#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # library(RegEnrich)
#' data("Lyme_GSE63085")
#' data("TFs")
#' data = log2(Lyme_GSE63085$FPKM + 1)
#' colData = Lyme_GSE63085$sampleInfo
#' data1 = data[seq(2000), ]
#' design = model.matrix(~0 + patientID + week, data = colData)
#' # Initializing a 'RegenrichSet' object
#' object = RegenrichSet(expr = data1,
#' colData = colData,
#' method = 'limma', minMeanExpr = 0,
#' design = design,
#' contrast = c(rep(0, ncol(design) - 1), 1),
#' networkConstruction = 'COEN',
#' enrichTest = 'FET')
#' # Using %>%
#' object %>% regenrich_diffExpr()
#' }
# Obtain paramsIn slot from RegenrichSet object.
getParamsIn = function(object, arg = NULL) {
stopifnot(is(object, "RegenrichSet"))
if (!is.null(arg) && length(arg) != 1 && !is.character(arg)) {
stop("arg can only be either NULL or character.")
if (is.null(arg)) {
} else {
# Check if the names(argsInList) are all listed in paramsIn
# slot from RegenrichSet object.
checkParams = function(object, argsInList, mustInArgs = NULL) {
argsName = names(argsInList)
if (length(argsInList) > 0) {
if (!is.null(mustInArgs)) {
indx = argsName %in% mustInArgs
if (!all(argsName %in% names(object@paramsIn))) {
stop("Unknown argument(s):\n", argsName[!argsName %in%
# arguments not in mustInArgs
if (sum(!indx) > 0) {
warning("Following argument(s) should not be respecified ",
"in the current function:\n", argsName[!indx])
# arguments in mustInArgs
if (sum(indx) > 0) {
argsInList = argsInList[indx]
} else {
argsInList = list()
if (length(argsInList) > 0) {
object@paramsIn[names(argsInList)] = argsInList
# sort data frame rows by its column data.
sortDataframe = function(x, by = x, decreasing = FALSE, returnID = FALSE) {
if (is.character(by)) {
nm = by
} else if (is.data.frame(by)) {
nm = colnames(by)
} else if (is.integer(by)) {
nm = colnames(x)[by]
} else {
stop("Unknown class of 'by'")
stopifnot(all(nm %in% colnames(x)))
cmd = paste0("with(x, order(", paste0(nm, collapse = ","),
", decreasing = decreasing))")
id = eval(parse(text = cmd))
y = x[id, ]
if (returnID) {
y = list(res = y, id = id)
# Generate the input matrix and output matrix for network
# inference by random forest @description Standardize the
# inputMatrix and outputMatrix for \code{\link{grNet}}.
# @param expr Gene expression data, either a matrix or a data
# frame. By default (\code{rowSample = FALSE}), each row
# represents a gene, each column represents a sample. @param
# reg vector of charactors, representing gene regulators. By
# default, these are transcription factors and co-factors,
# defined by three literatures/databases, namely RegNet,
# TRRUST, and Marbach2016. @param rowSample logic. If
# \code{TRUE}, each row represents a sample. The default is
# \code{FALSE}. @return A list of \code{inputMatrix}
# (expression of \code{reg}), \code{outputMatrix}
# (expression of all genes) and \code{validRegs} (the
# regulators exsist in \code{expr}). @examples \donttest{
# expr = matrix(rnorm(100*1000), nrow = 1000, ncol = 100,
# dimnames = list(paste0('G', seq(1000)), paste0('Samp',
# seq(100)))) set.seed(1234) TFs = paste0('G',
# sample(seq(1000),
# size = 50, replace = FALSE)) # rowSample = FALSE
# inOutput(expr, reg = TFs, rowSample = FALSE) # rowSample =
# TRUE inOutput(t(expr), reg = TFs, rowSample = TRUE) }
# @export
#' @include globals.R
inOutput = function(expr, reg = TFs$TF_name, rowSample = FALSE,
trace = FALSE) {
if (!rowSample) {
outputMatrix = t(expr)
} else {
outputMatrix = expr
exprGenes = colnames(outputMatrix)
exprSamp = rownames(outputMatrix)
# only to use the regulators existing in both expr and reg.
validRegs = reg[reg %in% exprGenes]
if (length(validRegs) == 0) {
stop("No valide regulators can be found. Please ",
"change 'reg' or check gene ID.")
if (trace) {
cat(length(validRegs), " regulators will be used. \n")
inputMatrix = outputMatrix[, validRegs, drop = FALSE]
# inputMatrix is the gene expression matrix of regulators
# (only reg) outputMatrix is the gene expression matrix of
# all genes (including reg)
return(list(inputMatrix = inputMatrix, outputMatrix = outputMatrix,
validRegs = validRegs))
# derived from DESeq2:::renameModelMatrixColumns function
renameModelMatrixColumns = function (data, design){
data = as.data.frame(data)
designVars = all.vars(design)
designVarsClass = vapply(designVars,
function(v) is.factor(data[[v]]), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
factorVars = designVars[designVarsClass]
colNamesFrom = make.names(do.call(c, lapply(factorVars,
function(v) paste0(v, levels(data[[v]])[-1]))))
colNamesTo = make.names(do.call(c, lapply(factorVars,
function(v) paste0(v, "_", levels(data[[v]])[-1],
"_vs_", levels(data[[v]])[1]))))
data.frame(from = colNamesFrom, to = colNamesTo,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Adjacency matrix to a data.frame of edges.
# @param mat adjacency matrix.
# @param mode Character, to specify the class of graph and which part of
# the matrix will be used. Possible values are: "directed" (default),
# "undirected", "upper", "lower".
# @param diag logic, whether to include the diagonal of the matrix.
# @return a data.frame of edge information. The first column is from node,
# the second column is to node, and the third is weight.
# @examples {
# \donttest{
# mat = matrix(rnorm(4*4), nrow = 4,
# dimnames = list(letters[seq(4)], LETTERS[seq(4)]))
# mat2Edge(mat, mode = "undirected", diag = TRUE)
# mat2Edge(mat, mode = "undirected", diag = FALSE)
# mat2Edge(mat, mode = "directed", diag = TRUE)
# mat2Edge(mat, mode = "upper", diag = TRUE)
# mat2Edge(mat, mode = "upper", diag = FALSE)
# }
# }
mat2Edge = function(mat, mode = c("directed", "undirected", "upper", "lower"),
diag = FALSE, removeEdgesBelowThisWeight = NULL){
mode = match.arg(mode)
rowN = nrow(mat)
colN = ncol(mat)
nameRow = rownames(mat)
if(is.null(nameRow)) nameRow = seq(rowN)
nameCol = colnames(mat)
if(is.null(nameCol)) nameCol = seq(colN)
if (mode == "directed"){
id = !diag(!diag, rowN, colN)
} else if (mode %in% c("undirected", "upper")){
id = upper.tri(mat, diag = diag)
} else if (mode == "lower"){
id = lower.tri(mat, diag = diag)
if (!is.null(removeEdgesBelowThisWeight) &&
id = id & (mat >= removeEdgesBelowThisWeight)
id = which(id, arr.ind = TRUE, useNames = TRUE)
return(data.frame(from = nameRow[id[,1]],
to = nameCol[id[,2]],
weight = mat[id],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
######## --------------- review --------------- #########
# obtain a regulator-target network list (list names are regulators)
.net = function(TopNetworkObj){
split(TopNetworkObj@elementset$element, TopNetworkObj@elementset$set)
# obtain a target-regulator network list (list names are targets)
.tarReg = function(TopNetworkObj){
split(TopNetworkObj@elementset$set, TopNetworkObj@elementset$element)
# judge if pFC is empty
isEmptyPFC = function(pFC){
cond = all(abs(pFC$p) < 1e-18) & all(abs(pFC$logFC) < 1e-18)
cond = FALSE
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