategory the number of regulator to plot.
#' @param regDescription NULL or a two-column data frame, in which
#' first column is the regulator IDs (for
#' example ENSEMBL IDs), and the second column is the description
#' of regulators (for example gene
#' name). Default is NULL, meaning both columns are the same regulator
#' names/IDs in the network.
#' @param font.size font size of axis labels and axis tick mark
#' labels, default is 12.
#' @param ... other parameters.
#' @return a ggplot object of plotting FET or GSEA enrichment result.
#' @import fgsea
#' @import DOSE
#' @include regenrichClasses.R
#' @rdname plot_Enrich
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # library(RegEnrich)
#' data("Lyme_GSE63085")
#' data("TFs")
#' data = log2(Lyme_GSE63085$FPKM + 1)
#' colData = Lyme_GSE63085$sampleInfo
#' # Take first 2000 rows for example
#' data1 = data[seq(2000), ]
#' design = model.matrix(~0 + patientID + week, data = colData)
#' object = RegenrichSet(expr = data1,
#' colData = colData,
#' method = "limma", minMeanExpr = 0,
#' design = design,
#' contrast = c(rep(0, ncol(design) - 1), 1),
#' networkConstruction = "COEN",
#' enrichTest = "FET")
#' # Differential expression analysis
#' object = regenrich_diffExpr(object)
#' # Network inference using "COEN" method
#' object = regenrich_network(object)
#' # Enrichment analysis by Fisher's exact test (FET)
#' object = regenrich_enrich(object)
#' # plot
#' plot_Enrich(object)
#' # Enrichment analysis by Fisher's exact test (FET)
#' object = regenrich_enrich(object, enrichTest = "GSEA")
#' # plot
#' plot_Enrich(object)
setMethod("plot_Enrich", signature = "RegenrichSet", .plot_Enrich)
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