#' Short description string here
#' Long description string
#' @title What function does (short)
#' @param Alignments object of class \code{Alignments},
#' prodused by \code{processAlignments} function
#' @param Annotation \code{data.frame} reference genome annotation
#' @param level \code{character} string, equals \code{"gene"}
#' or \code{"transcript"}
#' @return returns \code{data.frame}.
#' @seealso \code{function or class name}
#' @author Vladislava Milchevskaya \email{milchv@gmail.com}
alignments2probesetsRaw <- function(Alignments,
level = "Input_gene_or_transcript")
stopifnot(level %in% c("gene", "transcript"))
##### check annotation #####
Annotation = subset(Annotation, strand %in% c("+", "-"))
stopifnot(nrow(Annotation) > 0)
##### annotate T alignment ##### (needed for the gene level, and ?)
AT = annotate.T.alignment(
TAlignment = Alignments@samTranscriptome$x,
Annotation = Annotation)
stopifnot(nrow(AT) > 0)
# pseudogenes in warning - shall i do something with it? #
##### exclude probes with non-unique mappings on the corresponding level ###
# filter AT, subset AG for the good AT probes #
AT.filtered = filter.T.alignment(AT, level = level)
#first AT, so that to subset AG properly based on AT
stopifnot(nrow(AT.filtered) > 0)
good_transcriptomic_probes = unique(AT.filtered$probe_id)
#good transcriptomic probes
bad_transcriptomic_probes = setdiff(AT$probe_id, AT.filtered$probe_id)
message( paste0("Good probes in transcriptomic alignment: ",
", bad probes: ",
Alignment.genome.subsetted =
QNAME %in% good_transcriptomic_probes)
# only good transcriptomic probes
Alignment.genome.subsetted =
instanceID = c(1:nrow(Alignment.genome.subsetted))))
# instance id to track mappings, not probes
AG.25M = subset(Alignment.genome.subsetted, CIGAR == "25M")
AG.ne25M = subset(Alignment.genome.subsetted, CIGAR != "25M")
AG.25M.annotated = annotate.G.alignment(AG.25M, Annotation = Annotation)
AG.exonexonborder.annotated =
getExonExonBorder(Als = Alignments,
Annotation = Annotation,
level = "transcript")
# to make sure transcript ids are kept
# (gene-probe correspondance will remain the same)
instances.25M.annotated = unique(AG.25M.annotated$instanceID)
instances.25M.NONannotated = setdiff(AG.25M$instanceID,
#instances.non25M = AG.ne25M$instanceID
probes.A25 = unique(AG.25M.annotated$probe_id)
probes.neAnnot_25 =
instanceID %in% instances.25M.NONannotated)$QNAME)
#probes.ne25 = unique(subset(Alignment.genome.subsetted,
# instanceID %in% instances.non25M)$QNAME)
# those that ARE in good transcr ptobes
#good.G.probes = setdiff( union(probes.A25, probes.ne25), probes.neAnnot_25)
#stopifnot(length(union( union(probes.A25, probes.ne25),
# probes.neAnnot_25)) == length(unique(Alignment.genome.subsetted$QNAME)))
bad_genomic_probes = probes.neAnnot_25 # probes that have non-annotated 25M
ATT = subset(AT.filtered, !(probe_id %in% bad_genomic_probes))
AGG = subset(AG.25M.annotated, !(probe_id %in% bad_genomic_probes))
ATG = merge(ATT[ ,c("probe_id", "transcript_id", "gene_id", "strand")],
AGG[ ,c("probe_id", "transcript_id", "gene_id", "strand")])
if(nrow(AG.exonexonborder.annotated) > 0)
AGG.exex = subset(AG.exonexonborder.annotated,
!(probe_id %in%
ATTG = rbind(ATG[ , c("probe_id", "transcript_id", "gene_id")],
AGG.exex[ ,c("probe_id", "transcript_id", "gene_id")])
ATTG = ATG[ , c("probe_id", "transcript_id", "gene_id")]
#probes_not_in_merged = setdiff(ATT$probe_id, ATG$probe_id)
# these are good probes (and mostly exon-exon border probes)
# AND probes fallen in the transcript, but may be not all in exons
# (these need to be filtered out)
ATTG = ATTG[!duplicated(ATTG), ]
ATTG.filtered = filter.ATTG.alignment.df(ATTG, level = level)
# internal function #
filter.ATTG.alignment.df <- function(AG, level = level)
#non-unique mappings filtered out
if(level == "gene")
{aaa1 = AG[,c("probe_id", "gene_id")]}
if(level == "transcript")
{aaa1 = AG[,c("probe_id", "transcript_id")]}
aaa2 = aaa1[!duplicated(aaa1),]
ad2 = aaa2[duplicated(aaa2[,c("probe_id")]),"probe_id"]
non_unique = (unique(ad2))
AG.filtered = subset(AG, !(probe_id %in% non_unique))
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