# library(gsubfn) # Use strapplyc
#library(moments) # skewness and kurtosis
options(shiny.maxRequestSize=900*1024^2) # Set upper limit at 900MB
# ----- function which create the button into the table
## Code copied from
shinyInput <- function(FUN, len, id, ...) {
inputs <- len
for (i in seq(len)) {
inputs[i] <- as.character(FUN(paste0(id, len[i]), ...))
## Filter_by_Data_Set
## Will select all records that have corresponding ID associated in DataSet column of data.table All_junctions
Filter_by_Data_Set <- function(fileID, All_junctions)
if (fileID[1] != -1)
{ temp <- {}
for (i in 1:length(fileID))
{ if (typeof(All_junctions) == "NULL") # No data
{ next }
if (i == 1)
temp <- All_junctions[(DataSet==fileID[i]),]
temp <- rbind (temp,All_junctions[(DataSet==fileID[i]),])
All_junctions <- temp
## This function filters all potential BSJ
## ege circJunctions(m379,"chr9",46240800,46243500) # Apoa4
circJunctions<-function(All_junctions, chrom, chromstart, chromend, fileID = c(-1)) #Need to consider strand!!!
{ cat (paste("\nRequest junctions on chrom",chrom,":",chromstart,"-",chromend))
# 1 = chromDonor, 2 = startDonor, 3 = strandDonor, 4 = chromAcceptor, 5=startAcceptor, 6=strandAcceptor
if (length(All_junctions) == 0)
return (NULL)
# First select data from files that user has selected
withProgress(message="Finding junctions to display", # style="old",
value=0, {
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Short listing all junctions for sample"))
if (fileID[1] != -1)
for (i in 1:length(fileID))
if (i == 1)
temp <- All_junctions[(DataSet==fileID[i]),]
temp <- rbind (temp,All_junctions[(DataSet==fileID[i]),])
All_junctions <- temp
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Short listing junctions for gene"))
# Select junctions within the range defined by chrom, chromstart and chromend.
## STILL NEED TO MAKE DATA STRANDED !! ie accurately accept illumina or Proton data.
chromstart <- as.numeric(chromstart)
chromend <- as.numeric(chromend)
junc = All_junctions[chromDonor == chrom & chromAcceptor == chrom &
startDonor >= chromstart & startDonor <= chromend &
startAcceptor >= chromstart & startAcceptor <= chromend & strandDonor == strandAcceptor,]
if (nrow(junc) == 0) # No data !!
{ return (-1) }
BS_juncs <- junc[(strandDonor=='-' & (startAcceptor > startDonor)) | (strandDonor=='+' & (startDonor > startAcceptor) ),] # Select the backsplice junctions, this dataframe will be to return to user
tmp <- junc[,length(BSjuncName),by="chromDonor,startDonor,chromAcceptor,startAcceptor"]
junc.bed<-data.table(junc[,.(chromDonor,startDonor,startDonor,chromAcceptor,startAcceptor,startAcceptor, BSjuncName)], 1, junc[,.(strandDonor,strandAcceptor)],500)
setnames(junc.bed, 1:11,c("chrom1","start1", "end1", "chrom2", "start2", "end2", "name", "score", "strand1", "strand2","JunctionType")) # Assign names
junc.uniques.bed <- unique(junc.bed) # junc.uniques.bed is the dataframe used to create loop graph
junc.uniques.bed$score <- tmp[chromDonor == junc.uniques.bed$chrom1 & startDonor == junc.uniques.bed$start1 & chromAcceptor== junc.uniques.bed$chrom2 & startAcceptor== junc.uniques.bed$start2,.(score)]
junc.uniques.bed$JunctionType[junc.uniques.bed[,(strand1=='-' & start2>start1) | (strand1=='+' & start1>start2)]] <- 1 # backsplice
## Build a data set for histogram analysis
bed_dataset <- junc.bed[,c(1,2,3)]
a <- junc.bed[,c(4,5,6)]
colnames(bed_dataset) -> colnames(a)
dim(rbind(bed_dataset,a)) # [1] 174560 3
rbind(bed_dataset,a) -> bed_dataset
bed_dataset <- cbind(bed_dataset,apply(bed_dataset[,c(1,2,3)],1,paste,collapse="_"))
tmp<-table(bed_dataset[,4]) -> bed_dataset
gsub(pattern=" ",replacement="",x=names(tmp)) -> names(tmp)
gsub(pattern=" ",replacement="",x=bed_dataset[,4])-> bed_dataset[,4]
cbind(bed_dataset,tmp[bed_dataset[,4]]) -> bed_dataset
bed_dataset[,c(1,2,3,5)] -> bed_dataset
colnames(bed_dataset) <- c("chrom","start","end","score")
cat(paste("\njunc.uniques.bed is",dim(junc.uniques.bed),"\nbed_dataset is",dim(bed_dataset),
"\nBS_juncs is",dim(BS_juncs), "\ncanonical_juncs (all input junctions) is",dim(junc)))
return(list(uniques.bed=junc.uniques.bed, bed=bed_dataset,
BS_juncs=BS_juncs, # All backsplice junctions after filtering for input file.
## circFigure_template1
## This function draws genomic graphs from the sushi package. If zoom_coords is NULL then function will display
## 3 genomic graphs (i) transcripts of a gene (ii) junctions graphs for circRNA and (iii) linear RNA.
## IF zoom_coords contains coordinates then the function will display 4 genomic graphs.
circFigure_template1 <-function(GeneObject, chrom, chromstart, chromend, zoom_coords, JunctionOption, Junction_highlight=list(BSjunc=NULL, Canonical=NULL), currentGeneSymbol=NULL)
# browser()
junc <- GeneObject$Junctions
if (length(junc) == 0)
{ cat(paste("length of zero (junc) in circFigure_template1"))
return (NULL)
a <- GeneObject$Transcript
display_transcript <- data.frame(chrom=a$chrom, start=as.numeric(a$start), stop=as.numeric(a$stop), gene=a$gene, score=as.numeric(a$score),
strand=as.numeric(a$strand), type=a$type)
if (display_transcript$strand[1] == 0)
{ display_transcript$strand <- -1 }
bedJunctions <- junc$uniques.bed
if (JunctionOption > 0) # Junction type filter is set therefore extract the junction type to view
# Plot Gene Transripts
# browser()
transcript_colours <- rep(x = 1,nrow(display_transcript))
if (GeneObject$SelectedTranscript != "")
transcript_idx <- which(display_transcript$gene == GeneObject$SelectedTranscript)
transcript_colours[transcript_idx] <- 80
pg = plotGenes(display_transcript,chrom,chromstart,chromend , colorby = transcript_colours,
# types = display_transcript$type,
# colorby=transcript_colours,
colorbycol= colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red")),
labelgenome( chrom, chromstart,chromend,n=3,scale="Mb")
## Plot linear junctions. First need to collapse all common entries
temp <- group_by(GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs, chrom, start, name, end, strand)
bedJunctions <-,total=sum(score)))
# bedJunctions <- GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs
color_to_graph <- rep(1,nrow(bedJunctions))
if (! is.null(Junction_highlight$Canonical$Chr))
BSjunc_idx <- bedJunctions[(chrom == as.character(Junction_highlight$Canonical$Chr)) &
(start == as.numeric(Junction_highlight$Canonical$Start)) &
(end == as.numeric(Junction_highlight$Canonical$End)),which = TRUE]
color_to_graph[BSjunc_idx] <- 2 # Colour user selected junction; 2= red; 3 = light green ; 5 = light blue
# chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 name score strand1 strand2 samplenumber
# bedJunctions <- bedJunctions[,.(chrom, start, start, chrom, end, end, name, total, strand, strand)]
bedJunctions <- data.table(chrom1=bedJunctions$chrom, start1=bedJunctions$start,
end1=bedJunctions$start, chrom2=bedJunctions$chrom,
start2=bedJunctions$end, end2=bedJunctions$end,
name=bedJunctions$name, score=bedJunctions$total,
strand1=bedJunctions$strand, strand2=bedJunctions$strand)
pbpe = plotBedpe(bedJunctions, chrom, chromstart, chromend, heights = bedJunctions$score, plottype="loops", color = color_to_graph)
labelgenome(chrom, chromstart,chromend,n=3,scale="Mb")
mtext("SequencingDepth ",side=2,line=3,cex=.75,font=1.5)
mtext("Linear junctions",side=3,line=0,cex=.75,font=1.5)
### Plot backsplice junctions
bedJunctions <- junc$uniques.bed[JunctionType==JunctionOption,]
typeIV_idx <- which(bedJunctions$JunctionType == -1)
if (length(typeIV_idx) > 0)
{ bedJunctions <- bedJunctions[(typeIV_idx * -1), ] # Currently not plotting type IV BSJs
## set line colours
color_to_graph <- rep(1,nrow(bedJunctions)) # Default colour = black
if (! is.null(Junction_highlight$BSjunc))
BSjunc_idx <- which(bedJunctions$name == Junction_highlight$BSjunc)
color_to_graph[BSjunc_idx] <- 5 # Colour user selected junction light blue
if (max(bedJunctions$score) < 5)
{ pbpe = plotBedpe(bedJunctions, chrom, chromstart, chromend, heights = bedJunctions$score, plottype="loops", ymax = 5, color = color_to_graph) }
else # I did try setting ymax to max(bedJunctions$score but did not work for some cases?!?
{ pbpe = plotBedpe(bedJunctions, chrom, chromstart, chromend, heights = bedJunctions$score, plottype="loops", color = color_to_graph) }
labelgenome(chrom, chromstart,chromend,n=3,scale="Mb")
mtext("SequencingDepth ",side=2,line=3,cex=.75,font=1.5) # increasing value of line moves y-axis label from axis
mtext("Backsplice junctions",side=3,line=0,cex=.75,font=1.5)
# zoomregion1 = c(46241505,46241540) # To center around 46241520
# zoomregion2 = c(46242335,46242370) # To center around 46242348
# zoomregion3 = c(46242405,46242445) # To center around 46242431
# zoomsregion(zoomregion1,extend=c(0.01,0.13),wideextend=0.05,offsets=c(0,0.580))
# zoomsregion(zoomregion2,extend=c(0.01,0.13),wideextend=0.05, offsets=c(0.580,0))
# zoomsregion(zoomregion3,extend=c(0.01,0.13),wideextend=0.05, offsets=c(0.580,0))
plotJunctionFrequency<-function(signal, chrom, start, stop)
signal[, 1] = as.character(signal[, 1])
signaltrack = signal[which(signal[, 1] == chrom & ((signal[, 2] > start & signal[, 2] < stop) | (signal[, 3] > start & signal[, 3] < stop))), (2:4)]
# Now plot gene name to confirm what is displayed
plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, paste("Displaying gene:",currentGeneSymbol), cex = 1.6, col = "black")
# circFigure_plotGardener
# Note not currently using JunctionOption. At one stage was thining of using
# this as a way to filter out/in type IV BSJ. Currently ignoring them.
# New plotting template that uses plotGardener
circFigure_plotGardener <-function(GeneObject, chrom, chromstart, chromend, zoom_coords, JunctionOption, Junction_highlight=list(BSjunc=NULL, Canonical=NULL), currentGeneSymbol=NULL)
# browser()
junc <- GeneObject$Junctions
if (length(junc) == 0)
{ cat(paste("length of zero (junc) in circFigure_plotGardener"))
return (NULL)
# Extract information on transcripts. Output not currently used.
# Hopefully plotGardener will allow transcript colouring in future.
display_transcript <- data.frame(GeneObject$Transcript)
transcript_colours <- rep(x = "black",nrow(display_transcript))
if (GeneObject$SelectedTranscript != "")
transcript_idx <- which(display_transcript$gene == GeneObject$SelectedTranscript)
transcript_colours[transcript_idx] <- "orange"
## Assemble linear junctions.
temp <- group_by(GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs, chrom, start, name, end, strand)
bedJunctions <-,total=sum(score)))
color_to_graph <- rep("black",nrow(bedJunctions))
if (! is.null(Junction_highlight$Canonical$Chr))
BSjunc_idx <- bedJunctions[(chrom == as.character(Junction_highlight$Canonical$Chr)) &
(start == as.numeric(Junction_highlight$Canonical$Start)) &
(end == as.numeric(Junction_highlight$Canonical$End)),which = TRUE]
color_to_graph[BSjunc_idx] <- "red"
FSJcolours <- color_to_graph
FSJ_data <- data.table(chrom1=bedJunctions$chrom, start1=bedJunctions$start,
end1=bedJunctions$start, chrom2=bedJunctions$chrom,
start2=bedJunctions$end, end2=bedJunctions$end,
name=bedJunctions$name, score=bedJunctions$total,
strand1=bedJunctions$strand, strand2=bedJunctions$strand)
### Prepare backsplice junctions
BSJ_data <- junc$uniques.bed[JunctionType==JunctionOption,]
# Filter out type IV junctions - not plotting these
typeIV_idx <- which(BSJ_data$JunctionType == -1)
if (length(typeIV_idx) > 0)
{ BSJ_data <- BSJ_data[(typeIV_idx * -1), ] }
## set BSJ colours
color_to_graph <- rep("black",nrow(BSJ_data)) # Default colour = black
if (! is.null(Junction_highlight$BSjunc))
idx.BSJ <- which(BSJ_data$name == Junction_highlight$BSjunc)
color_to_graph[idx.BSJ] <- "cyan" # Colour user selected junction light blue
BSJcolours <- color_to_graph
plot_AllJunctions(assembly="hg38", chrom=chrom,
chromstart=chromstart, chromend=chromend,
BSJData=BSJ_data, BSJ_colors = BSJcolours,
FSJData=FSJ_data, FSJ_colors = FSJcolours,
### Extracts genomic coordinates of a Gene, draws image and returns exon boundaries as dataframe object
## BS_Junctions <- raw data containing backsplice junctions
## Canonical_Junctions <- raw data containing canonical splice junctions
##Prepare_Gene_Object<-function(GeneName, BS_Junctions, transcript_reference, File_idx = c(-1), Canonical_Junctions)
Prepare_Gene_Object <- function(GeneName, BS_Junctions, GeneList, File_idx = c(-1), Canonical_Junctions, Genome_Coords = NULL)
if ((is.null(GeneName )) || (length(GeneName) == 0))
{ return(NULL) }
if ((GeneName == "Novel") || (GeneName =="Unknown"))
{ warning("No annotated gene name")
# test <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(GeneName),pattern="^ENSG([-0-9]+)")
test0 <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(GeneName),pattern="^(ENS[[:alpha:]]*).*")
test <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(GeneName),pattern=paste0("^",test0[[1]],"([-0-9]+)"))
if (length(test[[1]]) > 0) # Ensembl ID
{ ensembl_gene <- paste("ENSG",test[[1]],sep="")
a <- try(select(GeneList$Annotation_Library, keys = ensembl_gene, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL"),keytype="ENSEMBL"),silent=TRUE)
a <- try(select(GeneList$Annotation_Library, keys = GeneName, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL"),keytype="SYMBOL"),silent=TRUE)
if (length(grep(pattern="Error", x=a)))
blurb <- HTML(paste0("Please check the following: <br>
(i) is the annotation database loaded (under setup tab)
<br>(ii) did you annotate with parental gene (if using STAR output)
<br>(iii) check if annotated gene name is correct. Possibly even navigating
to gene name via Display_gene_transcripts on left hand side panel.
<br><br>It is also possible (although unlikely) that there is no entry for this gene.
<br><br>No loop plots can be displayed until this issue is resolved."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="Cannot retrieve genomic information for this gene",
blurb, easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
return ( NULL )
lookupID <- a$ENTREZID # Default lookup
if (length(which(keys(GeneList$transcript_reference) == a$ENTREZID) ) == 0)
if (length(which(keys(GeneList$transcript_reference) == a$ENSEMBL) ) == 0)
ExampleGeneIDs <- head(keys(GeneList$transcript_reference))
showModal(modalDialog(title="Cannot retrieve or convert genomic information for this gene",
"For some reason this gene does not have an entry. If you are seeing this for
multiple entries please contact let developer know so we can look into it.
Nothing will be displayed.",easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
return ( NULL )
lookupID <- a$ENSEMBL
b <- select(GeneList$transcript_reference, keys = lookupID, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXCHROM', 'EXONSTART', 'EXONEND','TXID', 'EXONSTRAND'),keytype="GENEID")
names(b) <- c('chrom', 'start', 'stop', 'gene','strand')
b$score <- 0
if (names(table(b$strand)) == "-") #(b$strand[1]== "-")
{ b$strand <- 0 }
{ b$strand <- 1 }
strand <- b$strand
b$type ="exon"
# c <- merge(a, b, 'ENTREZID')
Transcript <- data.table(b[,c('chrom','start','stop','gene','score','strand','type')])
# Prepare coordinates that will flank transcript to set boundaries for plots
chrom <- as.character(Transcript[1,.(chrom)])
chromstart = as.numeric(min(Transcript[,.(start)]))-50000
chromend = as.numeric(max(Transcript[,.(stop)]))+500000
# if (ActivePanel == "Genome_View")
# {
# chrom <- Genome_Coords$chrom
# chromstart <- Genome_Coords$chromstart
# chromend <- Genome_Coords$chromend
# strand <- 0
# if (Genome_Coords$chromstrand == "+")
# strand <- 1
# }
### Filter all circRNA junctions that meet criteria
Junctions <- circJunctions(BS_Junctions ,chrom, chromstart, chromend,fileID=File_idx)
### Filter canonical junctions within transcript
if (strand[1] == 0) # negative strand as assigned by reference transcript
strand = 2
else # Positive strand as assigned by reference transcript
strand = 1
chrom_ <- chrom # so we don't confuse the following subset
strand_ <- strand
Transcript_Canonical_juncs = Canonical_Junctions[chrom == chrom_ & start > chromstart &
end < chromend & strand == strand_ & DataSet %in% File_idx,]
return (list(Transcript=Transcript, Junctions=Junctions, Transcript_Canonical_juncs= Transcript_Canonical_juncs))
## Draw_Transcript_Exons
## Takes in a gene name and draws transcript. Currently has issues drawing arrows
## for negative strand. Draws positive strand arrows correctly. Also there is potential
## issue with the case of the gene name (ie not checked)
## GeneObject is a list with at least 3 elements:
## Transcript (parental transcript coords)
## Junctions (Junc.bed, )
## Transcript_Canonical_juncs (data frame containing canonical junctions)
## Zoom_coords is either NULL or user defined coordinates
Draw_Transcript_Exons<-function(GeneObject, JunctionOption, Zoom_coords, GenomeDisplay=FALSE,
Genome_Coords=list(chrom=NULL, chromstart=NULL, chromend=NULL, chromstrand=NULL),
Junction_highlight = list(BSjunc=NULL, Canonical=NULL), currentGeneSymbol=NULL)
if (length(GeneObject) == 0)
{ return (NULL) }
chrom <- {}
chromstart <- {}
chromend <- {}
if (GenomeDisplay) # User requesting to view a specific region of genome
if ( (is.null(Genome_Coords$chrom)) || (is.null(Genome_Coords$chromstart)) || (is.null(Genome_Coords$chromend)) )
{ return(NULL) }
chrom <- Genome_Coords$chrom
chromstart <- as.numeric(Genome_Coords$chromstart)
chromend <- as.numeric(Genome_Coords$chromend)
if (! GenomeDisplay)# Prepare genome coordinates that will flank transcript to set boundaries for plots
{ chrom <- as.character(GeneObject$Transcript[1,.(chrom)])
chromstart = as.numeric(min(GeneObject$Transcript[1,.(start)]))-15
chromend = as.numeric(max(GeneObject$Transcript[nrow(GeneObject$Transcript),.(stop)]))+15
if (! is.null(Zoom_coords))
{ #if ((chromstart-550 < Zoom_coords[1]) && (chromend+550 > Zoom_coords[2]))
{ chromstart <- Zoom_coords[1]
chromend <- Zoom_coords[2]
if (length(grep(pattern = "uniques.bed", x = names(GeneObject$Junctions))))
{# circFigure_template1(GeneObject = GeneObject,chrom = chrom,chromstart=chromstart, chromend=chromend, JunctionOption=JunctionOption, Junction_highlight=Junction_highlight, currentGeneSymbol=currentGeneSymbol )
circFigure_plotGardener(GeneObject = GeneObject,
chrom = chrom, chromstart=chromstart,
currentGeneSymbol=currentGeneSymbol )
if (length(GeneObject$Junctions) == 1) # No circRNAs to display. Just show transcript
{ if (length(GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs) == 7 ) # Must contain 7 columns
{# Canonical junctions to view but no Backsplice junctions.
# Make a dummy backsplice junction object
GeneObject$Junctions <- list()
GeneObject$Junctions$uniques.bed <- GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[1,]
GeneObject$Junctions$uniques.bed$score <- 0
GeneObject$Junctions$uniques.bed$JunctionType <- 1
#circFigure_template1(GeneObject = GeneObject,
circFigure_plotGardener(GeneObject = GeneObject,
chrom = chrom,chromstart=chromstart,
currentGeneSymbol=currentGeneSymbol )
# if (length(GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs) != 7 )
# { plotGenes(GeneObject$Transcript, chrom, chromstart, chromend, maxrows=50,height=0.4,plotgenetype="box") }
} # if (length(GeneObject$Junctions) == 1)
## Gene_Transcript_Features
## This function returns a numeric array containing number of exons for every transcript. Transcript
## names are assigned to every element of the array.
## Future ideas:
## - Identify coding vs non-coding transcripts?
## - Intron analysis ??
## - Average junction read count
## - If multiple transcripts are expressed: estimate transcript expression levels
## - Novel exon usage
## Gene_Symbol is the gene symbol ID eg "SLC8A1"
## Written by David Humphreys 13th Jan 2016
## Note I think I have doubled up on GeneList and the gene transcript present in GeneObject. LEaving for now.. it works
Gene_Transcript_Features <- function (GeneList, Gene_Symbol, GeneObject)
# a <- select(GeneList$Annotation_Library, keys = Gene_Symbol, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL"),keytype="SYMBOL")
# b <- select(GeneList$transcript_reference, keys = a$ENTREZID, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXNAME', 'EXONRANK'),keytype="GENEID")
# Following code provided by Wong-Ziyi
test0 <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(Gene_Symbol),pattern="^(ENS[[:alpha:]]*).*")
test <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(Gene_Symbol),pattern=paste0("^",test0[[1]],"([-0-9]+)"))
if (length(test[[1]]) > 0) # Ensembl ID
ensembl_gene <- paste(test0[[1]],test[[1]],sep="")
a <- select(GeneList$Annotation_Library, keys = Gene_Symbol, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL"),keytype="ENSEMBL")
b <- select(GeneList$transcript_reference, keys = a$ENSEMBL, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXNAME'),keytype="GENEID")
b <- select(GeneList$transcript_reference, keys = a$ENSEMBL, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXNAME', 'EXONRANK'),keytype="GENEID")
a <- select(GeneList$Annotation_Library, keys = Gene_Symbol, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL"),keytype="SYMBOL")
b <- select(GeneList$transcript_reference, keys = a$ENTREZID, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXNAME'),keytype="GENEID")
b <- select(GeneList$transcript_reference, keys = a$ENTREZID, columns=c('GENEID', 'TXNAME', 'EXONRANK'),keytype="GENEID")
# End of code provided by Wong-ziyi
Num_Transcripts <- length(unique(b$TXNAME))
Num_Exons_Per_Transcript <- {}
for(i in 1:length(unique(b$TXNAME)))
{ Num_Exons_Per_Transcript <- c(Num_Exons_Per_Transcript , length(which(b$TXNAME == unique(b$TXNAME)[i]))) }
Num_Exons_Per_Transcript <- as.numeric(Num_Exons_Per_Transcript)
names(Num_Exons_Per_Transcript) <- unique(b$TXNAME)
## start <- min(GeneObject$Transcript$start)
## end <- max(GeneObject$Transcript$stop)
## chrom <- GeneObject$Transcript$chrom[1]
## strand <- GeneObject$Transcript$strand[1]
LinearJunctions <- GeneObject$Transcript_Canonical_juncs # Note that this is already subsetted prior to calling this function.
if (length(LinearJunctions) > 0)
t_idx <- order(x=LinearJunctions$score, decreasing=TRUE)[seq(from=1, to = max(Num_Exons_Per_Transcript))]
return (NULL)
## debugme("Gene_Transcript_Features at line 335", LinearJunctions, Num_Exons_Per_Transcript)
#a <- order(x = m47_Rbm47Juncs$UniqueMapped, decreasing = TRUE )[seq(from=1, to=Answer$exon_number -1)]
Av_junc_count <- ave(LinearJunctions$score[t_idx])[1]
return(list(Num_Exons_Per_Transcript= Num_Exons_Per_Transcript, Av_junc_count=Av_junc_count))
## Abundant_circRNAs
## This function will determine the abundance of circRNA junctions compared to linear junctions
Abundant_circRNAs<- function()
## BS_Distribution
## Currently have just pasted code below. Need to work through. Ideally would like to pass a backsplice
## junction unique key
## This function uses calles from gsubfn library (strapplyc)
if (nrow(BSJ_table) == 0)
{ return (NULL) } # Dataset has not been loaded.
# setnames(junction,1:15,c("chromDonor","startDonor","strandDonor",
# "chromAcceptor","startAcceptor","strandAcceptor",
# "JuncType", "RepeatLength_L", "RepeatLength_R",
# "ReadName","FirstBase_1stSeq","CIGAR_1stSeg",
# "FirstBase_2ndSeq","CIGAR_2ndSeg", "BSjuncName"))
## Below is what tmp looks like (paired end data):
# row.names BS_Jnc_A BS_Jnc_B FragA FragB CIGAR_FragA CIGAR_FragB
# 1 8818 76881840 76857903 76881769 76857904 71M80S 71S63M17S
# 2 17973 76881840 76857903 76881723 76857904 1S117M33S 118S33M
# 3 34504 76881840 76857903 76881756 76857904 84M67S 84S67M
# 4 41226 76881840 76857903 76881759 76857904 2S81M68S 83S68M
# 5 45541 76881840 76857903 76881769 76857904 71M80S 71S80M
# 6 51752 76881840 76857903 76881789 76857904 51M100S 51S87M13S
# The match in column "CIGAR_FragA" is the length of sequence 5' of BS_Jnc_A (ie add Match to column "FragA" = column "BS_Jnc_A"
# The match in column "CIGAR_FragB" is the length of sequence 3' of BS_Jnc_B
# Therefore length of backsplice junction is (BS_Junc_A - match length in CIGAR_FragA) to (BS_Junc_B + match length in CIGAR_FragB)
# Will provide average read length, and range of read lengths across backsplice junction
# Will be counting nucleotide frequency on each side of backsplice junction for EVERY read <== this will be assembled into a data frame (BED format with two count columns)
# The following examples from Apoa4 cause the following lines of code to fail. Think need to add ALL M values for each CIGAR.
# Example 1 20M684N80M-5p77M25S 76S23M2S HWI-D00119:42:H0U5HADXX:1:1210:7553:28529
# Example 2 100M-6p15M87S 14S73M684N13M1S HWI-D00119:42:H0U5HADXX:1:1116:6120:18060
# Example 3 76S23M2S 98M-77p77M25S HWI-D00119:42:H0U5HADXX:1:1210:16462:37981
# - 684N specifies the intron
# - Examples listed above wrap around. The -5p indicates a wrap.
# - NEED to add all M values from each CIGAR.
# . Need to split strings that have a p value. Ignore right hand side of string. Left hand side of string:
# . Need to incorporate intron (ie N) scores.
# Extract First segment matches from CIGAR strings
FirstSeg_Match <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(BSJ_table[,c(CIGAR_1stSeg)]),pattern="([-0-9]+)M"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
# Adjust for negative padding values eg 150M-63p114M36S
FirstSeg_Negative_Padding <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(BSJ_table[,c(CIGAR_1stSeg)]),pattern="([-0-9]+)p"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
FirstSeg_NoMatch <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(BSJ_table[,c(CIGAR_1stSeg)]),pattern="([-0-9]+)N"),FUN=function(x) { x[duplicated(x)]})
# Calculate the sum of matched positions. This is the end position of fragment.
FirstSeg_position <- mapply(sum,FirstSeg_Match, FirstSeg_Negative_Padding) #, as.numeric(tmp[,c(FirstBase_1stSeq)]))
# Repeat for other segment
SecondSeg_Match <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(BSJ_table$CIGAR_2ndSeg),pattern="([-0-9]+)M"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
SecondSeg_Negative_Padding <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(BSJ_table[,c(CIGAR_2ndSeg)]),pattern="([-0-9]+)p"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
SecondSeg_NoMatch <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(BSJ_table[,c(CIGAR_2ndSeg)]),pattern="([-0-9]+)N"),FUN=function(x) { x[duplicated(x)]})
SecondSeg_position <- mapply(sum,SecondSeg_Match, SecondSeg_Negative_Padding) #, as.numeric(tmp[,c(FirstBase_1stSeq)]))
# Adjust for any negative values that arise due to short fragments
# eg 25S98M6914N27M-7010p69M6914N56M1906N24M1S
# Resolve by adding the duplicated intronic regions eg 6914
for (i in 1: length(FirstSeg_position))
if (FirstSeg_position[i] < 0)
{ if (length(FirstSeg_NoMatch[[i]]) > 0)
{ FirstSeg_position[i] <- FirstSeg_position[i] + as.numeric(FirstSeg_NoMatch[[i]]) }
if (SecondSeg_position[i] < 0)
{ if (length(SecondSeg_NoMatch[[i]]) > 0)
{ SecondSeg_position[i] <- SecondSeg_position[i] + as.numeric(SecondSeg_NoMatch[[i]]) }
# Calculate the range of where alignments fall
if ((length(FirstSeg_position[FirstSeg_position > 0]) == 0) || (length(SecondSeg_position[SecondSeg_position > 0]) ==0))
# browser()
a <- "Need to identify why lengths are incorrect"
FirstSeg_position <- FirstSeg_position[FirstSeg_position > 0] # Remove -ve values as have incorrectly calculated these
FirstSeg_Range <- range(FirstSeg_position)
if (FirstSeg_Range[2] > 250) # Assuming most library fragment lengths are approximately 250nt. Will get larger fragments, resize back to 250
{ FirstSeg_Range[2] <- 250 }
SecondSeg_position <- SecondSeg_position[SecondSeg_position > 0] # Remove -ve values as have incorrectly calculated these
SecondSeg_Range <- range(SecondSeg_position)
if (SecondSeg_Range[2] > 250) # Same as above
{ SecondSeg_Range[2] <- 250 }
# Calculate duplication frequency ratio
FirstSeg_DFR <- 5
FirstSeg_DFR <- 5
FirstSeg_Dups <- table(duplicated(FirstSeg_position))
SecondSeg_Dups <- table(duplicated(SecondSeg_position))
if (!["FALSE"]))
{ FirstSeg_DFR <- length(FirstSeg_position) / FirstSeg_Dups["FALSE"] }
if (!["FALSE"]))
{ SecondSeg_DFR <- length(SecondSeg_position) / SecondSeg_Dups["FALSE"] }
######## Calculate RAD score #########
FirstSeg_RAD <- 1 - ((FirstSeg_Range[2] - FirstSeg_Range[1]) / 250) # * FirstSeg_DFR
SecondSeg_RAD <- 1 - ((SecondSeg_Range[2] - SecondSeg_Range[1]) / 250) # * SecondSeg_DFR
FirstSeg_RAD <- moments::skewness(FirstSeg_position) # moments::kurtosis(FirstSeg_position)
SecondSeg_RAD <- moments::skewness(SecondSeg_position) # moments::kurtosis(SecondSeg_position)
return (list(FirstSeg_RAD = FirstSeg_RAD, SecondSeg_RAD = SecondSeg_RAD, FirstSeg_position = FirstSeg_position, SecondSeg_position = SecondSeg_position))
# Now make a BED file data frame. For TTN example column "BS_Jnc_B" defines backsplice junction point.
# Will extend 5' 3' by largest range
BSJ <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern=".*_",replacement = "",x =junctionID))
# Create a nucleotide frequency histogram
BS_bed_dataset<-,times= range(Col4Match)[2] * 2 +1)
names(BS_bed_dataset) <- seq(from=(BSJ-range(Col4Match)[2]), to=(BSJ+range(Col4Match)[2]))
for(i in 1:length(Col2Match))
idx <- names(BS_bed_dataset)>(BSJ - Col2Match[i] ) & names(BS_bed_dataset) < BSJ
BS_bed_dataset[idx] <- BS_bed_dataset[idx] + 1
idx <- names(BS_bed_dataset)>(BSJ ) & names(BS_bed_dataset) < (BSJ + Col4Match[i])
BS_bed_dataset[idx] <- BS_bed_dataset[idx] + 1
# Following code will create a read based representation of data, data stored in bedpe format:
# chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 name score strand1 strand2 samplenumber
# BS_bedpe_dataset <- data.frame()
# for(i in 1:length(Col2Match))
# {
# BS_bedpe_dataset <- rbind(BS_bedpe_dataset, c(BSJ - Col2Match[i], BSJ, BSJ, BSJ + Col4Match[i] )) # Start stop Start stop <== linearised backsplice junction
# }
# normalise_raw_counts
# colIDs are the names of the columns that need to be normalised
# returns a list of
# normalise_raw_counts(rawData, Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data, input$LibraryStrandType)
normalise_raw_counts <- function(rawData, colIDs="Freq", readsPerGene, LibraryStrandType)
{ rawData <-
toDisplay <- list(RAW=rawData, CPM=rawData, CPM_GENE=rawData, TOTAL_COUNTS = sum(rawData$Freq))
col_idx <- which(colnames(toDisplay$RAW) %in% unlist(colIDs))
for (i in 1:length(col_idx))
if (! is.numeric(toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]]))
{ blurb <- paste("Data will not be normalised. Please contact developer with following details:",
"normalise_raw_counts selecting", paste(colIDs, collapse=":"))
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: unexpected values in table",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS <- sum(toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]])
toDisplay$CPM[,col_idx[i]] <- round((toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]] / toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS * 1000000),2)
# toDisplay$CPM$Freq <- round((toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]] / toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS * 1000000),2)
if (typeof(readsPerGene) != "NULL") # Make sure exists
{ readsPerGene_dim <- dim(readsPerGene)
if ((readsPerGene_dim[2] == 5) && (readsPerGene_dim[1] > 5)) # Make sure has correct number of columns
{ Gene_Counts <- colSums(readsPerGene[-1:-5,2:5]) # remove header
if (LibraryStrandType == "Unstranded")
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,col_idx[i]] <- toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]]/Gene_Counts["unstranded"] }
if (LibraryStrandType == "Opposing strand")
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,col_idx[i]] <- toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]]/Gene_Counts["Rstrand"] }
if (LibraryStrandType == "Same Strand")
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,col_idx[i]] <- toDisplay$RAW[,col_idx[i]]/Gene_Counts["Fstrand"] }
toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,col_idx[i]] <- round(toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,col_idx[i]] * 10000000,3)
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE$Freq <- 0}
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE$Freq <- 0 }
## LoadJunctionData
## This function reads in different file types and return the appropriate data lists.
LoadJunctionData <- function(filename, ChromFilter, StrandFilter, Genomic_Distance, RAD_filter, CanonicalJuncs, SubSelect, input)
AllData <- {}
ext_BSJ_output <- list(CE2_data=NULL, CIRI2_data=NULL) # CircExplorer2 Data
ext_FSJ_output <- list(regtools=NULL) # QORTS?
# Set defaults
total_rows <- 0; n_UniqueJunctions <- 0; n_UniqueJunctions_PostFilt <- 0;
ncolumns <- 1
# AddColumns function populates a column with a unique identifier for backsplice junctions plus a column for input file ID
AddColumns <- function(junc, File_Index)
{ setnames(junc,1:14,c("chromDonor","startDonor","strandDonor",
"JuncType", "RepeatLength_L", "RepeatLength_R",
junc$BSjuncName <- paste(junc$chromDonor,junc$startDonor,junc$chromAcceptor, junc$startAcceptor,sep="_")
junc$DataSet <- File_Index # This adds an index to identify the file
# Make dummy entries, this will ensure the data structure exists for Ularcirc.
Canonical_AllData <- data.table(chrom="chr1",start=1,end=1,
name="chr1", score=1,strand=2, DataSet=1)
#multimappers=1,overhang=1, DataSet=1)
ReadsPerGene_Data <- data.table(geneName="blank",unstranded=1,
Fstrand=1,Rstrand=1, DataSet=1)
ReadsPerGeneIDs <- {}
DataType <- c("Unknown")
# Identify which files are chimeric and which files are linear.
# Filenames should conform to following format :
# <SampleID>.Chimeric.out.junction
# <SampleID>
# Filter for accepted file types by extension only
filename_idx <- grep(pattern = "(\\.|)|)$", x = filename$name)
filename_idx <- c(filename_idx, grep(pattern = "(\\.|)Chimeric.out.junction(.gz|)$", x = filename$name))
filename_idx <- c(filename_idx, grep(pattern = "\\.ce(.gz|)$", x = filename$name))
filename_idx <- c(filename_idx, grep(pattern = "\\.ciri(.gz|)$", x = filename$name))
failed_IDs <- setdiff(filename$name, filename$name[filename_idx])
# Trim extensions of all acceptible filetypes, will use as names throughout Ularcirc experience.
IDs <- unique(gsub(pattern="(\\.|)Chimeric.out.junction(.gz|)$",replacement="",x=filename$name[filename_idx]))
IDs <- unique(gsub(pattern="(\\.|)|)$",replacement="",x=IDs))
IDs <- unique(gsub(pattern="\\|)$",replacement="",x=IDs))
IDs <- unique(gsub(pattern="(\\.|)|)$",replacement="",x=IDs))
IDs <- unique(gsub(pattern="\\.ce(.gz|)$",replacement="",x=IDs))
IDs <- unique(gsub(pattern="\\.ciri(.gz|)$",replacement="",x=IDs))
IDs_idx <- {} # This will record which entries were successfully loaded.
SampleList <- list() # Will build list of ID names which will be assigned to Groupings
withProgress(message="Importing data. This could take a few minutes", value=0, {
ID_index <- 0
for (i in IDs)
ID_index <- ID_index + 1
######## READ in BSJ counts ##############
incProgress(1/(length(IDs)*2), detail = paste("Loading BSJ for file number ", i))
Chimeric_Idx <- grep(pattern=paste(i,"(\\.|)Chimeric.out.junction(.gz|)",sep=""), x=filename$name )
if (length(Chimeric_Idx) > 0)
{ FileTypeCounts$STAR_BSJ <<- FileTypeCounts$STAR_BSJ + 1
# data_set <- fread(filename$datapath[Chimeric_Idx[1]], sep="\t", fill = TRUE)
# browser()
starChimeric <- Ularcirc::loadSTAR_chimeric(filename$datapath[Chimeric_Idx[1]],
ID_index= ID_index,
data_set <- starChimeric$data_set
total_rows <- nrow(data_set)
n_UniqueJunctions <- length(table(data_set$BSjuncName))
# if (ncol(data_set) != 14)
# { if (ncol(data_set == 15)) # STAR 2.6 has 15 columns
# data_set <- data_set[,1:14]
# }
if (ncol(data_set) == 16) # Chimeric Junction data file from STAR aligner
{ IDs_idx <- c(IDs_idx, i)
# setnames(data_set,1:14,c("chromDonor","startDonor","strandDonor", "chromAcceptor","startAcceptor","strandAcceptor",
# "JuncType", "RepeatLength_L", "RepeatLength_R", "ReadName","FirstBase_1stSeq","CIGAR_1stSeg",
# "FirstBase_2ndSeq","CIGAR_2ndSeg"))
# data_set$BSjuncName <- paste(data_set$chromDonor,data_set$startDonor,data_set$chromAcceptor, data_set$startAcceptor,sep="_")
# data_set$DataSet <- ID_index # This adds an index to identify the file
DataLists <- FilterChimeric(All_junctions = data_set, ChromFilter=ChromFilter, StrandFilter=StrandFilter, Genomic_Distance=Genomic_Distance, RAD_filter=RAD_filter, CanonicalJuncs=CanonicalJuncs)
DataType <- c("BackSplice")
n_UniqueJunctions_PostFilt <- length(table(data_set$BSjuncName))
# Merge Dataset to master table
if (! is.null(AllData))
if ((ncol(DataLists$RawData) > 1) && (ncol(AllData) == ncol(DataLists$RawData)) )
{ AllData<-rbind(AllData,DataLists$RawData) }
if (is.null(AllData))
{ AllData <- DataLists$RawData }
} # if (ncol(data_set) == 14)
} # if (Chimeric_Idx > 0)
else # There is no chimeric data imported. Make a dummy entry
{ data_set <-data.table(chromDonor="chr1",startDonor=1,strandDonor="+", chromAcceptor="chr1",startAcceptor=10,strandAcceptor="+",
JuncType=0, RepeatLength_L=0, RepeatLength_R=0, ReadName="fake",FirstBase_1stSeq=0,CIGAR_1stSeg="0M",
data_set$BSjuncName <- paste(data_set$chromDonor,data_set$startDonor,data_set$chromAcceptor, data_set$startAcceptor,sep="_")
data_set$DataSet <- ID_index
DataLists <- FilterChimeric(All_junctions = data_set, ChromFilter=ChromFilter, StrandFilter=StrandFilter, Genomic_Distance=Genomic_Distance, RAD_filter=RAD_filter, CanonicalJuncs=CanonicalJuncs)
AllData <- DataLists$RawData
######## READ in STAR FSJ counts ##############
incProgress(1/(length(IDs)*2), detail = paste("Loading FSJ for file number ", i))
Linear_Idx <- grep(pattern=paste(i,"(\\.|)|)",sep=""), x=filename$name )
if (length(Linear_Idx) > 0)
{ data_set <- fread(filename$datapath[Linear_Idx[1]], sep="\t")
if (ncol(data_set) == 9) # Linear Junction data file from STAR aligner
{ IDs_idx <- c(IDs_idx, i)
DataType <- c("Canonical")
## Canonical junctions originally look like this:
# c("chrom1","start1","end1","strand","intron_motif", "annotated", "unique_counts", "multi_mapped_counts", "overhang")
## Need to convert it to the following
# chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 name score strand1 strand2
data_set <- data_set[,.(V1,V2,V3, V1, V7, V4)]
setnames(data_set,1:6,c("chrom","start","end","name", "score", "strand"))
data_set$DataSet <- ID_index # This adds an index to identify the file
# Merge data
if (! is.null(Canonical_AllData))
{ Canonical_AllData <- rbind(Canonical_AllData, data_set) }
{ Canonical_AllData <- data_set }
FileTypeCounts$STAR_FSJ <<- FileTypeCounts$STAR_FSJ + 1
######## READ in regtools FSJ counts ##############
Linear_Idx <- grep(pattern=paste(i,"|)",sep=""), x=filename$name )
if (length(Linear_Idx) > 0)
{ FileTypeCounts$REGTOOLS <<- FileTypeCounts$REGTOOLS + 1
data_set <- fread(filename$datapath[Linear_Idx[1]], sep="\t")
setnames(data_set, 1:12, c("chrom","start","end","name","score","strandCHAR",
"blockStart", "blockEnd","colour", "blockNumber",
if (ncol(data_set) == 12) # BED file format generated from regtools
{ IDs_idx <- c(IDs_idx, i)
blocks <- strsplit(data_set$blockSizes, ",")
blocks <-, blocks)
data_set$start <- data_set$start + as.numeric(blocks[,1])
data_set$end <- data_set$end - as.numeric(blocks[,2])
# Create a integer strand column from text column
negativeStrandIDX <- which(data_set$strandCHAR =="-")
data_set$strand <- 1
data_set$strand[negativeStrandIDX] <- 2
data_set <- data_set[,.(chrom,start,end,name,score,strand)]
data_set$DataSet <- ID_index # This adds an index to identify the file
# Merge data
if (! is.null(Canonical_AllData))
{ ext_FSJ_output$regtools <- rbind(ext_FSJ_output$regtools, data_set) }
{ ext_FSJ_output$regtools <- data_set }
######## READ in gene counts ##############
ReadsPerGene_Idx <- grep(pattern=paste(i,"(\\.|)|)",sep=""), x=filename$name )
if (length(ReadsPerGene_Idx) > 0)
{ data_set <- {}
data_set <- fread(filename$datapath[ReadsPerGene_Idx[1]], sep="\t")
if (ncol(data_set) != 4)
{ next } # Data file corrupt or incorrect
else # Good data set
{ # Note: Summary stats in first 4 rows are not removed here
ReadsPerGeneIDs <- data_set[,1] # Copy gene ID
## Currently assuming every upladed data set is built on same gene list.
## Perhaps should do a check here?
# Blank out gene names to save space.
data_set[,1] <- ' '
# At this point in time keep summary info so that they can be quickly filtered out when calculating total gene counts
data_set[1:4,1] <- ReadsPerGeneIDs[1:4]
IDs_idx <- c(IDs_idx, i) # Records a successful import by storing sample name
setnames(data_set,1:4, c("geneName","unstranded","Fstrand","Rstrand"))
data_set$DataSet <- ID_index
if (! is.null(ReadsPerGene_Data))
{ ReadsPerGene_Data <- rbind(ReadsPerGene_Data, data_set) }
{ ReadsPerGene_Data <- data_set }
# Load in circExplorer2 data set
CE2_Idx <- grep(pattern=paste(i,".ce(.gz|)",sep=""), x=filename$name )
if (length(CE2_Idx) > 0)
{ FileTypeCounts$CE2 <<- FileTypeCounts$CE2 + 1
IDs_idx <- c(IDs_idx, i)
ce_output <- read.table(filename$datapath[CE2_Idx[1]], header = FALSE, sep ="\t")
colnames(ce_output) <- c("chrom", "start","stop","ce_ID","JuncType", "strandDonor","thickStart","thickEnd",
"RBG","exonsCircularized", "exonSizes", "blockStarts","Freq", "classification",
"geneSymbol", "ensembl_ID","geneExons","coords")
ce_output$stop <- as.numeric(as.character(ce_output$stop)) + 1
ce_output$BSjuncName <- paste(ce_output$chrom,":", ce_output$start,"-", ce_output$stop,":",ce_output$strandDonor,sep="")
ce_output$DataSet <- ID_index
if (! is.null(ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data))
{ ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data <- rbind(ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data, ce_output) }
{ ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data <- ce_output }
####################### Load in CIRI2 data set #####################
ciri_Idx <- grep(pattern=paste(i,".ciri(.gz|)",sep=""), x=filename$name )
if (length(ciri_Idx) > 0)
ciri_output <- read.table(filename$datapath[ciri_Idx[1]], header = TRUE, sep ="\t", fill = TRUE, comment.char="")
ciri_output$BSjuncName <- paste(ciri_output$chr,":", ciri_output$circRNA_start,"-",
colnames(ciri_output)[5] <- "Freq"
ciri_output$gene_id <- ensembl_to_geneName(ciri_output$gene_id, input)
if (! is.null(ciri_output$gene_id)) # Only can proceed if gene model is loaded.
FileTypeCounts$CIRI <<- FileTypeCounts$CIRI + 1
IDs_idx <- c(IDs_idx, i)
ciri_output$DataSet <- ID_index
if (! is.null(ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data))
{ ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data <- rbind(ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data, ciri_output) }
{ ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data <- ciri_output }
listID <- paste("Group_",ID_index,sep="")
SampleList[listID] <- i
} # for (i in IDs)
cat("Data all loaded")
}) # withProgress
IDs_idx <- unique(IDs_idx) # List of all IDs that were successfully loaded
failed_IDs <- c(failed_IDs, setdiff(IDs, IDs_idx))
IDs <- IDs_idx
if (length(failed_IDs) > 0) # Provide user feedback with failed files
{ blurb <- HTML(paste("One or more files failed to load either because they had the wrong
extension or were not of the correct format. File extensions must be either
<br> <br> <b>or</b>
<br> <br> <b>or</b>
<br> .Chimeric.out.junction. <br> <b>or</b>
<br> .ce <b>or</b> <br> .ciri
<b>Please review the following files that failed to upload:</b><br>",
showModal(modalDialog(title="Issues with some/all selected files",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
return(list(Junctions=AllData, SummarisedData=NULL,
Original_Junction_Numbers=total_rows, # the number of rows in the last file read. This is pointless if multiple files are read in.
Original_n_unique_junctions=n_UniqueJunctions, # the number of columns in the last file read. This is pointless if multiple files are read in.
Original_Postfilt_n_unique_junctions=n_UniqueJunctions_PostFilt, # This is identical to n_UniqueJunctions !! probably can delete.
DataType = DataType, # "Backsplice" or "Canonical" so far <= This is now redundant !!!
SampleIDs = IDs,
Canonical_AllData = Canonical_AllData,
ReadsPerGene_Data = ReadsPerGene_Data, # STAR gene count output
ReadsPerGeneIDs = ReadsPerGeneIDs, # Corresponding gene names from STAR gene count output
ext_BSJ_output = ext_BSJ_output, # eg circExplorer2, CIRI2 output
ext_FSJ_output = ext_FSJ_output # eg regtools output
## FilterChimeric
## * Filter_options
## - chromosomes: Equal, Any
## - Genomic distance :assuming chromosomes are equal then startDonor and startAcceptor to be within a defined range
## - strands are the same
## - abundance : minimum frequency of reads
## - RAD_filter
FilterChimeric <- function(All_junctions, ChromFilter, StrandFilter, Genomic_Distance, RAD_filter, CanonicalJuncs=TRUE, fileID= c(-1), ChrM_Filter=TRUE, InvertReads = FALSE, SummaryNumber = 50)
withProgress(message="Calculating RAD scores", value=0, {
incProgress(1/4, detail = paste("Selecting junctions from selected data sets ")) # 1 of 4
if (fileID[1] != -1) # Select data from files that user has selected
{ All_junctions <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID, All_junctions) }
incProgress(1/4, detail = paste("Applying chromosome filters")) # 2 of 4
if (ChromFilter == TRUE)
{ All_junctions = All_junctions[chromDonor == chromAcceptor,] }
if (ChrM_Filter == TRUE)
{ All_junctions = All_junctions[chromDonor != "chrM",] }
incProgress(1/4, detail = paste("Applying strand filter")) # 3 of 4
if (StrandFilter == TRUE)
{ All_junctions = All_junctions[strandDonor == strandAcceptor,] }
if (InvertReads == TRUE)
pos_strand_idx <- All_junctions$strandDonor == "+"
All_junctions$strandDonor[pos_strand_idx] = "-"
All_junctions$strandDonor[! pos_strand_idx] = "+"
tmp <- All_junctions$startDonor[pos_strand_idx]
All_junctions$startDonor[pos_strand_idx] <- All_junctions$startAcceptor[pos_strand_idx]
All_junctions$startAcceptor[pos_strand_idx] <- tmp
incProgress(1/4, detail = paste("Applying genomic distance filter")) # 4 of 4
if ((ChromFilter == TRUE) && (StrandFilter == TRUE)) # Apply genomic distance filter
{ # Classical BSjunctions are defined as:
# (strandDonor=='-' & (startAcceptor > startDonor)) | (strandDonor=='+' & (startDonor > startAcceptor) )
BS_junctions = All_junctions[((strandDonor == "+" ) &
((startDonor - startAcceptor) > Genomic_Distance[1]) & ((startDonor - startAcceptor) < Genomic_Distance[2])) |
((strandDonor == "-" ) &
((startAcceptor - startDonor) > Genomic_Distance[1]) & ((startAcceptor - startDonor) < Genomic_Distance[2])),]
BS_junctions$type = "bs"
if (CanonicalJuncs == TRUE)
{ # Merge both canonical and BS junctions together
Canonical_junctions = All_junctions[((strandDonor == "-" ) &
((startDonor - startAcceptor) > Genomic_Distance[1]) & ((startDonor - startAcceptor) < Genomic_Distance[2])) |
((strandDonor == "+" ) &
((startAcceptor - startDonor) > Genomic_Distance[1]) & ((startAcceptor - startDonor) < Genomic_Distance[2])),]
Canonical_junctions$type = "c"
All_junctions <- rbindlist(list(BS_junctions, Canonical_junctions))
if (CanonicalJuncs != TRUE)
All_junctions <- BS_junctions
else # Will only come in here if searching for F-circRNA or fusion reads?
{ BS_junctions <- All_junctions
BS_junctions <- "Any"
}) # withProgress(message="Calculating RAD scores", value=0, {
filterlist =list(BSjuncName=NULL, SortDir="Descending", IndexNumber=1, DisplayNumber=SummaryNumber, DisplayRAD_score= FALSE, Apply_FSJ_Filter=FALSE)
return(list(RawData=All_junctions, SummaryData= SelectUniqueJunctions(All_junctions, filterlist = filterlist) ))
## CalculateRADscore
CalculateRADscore <- function(OneJunctionReads)
FirstSeg_Match <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_1stSeg),
pattern="([-0-9]+)M"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
SecondSeg_Match <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_2ndSeg),
pattern="([-0-9]+)M"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
FirstSeg_Pad <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_1stSeg),
pattern="(-[0-9]+)p"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
SecondSeg_Pad <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_2ndSeg),
pattern="(-[0-9]+)p"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
FirstSeg_Match <- unlist(FirstSeg_Match) - unlist(FirstSeg_Pad)
SecondSeg_Match <- unlist(SecondSeg_Match) - unlist(SecondSeg_Pad)
TypeIII_from_CIGAR <- length(which(FirstSeg_Match > SecondSeg_Match))
TypeII_from_CIGAR <- length(which(FirstSeg_Match < SecondSeg_Match))
TypeII_TypeIII <- TypeII_from_CIGAR/ (TypeII_from_CIGAR + TypeIII_from_CIGAR)
## identify_FSJ_support
## This function identifies if there are FSJ that support a given BSJ. Will increment
## FSJ_support by either 1 or 2 depending if there is one or two flanking FSJ. Note
## multiple FSJ (either upstream or downstream) are only counted once.
identify_FSJ_support <- function(BS_Junc_ID, BSJ_strand, FSJ_Junctions=NULL, FSJ_support = 0)
if (typeof(FSJ_Junctions) != 'NULL')
{ BSJ_details <- unlist(strsplit(BS_Junc_ID,split = "_"))
BSJ_idx <- c(2,4)
if (BSJ_strand == "-") { BSJ_idx <- c(4,2) }
FSJ_score <- FSJ_Junctions[start==as.numeric(BSJ_details[BSJ_idx[1]])]$score
if (length(FSJ_score) )
FSJ_support <- FSJ_support + 1
FSJ_score <- FSJ_Junctions[end==as.numeric(BSJ_details[BSJ_idx[2]])]$score
if (length(FSJ_score) )
FSJ_support <- FSJ_support+ 1
## SelectUniqueJunctions
## This is the workhorse for collated BSJ junctions from the input data. It will return
## selected rows of data (annotated) that will enable enhanced browsing of raw data on the fly.
## Filter options: Junction abundance. Sort
## library_strand = "Opposing strand" or "Same strand" or "Unstranded"
SelectUniqueJunctions <- function(BSJ_junctions, filterlist = list(BSjuncName=NULL, SortDir="Descending", IndexNumber=1, DisplayNumber=10, DisplayRAD_score= FALSE, Apply_FSJ_Filter=FALSE), library_strand = "Opposing strand", FSJ_Junctions=NULL)
filterlist$DisplayNumber <- as.numeric(filterlist$DisplayNumber)
if (! is.null(filterlist$BSjuncName)) # Just return entries that relate this this filter.
toReturn <- BSJ_junctions[BSJ_junctions$BSjuncName == filterlist$BSjuncName]
junc_count <- table(BSJ_junctions$BSjuncName) # Quantify the number of the backsplice junction
junc_number <- length(junc_count)
if (junc_number < filterlist$DisplayNumber)
{ filterlist$DisplayNumber <- junc_number }
# Making a table with following columns:
# "BSjuncName" (eg chr9_46241521_chr9_46242431), "type" (canonical/BS), "JuncType" (0 1 2), Count, PCR duplicate score.
# NOT IMPLEMENTED: annotation,
First_CIGAR <- {}
Second_CIGAR <- {}
# Sort table
if (filterlist$SortDir == "Descending")
{ junc_count <- junc_count[names(sort(junc_count, decreasing = TRUE))] }
{ junc_count <- junc_count[names(sort(junc_count, decreasing = FALSE))] }
# The following loop calculates PCR duplicate frequency of backsplice junction.
First_CIGAR <- {}
Second_CIGAR <- {}
UniqueJunctions <- {}
withProgress(message="Calculating read alignment distributions (RAD)", value=0, {
Max_Display <- filterlist$IndexNumber + filterlist$DisplayNumber
for(i in filterlist$IndexNumber : Max_Display)
incProgress(1/Max_Display, detail = paste("Updating Row ",i))
# Check to make sure the loop increment has not jumped past the max numbers of entries
if (i > length(junc_count))
BS_Junc_ID <- names(junc_count)[i]
OneJunctionReads <- (BSJ_junctions[BSJ_junctions$BSjuncName == BS_Junc_ID,])
if (length(grep(pattern = 'type', x = colnames(OneJunctionReads))))
{ temp <- OneJunctionReads[1,.(BSjuncName, type, JuncType, strandDonor)] }
else # On very rare occations when applying NO filter for BSJ will enter this block
temp <- OneJunctionReads[1,.(BSjuncName, JuncType, strandDonor)]
temp$type <- "unknown"
additional_counts <- 0
if (library_strand == "Unstranded") # Need to append data from palindrome ID
{ # Only keep IDs that have a larger coordinate in first position of ID
decode_juncID <- strsplit(BS_Junc_ID , "_")
if (as.numeric(decode_juncID[[1]][4]) > as.numeric(decode_juncID[[1]][2]))
# Extract matching coordinate on other strand and add value
# Some times the other strand is off by a couple of bases. Work through
# a 10nt window to find most likely candidate
search_pattern <- c(0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5) # ranked likely positions to identify opposing strand equivalent
for(j in seq_along(search_pattern))
{ sp <- search_pattern[j]
matching_coord_ID <- paste(decode_juncID[[1]][1],as.numeric(decode_juncID[[1]][4])+sp,decode_juncID[[1]][1],as.numeric(decode_juncID[[1]][2])+sp,sep = "_")
if (![matching_coord_ID])) # Great! Found the junctions from opposing reads
{ additional_counts <- junc_count[matching_coord_ID]
how_similar <- junc_count[i]/additional_counts
if ((how_similar < 0.5) || (how_similar > 1.5))
{ next } # Making sure count is within range of other strand
# Extract all junctions so that the RAD score can be calculated
matching_coord_entries <- (BSJ_junctions[BSJ_junctions$BSjuncName == matching_coord_ID,])
# swap type II and type III junctions around to ensure accurate RAD score is calculated
CIGAR_temp <- matching_coord_entries$CIGAR_1stSeg
matching_coord_entries$CIGAR_1stSeg <- matching_coord_entries$CIGAR_2ndSeg
matching_coord_entries$CIGAR_2ndSeg <- CIGAR_temp
if (dim(matching_coord_entries)[1])
{ OneJunctionReads <- rbind(OneJunctionReads, matching_coord_entries) }
} # for(j in seq_along(search_pattern))
} # if (library_strand == "Unstranded")
temp$Freq <- junc_count[i] + additional_counts
if (filterlist$DisplayRAD_score)
{ # FAD <- Fragment_Alignment_Distribution(BSJ_table = OneJunctionReads)
temp$PCR_dup_A <- 0 #round(FAD$FirstSeg_RAD,2)
temp$PCR_dup_B <- 0 # round(FAD$SecondSeg_RAD, 2)
##### TypeII_III should move to above if statement?
## temp$TypeII_TypeIII <- round(length(grep(pattern = "M.*M",x = OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_1stSeg))/length(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_1stSeg),2)
# Calculate RAD score. This requires identifying type II and III alignments
# Type II and III alignments are identified by length of match within CIGAR string
FirstSeg_Match <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_1stSeg),
pattern="([-0-9]+)M"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
SecondSeg_Match <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_2ndSeg),
pattern="([-0-9]+)M"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
FirstSeg_Pad <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_1stSeg),
pattern="(-[0-9]+)p"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
SecondSeg_Pad <- lapply(gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(OneJunctionReads$CIGAR_2ndSeg),
pattern="(-[0-9]+)p"), FUN = function(x) {sum(as.numeric(x))})
FirstSeg_Match <- unlist(FirstSeg_Match) - unlist(FirstSeg_Pad)
SecondSeg_Match <- unlist(SecondSeg_Match) - unlist(SecondSeg_Pad)
TypeIII_from_CIGAR <- length(which(FirstSeg_Match > SecondSeg_Match))
TypeII_from_CIGAR <- length(which(FirstSeg_Match < SecondSeg_Match))
temp$TypeII_TypeIII <- round(TypeII_from_CIGAR/ (TypeII_from_CIGAR + TypeIII_from_CIGAR),2)
# Cross compare to FSJ. Looking for perfect matches and annotate if FSJ exist.
temp$FSJ_support <- 0
if (typeof(FSJ_Junctions) != 'NULL')
BSJ_details <- unlist(strsplit(BS_Junc_ID,split = "_"))
BSJ_idx <- c(2,4)
if (temp$strandDonor == "-") { BSJ_idx <- c(4,2) }
FSJ_score <- FSJ_Junctions[start==as.numeric(BSJ_details[BSJ_idx[1]])]$score
if (length(FSJ_score) )
temp$FSJ_support <- temp$FSJ_support + 1
FSJ_score <- FSJ_Junctions[end==as.numeric(BSJ_details[BSJ_idx[2]])]$score
if (length(FSJ_score) )
temp$FSJ_support <- temp$FSJ_support+ 1
if (length(UniqueJunctions)[1] == 0)
{ UniqueJunctions <- temp }
{ UniqueJunctions <- try(rbind(UniqueJunctions, temp) ) }
}) # withProgress(message="Calculating RAD scores", value=0, {
## BS_Junc_details
## JuncCoords : Junction coordinates in following format:
## chr1_33667149_chr1_33668857
## This function will provide following information regarding the splice junction.
## - Backsplice junction genomic distance (less than 200nt is classed as a small circRNA)
## Would like to display the following information:
# - Number of supporting reads (PCR duplicates, Type I II, III and IV reads)
# - Junction type, i.e. backsplice/canonical/other
# - If junction is flanked by splicing acceptor/donor?
# - Is there evidence of splicing between junction?
# - Is there evidence of alternative junction (perhaps providing links to load these)?
# - Has this junction been reported before (ie high confidence junction)?
# - List nearby repeat regions?
# - What proportion of reads came from each input data file.
BS_Junc_details <- function(JuncCoords)
BS_details <- strsplit(JuncCoords,split = "_")
output_BS_details <- c("Error, Junction incorrect format. Please report", JuncCoords)
if (length(BS_details[[1]]) == 4)
# First determine if a backsplice junction or canonical
JuncType <- c("Canonical junction")
JuncA <-as.numeric(BS_details[[1]][4])
JuncB <-as.numeric(BS_details[[1]][2])
if (JuncA > JuncB)
{ JuncType <- c("Backsplice junction") }
# Now determine genomic distance that makes the junction
BS_Junction_Width <- JuncA - JuncB
output_BS_details <- c('')
if (BS_Junction_Width < 200)
{ output_BS_details<- paste("Small ") }
output_BS_details<- paste(JuncType, " . ", output_BS_details, "circle of width ",BS_Junction_Width)
## ensembl_to_geneName
## Converts ensembl IDs to gene symbol IDs.
## Returns list of symbol IDs
## Returns NULL if no annotation package is loaded.
ensembl_to_geneName <- function(ensembl_IDs, input)
## Load required annotation functions
# ensembl
all_functions <- try(ls(paste("package", input$Annotation_lib, sep=":")),silent=TRUE)
if (length(grep(pattern = "Error", x = all_functions[1])) )
{ blurb <- c("CIRI data requires an organism and transcriptional database to be loaded.
Please select \"Load transcript database\" under Project tab.
Then select an organism and transcript database and load.
After this is omplete you can then try loading CIRI data again")
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: Annotation database not loaded",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
ensembl_idx <- grep(pattern = "egENSEMBL2EG$",x = all_functions)
geneEnsembl <- as.list(get(all_functions[ensembl_idx]))
geneEnsembl <- get(all_functions[ensembl_idx])
mapped_genes <- mappedkeys(geneEnsembl)
xx <- as.list(geneEnsembl[mapped_genes])
# symbol
all_functions <- ls(paste("package", input$Annotation_lib, sep=":"))
symbol_idx <- grep(pattern = "egSYMBOL$",x = all_functions)
geneSymbol <- as.list(get(all_functions[symbol_idx]))
# Ensure incoming list has correct format (i.e. sometimes have ENSG000001234.11).
# In this situation the .11 needs to be removed.
# ensembl_IDs <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(ensembl_IDs),"^ENSG[0-9]+")
ensembl_IDs <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(ensembl_IDs),"^ENS[0-9]+")
ensembl_IDs <- lapply(ensembl_IDs,FUN = function(x){if (length(x)==0) x='Novel'; return(x)})
ensembl_IDs <- unlist(ensembl_IDs)
entrezIDs <- xx[ensembl_IDs] # Grab an entrez ID from ensembl IDs
# Now convert entrezID back to genesymbol
symbolList <- lapply(entrezIDs, function(x) {geneSymbol[x] })
symbolList <- lapply(symbolList, function(x) {if (length(x) == 0) return("Novel"); x})
symbolList <- lapply(symbolList, function(x) {if (length(x) > 1) return(paste(x,collapse = "")); x})
## Annotate_BS_Junc
## OnlyAnnotated: Ony return entries that are annotated with gene name. Can be a reasonable filter
Annotate_BS_Junc<- function(DataSet, GeneList, MaxDisplay = 15, Library_Strand = "", OnlyAnnotated="FALSE", input = NULL)
if (nrow(DataSet) < MaxDisplay)
MaxDisplay <- nrow(DataSet)
# input$Annotation_lib
# input$TxDb
withProgress(message="Annotating table", value=0, {
src <- src_organism(input$TxDb)
DataSet <- DataSet[1:MaxDisplay ,]
all_strands <- DataSet$strandDonor
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Preparing BSJ coordinates"))
temp <- strsplit(DataSet$BSjuncName, split = "_")
temp <-,temp)
temp <- cbind(temp,all_strands)
temp <- matrix(temp,ncol = 5)
string_coordinates <- apply(temp,1,FUN = function(x) {paste(x[1],":",min(as.numeric(x[c(2,4)])),"-",min(as.numeric(x[c(2,4)])),":",x[5],sep="")})
# temp <- gsub(pattern = "_chr.*?_", replacement = "-",DataSet$BSjuncName)
# temp <- gsub(pattern = "_",replacement = ":",x = temp)
# string_coordinates <- paste(temp, DataSet$strandDonor, sep=":")
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Assembling BSJ table"))
gr_positions <- GRanges(string_coordinates)
# Identify SYMBOL function and extract all genes symbols
# Annotation_Library <- get(input$Annotation_lib)
all_functions <- ls(paste("package", input$Annotation_lib, sep=":"))
symbol_idx <- grep(pattern = "SYMBOL$",x = all_functions)
geneSymbols <-[symbol_idx]))
row.names(geneSymbols) <- geneSymbols$gene_id
# Annotation_Library <- get(input$Annotation_lib)
# GL <- as.character(keys(Annotation_Library, "SYMBOL"))
# row.names(geneSymbols) <- geneSymbols$gene_id
g_GR <- genes(GeneList$transcript_reference)
# Start check to see if aligned data is compatible with annotation database
matchingChromosomes <- intersect(seqlevels(gr_positions), seqlevels(g_GR))
if (length(matchingChromosomes) == 0)
{ # No chromosomes align - this is suspicious.
blurb <- {}
seqlevelsStyle(gr_positions) <- "UCSC"
matchingChromosomes <- intersect(seqlevels(gr_positions), seqlevels(g_GR))
if (length(matchingChromosomes) > 0)
{ # Solved a chromosome compatibility issue. Complete fix and report to user.
blurb <- c('Detected mismatched chromosome naming between sequencing data. Have been able to partly fix this issue.
However it is strongly advised to select the Fix chromosome compatibility button on this page and then re-save data')
blurb <- 'Ularcirc has detected no matching chromosomes of top circRNA candidates to annotation
database. Therefore entries will be annotated as NOVEL. You might need to check what
reference your data was aligned to.'
showModal(modalDialog(title="NOTICE: mismatched references",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
all_hits <- findOverlaps(invertStrand(gr_positions) , genes(GeneList$transcript_reference))
identified_geneIDs <- g_GR[subjectHits(all_hits)]$gene_id
identified_gene_symbols <- geneSymbols[identified_geneIDs,2]
idx_to_annotate <- queryHits(all_hits)
DataSet$Gene = "Novel"
multi_annotations <- which(duplicated(idx_to_annotate))
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Final Assembly"))
for(j in 1:length(multi_annotations))
collapsed_gene_ids <- paste(identified_gene_symbols[which(idx_to_annotate == multi_annotations[j])],collapse = ",")
identified_gene_symbols[which(idx_to_annotate == multi_annotations[j])] <- collapsed_gene_ids
DataSet$Gene[idx_to_annotate] <- identified_gene_symbols
}) # withProgress(message="Annotating table"
## extractGenomeSequence
## Need to pass library prep so that can extract correct sequence.
## August 2016
extractGenomeSequence <- function(chr, start, end, strand, GeneList)
genome <- GeneList$Genome
## Grab_BS_Junc_Sequence
## SelectUniqueJunct_value should be a dataframe with columns names startDonor, strandDonor, startAcceptor.
## Currently only extracts information from the first row, but in theory could be rewritten to work on multiple entries
## NOTE: This was originally designed purely for backsplice junction analysis and because of this the column names are from
## STAR junction output tables. It is now also used for canonical splice junctions.
Grab_BS_Junc_Sequence <- function(SelectUniqueJunct_Value, GeneList, Seq_length = 125)
toDisplay <- c("Error, No coordinate data to extract or no BSJ selected")
if ((nrow(SelectUniqueJunct_Value) >= 1) && (SelectUniqueJunct_Value[1] != "ACTION REQUIRED"))
{ # Initially assume we have backsplice junciton
Donor <- list()
Acceptor <- list()
# Following if statements work for illumina Truseq data. Need to identify if this works for same stranded libraries
TranscriptStrand <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$strandDonor[1]
Transcriptchrom <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$chromDonor[1] # This should be same for donor and acceptor
if (TranscriptStrand == '+')
{ Donor$start <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startDonor[1] - Seq_length -1
Donor$end <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startDonor[1] - 1 # +1 ensures start in exon as STAR passes coordinates of intron donor sequence
if (TranscriptStrand == '-')
{ Donor$end <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startDonor[1] -1
Donor$start <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startDonor[1] - Seq_length -1
if (TranscriptStrand == '+')
{ Acceptor$start <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startAcceptor[1] + 1 # -1 ensures start in exon as STAR passes coordinates of intron donor sequence
Acceptor$end <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startAcceptor[1] + Seq_length +1
if (TranscriptStrand == '-')
{ Acceptor$end <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startAcceptor[1] + Seq_length + 1
Acceptor$start <- SelectUniqueJunct_Value$startAcceptor[1] +1
if (SelectUniqueJunct_Value$type[1] != 'bs')
{ # For canonical junctions need to test for kit type . i.e. Same strand or opposing.
if (TranscriptStrand =="+")
TranscriptStrand <- "-"
TranscriptStrand <- "+"
DonorSequence <- extractGenomeSequence(Transcriptchrom, Donor$start, Donor$end, TranscriptStrand, GeneList = GeneList)
AcceptorSequence <- extractGenomeSequence(Transcriptchrom, Acceptor$start, Acceptor$end, TranscriptStrand, GeneList = GeneList)
if (SelectUniqueJunct_Value$type[1] == 'c') # Canonical junction
{ toDisplay <- paste(DonorSequence, AcceptorSequence, sep=".") # Positive strand
if (TranscriptStrand =="-")
toDisplay <- paste(AcceptorSequence, DonorSequence, sep=".") # Negative strand
if (SelectUniqueJunct_Value$type[1] == 'bs') # backsplice junction
{ toDisplay <- paste(DonorSequence,AcceptorSequence,sep = ".") # Positive strand <== currently back to front
if (TranscriptStrand =="-")
toDisplay <- paste(AcceptorSequence, DonorSequence, sep=".") # Negative strand
toDisplay <- gsub(pattern=" ",replacement="", x=toDisplay) # Clean up space characters
## miR_Analysis
## This function loads miRBase, extracts the species specific miRNAs and then searches for seed patterns
## within sequence
## Need a way to extract organism name. Perhaps like this
## a <-
## seed_offset : Nucleotides to at start of mature miRNA that are not seed sequence.
## rev_comp : The sequence_to_examin should be the reverse complement of a miRNA. If false then sequence must be identical
## Written by David Humphreys, May 2017
miR_binding_site_Analysis <- function(Sequence_to_examine, species_code, seed_length=6, seed_offset=1, selected_miRs = NULL, rev_comp = TRUE)
if (length(seed_length) == 0)
{ seed_length <- 6 }
species_code <- paste(species_code,"-",sep="")
## Need to put checks in regarding species code
########### Extracting HUMAN stem loop miRNA sequences
x <- mirbaseSEQUENCE
# Get the microRNA identifiers that are mapped to a SEQUENCE
mapped_keys <- mappedkeys(x) # This is a vector of miRNA names
hsa_mapped_keys <- grep(pattern = species_code,x = mapped_keys)
stem_loops <- as.list(x[hsa_mapped_keys ]) # Convert human miRNAs stem loop sequences to a list
############# Extract start stop coordinates for seed regions
x <- mirbaseMATURE
mapped_keys <- mappedkeys(x)
hsa_mapped_keys <- grep(pattern = species_code,x = mapped_keys)
# Get the MATURE for ALL elements of xx
mature_miRs <- mget(mapped_keys[hsa_mapped_keys], x) # This is a mirnaMATURE class
b <- lapply(mature_miRs,matureFrom) # Start positions. Replace matureFrom with matureTo for end positions
seed_start <- lapply(b, FUN=function(x) { x + seed_offset})
# Function to Extract seed sequence
build_seed_list <- function(stem_loops, seed_start, seed_length)
{ seedlist <- substr(x = stem_loops, start = as.numeric(seed_start[1]), stop = as.numeric(seed_start[1])+ as.numeric( seed_length)-1)
if (length(seed_start) > 1)
{ names(seedlist) <- paste(names(stem_loops), "-5p",sep="")
seedlist <- c(seedlist ,substr(x = stem_loops, start = as.numeric(seed_start[2]), stop = as.numeric(seed_start[2])+as.numeric(seed_length) -1) )
names(seedlist)[2] <- paste(names(stem_loops), "-3p",sep="")
allseeds <- unlist( mapply(build_seed_list, stem_loops, seed_start, seed_length) )
all_unique_seeds <- unique(allseeds) #unique destroys names
seed_df <-
if (rev_comp)
{ Sequence_to_examine <- reverseComplement(Sequence_to_examine) }
Sequence_to_examine <- gsub(pattern = "T",replacement = "U",x = Sequence_to_examine)
## Find seed matches in sequence
SeedMatchResult <- mapply(FUN = function(x,y)
{ seed_regex <- paste("(?=",x,")",sep="")
return( gregexpr(seed_regex ,y, perl=TRUE) )
} , all_unique_seeds,as.character(Sequence_to_examine))
return(list(SeedMatchResult=SeedMatchResult, Total_miR_number=length(all_unique_seeds), miR_Seed_Lookup=seed_df))
## Annotate_with_av_FSJ_coverage
## File_idx is a list of file indexes
Annotate_with_av_FSJ_coverage <- function(toDisplay_df, GeneList, File_idx, BS_Junctions, Canonical_Junctions, LibraryStrandType)
AllGenes <- unique(toDisplay_df$Gene)
Gene_FSJ_coverage <- matrix(ncol=length(File_idx), nrow= length(AllGenes), data=0) # rep(0,length(AllGenes))
row.names(Gene_FSJ_coverage) <- AllGenes
toDisplay_df$BSJ_vs_FSJ <- 0
Num_Columns <- ncol(toDisplay_df) # Record number of columns in data table.
canonical_flanking_Junctions <- matrix(data = 0,nrow = length(toDisplay_df$Gene),ncol = (Num_Columns-3))
Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA <- matrix(data = 0,nrow = length(toDisplay_df$Gene),ncol = (Num_Columns-3)) # To record FSJ counts that are internal of BSJ
External_FSJ_of_circRNA <- Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA # To record FSJ counts that are outside BSJ of circRNA
withProgress(message="Annotating with FSJ coverage", value=0, {
for( i in 1: length(AllGenes))
{ incProgress(1/length(AllGenes), detail = paste("Updating ",i, " of ", length(AllGenes) ))
GeneName <- AllGenes[i]
if ((GeneName == "Novel") || (GeneName == "Unknown"))
if (length(grep(pattern=",",x = GeneName)) > 0) # multiple possible genes. Skip.
GeneIdx <- which(toDisplay_df$Gene == GeneName) # This stored index of mutiple or single gene entries
cat(paste("\n Gene is ",GeneName,". Indexes of:",GeneIdx))
if (GeneName == '')
{ next }
for (g in 1:length(GeneIdx))
for (j in 1: length(File_idx))
{ current_BSJ_coords <- range(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x = toDisplay_df$BSjuncName[GeneIdx[g]],split = "_"))[c(2,4)])) # Grab genomic coordinates of BSJ
PGO<-Prepare_Gene_Object(GeneName, BS_Junctions = BS_Junctions,
GeneList= GeneList, File_idx = File_idx[[j]],
Canonical_Junctions = Canonical_Junctions)
if (dim(PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[start< current_BSJ_coords[1] & end > current_BSJ_coords[2],])[1] > 0)
{ # A FSJ that may have resulted from BSJ formation. At this stage save all/any counts to report.
canonical_flanking_Junctions[GeneIdx[g],j] <- canonical_flanking_Junctions[GeneIdx[g],j] + sum(PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[start < current_BSJ_coords[1] & end > current_BSJ_coords[2],.(score)])
if (dim(PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[start>= current_BSJ_coords[1] & end <= current_BSJ_coords[2],])[1] > 0)
{ # Record FSJ counts that are located inside BSJ coordinate.
Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA[GeneIdx[g],j] <- round(mean(unlist(PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[start> current_BSJ_coords[1] & end < current_BSJ_coords[2],.(score)])),1)
if (dim(PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[start< current_BSJ_coords[1] | end > current_BSJ_coords[2],])[1] > 0)
{ # Record FSJ counts that are located inside BSJ coordinate.
External_FSJ_of_circRNA[GeneIdx[g],j] <- round(mean(unlist(PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[start< current_BSJ_coords[1] | end > current_BSJ_coords[2],.(score)])),1)
GeneFeatures <- Gene_Transcript_Features(GeneList=GeneList, Gene_Symbol=GeneName, GeneObject=PGO)
if (is.null(GeneFeatures))
Gene_FSJ_coverage[GeneName,j] <- -1 }
{ Gene_FSJ_coverage[GeneName,j] <- GeneFeatures$Av_junc_count }
} # for (g in 1:length(GeneIdx))
DT_idx <- which(toDisplay_df$Gene == GeneName)
# if ((![GeneName])) && (Gene_FSJ_coverage[GeneName] > 0)) # Be surprised if this condition was FALSE
{ if (length(which(colnames(toDisplay_df) == "Freq") >0))
{ toDisplay_df$BSJ_vs_FSJ[DT_idx] <- round(unlist(toDisplay_df[DT_idx,.(Freq)]/Gene_FSJ_coverage[GeneName,1]),2) }
else # Have group data
toDisplay_df <-
for (j in 1:(Num_Columns-4))
if (is.null(toDisplay_df[DT_idx,Num_Columns+j]))
{ toDisplay_df[,Num_Columns+j] <- 0 }
toDisplay_df[DT_idx,Num_Columns+j] <- round(unlist(toDisplay_df[DT_idx,j+1]/Gene_FSJ_coverage[GeneName,j]),2)
} # for (j in 1:(Num_Columns-2))
toDisplay_df <-
# toDisplay_df$FSJ_av[DT_idx] <- round(Gene_FSJ_coverage[GeneName],1)
} # for( i in 1: length(AllGenes))
colnames(Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA) <- paste("Internal",1:ncol(Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA),sep="_")
colnames(External_FSJ_of_circRNA) <- paste("External",1:ncol(Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA),sep="_")
colnames(canonical_flanking_Junctions) <- paste("Canonical",1:ncol(canonical_flanking_Junctions),sep="_")
toDisplay_df <- cbind(toDisplay_df,canonical_flanking_Junctions, Internal_FSJ_of_circRNA, External_FSJ_of_circRNA)
## Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence
## Extracts all exon sequences that are within BSJ coordinate and concatenates them
Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence <- function(circRNA_exons, genelist)
circRNA_exon_lengths <-by(circRNA_exons,circRNA_exons$gene,identity ) # This makes a list of all transcripts
if (length(circRNA_exon_lengths) ==0)
a <- lapply(X = circRNA_exon_lengths,FUN = function(x) { return(abs(sum(x$start-x$stop)))})
a_idx <- order(unlist(a), decreasing = TRUE)
largest_transcript_ID <- names(a[a_idx])[1]
transcript_ID_idx <- which(names(circRNA_exon_lengths) == largest_transcript_ID) # Get Index of transcript ID name
transcript_ID_idx <- which(circRNA_exons$gene == names(circRNA_exon_lengths)[transcript_ID_idx]) # Get Row index(es) corresponding to transcript
Exons_of_Interest <- circRNA_exons[transcript_ID_idx,]
circRNA_Sequence <- ''
FSJs <- c(1)# This will contain start positions for ALL Forward splice junctions
for (i in 1:length(transcript_ID_idx)) # Need to stitch together multiple exons
{ transcript_strand <- "+"
if (Exons_of_Interest$strand[i] == 0)
{ transcript_strand <- "-" }
tmp <- as.character(extractGenomeSequence(Exons_of_Interest$chrom[i],Exons_of_Interest$start[i],
Exons_of_Interest$stop[i], transcript_strand,
GeneList = genelist) )
FSJs <- c(FSJs, FSJs[i] + nchar(tmp))
circRNA_Sequence <- DNAString(paste(circRNA_Sequence,tmp,sep="",collapse = ""))
circRNA_Sequence <- DNAString(circRNA_Sequence)
debugme<-function(aa, bb, cc)
{ x <- 1 + 1
y <- 1+ 1
########### SHINY SERVER #########################################
shinyServer(function(input, output, session)
{ # input$JunctionFile will be NULL initially. After the user selects
# and uploads a file, it will be a data frame with 'name',
# 'size', 'type', and 'datapath' columns. The 'datapath'
# column will contain the local filenames where the data can
# be found.
## showReactLog()
# Global variables
extdata_path <- as.character(DataPath()) # The data path used to save and load project data from
volumes <- c('Ularcirc'= extdata_path) ## R.home() or getVolumes()
shinyDirChoose(input, 'dir', roots = volumes, session=session, restrictions=system.file(package='base'))
dir <- reactive(input$dir)
blankTable <- data.frame(ERROR="No data loaded yet. Press build table to assemble data")
Ularcirc_data = reactiveValues(
GenePanelLoaded = TRUE,
Groupings = list(), # This holds the group information
SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table = NULL, # The Junction selected in BSJ table. USed to update gene list.
Current_SelectedGene = NULL, # The current gene name of focus. Selected from Pull down list or by clicking table row of data
Current_Selected_BS_Junction = NULL, # The Back splice junction of focus
Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData = NULL, # A datatable of raw data for the Current_Selected_BS_Junction
SelectedTranscript = NULL, # The transcript selected in Transcript table on gene view page
SelectedCanonical = list(Chr= NULL, Start=NULL, End= NULL, strand=NULL), # User selected canonical junction
BackSpliceJunctionCountTable = NULL, # Backsplice junction table
CanonicalJunctionCountTable = NULL, # Canonical Junction Count table
GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable = NULL, # Canonical Junction Count table for Genome tab menu
selected_circRNA_stats = list(miRNA_BS_Sites = NULL, ORFs= NULL),
Genome_Coordinates = list(chrom=NULL, chromstart=NULL, chromend=NULL, chromstrand=NULL),
SelectedGenome_FSJ = list(Chr=NULL, Start=NULL, End=NULL, Strand=NULL), # This is for FSJ selected in "Genome" tab
ProjectData = list(), # This contains all raw data of a project file.
PartialPooledDataSet = NULL,
External_BSJ_DataSet = list(CE2=blankTable, CIRI= blankTable),
External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet = list(CE2=blankTable, CIRI= blankTable),
External_FSJ_DataSet = list(REGTOOLS=blankTable)
# ext_FSJ_output
Groupings <- reactiveValues( SampleNames = list(), # Groupings$SampleNames
Unassigned = NULL)
captionText <- reactiveValues ()
output$FileNameDataTable <- renderTable({
# input$JunctionFile is made up of: name, size, type, data path
if (is.null(input$JunctionFile))
DataSet <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData # m379() #Junctions=AllData, Column_Numbers=total_rows)))
ojn <- table(DataSet$Junctions$DataSet)
captionText$output <- paste("Total number of junctions =",nrow(DataSet$Junctions))
#,"<br>Final number of unique junctions",fuj," ",date())
whathavewehere <- 1
# cbind(inFile[,1:2], Input_Junctions=ojn)#,
# Filtered_Junction_Entries=nrow(DataSet$Junctions), Filtered_Unique_Junctions= fuj)
}) # output$FileNameDataTable
output$FileNameDataTableDetails <- renderText({
if (is.null(input$JunctionFile))
{ return(paste("No data file uploaded yet therefore nothing to display")) }
DataSet <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData # m379()
jn <- nrow(DataSet$Junctions)
fujn <- length(table(DataSet$Junctions$BSjuncName)) # filtered unique junctions
c("\ng","\n","After filtering:",jn," number of junctions and ", fujn," unique junctions.\n-",
length(which(DataSet$Junctions$type == 'c')) ," Canonical junctions\n -",
length(which(DataSet$Junctions$type == 'bs')) ," Backsplice junctions\n -", sep="")
output$DisplaySelectedFileNames <- renderDataTable({
# debugme(input$JunctionFile, input$SelectedFiles, input)
SelectedFile <- input$JunctionFile ### UP TO HERE
cbind(Selected=, input$SelectedFiles)
## Following two assignments coordinate between UI.R and Server.R the uploading of a file.
output$fileUploaded <- reactive({
return(!is.null(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData)) # (m379()))
outputOptions(output, 'fileUploaded', suspendWhenHidden=FALSE)
output$Filename <- renderText({ # Would like to change this to a table
inFile <- input$JunctionFile
inFile$name # name is name of input file; datapath: contains path to tempory uploaded data file
output$InputFiles <- renderUI ({ # This draws a checkboxInput of all uploaded data sets (files) for UI
inFile = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs #m379()$SampleIDs
if (is.null(inFile))
# Would like to make following column have a colour... cannot get to work currently
w <- tags$hr(style="border-color:black")
w <- paste(column(12,checkboxGroupInput('SelectedFiles','', inFile,inFile),br(),w))#, style="background-color:#4d3a7d;"))
IdentifyDataSets <- function()
{ idx <- {}
if (! is.null(input$SelectedFiles))
{ idx <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles) } # m379()$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles) }
Selected_DataSets <- warning("No data loaded or selected so nothing to display",
"\nPlease navigate back to PROJECT tab and load a data set")
if (length(idx) > 0)
{ Selected_DataSets <- paste("\nDisplaying data from ", Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs[idx])} # m379()$SampleIDs[idx])}
output$ShowDataSets_on_GeneView <- renderText({ IdentifyDataSets() })
output$ShowDataSets_on_Genome_View <- renderText({ IdentifyDataSets() })
output$ShowDataSets_on_DataView <- renderText({ IdentifyDataSets() })
output$ShowDataSets_on_JunctionView <- renderText({ IdentifyDataSets() })
m379 <- observeEvent(input$JunctionFile,{
#extdata_path <- DataPath() # function from Global.R
if (exists("ProjectGroupings")) # Remove existing project Grouping before loading in new data
{ remove(ProjectGroupings) }
if (exists("meta_data"))
{ remove(meta_data)}
FileTypeCounts <<- FileTypeCountsReset # Reset file type count before rebuilding.
inFile <- input$JunctionFile
cat(paste("\nLoading data", inFile))
Ularcirc_data$ProjectData <- LoadJunctionData(filename = inFile,
ChromFilter = input$ChromosomeFilter, StrandFilter = input$StrandFilter,
Genomic_Distance = input$GenomicDistance,
RAD_filter = input$RAD_filter,
SubSelect= SubsetInputData, input=input)
groupList <- list()
for (i in 1:length(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs))
ID <- paste("Group_",i,sep="")
groupList[ID] <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs[i]
Groupings$SampleNames <<- groupList
observe({ # The following code ensure the annotate with gene name does NOT get selected when no genome selected
temp <- input$Annotate_with_GeneName
if (input$Annotation_lib == "NO_ANNOTATION")
updateCheckboxInput(session, 'Annotate_with_GeneName', value = FALSE)
## Assemble External Datasets
## This function will assemble external data sets (i.e. anything but STAR)
## if the "Build table" button has been pressed.
## The "switch_external_Datasets" function below will swap.
Assemble_ExternalDataSet <- observeEvent(input$buildTable_Button,{
if (length(input$BSJ_data_source) == 0)
{ blurb <- c("Need to upload new data or load an existing project data before a table of BSJ counts can be assembled.
New data is uploaded under setup tab selecting \"Upload new data\".
Project data is loaded under Project tab.
When sample IDs are shown under Project tab you can then return here to build count table.")
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: NO data loaded",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "STAR")
{ return(NULL)}
################# SELECTED SAMPLES #######################################
if (length(grep(pattern = "Selected", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0)
inFile_idx <- input$SelectedFiles
idx <- list()
if (! is.null(inFile_idx))
{ idx[[1]] <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == inFile_idx) }
{ return (NULL) }
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
subsetted_by_sample <- subset(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data,DataSet %in% idx[[1]])
temp <- dplyr::group_by(subsetted_by_sample, geneSymbol, BSjuncName, strandDonor)
temp <- dplyr::summarise(temp,total=sum(Freq))
SubsettedData<- data.table(Gene=temp$geneSymbol, Freq=temp$total, BSjuncName=temp$BSjuncName, strandDonor=temp$strandDonor)
sort_idx <- order(SubsettedData$Freq, decreasing=TRUE)
SubsettedData <- SubsettedData[sort_idx,]
Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2 <- normalise_raw_counts(rawData=SubsettedData, colIDs = c("Freq"),
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
subsetted_by_sample <- subset(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data,DataSet == idx[[1]])
temp <- group_by(subsetted_by_sample, gene_id, BSjuncName, strand)
temp <- summarise(temp,total=sum(Freq))
SubsettedData<- data.table(Gene=temp$gene_id, Freq=temp$total, BSjuncName=temp$BSjuncName, strandDonor=temp$strand)
sort_idx <- order(SubsettedData$Freq, decreasing=TRUE)
SubsettedData <- SubsettedData[sort_idx,]
Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI <- normalise_raw_counts(rawData=SubsettedData, colIDs = c("Freq"),
if ((length(grep(pattern = "Grouped", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0) # Prepare comparison table
&& (! is.null(PrepareGroupOptions())) ) # Check there are groups defined. There should be always at least one.
AllGroupIDs <- paste("Group",seq(from=1, to=input$Number_BiologicalSamples, by=1),sep="_")
inFile = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs # This contains all possible input files (samples)
a<- length(Groupings$SampleNames)
SubsettedData <- list() # This holds the top requested number of BSJ
BSJ_junctions <- list() # Used to store ALL BSJs for each sample within group
FSJ_junctions <- list() # Used to store ALL FSJs for each sample within group
GeneCounts <- list()
idx <- list() # Hold all file indexes for each group
data_set_idx <- 0 # This is the list index to both SubsettedData and BSJ_junctons
GroupData <- list()
GroupData_idx <- 1 # Keeps track of display data frame
GroupData_idx_used <- {} # Keeps track of which columns ued for display data frame
allBSJ_IDs <- {}
for(i in 1:a) # This loop collects all data. Need to keep a copy of everything so in next loop can collate easily
if (Groupings$SampleNames[[i]][1] == "")
next; # Blank group, ignore and move to next entry
SampleIDs_for_current_group <- Groupings$SampleNames[[i]]
if (! is.null(inFile))
{ data_set_idx <- data_set_idx + 1
for(j in 1:length(SampleIDs_for_current_group)) # Extract file IDs
{ if (j == 1)
{ idx[[data_set_idx]] <- c(which( SampleIDs_for_current_group[j] == inFile)) }
{ idx[[data_set_idx]] <- c(idx[[data_set_idx]], which( SampleIDs_for_current_group[j] == inFile)) }
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
subsetted_by_sample <- subset(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data,DataSet == idx[[i]])
temp <- group_by(subsetted_by_sample, geneSymbol, BSjuncName, strandDonor)
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
subsetted_by_sample <- subset(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data,DataSet == idx[[i]])
colnames(subsetted_by_sample) <- c("circRNA_ID", "chr", "circRNA_start", "circRNA_end", "Freq",
"SM_MS_SMS", "X.non_junction_reads", "junction_reads_ratio",
"circRNA_type", "geneSymbol", "strandDonor", "junction_reads_ID", "BSjuncName",
temp <- group_by(subsetted_by_sample, geneSymbol, BSjuncName, strandDonor)
temp <- summarise(temp,total=sum(Freq))
SubsettedData <- data.table(Gene=temp$geneSymbol, Freq=temp$total, BSjuncName=temp$BSjuncName, strandDonor=temp$strandDonor)
colnames(SubsettedData) <- c(paste("Gene_",GroupData_idx,sep=""),
paste("Freq_",GroupData_idx,sep=""), "BSjuncName",
GroupData[[GroupData_idx]] <- SubsettedData
# if (i == 1)
# allBSJ_IDs <- GroupData[[1]]$BSjuncName
# else
allBSJ_IDs <- unique(union(allBSJ_IDs, GroupData[[GroupData_idx]]$BSjuncName))
GroupData_idx <-GroupData_idx + 1
GroupData_idx_used <- c(i, GroupData_idx_used )
} # for(i in 1:a)
toDisplay <-, y) merge(x, y, by="BSjuncName",all.x=TRUE), GroupData))
# browser()
# toDisplay is now a table of multiples of 4 columns. Every third column is the count.
# Column 1 2 3 4 are BSJ ID, Gene ID, Count, strand.
# Therefore need to compact table and assemble to be displayed.
if (ncol(toDisplay) > 6)
toDisplay <- toDisplay[,c(1:3, seq(from=6, to=ncol(toDisplay),by=3))]
# Add column names
usedColNames <- names(Groupings$SampleNames)[GroupData_idx_used]
colnames(toDisplay) <- c("BSjuncName","Gene",usedColNames)
toDisplay[] <- 0
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2 <- normalise_raw_counts(rawData=toDisplay,
colIDs = usedColNames,
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
{ Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI <- normalise_raw_counts(rawData=toDisplay,
colIDs = usedColNames,
} # if ((length(grep(pattern = "Grouped",
## PartialPooledDataSet
# This function will build table on STAR data from either individual
# or grouped selected individual data sets.
PartialPooledDataSet <- observeEvent(input$buildTable_Button, { # reactive({
if (length(input$BSJ_data_source) == 0) # No data loaded
{ return(NULL) }
if (input$BSJ_data_source != "STAR")
{ return(NULL)}
Identify_poor_RAD <- function(x) ## Function identifies which table entries have non-complying RAD score
{ idx_to_remove <- {}
x <- as.numeric(unlist(x))
idx_to_remove <- c(which(, which(x < input$RAD_filter[1]), which(x>input$RAD_filter[2]))
if (! input$buildTable_Button) # If annotation button has not been pressed do nothing.
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select annotation method on left hand tab"))); }
inFile = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs # This contains all possible input files (samples)
toDisplay <- list(RAW={}, CPM={}, CPM_GENE={}, TOTAL_COUNTS = {})
# Prepare data for Individual data files
if (length(grep(pattern = "Selected", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0)
inFile_idx <- input$SelectedFiles
idx <- list()
if (! is.null(inFile_idx))
{ idx[[1]] <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == inFile_idx) }
{ blurb <- c("Navigate to Project tab and select at least one sample under \"selected samples\" heading")
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: No samples are selected",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
SubsettedData <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData
if (length(idx[[1]]) == 0)
{ cat(paste("\nNo data set selected from following samples ", Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs))
Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet <- data.frame(c(ERROR="No data set selected. "))
# Filter data sets for the selected sample
BSJ_junctions <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID=idx[[1]], All_junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions)
FSJ_junctions <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID=idx[[1]], All_junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData)
GeneCounts <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID=idx[[1]], All_junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data)
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "STAR")
# Build a summary table of counts. Assemble some additional metrics along the way.
filterlist <- list(BSjuncName=NULL, SortDir="Descending", IndexNumber=1,
DisplayRAD_score= input$Display_RAD_Score,
SubsettedData <- SelectUniqueJunctions(BSJ_junctions=BSJ_junctions,
filterlist = filterlist,
information <- "Need to load CE2 and CIRI2 data sets as well"
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ temp <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data
SubsettedData<- data.table(Gene=temp$geneSymbol, Freq=temp$Freq, BSjuncName=temp$BSjuncName, strandDonor=temp$strandDonor)
if (length(SubsettedData) == 0)
{ showNotification("No BSJ loaded or available. Please check input files and upload again", type = "error")
if (nrow(SubsettedData) > 0)
toDisplay$RAW <- SubsettedData
toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS <- sum(SubsettedData$Freq)
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "STAR")
{ toDisplay$RAW$Gene <- '' # Initialise gene annotation
if ((input$Annotate_with_GeneName) && (input$Annotation_lib != "NO_ANNOTATION"))
{ toDisplay$RAW <- Annotate_BS_Junc(DataSet=toDisplay$RAW,
GeneList = GeneList(),
MaxDisplay = nrow(toDisplay$RAW),
input$LibraryStrandType, input=input)
rowsLeft = nrow(toDisplay$RAW)
# Apply RAD filter if requested
if (input$Display_RAD_Score)
{ idx_to_remove<- Identify_poor_RAD(toDisplay$RAW$TypeII_TypeIII)
if (length(idx_to_remove) > 0)
{ toDisplay$RAW <- toDisplay$RAW[-1*idx_to_remove,] }
rowsLeft <- rowsLeft - length(idx_to_remove)
# Apply FSJ filter if requested
if (input$Apply_FSJ_Filter)
idx_to_remove <- which(toDisplay$RAW$FSJ_support < 1)
if (length(idx_to_remove) > 0)
{ toDisplay$RAW <- toDisplay$RAW[-1*idx_to_remove,] }
rowsLeft <- rowsLeft - length(idx_to_remove)
if (rowsLeft <= 0)
{ blurb <- paste0("RAD and/or FSJ filters left no data!
You can modify these filter settings by selecting
'display filter options' on left hand tab.")
showModal(modalDialog(title="Filter applied",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
toDisplay$RAW <- toDisplay$RAW[,.(Gene, Freq,BSjuncName,TypeII_TypeIII, strandDonor, FSJ_support, JuncType)]
if (input$Annotate_FSJ_coverage) # If requested annotate with parental transcript abundance
{ # Get list of all genes and build table
toDisplay$RAW <- Annotate_with_av_FSJ_coverage(toDisplay_df=toDisplay$RAW , GeneList=GeneList(), File_idx=idx,
Canonical_Junctions= Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData,
LibraryStrandType = input$LibraryStrandType)
toDisplay$CPM <- toDisplay$RAW
toDisplay$CPM_GENE <- toDisplay$RAW
toDisplay$CPM$Freq <- round((toDisplay$RAW$Freq / toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS * 1000000),2)
toDisplay$CPM_GENE$Freq <- 0
if (typeof(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data) != "NULL") # Make sure exists
{ if (dim(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data)[2] == 5) # Make sure has correct number of columns
gname <- GeneCounts$geneName
idx_remove <- which(gname =="N_unmapped" | gname =="N_multimapping" | gname == "N_noFeature"
| gname == "N_ambiguous") * -1
Gene_Counts <- colSums(GeneCounts[idx_remove,2:5])
if (input$LibraryStrandType == "Unstranded")
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE$Freq <- round(toDisplay$RAW$Freq/Gene_Counts["unstranded"] * 10000000,3) }
if (input$LibraryStrandType == "Opposing strand")
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE$Freq <- round(toDisplay$RAW$Freq/Gene_Counts["Rstrand"]* 10000000,3) }
if (input$LibraryStrandType == "Same Strand")
{ toDisplay$CPM_GENE$Freq <- round(toDisplay$RAW$Freq/Gene_Counts["Fstrand"]* 10000000,3) }
# input$LibraryStrandType
Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet <- toDisplay
Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet <- data.frame(c(NO_DATA="After filtering no data returned"))
} # if (length(grep(pattern = "Selected", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0)
#################### Prepare table for grouped data sets #####################
if ((length(grep(pattern = "Grouped", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0) # Prepare comparison table
&& (! is.null(PrepareGroupOptions())) ) # Check there are groups defined. There should be always at least one.
AllGroupIDs <- paste("Group",seq(from=1, to=input$Number_BiologicalSamples, by=1),sep="_")
inFile = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs # This contains all possible input files (samples)
a<- length(Groupings$SampleNames)
SubsettedData <- list() # This holds the top requested number of BSJ
BSJ_junctions <- list() # Used to store ALL BSJs for each sample within group
FSJ_junctions <- list() # Used to store ALL FSJs for each sample within group
GeneCounts <- list()
idx <- list() # Hold all file indexes for each group
data_set_idx <- 0 # This is the list index to both SubsettedData and BSJ_junctons
withProgress(message="Calculating BSJ : ", value=0, {
for(i in 1:a) # This loop collects all data. Need to keep a copy of everything so in next loop can collate easily
incProgress(1/(a), detail = paste("Sample ",i))
SampleIDs_for_current_group <- Groupings$SampleNames[[i]]
if (! is.null(inFile))
{ data_set_idx <- data_set_idx + 1
for(j in 1:length(SampleIDs_for_current_group)) # Extract file IDs
{ if (j == 1)
{ idx[[data_set_idx]] <- c(which( SampleIDs_for_current_group[j] == inFile)) }
{ idx[[data_set_idx]] <- c(idx[[data_set_idx]], which( SampleIDs_for_current_group[j] == inFile)) }
{ # browser()
stop("inFile is NULL, unexpected and unrecoverable error")
if (length(idx[[data_set_idx]]) > 0)
BSJ_junctions[[data_set_idx]] <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID=idx[[data_set_idx]], All_junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions)
FSJ_junctions[[data_set_idx]] <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID=idx[[data_set_idx]], All_junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData)
GeneCounts[[data_set_idx]] <- Filter_by_Data_Set(fileID=idx[[data_set_idx]], All_junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data)
# Set upper limit of BSJ to display on screen, and retrieve this number of records
filterlist <- list(BSjuncName=NULL, SortDir="Descending", IndexNumber=1,
DisplayRAD_score= input$Display_RAD_Score,
Apply_FSJ_Filter= input$Apply_FSJ_Filter)
SubsettedData[[data_set_idx]] <- SelectUniqueJunctions(BSJ_junctions=BSJ_junctions[[data_set_idx]],
filterlist = filterlist,
library_strand = input$LibraryStrandType,
FSJ_Junctions = FSJ_junctions[[data_set_idx]])
} # for(i in 1:a)
}) # withProgress(message="Calculating BSJ : ", value=0, {
withProgress(message="Fixing blank BSJ : ", value=0, {
# This loop collates data by assembling a table and filling in the blanks (NAs) where possible
toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS <- {}
toDisplay$RAD_Score <- {}
toDisplay$FSJ_Support <- {}
all_BSJ_strand <- {}
for ( i in 1:data_set_idx)
{ OneDataSet <- list()
incProgress(1/data_set_idx, detail = paste("Sample ",i))
TotalCounts <- nrow(BSJ_junctions[[i]]) # This value used to calculate CPM
toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS <- as.numeric(c(toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS, TotalCounts))
# Following four lines keep a record of every BSJ strand
current_BSJ_strand <- SubsettedData[[i]]$BSjuncName
names(current_BSJ_strand) <- SubsettedData[[i]]$strandDonor
all_BSJ_strand <- c(all_BSJ_strand, current_BSJ_strand)
all_BSJ_strand <- all_BSJ_strand[!duplicated(all_BSJ_strand)]
OneDataSet$Counts <- data.table(BSjuncName=SubsettedData[[i]]$BSjuncName, CPM=round(x = SubsettedData[[i]]$Freq,digits = 0))
OneDataSet$RAD_Score <- data.table(BSjuncName=SubsettedData[[i]]$BSjuncName, RAD= SubsettedData[[i]]$TypeII_TypeIII)
OneDataSet$FSJ_Support <- data.table(BSjuncName=SubsettedData[[i]]$BSjuncName, juncType=SubsettedData[[i]]$JuncType, FSJ= SubsettedData[[i]]$FSJ_support)
if (nrow(OneDataSet$Counts) > 0) # Merge if have extracted data
{ merge_and_fix <- function(matrix_a, matrix_b, GroupIDs, col_by="BSjuncName")
matrix_a <-, matrix_b, by=col_by, all=TRUE)
setnames(matrix_a, i+length(col_by), GroupIDs)
if (! is.null(toDisplay$RAW))
{ # MERGE counts
toDisplay$RAW <- merge_and_fix(toDisplay$RAW, OneDataSet$Counts, AllGroupIDs[i])
# Merge RAD scores
toDisplay$RAD_Score <- merge_and_fix(toDisplay$RAD_Score,OneDataSet$RAD_Score,
# Merge FSJ_support score
toDisplay$FSJ_Support <- merge_and_fix(toDisplay$FSJ_Support,OneDataSet$FSJ_Support,
withProgress(message="Cross referencing BSJ : ", value=0, {
for (j in 1:i)
{ # Identify which BSJ in other data sets that do not have a count i.e. are currently annotated as NA.
incProgress(1/i, detail = paste("Sample ",j," vs Sample ",i,sep=""))
NA_idx <- which($RAW[,j+1]))
NA_IDs <- toDisplay$RAW[NA_idx,c("BSjuncName")]
if (length(NA_idx) == 0) # Great no NA values, no more work to do for this sample.
{ next }
# countMatches used to count BSJ annotated as NA in current sample
countMatches <- function(x,RawData)
{ return(table(RawData == x)) }
extractRADscore <- function(x, RawData)
{ BSJ_idx <- which(RawData$BSjuncName == x)
RADscore <- CalculateRADscore(RawData[BSJ_idx,])
extractFSJ_Support <- function(BSJ_ID, BSJ_strand, canonical_FSJ)
{ idx <- which(BSJ_strand$BSjuncName == BSJ_ID)[1]
if ( { return(0) }
BSJ_strand <- BSJ_strand$strandDonor[idx]
return(identify_FSJ_support(BS_Junc_ID=BSJ_ID, BSJ_strand= BSJ_strand, FSJ_Junctions=canonical_FSJ))
b <- sapply(X = NA_IDs, FUN = countMatches, RawData = BSJ_junctions[[j]]$BSjuncName)
if (typeof(b) == "integer")
{ b<- t(b) }
else # No entries for circRNA. Create an entry of 0
{ b <- lapply(b, FUN = function(X) { if (["TRUE"])) {X["TRUE"] <- 0}; return(X) })
b<-, b)
if (is.null(dim(b))) # Could not identify circRNA in current sample. Set them to zero
{ b <- 0 }
else # There are circRNA in current sample. Sift though possibilities.
{ if (dim(b)[1] == 1)
if (length(grep(pattern = "TRUE",x = colnames(b))) == 0)
{ b <- 0 }
else # Have circRNA count
{ b <- b[,"TRUE"] }
else # Have circRNA count
{ b <- b[,"TRUE"] }
toDisplay$RAW[NA_idx,j+1] <- round(x = b,digits = 0) # Assign count
# Calculate FSJ_support for all new entries
extracted_FSJ_Support <- sapply(X = NA_IDs, FUN= extractFSJ_Support,
BSJ_strand = BSJ_junctions[[j]], canonical_FSJ=FSJ_junctions[[j]])
row.names(toDisplay$FSJ_Support) <- toDisplay$FSJ_Support[,1]
toDisplay$FSJ_Support[NA_IDs,j+2] <- extracted_FSJ_Support
# Prepare filling in RAD score
gt_RAD_count_threshold <- which(b > input$RAD_count_threshold) # Find entries with suitable count score
if (length(gt_RAD_count_threshold) > 0)
extracted_RAD <- sapply(X = NA_IDs[gt_RAD_count_threshold], FUN = extractRADscore, RawData = BSJ_junctions[[j]])
row.names(toDisplay$RAD_Score) <- toDisplay$RAD_Score[,1]
toDisplay$RAD_Score[NA_IDs[gt_RAD_count_threshold],j+1] <- extracted_RAD
} # for loop
}) # withProgress(message="Cross referencing BSJ
toDisplay$RAW <-$RAW)
toDisplay$RAD_Score <-$RAD_Score)
else # is.null(toDisplay$RAW) # First time through loop
{ toDisplay$RAW <- OneDataSet$Counts
colnames(toDisplay$RAW) <- c("BSjuncName", AllGroupIDs[i])
toDisplay$RAD_Score <-$RAD_Score)
colnames(toDisplay$RAD_Score) <- c("BSjuncName", paste(AllGroupIDs[i],"_II_III",sep=""))
toDisplay$FSJ_Support <-$FSJ_Support)
colnames(toDisplay$FSJ_Support) <- c("BSjuncName", "juncType", paste(AllGroupIDs[i],"_FSJ",sep=""))
else # No data for some reason. This scenario should not happen.
toDisplay$New_____Sample <- 0
colnames(toDisplay$RAW) <- c(colnames(toDisplay$RAW), AllGroupIDs[i])
} # for ( i in 1:dataset_idx)
# Order table for most variable differences.
}) # withProgress(message="Fixing blank BSJ : ", value=0, {
# most_variable <- apply(toDisplay$RAW[,-1],1,var)
# Top_variable<-toDisplay$RAW[order(most_variable ,decreasing = T ),]
# colnames(Top_variable)<-colnames(toDisplay$RAW)
# Need to construct a properly constructed data.table:
# would like to add strand column
# all_BSJ_strand
strands_of_BSJ <- names(all_BSJ_strand)
names(strands_of_BSJ) <- (all_BSJ_strand)
Top_variable <- toDisplay$RAW
toDisplay$RAW <- data.table(Top_variable[,1])
for(i in 2:ncol(Top_variable))
{ toDisplay$RAW <- cbind(toDisplay$RAW, as.numeric(as.matrix(Top_variable)[,i])) }
toDisplay$RAW$strand <- strands_of_BSJ[unlist(toDisplay$RAW[,1])]
colnames(toDisplay$RAW) <- c(colnames(Top_variable), "strandDonor")
num_RAW_cols <- ncol(toDisplay$RAW) -1
toDisplay$CPM <- toDisplay$RAW
for (i in 2:num_RAW_cols)
{ toDisplay$CPM[,i] <- round(toDisplay$CPM[,..i]/toDisplay$TOTAL_COUNTS[(i-1)] * 1000000, digits = 0)
toDisplay$CPM_GENE <- toDisplay$RAW
toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,2:num_RAW_cols] <- round(toDisplay$RAW[,2:num_RAW_cols],digits = 0)
if (typeof(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data) != "NULL") # Make sure exists
{ if (dim(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data)[2] == 5) # Make sure has correct number of columns
strand_column <- "unstranded"
if (input$LibraryStrandType == "Opposing strand")
{ strand_column <- "Rstrand" }
if (input$LibraryStrandType == "Same Strand")
{ strand_column <- "Fstrand" }
geneRead_datasets_ID <- names(table(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data$DataSet))
for(i in 2:num_RAW_cols)
{ total_gene_counts <- 1
gname <- GeneCounts[[(i-1)]]$geneName
idx_remove <- which(gname =="N_unmapped" | gname =="N_multimapping" | gname == "N_noFeature"
| gname == "N_ambiguous") * -1
total_gene_counts <- colSums(GeneCounts[[(i-1)]][idx_remove,..strand_column])
toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,i] <- toDisplay$CPM_GENE[,..i]/total_gene_counts * 10000000
} # if (dim(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ReadsPerGene_Data)[2] == 5)
if ((input$Annotate_with_GeneName) && (input$Annotation_lib != "NO_ANNOTATION"))
{ toDisplay$RAW <- Annotate_BS_Junc(DataSet=toDisplay$RAW, GeneList = GeneList(), MaxDisplay = nrow(toDisplay$RAW), input$LibraryStrandType, input=input)
{ toDisplay$RAW$Gene <- '' }
if (input$Annotate_FSJ_coverage) ## Add parental transcript abundance annotation here
toDisplay$RAW <- Annotate_with_av_FSJ_coverage(toDisplay_df=toDisplay$RAW , GeneList=GeneList(), File_idx=idx,
Canonical_Junctions= Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData,
LibraryStrandType = input$LibraryStrandType)
## Following code will identify and remove BSJ that don't meet RAD filter.
if (input$Display_RAD_Score)
idx_to_remove <- {}
for(i in 2 : ncol(toDisplay$RAD_Score))
{ if (i == 2)
{ idx_to_remove<- Identify_poor_RAD(toDisplay$RAD_Score[,..i]) }
{ idx_to_remove<- intersect(idx_to_remove, Identify_poor_RAD(toDisplay$RAD_Score[,..i])) }
if (length(idx_to_remove) > 0)
toDisplay$RAD_Score <- toDisplay$RAD_Score[-1*idx_to_remove,]
toDisplay$RAW <- toDisplay$RAW[-1*idx_to_remove,]
toDisplay$CPM <- toDisplay$CPM[-1*idx_to_remove,]
toDisplay$FSJ_support <- toDisplay$FSJ_support[-1*idx_to_remove,]
# Append RAD scores onto table
toDisplay$RAW <- merge(toDisplay$RAW, toDisplay$RAD_Score, by="BSjuncName", all=TRUE)
toDisplay$RAW <- merge(toDisplay$RAW,toDisplay$FSJ_Support,by="BSjuncName")
toDisplay$CPM$Gene <- toDisplay$RAW$Gene
Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet <- toDisplay
} # length(grep(pattern = "Grouped", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0)
output$downloadSelectJunctionCountTable <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste('data-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(con) {
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$RAW
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2$RAW }
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI")
{ data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI$RAW }
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$CPM_GENE
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2$CPM_GENE }
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI")
{ data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI$CPM_GENE }
data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$CPM
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2$CPM }
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI")
{ data_to_export <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI$CPM }
write.csv(data_to_export, con)
output$downloadGroupedJunctionCountTable <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste('data-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(con) {
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
output$download_BS_Junc_Count_Table <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste('BSJ-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(con) {
output$download_Transcript_Table <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste('Transcripts-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(filename) {
output$download_FSJ_Junc_Count_Table <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste('FSJ-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(filename) {
output$download_FSJ_BSJ_GeneModel_PDF <- downloadHandler(
filename=function() {
paste('FSJ-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(filename) {
circs <- circRNA_Subset()
if (is.null(circs)) # return NULL if no gene model database is loaded
{ return (NULL) }
3,3,3, ## backsplice junctions
2,2,2, # canonical junctions
1,1,1 # Transcripts
# 5,6,7), 5, 3, byrow = TRUE)) # 4 rows of figures, first two rows contain one major image, while third and final row contains three items (will fill two using zoom feature of sushi)
), 4, 3, byrow = TRUE)) # 4 rows, three columns
Zoom_coords <- View_Gene_At_Coords()
DTE <- Draw_Transcript_Exons(circs, JunctionOption(), Zoom_coords,
Canonical = Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical),
GeneList <- eventReactive( input$LoadTxDb, # GeneList is called when transcript database is selected
{ require(GenomicFeatures)
cat(paste("\n\nLoading species transcriptome coordinates", date()))
Genome_lib <- paste("BSgenome.",input$Species_Genome,sep="")
require(as.character(Genome_lib),character.only = TRUE)
Genome<-get(Genome_lib) # Reference object by character string
# Determine if using custom or installed gene model
TxDb <- {}
if (length(grep(pattern = "*.sqlite", x = input$TxDb)) > 0)
TxDb <- loadDb(file=input$TxDb)
require(as.character(input$TxDb),character.only = TRUE)
TxDb <- get(input$TxDb) # Reference object by character string
require(as.character(input$Annotation_lib),character.only = TRUE)
Annotation_Library <- get(input$Annotation_lib)
GL <- as.character(keys(Annotation_Library, "SYMBOL"))
##### Setup pulldown menu of genes. Default is first item in list ########
cat(paste("\n Displaying list of ", length(GL)," genes built", date()))
updateSelectizeInput(session,inputId="GeneListDisplay", label="Select a gene from this list", choices = GL, selected = GL[1], server=TRUE)
return(list(transcript_reference=TxDb, Genome=Genome, Annotation_Library = Annotation_Library, GeneList=GL))
output$List_Loaded_TxDB <- renderText({
TxDb_information <- c('No Transcript database loaded')
if (! is.null(GeneList()))
TxDb_information <- c (input$Species_Genome)
circRNA_Subset <- reactive ( # This code block will prepare data sets surrounding a gene feature.
{ if (is.null(input$SelectedFiles))
{ return(NULL)}
idx <- seq(from=1, to = length(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs)) # Default is to select everything. PROBABLY BETTER TO RETURN A NULL IF NO DATA SELECTED AND DEAL WITH THIS ELSEWHERE??
if (! is.null(input$SelectedFiles))
{ idx <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles) }
cat(paste("\nRequesting Gene Object for", Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene,date()))
if (length(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData) > 0)
{ Canonical_Junctions <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData }
if (length(input$FSJ_data_source) > 0)
if (input$FSJ_data_source == "Regtools")
Canonical_Junctions <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_FSJ_output$regtools
PGO<-Prepare_Gene_Object(Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene, BS_Junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions,
GeneList= GeneList(), File_idx = idx,
Canonical_Junctions = Canonical_Junctions)
if (is.null(PGO))
{ return(PGO) }
# Record selected transcripts into PGO object so it can be referenced when preparing figures
PGO$SelectedTranscript <- ''
# if (exists("Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript"))
if (length(intersect(names(Ularcirc_data), "SelectedTranscript")) > 0)
if (! is.null(Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript))
{ PGO$SelectedTranscript <- Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript }
# Following is saved for display purposes only
Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable <- PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs
if (length(input$BSJ_data_source) == 0) # No BSJ data loaded - perhaps only loaded FSJ data.
{ return(PGO) }
if (input$BSJ_data_source != "STAR")
# Reduce data set to selected samples
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ subsetted_by_sample <- subset(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data,DataSet %in% idx)
# Reduce data set to selected gene
temp_idx <- which(subsetted_by_sample$geneSymbol == Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene)
# Reduce to required columns and group data
temp <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data[temp_idx,c("chrom", "start", "stop", "strandDonor", "Freq", "BSjuncName")]
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
helpdevbug <- 1
subsetted_by_sample <- subset(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data,DataSet %in% idx)
temp_idx <- which(subsetted_by_sample$gene_id == Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene)
temp <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data[temp_idx, c("chr", "circRNA_start", "circRNA_end", "strand", "Freq", "BSjuncName")]
colnames(temp) <- c("chrom", "start", "stop", "strandDonor", "Freq", "BSjuncName")
# create final count data
temp_group <- group_by(temp, chrom, start, stop, strandDonor, BSjuncName)
temp <- summarise(temp_group,score=sum(Freq))
# re-organise before presenting to user
temp <- temp[,c("chrom", "start", "stop", "strandDonor", "score", "BSjuncName")]
colnames(temp ) <- c("chrom1", "start1", "end2", "strand1", "score", "name")
Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable <- temp
temp <- data.table(chrom1=temp$chrom1, start1=temp$start1,
end1=temp$start1, chrom2=temp$chrom1,
start2=temp$end2, end2=temp$end2,
name=temp$name, score=temp$score,
strand1=temp$strand1, strand2=temp$strand1)
temp$JunctionType <- 1 #"Backsplice"
# chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 name score strand1 strand2
# copy correct data back into PGO.
PGO$Junctions$uniques.bed <- temp
else # "STAR chimeric junctions"
Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable <- PGO$Transcript_Canonical_juncs[,.(chrom,start,end,strand,score,DataSet)]
if (is.double(PGO$Junctions)) #i.e. has a value of -1, means there is no data
Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable <- data.table(Status="No data points")
Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable <- PGO$Junctions$uniques.bed[,.(chrom1, start1,end2,strand1,score,name)]
# Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable <- PGO$Junctions$uniques.bed
cat(paste("\n-Prepared Gene Object",date()))
return(PGO) # PGO = (list(Transcript=Transcript, Junctions=Junc.bed, Transcript_Canonical_juncs= Transcript_Canonical_juncs))
# The output$view depends on both the databaseInput reactive
# expression and input$obs, so will be re-executed whenever
# input$dataset or input$obs is changed.
output$caption <- renderText({ "ExonTable" })
AssembleTranscriptTable <- reactive ({
Transcript_Stats <- table(circRNA_Subset()$Transcript$gene)
Transcript_DT <- data.table(TranscriptID=names(Transcript_Stats), Number_Of_Exons = as.numeric(Transcript_Stats))
output$TranscriptTable <- renderDataTable ({
toDisplay <- AssembleTranscriptTable()
any_selected <- 0
if (! is.null(Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript))
{ any_selected <- which(toDisplay$TranscriptID == Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript) }
datatable(toDisplay, #selection='single',
selection=list(mode='single', selected = any_selected, target = 'row'),
options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
output$ExonTable <- renderDataTable ({
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript))
{ return(NULL) }
Row_idx <- which(circRNA_Subset()$Transcript$gene == Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript)
Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable <- data.table(circRNA_Subset()$Transcript[Row_idx,])
datatable(Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable, selection='single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
output$BSJ_count_table_header <- renderUI ({
if (is.null(input$BSJ_data_source))
BSJ_table_header <- paste(input$BSJ_data_source,': Junction table of selected data sets', sep="")
w <- h4(BSJ_table_header)
w <- paste(w, actionButton("checkChrom","Fix chromosome compatibility"))
observeEvent(input$checkChrom, {
# Test if chromosome entries match annotation database. If not try and ammend
# Take first 1000 chimeric alignments
max_entries <- nrow(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions)
if (max_entries > 1000)
{ max_entries <- 1000 }
chrom_entries <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions$chromDonor[1:max_entries]
# browser()
# Check if annotation database is loaded.
geneInfo <- GeneList()
if (! is.null(geneInfo))
geneInfo <- GeneList() # (transcript_reference=TxDb, Genome=Genome, Annotation_Library = Annotation_Library, GeneList=GL))
TxDb_levels <- seqlevels(geneInfo$transcript_reference)
commonChrom <- intersect(TxDb_levels, chrom_entries)
if (length(commonChrom) == 0)
chrom_entries <- paste0("chr",chrom_entries)
commonChrom <- intersect(TxDb_levels, chrom_entries)
if (length(commonChrom) > 0)
{ Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions$chromDonor <- paste0("chr",Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions$chromDonor)
Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions$chromAcceptor <- paste0("chr",Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions$chromAcceptor)
Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData$chrom <- paste0("chr",Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData$chrom)
showModal(modalDialog(title="Success","Modified chromosoome entries", easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
output$DisplayJunctionCountTable<- renderDataTable({ # DisplayAllJunctions <- renderDataTable({
if (! input$buildTable_Button)# If annotation button has not been pressed do nothing.
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select annotation method on left hand tab"))); }
toDisplay <- data.frame(c(ERROR="Cannot build data sets. Please check files have been selected and try again"))
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$RAW
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$CPM_GENE
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$CPM
datatable(toDisplay, selection = 'single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(10,50,500,5000), pageLength = 15))
output$Display_externalBSJ_CountTable<- renderDataTable({ # DisplayAllJunctions <- renderDataTable({
if (length(input$BSJ_data_source) == 0) # No data loaded.
{ return(NULL) }
if (! input$buildTable_Button)# If annotation button has not been pressed do nothing.
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select build table on left hand tab"))); }
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet)) # If not data is assembled
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select build table on left hand tab"))); }
toDisplay <- data.frame(c(ERROR="Cannot build data sets. Please check files have been selected and try again"))
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI$RAW
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI$CPM_GENE
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CIRI$CPM
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2$RAW
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2$CPM_GENE
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CE2$CPM
Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CurrentDisplay <- toDisplay
datatable(toDisplay, selection = 'single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(10,50,500,5000), pageLength = 15))
output$DisplayGroupJunctionCountTable<- renderDataTable({ # DisplayAllJunctions <- renderDataTable({
if (! input$buildTable_Button)# If annotation button has not been pressed do nothing.
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select build table on left hand tab"))); }
toDisplay <- data.frame(c(ERROR="Groups have not been defined"))
if (! is.null(PrepareGroupOptions())) # Check there are groups defined. There should be always at least one.
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$CPM_GENE
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$CPM
datatable(toDisplay, selection = 'single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(10,50,500,5000), pageLength = 15))
output$Display_externalBSJ_GroupCountTable<- renderDataTable({ # DisplayAllJunctions <- renderDataTable({
if (length(input$BSJ_data_source) == 0) # No data loaded.
{ return(NULL) }
if (! input$buildTable_Button)# If annotation button has not been pressed do nothing.
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select build table on left hand tab"))); }
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet)) # If not data is assembled
{ return(data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="Please select build table on left hand tab"))); }
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2$RAW
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2$CPM_GENE
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2$CPM
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI$RAW
else if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI$CPM_GENE
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI$CPM
if (! is.null(toDisplay))
order_idx <- order(toDisplay[,3],decreasing = TRUE)
toDisplay <- toDisplay[order_idx,]
{ toDisplay <- data.frame(c(ACTION_REQUIRED="No data assembled. Press build table to proceed."))
Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CurrentDisplay <- toDisplay
datatable(toDisplay, selection = 'single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(10,50,500,5000), pageLength = 15))
output$DisplayGroupHeatMap<- renderPlot({ # DisplayAllJunctions <- renderDataTable({
if (is.null(PrepareGroupOptions())) # Check there are groups defined. There should be always at least one.
{ return(NULL)}
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2 }
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI }
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet }
# Default is CPM normalisation
toDisplay <- inputData$CPM
heatmap_heading <- "Counts per million"
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
{ toDisplay <- inputData$RAW
heatmap_heading <- "Raw counts"
Gene_Col_Idx <- which(colnames(toDisplay) == "Gene")
rowIdx <- row.names(toDisplay) # This should be data table index
GeneNames <- toDisplay$Gene
toDisplay <- as.matrix(toDisplay[,2:(Gene_Col_Idx -1)])
row.names(toDisplay) <- rowIdx
if (length(table(GeneNames)) > 1) # If table is annotated then annotate heatmap
{ row.names(toDisplay) <- paste(rowIdx,GeneNames,sep="_") }
heatmap(as.matrix(toDisplay ),col=redblueColor,scale = "none", main=heatmap_heading)
## PCA plot assembly
output$DisplayBSJ_PCA<- renderPlot({
if (is.null(PrepareGroupOptions())) # Check there are groups defined. There should be always at least one.
{ blurb <- HTML(paste("No groups defined. To do this navigate to Projects tab and define number of samples.
Assign samples to group at bottom of main tab.<br><br>
Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="No groups/samples defined",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2 }
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI }
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet }
# Check that there is data loaded.
if(typeof(inputData$CPM) == 'NULL')
{ blurb <- HTML(paste("No normalised data from ",input$BSJ_data_source," to prepare PCA plot from. Please ensure that you
have uploaded a data set and have build count table.<br><br>
Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="No normalised data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
{ #toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW
#heatmap_heading <- "Raw counts"
blurb <- HTML(paste("Best practise is to normalise data. Prefered method is to normalise to
gene counts (CPM_GENE). Alternatively could try CPM.<br><br>
Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: Selected un-normalised data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
# Default is CPM normalisation
toDisplay <- inputData$CPM
plot_heading <- "BSJ normlised to per million BSJ counts"
if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
{ if (typeof(inputData$CPM_GENE) == "NULL")
{ blurb <- HTML(paste("There is no gene counts associated with this project. You will
need to attempt uploading the project again making sure you load the output files.
<br><br>Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: No gene count data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
toDisplay <- inputData$CPM_GENE
plot_heading <- "BSJ normalised to per 10 million gene counts"
rowIdx <- row.names(toDisplay) # This should be data table index
GeneIDs <- toDisplay[,1]
strand_idx <- which(colnames(toDisplay) %in% c("strandDonor","Gene"))
toDisplay <-[,setdiff(colnames(toDisplay), c("BSjuncName","strandDonor", "Gene") )])
row.names(toDisplay) <- rowIdx
pca.results <- prcomp(t(log2(data.matrix(toDisplay)+0.01)))
PCA_df <- data.frame(pca.results$x[,1:2])
PCA_df$label <- row.names(pca.results$x)
p <- ggplot(, aes(PC1,PC2, label=label)) + geom_point(color="red")
p2 <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel() + labs(title = plot_heading)
## Global analysis plots
output$Global_Analysis_Plots<- renderPlot({
# Select input data source
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CircExplorer2")
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CE2 }
else if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CIRI }
{ inputData <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet }
#### Select normalisation method
normalisationMethods <- c("PCA","Heatmap")
if ( length(intersect(input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options, normalisationMethods)) )
{ # PCA or Heatmap , therefore need normalisation data
if(typeof(inputData$CPM) == 'NULL')
{ blurb <- HTML(paste("No normalised data from ",input$BSJ_data_source," to prepare plot from. Please ensure that you
have uploaded a data set and have build count table.<br><br>
Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="No normalised data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
if (input$Normalisation == "Raw counts")
{ #toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW
#heatmap_heading <- "Raw counts"
blurb <- HTML(paste("Best practise is to normalise data. Prefered method is to normalise to
gene counts (CPM_GENE). Alternatively could try CPM.<br><br>
Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: Selected un-normalised data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
# Default is CPM normalisation
toDisplay <- inputData$CPM
plot_heading <- "BSJ normlised to per million BSJ counts"
if (input$Normalisation == "CPM_Gene")
{ if (typeof(inputData$CPM_GENE) == "NULL")
{ blurb <- HTML(paste("There is no gene counts associated with this project. You will
need to attempt uploading the project again making sure you load the output files.
<br><br>Press any key to continue."))
showModal(modalDialog(title="ERROR: No gene count data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
toDisplay <- inputData$CPM_GENE
plot_heading <- "BSJ normalised to per 10 million gene counts"
toDisplay <- inputData$RAW
GeneName <- as.character(toDisplay$Gene)
RAD_col_ID <- grep(pattern = "_II_III",x = colnames(toDisplay), value = TRUE)
FSJ_col_ID <- grep(pattern = "_FSJ",x = colnames(toDisplay), value = TRUE)
col_data_names <- setdiff(colnames(toDisplay),
c("BSjuncName","strandDonor", "Gene", "juncType", RAD_col_ID, FSJ_col_ID) )
toDisplay <- as.matrix(toDisplay)[,col_data_names]
# Have tried several things to convert "list" to a numeric data frame. Below is a list of attempts
# that failed:
#, toDisplay)
# toDisplay <-[,col_data_names])
# The following was the only way that did not have a bug
tmp_fix <- {}
for (i in 1:ncol(toDisplay))
{ tmp_fix <- cbind(tmp_fix, as.numeric(as.character(toDisplay[,i]))) }
toDisplay <- tmp_fix
colnames(toDisplay) <- col_data_names
row.names(toDisplay) <- GeneName
if (input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options == "Unique Number of circRNAs")
idx <- which(toDisplay > 0)
toDisplay[idx] <- 1
barplot(toDisplay, main="Number of unique circRNA", xlab="Samples")
else if (input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options == "Genes producing circRNAs")
idx <- which(toDisplay > 0)
toDisplay[idx] <- 1
toDisplay <- apply(toDisplay, 2, FUN = function(x) {length(unique(GeneName[which(x > 0)]))})
# Would be nice to show how many genes have multiple entries
barplot(toDisplay, main="Number of genes producing circRNAs", xlab = col_data_names)
else if (input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options == "Cummulative distribution")
coloursUsed <- "black"
for (i in 1:ncol(toDisplay))
{ toDisplay.ecdf <- ecdf(toDisplay[,i])
if (i == 1)
{ plot(toDisplay.ecdf, verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE,main="Cummulative distribution") }
{ plot(toDisplay.ecdf, verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE, add=TRUE, col=colour_Pallette[i])
coloursUsed <- c(coloursUsed, colour_Pallette[i])
legend("right",col_data_names, col=coloursUsed, pch=21)
else if (input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options == "PCA")
pca.results <- prcomp(t(log2(data.matrix(toDisplay)+0.01)))
PCA_df <- data.frame(pca.results$x[,1:2])
PCA_df$label <- row.names(pca.results$x)
p <- ggplot(, aes(PC1,PC2, label=label)) + geom_point(color="red")
p2 <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel() + labs(title = plot_heading)
else if (input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options == "Heatmap")
v <- apply(toDisplay,1,var)
a<-toDisplay[order(v,decreasing = T )[1:input$HeatmapGeneNumber],]
heatmap(as.matrix(a ),col=redblueColor,scale = "none", main="Heatmap", cexCol = 0.75 )
else if (input$Global_Analysis_Plots_Options == "circRNA size distribution")
{ # Not functional yet
# circExplorer data does not currently work
genome <- GeneList()$Genome
TxDb <- GeneList()$transcript_reference
annotationLibrary <- GeneList()$Annotation_Library
withProgress(message="Calculating circRNA predicted sizes", value=0, {
# Need to sublist based on count
lastColumn <- ncol(inputData$RAW)
threshold_idx <- apply(inputData$RAW[,3:lastColumn],1,FUN = function(x) {any(x > 4 )})
filtered_data <- inputData$RAW[threshold_idx,]
circRNA_sequence <- Ularcirc::bsj_to_circRNA_sequence(BSJ = filtered_data$BSjuncName,
geneID = as.character(filtered_data$Gene),
genome = genome, TxDb = TxDb,
annotationLibrary = annotationLibrary)
}) # withProgress(message="Calculating circRNA predicted sizes", value=0, {
if (which(names(circRNA_sequence) == "identified"))
{ circRNA_sizes <- nchar(circRNA_sequence$identified)
hist(circRNA_sizes,breaks=100,main="distribution of predicted circRNA sizes")
PrepareGroupOptions <- reactive({
w <- {}
if ((input$Number_BiologicalSamples > 1) && (length(grep(pattern = "Normalised counts", x = input$Annotation_Options)) > 0))
AllGroupIDs <- paste("Group",seq(from=1, to=input$Number_BiologicalSamples, by=1))
w<- paste(selectizeInput("GroupCompareA",label="Comparison group A",choices = AllGroupIDs))
w<- paste(w, selectizeInput("GroupCompareB",label="Comparison group B",choices = AllGroupIDs))
output$TwoGroupCompareChoices <- renderUI({ # This will display selectize menu in UI.R to allow user to select groups to compare.
output$BS_Junction_Count_Table <- renderDataTable({
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable))
{ return(NULL)}
#Display_DT <- circRNA_Subset()$Junctions$uniques.bed[,.(name,score,chrom1,start1,chrom2,start2,strand1,strand2)]
datatable(Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable, selection='single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
output$CanonicalJunctionCountTable <- renderDataTable({
toDisplay <- Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable
idx <- which(toDisplay$strand == 1)
toDisplay$strand = NULL
toDisplay$strand = "-"
toDisplay$strand[idx] = "+"
datatable(toDisplay, selection='single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
# datatable(Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable, selection='single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
output$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable <- renderDataTable({
datatable(Ularcirc_data$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable, selection='single', options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
## Observe if junction button is pressed.
observeEvent(input$select_button, {
if (is.null(input$select_button))
# debugme(input$select_buttton)
# output$Specific_BS_Junc <- strsplit(input$select_button, "_")[[1]]
tmp <- strsplit(input$select_button, "@")
# debugme(tmp)
cat("\nYou selected ", input$select_button, " and the junction is ", tmp[[1]][2])
# It works, below is an example of the output:
# button@chr1_33667149_chr1_33668857@Mon Dec 07 2015 17:33:42 GMT+1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
Selected_Junction <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$select_button))
return (NULL)
tmp <- strsplit(input$select_button, "@")
output$Specific_BS_Junc <- renderText({
# if (is.null(input$select_button))
# return (NULL)
# debugme(Selected_Junction(), input$select_button)
# tmp <- strsplit(input$select_button, "@")
# tmp[[1]][2]
# Selected_Junction()
toDisplay <- paste("Displayed junction is: ",Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction)
output$Specific_BS_Junc_details <- renderText({
BS_Junc_details(JuncCoords = Selected_Junction())
output$DisplayCanonical_sequence <- renderText({ #renderUI ({
# Obtain current canonical junction and obtain genomic sequence
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Chr))
toDisplay <- c("No forward splice junction (FSJ) selected. Please select from FSJ table under Gene view tab.")
{ strandDonor <- "+"
if (Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Strand == 1)
{ strandDonor <- "-" }
Canonical_Junc_Entry <- data.frame(chromDonor=as.character(Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Chr),
type="c" )
toDisplay <- Grab_BS_Junc_Sequence(Canonical_Junc_Entry, GeneList = GeneList())
# Set flag so that can display graphic?
output$DisplayTranscript_sequence <- renderText({ #renderUI ({
# Recover selected transcript and display ORFs
if (Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript == "")
toDisplay <- c("No transcript selected. Please select from transcript table under Gene view tab.")
{ strandDonor <- "+"
if (Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable$strand == 0)
{ strandDonor <- "-" }
# Need to make a grangeslist
currentSelectedTx <- Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable[,-6]
currentSelectedTx$strand <- strandDonor
Tx_gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(currentSelectedTx)
transcript_seq <- GenomicFeatures::extractTranscriptSeqs(GeneList()$Genome, GenomicRanges::GRangesList(Tx_gr))
ORF_lengths <- {}
cDNA_of_ORF <- {}
all_long_ORFs <- {} # keeps a record of all long ORF
longest_ORF_of_all <- 0
for (i in 1:3)
tmp_seq <- Biostrings::substr(transcript_seq,start=i,stop=Biostrings::width(transcript_seq))
amino_acid_seq <- Biostrings::translate(Biostrings::DNAString(tmp_seq))
ORFs <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(amino_acid_seq), pattern="M.*?\\*" )
ORF_lengths <- c(unlist(lapply(ORFs[[1]],nchar)))
all_ORFs <- c(ORFs[[1]])
# Identify largest ORF
# browser()
longest_ORF <- max(ORF_lengths)
if (longest_ORF > longest_ORF_of_all)
largest_ORF_idx <- which(ORF_lengths == longest_ORF)
ORF_position <- gregexpr(pattern = all_ORFs[largest_ORF_idx], text = as.character(amino_acid_seq)) # this will identify position of ORF
start_pos <- (ORF_position[[1]][1]*3) - 2
end_pos <- (attr(ORF_position[[1]],"match.length") * 3) + start_pos # ORF_position[[1]][2] ::: length of match
cDNA_of_longest_ORF <- Biostrings::substr(x = tmp_seq, start= start_pos, stop= end_pos)
longest_ORF_of_all <- longest_ORF
# Record all cDNA for ORFs longer than 100 amino acids.
longORFs <- which(ORF_lengths >= input$Max_ORF_Length)
if (length(longORFs) > 0)
for (j in 1: length(longORFs) )
ORF_position <- gregexpr(pattern = all_ORFs[longORFs[j]], text = as.character(amino_acid_seq)) # this will identify position of ORF
start_pos <- (ORF_position[[1]][1]*3) - 2
end_pos <- (attr(ORF_position[[1]],"match.length") * 3) + start_pos
cDNA_of_ORF <- Biostrings::substr(x = tmp_seq, start= start_pos, stop= end_pos)
all_long_ORFs <- c(all_long_ORFs, cDNA_of_ORF)
toDisplay <- paste(as.character(transcript_seq))
if (input$ORFs_to_display == 1)
toDisplay <- paste(toDisplay, "\n\nlongest ORF is as follows: \n\n", cDNA_of_longest_ORF)
seqs <-paste("\n\n>ORF", "\n",all_long_ORFs, collapse="")
toDisplay <- c(toDisplay, seqs)
output$DisplayBS_sequence <- renderUI ({
UniqueJunctions <- Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData
bsj_info <- Ularcirc::BSJ_details(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction)
bsj_df <- data.frame(chromDonor=as.character(bsj_info$BSJ_chrom),
type="bs" )
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "CIRI2")
bsj_df$startDonor <- bsj_df$startDonor + 1
bsj_df$startAcceptor <- bsj_df$startAcceptor - 1
toDisplay <- Grab_BS_Junc_Sequence(bsj_df, GeneList = GeneList())
toDisplay <- HTML(paste('<p><strong>JUNCTION SEQUENCE: </strong></p> <p> The full stop represents the junction point::
<pre style=display: block;padding: 9.5px;margin: 0 0 10px;font-size: 13px;line-height: 1.42857143;
color: #333;word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: rgb(203, 219, 248);border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 4px;>',toDisplay,'</pre></p>'))
output$Predicted_circRNA_Sequence <- renderUI ({
circRNA_Sequence <- Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence(circRNA_exons = Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons, genelist = GeneList())
circRNA_Sequence <- HTML(paste('<p><strong>Predicted circRNA SEQUENCE: </strong></p> <p>
<pre style=display: block;padding: 9.5px;margin: 0 0 10px;font-size: 13px;line-height: 1.42857143;
color: #333;word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: rgb(203, 219, 248);border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 4px;>',circRNA_Sequence,'</pre></p>'))
output$Predicted_Genomic_Junction_Sequence <- renderUI ({
FSJ_info <- Ularcirc_data$SelectedGenome_FSJ
strandDonor <- "+"
if (length(FSJ_info$Strand) > 0)
{ if (FSJ_info$Strand == 1)
{ strandDonor <- "-" }
Canonical_Junc_Entry <- data.frame(chromDonor=as.character(FSJ_info$Chr),
type="c" )
Genomic_FSJ_Sequence <- Grab_BS_Junc_Sequence(Canonical_Junc_Entry, GeneList = GeneList())
Genomic_FSJ_Sequence <- HTML(paste('<p><strong>Predicted Genomic FSJ SEQUENCE: </strong></p> <p>
<pre style=display: block;padding: 9.5px;margin: 0 0 10px;font-size: 13px;line-height: 1.42857143;
color: #333;word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: rgb(203, 219, 248);border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 4px;>',Genomic_FSJ_Sequence,'</pre></p>'))
# Following observeEvent is not active.
Fastq_Generate <- observeEvent(input$PE_Fastq_Request, #eventReactive(input$Update_Genome_Position,
{ # This prepares a list of genome coordinates as submitted by user
circRNA_Sequence <- Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence(circRNA_exons = Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons, genelist = GeneList())
circ_length <- nchar(circRNA_Sequence)
circRNA_Sequence <- paste(circRNA_Sequence, circRNA_Sequence, sep = "")
FragmentLength <- input$FragSize # 300
ReadLength <- input$ReadLength # 100
if (FragmentLength < ReadLength)
{ FragmentLength <- ReadLength + 1 }
if (circ_length > 350)
{ # First generate 3 x Type III reads. Back splice junction will be kept within 20nt from any read end
Read_One <- {}; Read_Two <- {};
typeII_III_IV_Offset <- c(280, 180, 80) # These are the offset to generate the appropriate alignment types. Assuming fragment size of 300
typeII_III_IV_Offset <- c(FragmentLength-20, FragmentLength-ReadLength-80, ReadLength-20)
TypeIV_Label <- c("TypeIV_80","TypeIV_60", "TypeIV_40","TypeIV_20")
if (typeII_III_IV_Offset[2] < ReadLength) # May get a situation where type IV reads cannot be made. Just set to zero.
typeII_III_IV_Offset[2] <- 0
TypeIV_Label <- paste(TypeIV_Label,"FAIL",sep="_")
for (j in 1:3)
{ start_pos <- circ_length - as.numeric(typeII_III_IV_Offset[j])
for (i in 1:4)
{ if ((j == 2) && ( (typeII_III_IV_Offset[j] + 20 * (i-1)) > (FragmentLength-ReadLength) )) # See if type IV reads turn into type III reads
{ TypeIV_Label[i] <- paste(TypeIV_Label[i],"FAIL",sep="_") }
Read_One <- c(Read_One, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos, stop = start_pos + ReadLength))
Read_Two <- c(Read_Two, substr(x = circRNA_Sequence, start = start_pos+FragmentLength-ReadLength, stop = start_pos + FragmentLength))
start_pos <- start_pos + 20
names(Read_One) <- c("TypeIII_80","TypeIII_60", "TypeIII_40","TypeIII_20", TypeIV_Label,"TypeII_80","TypeII_60", "TypeII_40", "TypeII_20")
names(Read_Two) <- c("TypeIII_80","TypeIII_60", "TypeIII_40","TypeIII_20", TypeIV_Label,"TypeII_80","TypeII_60", "TypeII_40", "TypeII_20")
Read_One <- DNAStringSet(x=Read_One)
Read_Two <- reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(x=Read_Two))
# browser()
a<- "You now have the chance to save this output"
a<- "quick before it is too late"
# writeXStringSet( Read_One,"test_R1.fastq.gz",compress = TRUE, format="fastq")
# writeXStringSet( Read_Two,"test_R2.fastq.gz",compress = TRUE, format="fastq")
output$DisplayBS_sequence_details <- renderUI ({
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction))
{ return(NULL) }
withProgress(message="BE PATIENT: Assembling backsplice junction information", value=0, {
UniqueJunctions <- Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData
toDisplay <- "No entries, check input junction"
# if (nrow(UniqueJunctions) > 1)
# {
if (length(Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table) > 0)
GeneName <- Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table # Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene
else # Entry has not been annotated with gene name yet
{ GeneName <- Annotate_BS_Junc(DataSet=UniqueJunctions, GeneList = GeneList(), MaxDisplay = 1, input$LibraryStrandType, input=input)
GeneName <- GeneName$Gene[1] # Grab gene name
JuncType <- 'backsplice'
idx <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles)
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Extracting annotation data"))
# Calling Prepare_Gene_Object will get all data in correct format for Gene_Transcript_Features
# BS_Junctions <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions
PGO<-Prepare_Gene_Object(GeneName, BS_Junctions = NULL,GeneList= GeneList(), File_idx = idx,
Canonical_Junctions = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData)
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Extracting junction data on parental gene"))
GeneFeatures <- Gene_Transcript_Features(GeneList=GeneList(), Gene_Symbol=GeneName, GeneObject=PGO)
BS_Junc_idx <- {}
# if (length(PGO$Junctions) == 4) # Should be a list with four dataframe entries
# { BS_Junc_idx <- which(PGO$Junctions$uniques.bed$name==Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction) }
# if ( (length(PGO$Junctions) != 4) || (length(BS_Junc_idx) == 0)) # No BSJ recovered. Attempt a direct retrieval
# { PGO$Junctions <- BS_Junctions[BSjuncName == Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction,]
#& DataSet == idx
## Need to flag that I have pooled counts for ALL samples.
# }
BS_Junc_Count <- Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_GeneCount
# BS_Junc_Count <- dim(UniqueJunctions)[2]
# BS_Junc_Count <- PGO$Junctions$uniques.bed$score[BS_Junc_idx]
BS_junc_proportion <- BS_Junc_Count/GeneFeatures$Av_junc_count
Abundant_BS_alert <- c('')
### Identify which exons are included within circRNA
Exons_tmp <- {}
startDonor <- as.numeric(UniqueJunctions[1,.(startDonor)])
startAcceptor <- as.numeric(UniqueJunctions[1,.(startAcceptor)])
if (input$BSJ_data_source != "STAR") # circExplorer and CIRI
BSJ_coords <- as.numeric(unlist(gsubfn::strapply(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction, "[0-9]+")))
startDonor <- BSJ_coords[2]
startAcceptor <- BSJ_coords[3]
if (PGO$Transcript$strand[1] == 0)
startDonor <- BSJ_coords[3]
startAcceptor <- BSJ_coords[2]
if ( ((PGO$Transcript$strand[1] == 1) && (input$LibraryStrandType == "Opposing strand")) # Positive strand. opposing strand library This is Illumina Tru seq
|| ((PGO$Transcript$strand[1] == 0) && (input$LibraryStrandType == "Same Strand")) ) # Negative strand same strand library.
{ # negative strand genes
Exons_tmp <- PGO$Transcript[stop > startDonor & start < startAcceptor,]
true_candidates_stop <- which(abs(Exons_tmp$start - startDonor) == 1)
true_candidates_start <- which(abs(Exons_tmp$stop - startAcceptor) == 1)
else if (input$LibraryStrandType != "Unstranded") # positive strand genes
{ Exons_tmp <- PGO$Transcript[stop < startDonor & start > startAcceptor,]
true_candidates_stop <- which(abs(Exons_tmp$stop - startDonor) == 1)
true_candidates_start <- which(abs(Exons_tmp$start - startAcceptor) == 1)
# browser()
## Occasionally may have a transcript that has multiple exons within circRNA boundaries but
## no exon that finishes at BSJ. We want to get rid of these.
## Working example is PTK2, transcript "7894".
true_candidate_IDs <- intersect(Exons_tmp$gene[true_candidates_start], Exons_tmp$gene[true_candidates_stop])
tmp_idx <- Exons_tmp$gene %in% true_candidate_IDs
Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons <- Exons_tmp[tmp_idx,]
incProgress(1/3, detail = paste("Extracting genomic sequence"))
### Now to work out maximum length by sifting through tx entries and adding up exon lengths
circRNA_exon_lengths <-by(Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons,Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons$gene,identity ) # This makes a list of all transcripts
circRNA_Size <- max(range(lapply(X = circRNA_exon_lengths,FUN = function(x) { return(abs(sum(x$start-x$stop)))}))) +1
if ((!$Av_junc_count)) && (length(BS_junc_proportion) > 0))
{ if (BS_junc_proportion > 0.1)
Abundant_BS_alert <- c(' (ABUNDANT circRNA relative to parental transcript)')
toDisplay <- HTML(paste('<p><strong>JUNCTION: </strong>',Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction,'</p>',
'<p><strong>JUNCTION TYPE: </strong>',JuncType,'</p>',
'<p ><pre style=display: block;padding: 9.5px;margin: 0 0 10px;font-size: 13px;line-height: 1.42857143;
color: #333;word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word;
background-color: rgb(203, 219, 248);border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 4px;>
<strong>PARENTAL GENE: </strong>',GeneName,'<br>',
'<strong>Number of transcript isoforms:</strong>',length(GeneFeatures$Num_Exons_Per_Transcript),'<br>',
'<strong>Avg linear junction count:</strong>',round(GeneFeatures$Av_junc_count,2),'</pre></p>',
'<p><strong>Backsplice junction count:</strong>',BS_Junc_Count,' <span style="color:red;"> ', Abundant_BS_alert,'</span></p>',
'<p><strong>Type II vs Type III reads:</strong>',round(Ularcirc_data$BSJ_TypeI_vs_TypeII_Ratio,1),'</p>',
'<p><strong>CircRNA length:</strong>',circRNA_Size, '</p>'))
# } # if (nrow(UniqueJunctions) > 1)
}) # withProgress
output$Plot_RAD_Histogram <- renderPlot({
2,2,2, # canonical junctions
1,1,1 # Transcripts
), 2, 3, byrow = TRUE)) # 2 rows, three columns. First seg | Second Seg | total length
RAD_data_set <- Fragment_Alignment_Distribution(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData)
a <- 1
a<- 1
hist(RAD_data_set$FirstSeg_position,breaks = 50,main = "First Segment distribution")
hist(RAD_data_set$SecondSeg_position,breaks = 50, main="Second segment distribution")
# Would like a third histogram to show length distribution
miR_Target_Details <- reactive({
BS <- update_miRNA_Sites()
Binding_Sites <- BS$Binding_Sites
circRNA_Sequence <- BS$circRNA_Sequence
{ Explanation <- paste("0 miRNA sites (seed = ",input$miRNA_Seed_Length,")")
Binding_Sites$SeedMatchResult <- lapply(Binding_Sites$SeedMatchResult, FUN= function(x) {
if (length(x) >= as.numeric(input$miRNA_Multiples)) return(x) })
## which(oligonucleotideFrequency(x = slc8a1,width = 6) == 7)
Binding_Report <- unlist(Binding_Sites$SeedMatchResult)
Binding_Report <- Binding_Report[Binding_Report > 0]
if (length(Binding_Report) == 0)
Explanation <- paste("0 miRNA sites (multiple = ",input$miRNA_Multiples,")")
names(Binding_Report) <- substr(names(Binding_Report),1,as.numeric(input$miRNA_Seed_Length))
# Extract IDs
miR_ID_idx <- list()
miR_IDs <- list()
df_for_display <- data.frame(ID={}, seed={}, position={})
for(i in 1:length(Binding_Report))
{ miR_ID_idx[[i]] <- which(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup == names(Binding_Report)[i])
miR_IDs[[i]] <- row.names(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup)[miR_ID_idx[[i]]]
# rbind(seed=names(Binding_Report)[i],
oneRow <- cbind(ID=paste(row.names(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup)[miR_ID_idx[[i]]], collapse=","),
seed=names(Binding_Report)[i], position = Binding_Report[i])
df_for_display <- rbind(df_for_display, oneRow)
Ularcirc_data$selected_circRNA_stats$miRNA_BS_Sites <- df_for_display
# Calculate positions to draw in circle
miR_positions <- round(Binding_Report/nchar(as.character(circRNA_Sequence)) *360,0) # Coordinates
miR_length <- round(25/nchar(as.character(circRNA_Sequence)) *360,0)
return(list(miR_positions= miR_positions, miR_length=miR_length, miR_IDs=miR_IDs))
output$miRNA_Options <- renderUI({
w <- paste(selectizeInput("miRNA_Seed_Length",label="miRNA seed length",choices = 6:10, selected=7))
w<- paste(w, selectizeInput("miRNA_Multiples",
label="Display only those miRNA that have the following minimum number of binding sites",
choices = 1:15, selected=2))
w <- paste(w,radioButtons("DisplaySelected_miRs",label="Display all or miRNAs from table below",
choices = c("All","Selected"), selected=c("All")))
update_miRNA_Sites <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$miRNA_Seed_Length) || is.null(input$DisplaySelected_miRs))
{ return(NULL) }
selected_miRs <- NULL
if (input$DisplaySelected_miRs != "All")
withProgress(message="Processing miRNA sites. Please be patient", value=0, {
incProgress(1/2, detail = paste("Analysing circRNA sequence"))
circRNA_Sequence <- Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence(circRNA_exons = Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons, genelist = GeneList())
incProgress(1/2, detail = paste("Identifying miRNA binding sites"))
Binding_Sites <- miR_binding_site_Analysis(circRNA_Sequence, "hsa",
selected_miRs= selected_miRs) # SeedMatchResult=SeedMatchResult, Total_miR_number=length(allseeds), miR_Seed_Lookup
return(list(circRNA_Sequence=circRNA_Sequence, Binding_Sites=Binding_Sites) )
output$kmer_Options <- renderUI({
w <- paste(selectizeInput("kmer_Length",label="kmer length",choices = 5:12, selected=7))
w<- paste(w, selectizeInput("kmer_display",
label="How many abundant kmers to display",
choices = 1:50, selected=10))
output$circRNA_Sequence_Analysis_miRNA <- renderPlot({
withProgress(message="Preparing plot", value=0, {
incProgress(1/6, detail = paste("Drawing circle"))
temp <- miR_Target_Details()
if (is.null(temp))
{ return(NULL)}
par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 2));
plot(c(1,900), c(1,900), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="");
draw.arc(xc=400,yc=400,r=400,w1=270,w2=630,col="blue", lwd=6) # Draws circRNA
miR_positions <- temp$miR_positions
miR_length <- temp$miR_length
miR_IDs <- temp$miR_IDs
for (i in 1:length(miR_positions))
{ if (miR_positions[i] > -1)
draw.arc(xc=400,yc=400,r=370,w1= miR_positions[i], w2 = miR_positions[i] + miR_length, col = "black",lwd=4, draw_tick=FALSE, Internal_Labels=miR_IDs[[i]][1]) # Draws miRNA binding site
draw.text.w(xc=400,yc=400,r=430, w=270,
n=paste(Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table, " circRNA", sep=""),
col = "blue")
# incProgress(1/6, detail = paste("updating miRNA sites"))
output$circRNA_Sequence_Analysis_ORF <- renderPlot({
if (input$circRNA_Sequence_Analysis == "Open reading frame analysis")
{ # browser()
circRNA_Sequence <- Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence(circRNA_exons = Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons, genelist = GeneList())
tmp <- as.character(circRNA_Sequence)
ORF_lengths <- ''
for (i in 1:3)
concat_circRNA <- DNAString(paste(substr(tmp,i,nchar(tmp)),tmp,sep=""))
concat_circRNA <- translate(concat_circRNA)
ORFs <- gsubfn::strapplyc(as.character(concat_circRNA), pattern="M.*?\\*" )
ORF_lengths <- c(ORF_lengths,unlist(lapply(ORFs[[1]],nchar)))
ORF_lengths <- as.numeric(ORF_lengths)
ORF_lengths <- ORF_lengths[!]
hist_data <- data.frame("50-100nt"= length(which((ORF_lengths > 50) & (ORF_lengths < 100))),
"100-200nt" = length(which((ORF_lengths >= 100) & (ORF_lengths <= 200))),
">200nt" = length(which(ORF_lengths > 200 )) )
# Set up parameters for plotting ORFs
w1 <- 270; # TO DO: change this to reflect correct starting position
w2 <- w1 + ( max(ORF_lengths)* 3/ nchar(as.character(circRNA_Sequence)) * 360)
r <- 400
par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 2));
plot(c(1,900), c(1,900), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="");
draw.arc(xc=400,yc=400,r=400,w1=270,w2=630,col="blue", lwd=6) # Draws circRNA
draw.arc(xc=400,yc=400,r=370,w1=270, w2 = w2 ,col = "black",lwd=4, draw_tick=TRUE) # Draws largest ORF
draw.text.w(xc=400,yc=400,r=430, w=270, n=paste(Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table, " circRNA", sep=""), col = "blue")
text(350,400, labels=paste("Largest ORF is ", max(ORF_lengths)," amino acids"))
#barplot(as.matrix(hist_data), xlab="ORF length", ylab="Number", main= paste(Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table, " circRNA", sep=""))
# Need to extract circRNA sequence
# Then perform either miRNA or ORF analysis and prepare circos plot
output$circRNA_Sequence_Analysis_Table <- renderDataTable({
# browser()
df <- Ularcirc_data$selected_circRNA_stats$miRNA_BS_Sites
if (is.null(df))
df_group <- group_by(df, seed)
df_to_display <- summarise(df_group, binding_sites= length(position), position=paste(position, collapse = ","), ID=unique(ID))
output$kmer_Analysis_Table <- renderDataTable({
if (is.null(input$kmer_Length))
return (NULL)
circRNA_Sequence <- Predicted_CircRNA_Sequence(circRNA_exons = Ularcirc_data$circRNA_exons, genelist = GeneList())
oligo_freq <- Biostrings::oligonucleotideFrequency(x=circRNA_Sequence, width = as.numeric(input$kmer_Length))
oligo_freq <- sort(oligo_freq, decreasing=TRUE)[1:input$kmer_display]
to_display <- data.frame(seq=names(oligo_freq), count=oligo_freq)
to_display$miRNA_binding_site <- ''
to_display$miRNA_partial_seq <- ''
# to_display$seed <- 'No'
withProgress(message="Annotating kmers. Be patient", value=0, {
rowNumber <- nrow(to_display)
# loop through table and annotate
for(i in 1: rowNumber)
{ incProgress(1/rowNumber, detail = paste("Annotating row ",i))
Sequence_to_examine <- DNAString(as.character(to_display[i,1]))
# look for miRNA seed (reverse complement)
Binding_Sites <- miR_binding_site_Analysis(Sequence_to_examine, 'hsa', seed_length=6, seed_offset=1, selected_miRs = NULL, rev_comp = TRUE)
Binding_Report <- unlist(Binding_Sites$SeedMatchResult)
Binding_Report <- Binding_Report[Binding_Report > 0]
if (length(Binding_Report) > 0)
{ bs_idx <- which(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup == names(Binding_Report)[1])
miR_ID <- row.names(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup)[bs_idx]
to_display$miRNA_binding_site[i] <- miR_ID[1]
# look for miRNA seed (same sequence)
Binding_Sites <- miR_binding_site_Analysis(Sequence_to_examine, 'hsa', seed_length=6, seed_offset=1, selected_miRs = NULL, rev_comp = FALSE)
Binding_Report <- unlist(Binding_Sites$SeedMatchResult)
Binding_Report <- Binding_Report[Binding_Report > 0]
if (length(Binding_Report) > 0)
{ bs_idx <- which(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup == names(Binding_Report)[1])
miR_ID <- row.names(Binding_Sites$miR_Seed_Lookup)[bs_idx]
to_display$miRNA_partial_seq[i] <- miR_ID[1]
} # for(i in 1: nrow(to_display))
}) # withProgress(message="Annotating kmers. Be patient",
Genome_Coords <- observeEvent(input$Update_Genome_Position, #eventReactive(input$Update_Genome_Position,
{ # This prepares a list of genome coordinates as submitted by user
Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates <- list(chrom=input$GenomeChrom_Input, chromstart=input$GenomeStart_Input,
chromend=input$GenomeEnd_Input, chromstrand=input$GenomeStrand_Input)
Previous_m379 <- observeEvent(input$LoadProjectRequest,
{ LoadStatus <- c("No project to load")
withProgress(message="Loading project data. Be patient", value=0, {
incProgress(1/2, detail = paste("Warning:: status bar cannot increment"))
if (exists("ProjectGroupings")) # Remove existing project Grouping before loading in new data
{ remove(ProjectGroupings) }
if (exists("meta_data"))
{ remove(meta_data)}
# extdata_path <- DataPath() # function from Global.R
ProjectFileName <- paste(extdata_path,"/",input$LoadExistingProject, ".RData", sep="")
load( file= ProjectFileName) # This will load object called DataSet
incProgress(1/2, detail = paste("Done !! "))
Ularcirc_data$ProjectData <- DataSet
if (exists("ProjectGroupings"))
{ Groupings$SampleNames <<- ProjectGroupings }
FileTypeCounts$STAR_BSJ <<- length(table(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions$DataSet))
FileTypeCounts$STAR_FSJ <<- length(table(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData$DataSet))
FileTypeCounts$CE2 <<- length(table(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CE2_data$DataSet))
FileTypeCounts$CIRI <<- length(table(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_BSJ_output$CIRI2_data$DataSet))
FileTypeCounts$REGTOOLS <<- length(table(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ext_FSJ_output$regtools$DataSet))
Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$ProjectFileName <- ProjectFileName # Record the filename of the project in case need to update and re-save
# Display notes on current project that will help remind them of the setting to use with this data set
if (exists("meta_data"))
{ blurb <- paste("<b>Project name:</b> ", ProjectFileName, "<br/>", sep="")
blurb <- paste(blurb, "<b>TxDb:</b> ", meta_data$ProjectSpecies , "<br/>", sep="")
blurb <- paste(blurb, "<b>Library type:</b> ",meta_data$LibraryStrandType, "<br/>", sep="")
DetectedData <- paste(names(which(FileTypeCounts > 0)),":", FileTypeCounts[which(FileTypeCounts > 0)], collapse="<br/>")
blurb <- paste(blurb,"<b>Data sets</b><br/>", DetectedData, "<br/>")
ProjNotes <- gsub(pattern = "\n",replacement = "<br/>",x = meta_data$ProjectNotes)
blurb <- HTML(paste(blurb, "<b>Additional notes:</b><br/> ",ProjNotes, "<br/>", sep=""))
showModal(modalDialog(title="Associated meta data",blurb,easyClose=TRUE,footer=NULL))
}) # withProgress
ntext <- eventReactive(input$SaveProjectRequest, {
# Need to do following:
# - to confirm overwriting of existing project
# - amount of file space available/used
# - Update the "load" list to see project just saved
SaveStatus <- c("No file name provided cannot save")
if (length(input$NewProject_Filename) > 0)
# extdata_path <- as.character(DataPath()) # DataPath function is in Global.R
ProjectFileName <- paste(extdata_path,"/",input$NewProject_Filename, ".RData", sep="")
if (file.exists(ProjectFileName))
{ SaveStatus <- paste("Project already exists, please modify filename")}
{ withProgress(message="Saving project data, please wait..", value=0, {
SaveStatus <- paste("Project saved as", ProjectFileName, sep= " ")
DataSet <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData
meta_data <- list()
ProjectGroupings <- Groupings$SampleNames
meta_data$ProjectNotes <- input$ProjectNotes
meta_data$ProjectSpecies <- input$Species_Genome # This will provide species name and genome release
meta_data$LibraryStrandType <- input$LibraryStrandType
save(DataSet, ProjectGroupings, meta_data, file= ProjectFileName)
# Below are the objects returned from LoadJunctionData which is what m379 calls.
# return(list(Junctions=AllData, SummarisedData=SummarisedData,
# Original_Junction_Numbers=total_rows, # the number of rows in the last file read. This is pointless if multiple files are read in.
# Original_n_unique_junctions=n_UniqueJunctions, # the number of columns in the last file read. This is pointless if multiple files are read in.
# Original_Postfilt_n_unique_junctions=n_UniqueJunctions_PostFilt, # This is identical to n_UniqueJunctions !! probably can delete.
# DataType = DataType # "Backsplice" or "Canonical" so far
output$Save_Load_Status <- renderText({ntext()})
output$JunctionTableOther <- renderDataTable({
if (! is.null(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData))
dt <- data.table(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData)
datatable(dt, selection='none', options = list(lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 50), pageLength = 5))
output$circRNA_Read_Distribution <- renderPlot(
{ # This produces a static plot of the expected TypeI read to other read types for circRNA
readLength <- 100
Fragment_Length <- 300
circRNA_size_Range <- 300:3000
plot(x = circRNA_size_Range, y=(circRNA_size_Range-Fragment_Length)/circRNA_size_Range*100, xlab="circRNA size", ylab="Proportion of Type I reads (%)", ylim=c(1,100))
output$Predicted_Read_Distribution <- renderDataTable({
TypeI_proportion <- (input$CircRNA_Size - input$FragmentSize)/input$CircRNA_Size
# Scale BSJ input accordingly
ReadNumber <- (input$ReadNumber/(1-TypeI_proportion))
TypeI <- round(TypeI_proportion * ReadNumber, 0)
if (input$ReadType == "Paired")
{ TypeIV <- (input$FragmentSize - (input$ReadLength * 2))/ input$FragmentSize }
{ TypeIV <- (input$FragmentSize - input$ReadLength) /input$FragmentSize }
if (TypeIV < 0) # Read length is greater than fragment length. Therefore entire fragment is covered.
{ TypeIV <- 0 }
Remaining_Reads <- ReadNumber - TypeI
# Now work out where these reads would be discovered
TypeIV <- round(TypeIV * Remaining_Reads, 0)
Remaining_Reads <- Remaining_Reads - TypeIV
TypeII <- round(Remaining_Reads/2,0)
TypeIII <- TypeII
# toDisplay <- HTML(paste('<p style=color:red><strong>TypeI'
dt<-data.table(TypeI, TypeII, TypeIII, TypeIV)
colnames(dt)[4] <- c('TypeIV*')
row.names(dt) <- c("Number of reads")
datatable(dt, TypeIV,selection='none', options = list(lengthMenu = c(1), pageLength = 1, dom = 't')) %>%
formatStyle('TypeI', color = 'red', backgroundColor = 'orange', fontWeight = 'bold') %>%
formatStyle('TypeIV*', color = 'red', backgroundColor = 'orange', fontWeight = 'bold')
# head(datasetInput(), n = input$obs)
# if (length(circRNA_Subset()[[2]]) == 4)
# { head(circRNA_Subset()[[2]][[1]], n = input$obs) } })
# Set what junctions user wishes to view
JunctionOption <- reactive ({
JO <- 0 # view ALL junctions
JO <- 1 # Backsplice junctions
# if (input$JunctionType == "Backsplice")
# { JO <- 1 }
# if (input$JunctionType == "Alternative Canonical")
# { JO <- 500 }
# output$Gene_transcript_plot <- renderPlot({
# GeneObject <- circRNA_Subset() # Will need to separate gene transcript table from data
# if (length(GeneObject) > 0)
# {
# chrom <- as.character(GeneObject$Transcript[1,.(chrom)])
# chromstart = as.numeric(GeneObject$Transcript[1,.(start)])-15
# chromend = as.numeric(GeneObject$Transcript[nrow(GeneObject$Transcript),.(stop)])+15
# plotGenes(GeneObject$Transcript, chrom, chromstart, chromend, maxrows=50,height=0.4,plotgenetype="box")
# }
# })
toggle(id = "box1", condition = input$DataSourceOptions)
output$DisplayDataSetButtons <- renderUI({
# The following source variables are in correct order
BSJ_sources <- c(CIRI2="CIRI2", CircExplorer2="CircExplorer2", STAR="STAR")
FSJ_sources <- c(STAR="STAR", QORTS="QORTS", Regtools="Regtools")
# Work out what data has been loaded
DataSources_count <- unlist(FileTypeCounts)
availableData <- (DataSources_count > 0)
BSJ_sources <- BSJ_sources[availableData[1:3]]
FSJ_sources <- FSJ_sources[availableData[4:6]]
BSJ_RadioButton <- ''
FSJ_RadioButton <- ''
if (length(BSJ_sources) > 0)
{ BSJ_RadioButton <- HTML(paste(radioButtons("BSJ_data_source", "BSJ data source:", BSJ_sources, inline = TRUE))) }
if (length(FSJ_sources) > 0)
{ FSJ_RadioButton <- HTML(paste(radioButtons("FSJ_data_source", "FSJ data source:", FSJ_sources, inline = TRUE))) }
div(id="DataSource", style="display: inline-block;",
# radioButtons("BSJ_data_source", "BSJ data source:", BSJ_sources, inline = TRUE),
BSJ_RadioButton, FSJ_RadioButton
# radioButtons("FSJ_data_source", "FSJ data source:", FSJ_sources, inline = TRUE)
) # div
## This will draw circRNA and linear junction abundance graphs under Gene_View tab.
output$plotFSJ_BSJ_GeneModel <- renderPlot ({
# If no gene name is selected return null
if ((is.null(Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene))
&& (is.null(input$DisplayJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked))
&& (is.null(input$DisplayGroupJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked)))
{ return(NULL)}
if (! Ularcirc_data$GenePanelLoaded)
{ return(NULL) }
circs <- circRNA_Subset()
if (is.null(circs)) # This will return NULL if no gene model database is loaded
{ plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann = F, bty = 'n', type = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, paste("No gene model loaded.\n Please go to setup tab and load required organism database"),
cex = 1.6, col = "black")
return (NULL) }
cat(paste("\nStarting to renter transcript plot", date()))
3,3,3, ## backsplice junctions
2,2,2, # canonical junctions
1,1,1 # Transcripts
# 5,6,7), 5, 3, byrow = TRUE)) # 4 rows of figures, first two rows contain one major image, while third and final row contains three items (will fill two using zoom feature of sushi)
), 4, 3, byrow = TRUE)) # 4 rows, three columns
Zoom_coords <- View_Gene_At_Coords()
DTE <- Draw_Transcript_Exons(circs, JunctionOption(), Zoom_coords,
Junction_highlight=list(BSjunc=Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction, Canonical = Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical),
cat(paste("\n-Completed rendering transcript plot", date()))
## This will draw circRNA and linear junction abundance graphs on user defined genome coordinates
output$genomePlot <- renderPlot ({
g<- genes(GeneList()$transcript_reference)
inverse <- gaps(g)
FSJ <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData,seqnames.field = "chrom",start.field = "start", end.field = "end", keep.extra.columns = TRUE )
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chrom))
{ return(NULL) }
idx <- seq(from=1, to = length(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs)) # m379()$SampleIDs)) # Default is to select everything. PROBABLY BETTER TO RETURN A NULL IF NO DATA SELECTED AND DEAL WITH THIS ELSEWHERE??
if (! is.null(input$SelectedFiles))
{ idx <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles) }
cat(paste("\nStarting to render GENOME plot", date()))
3,3,3, ## backsplice junctions
2,2,2, # canonical junctions
1,1,1 # Transcripts
), 4, 3, byrow = TRUE)) # 4 rows, three columns
# Zoom_coords <- View_Gene_At_Coords()
strand <- 1 # +ve strand
if (Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromstrand == "-")
strand <- 2
BS_Junctions <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions
BS_Junctions <- circJunctions(BS_Junctions ,Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chrom,
Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromstart, Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromend,fileID=idx)
Canonical_Junctions <- Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Canonical_AllData
Canonical_Junctions = Canonical_Junctions[chrom == Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chrom &
start > as.numeric(Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromstart) &
end < as.numeric(Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromend) &
strand == strand & DataSet==idx,]
Ularcirc_data$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable <- Canonical_Junctions # Save data in case want to display
if (strand == 2) { strand <- -1 } # Re-format strand for Transcript object
Transcript <- data.table(chrom=Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chrom ,
start=Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromstart ,
stop=Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates$chromend,gene ="" ,score=0,
strand=strand , type='exon')
GeneObject <- list(Transcript= Transcript, Junctions = BS_Junctions, Transcript_Canonical_juncs = Canonical_Junctions)
DTE <- Draw_Transcript_Exons(GeneObject, JunctionOption(), Zoom_coords=NULL, GenomeDisplay=TRUE,
Genome_Coords=Ularcirc_data$Genome_Coordinates, currentGeneSymbol=Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene)
cat(paste("\n-Completed rendering genome plot", date()))
output$Display_Gene_Zoom_Coords <- renderUI ({
# Draw slider input to define regions to display
Gene_Transcripts = circRNA_Subset()
if (is.null(Gene_Transcripts))
{ Gene_min <- min(Gene_Transcripts$Transcript$start)
Gene_max <- max(Gene_Transcripts$Transcript$stop)
HTML(paste(sliderInput("Gene_Zoom", "Define region within gene to view:",min = Gene_min-zoomOffset, max = Gene_max+zoomOffset, value = c(Gene_min-15,Gene_max+15)),
actionButton("Navigate_Around_Gene","Update")) )
output$DisplayGroupings <- renderUI ({ # This displays group IDs and asigned sample IDs
if (is.null(input$Number_BiologicalSamples))
{ return() }
SampleIDs <- {}
w <- ""
# w <- paste(w,selectizeInput("AssignedGroupID",label="Assign checked samples to group:",choices = SampleIDs))
# w <- paste(w, actionButton(inputId = "AssignToGroup",label = "Assign"))
# w <- paste(w,selectInput("AllGroups","List of all groups",choices=allGroupNames,multiple=FALSE,selectize=FALSE,size=length(allGroupNames)))
currentSelectedList <- input$AllGroups
idx <- which(names(Groupings$SampleNames) == currentSelectedList)
AssignedMessage<- paste("Sample assigned", names(Groupings$SampleNames)[idx])
AssignedSampleIds <- ''
if (length(idx) > 0)
{ AssignedSampleIds <- Groupings$SampleNames[[idx]] }
w <- paste(w, fluidRow( column(6,
actionButton(inputId = "RemoveFromGroup",label = "Unassign Selected")),
selectInput("NotAssignedToAnyGroup","List of unassigned samples",choices=Groupings$Unassigned,
actionButton(inputId = "AddToGroup",label = "Assign Selected"))
) #fluidRow(
output$DisplayGroupNames <- renderUI ({ # This prepares group IDs for sidebar, accessed in UI.R
# if (is.null(input$Number_BiologicalSamples))
# { return() }
GroupNumber <- length(Groupings$SampleNames)
if (GroupNumber == 0) # No Data has been loaded yet
w <- paste( sliderInput("Number_BiologicalSamples",
"Number of samples:",
min = GroupNumber, max = GroupNumber, value = GroupNumber))
SampleIDs <- seq(from=1, to=GroupNumber, by=1)
# for(i in 1:input$Number_BiologicalSamples)
allGroupNames <- {}
for(i in 1:GroupNumber)
{ #inputId, label, value
groupIDs <- paste("Group",SampleIDs[i],sep = "_")
allGroupNames <- c(allGroupNames, groupIDs)
w <- paste(w,selectInput("AllGroups","List of all groups",choices=allGroupNames,multiple=FALSE,selectize=FALSE,size=length(allGroupNames)))
w <- paste(w,actionButton("AddNewSampleGroup","Add group"))
w <- paste(w,actionButton("RemoveSampleGroup","Remove group"))
output$Display_Species_Options <- renderUI ({ # This prepares species annotation and genome selection options, accessed in UI.R
if (is.null(input$Annotation_lib))
{ return() }
# First check not running in un-annotated mode
if (input$Annotation_lib == "NO_ANNOTATION")
w <- paste(selectizeInput("Species_Genome",label="Genome release",choices = "No_Annotation", selected="No_Annotation"))
w <- paste(p('Operating Ularcirc without annotation. To change this ensure you have downloaded the appropriate databases and selected them in above pulldown menu'))
{ # Need to keep species initials: eg to Hs
withProgress(message="Searching and populating installed compatible annotation libraries.", value=0, {
Species_Initials <- gsub(pattern = ".eg.db", replacement = "" ,x = gsub(pattern = "org.", replacement = "", x = input$Annotation_lib))
Species_Genome <- List_Species_Files$GenomeOptions[grep(pattern = Species_Initials, x = List_Species_Files$GenomeOptions)]
w <- ""
w <- paste(w,selectizeInput("Species_Genome",label="Genome release",choices = Species_Genome, selected=Species_Genome[1]))
}) # withProgress
output$Display_Txdb_Options <- renderUI ({ # This prepares transcriptome options which are dependent on Display_Species_Options, accessed in UI.R
if (is.null(input$Species_Genome) || (input$Annotation_lib == "NO_ANNOTATION"))
{ return() }
# Need to keep species Genome information: eg HSapiens.UCSC.Hg38 to Hg38
Species_Genome <- strsplit(input$Species_Genome, split = "\\.")[[1]]
Species_Genome <- Species_Genome[length(Species_Genome)]
Species_Transcripts <- List_Species_Files$TxDbOptions[grep(pattern = Species_Genome, x = names(List_Species_Files$TxDbOptions))]
w <- paste(selectizeInput("TxDb",label="Transcriptome database",choices = Species_Transcripts, selected=Species_Transcripts[1]))
w <- paste(w, actionButton("LoadTxDb","LOAD TRANSCRIPT DATABASE"))
observeEvent(input$AddNewSampleGroup, {
a <- length(Groupings$SampleNames) + 1
Groupings$SampleNames[[a]] <- ''
names(Groupings$SampleNames)[a] <- paste("Group_",a,sep="")
groupID <- input$AllGroups
sampleID <- input$NotAssignedToAnyGroup
if ((is.null(sampleID)) || (sampleID ==""))
# Add to group
group_idx <- which(names(Groupings$SampleNames) == groupID)
Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]] <- c(Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]], sampleID)
blank_idx <- which(Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]] == "")
if (length(blank_idx))
{ # remove blanks
Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]] <- Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]][blank_idx * -1]
# Remove from unassigned
sample_idx <- which(Groupings$Unassigned == sampleID)
Groupings$Unassigned <- Groupings$Unassigned[sample_idx * -1]
observeEvent(input$RemoveSampleGroup, { # This removes a complete group
GroupToRemove <- input$AllGroups
a <- which(names(Groupings$SampleNames) == GroupToRemove)
# Remove group and then re-name all groups
if (Groupings$SampleNames[[a]] != "")
{ Groupings$Unassigned <- c(Groupings$Unassigned, Groupings$SampleNames[[a]]) }
Groupings$SampleNames <- Groupings$SampleNames[a * -1 ]
# Need to record a blank character which is checked in function Assemble_ExternalDataSet.
for (i in 1: length(Groupings$SampleNames))
{ names(Groupings$SampleNames)[i] <- paste("Group_",i, sep="")
observeEvent(input$RemoveFromGroup, { # This removes a sample from a group
sampleID <- input$AssignedToThisGroupList
groupID <- input$AllGroups
group_idx <- which(names(Groupings$SampleNames) == groupID)
sample_idx <- which(Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]] == sampleID)
Groupings$Unassigned <- c(Groupings$Unassigned, Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]][sample_idx ])
Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]] <- Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]][sample_idx * -1 ]
if (length(Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]]) == 0)
{ Groupings$SampleNames[[group_idx]] <- '' }
CreateBiologicalGroupings <- #observeEvent(Groupings, { #
reactive( { ## This code will assemble list of samples
# browser()
inFile = Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs
Existing_Group_number <- length(Groupings$SampleNames)
# Following if statements look after group size changes
if ((is.null(input$Number_BiologicalSamples)) || (is.null(inFile)))
{ return() }
# if (Existing_Group_number > input$Number_BiologicalSamples) # Make sure any entries in groups that are to be trimmed are assigned elsewhere
# {
# for(i in Existing_Group_number:(input$Number_BiologicalSamples+1))
# { Groupings$SampleNames[[i]] <<- c(Groupings$SampleNames[[1]], Groupings$SampleNames[[i]]) # Copy samples from list that is about to be deleted
# Groupings$SampleNames[i] <<- NULL
# }
# }
# if (Existing_Group_number < input$Number_BiologicalSamples) # Add extra group(s)
# {
# SampleIDs <- {} # input$groupIDs[Existing_Group_number:input$Number_BiologicalSamples]
# if (Existing_Group_number==0)
# { Existing_Group_number <- 1 }
# GroupLookupIDs <- paste("Group",seq(from=Existing_Group_number, to=input$Number_BiologicalSamples, by=1),sep="_") # Create unique numeric group IDs
# input_names <- names(input)[which(names(input)== GroupLookupIDs)] # Indexes to group
# if (length(input_names) == 0) # This will catch if group names are not assigned in "input" yet.
# { SampleIDs <- GroupLookupIDs }
# else
# { for (i in 1:length(input_names))
# { SampleIDs<- c(SampleIDs, input[[ input_names[i] ]]) }
# }
# Groupings$SampleNames <- c(Groupings$SampleNames, vector("list",(input$Number_BiologicalSamples-Existing_Group_number))) # Add some blank list elements
# if (length(SampleIDs) == length(Groupings$SampleNames))
# { names(Groupings$SampleNames) <<- SampleIDs }
# }
# Following if statements look after re-assignment of samples to groups
if (input$Number_BiologicalSamples == 1)
{ Groupings$SampleNames[[1]] <<- inFile
names(Groupings$SampleNames) <<- input$Group_1
} # Assign all samples to group 1 as only 1 group
else if (! is.null(input$groupIDs))
{ if ( input$AssignToGroup ) # If Assign to group action Button has been pressed start reassignment
{ #browser()
Samples_to_Reassign <- input$SamplesAssignedToGroup
GroupID <- input$AssignedGroupID
AllGroupIDs <- input$groupIDs
if (length(AllGroupIDs) == 0)
{ AllGroupIDs <- paste("Group",seq(from=1, to=input$Number_BiologicalSamples, by=1), sep="_") }
GroupIdx <- which(GroupID == AllGroupIDs)
RemoveEntry<- function(X, SampleIDs) # This function will be used to remove entries that are about to be reassigned
if (length(SampleIDs) > 0)
{ for(i in 1:length(SampleIDs))
{ SampleIdx <- which(X == SampleIDs[i])
if (length(SampleIdx) > 0)
{ X <- X[SampleIdx* -1] }
Groupings$SampleNames <- lapply(Groupings$SampleNames, FUN=RemoveEntry, Samples_to_Reassign)
Groupings$SampleNames[[GroupIdx]] <<- c(Groupings$SampleNames[[GroupIdx]],Samples_to_Reassign)
if (length(Groupings$SampleNames) == input$Number_BiologicalSamples)
if (! is.null(input$groupIDs))
{ names(Groupings$SampleNames) <<- input$groupIDs }
{ # Following if statement is a hack to correct "Groupings" list names. Have yet to identify how list names are not being generated.
if ((length(which(Groupings$SampleNames=="")) > 0) && (length(Groupings$SampleNames) == input$Number_BiologicalSamples))
names(Groupings$SampleNames) <- paste("Group",seq(from=1, to=input$Number_BiologicalSamples, by=1), sep="_")
return(Groupings$SampleNames) # The list that assigns all samples to a group ID
return (NULL)
View_Gene_At_Coords <- eventReactive({ # This code is executed when navigate submit button is pressed
}, {
# First check if new gene was selected. IF so update genomic coordinates
Gene_Transcripts = circRNA_Subset()
if (is.null(Gene_Transcripts))
{ return(NULL) }
Gene_min <- min(Gene_Transcripts$Transcript$start) -501
Gene_max <- max(Gene_Transcripts$Transcript$stop) + 501
Gene_Coords <- as.numeric(c(Gene_min, Gene_max))
if (! is.null(input$Gene_Zoom))
{ # This check just ensures zoom coordinates are applied at right time.
if ((input$Gene_Zoom[1] > (Gene_min - zoomOffset)) &&
(input$Gene_Zoom[1] < (Gene_max + zoomOffset)) &&
(input$Gene_Zoom[2] > (Gene_min - zoomOffset)) &&
(input$Gene_Zoom[2] < (Gene_max + zoomOffset)))
Gene_Coords <- input$Gene_Zoom # Navigate button selected, select user defined coords
}) # This returns user requested coordinates
Selected_Group_Junction_Row <- observeEvent(input$DisplayGroupJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function will identify the selected values from a table row
SelectedRow <- input$DisplayGroupJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW$Gene[SelectedRow]
Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW$Gene[SelectedRow]
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW$BSjuncName[SelectedRow]
Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGeneCount <- Ularcirc_data$PartialDataSet$RAW$Freq[SelectedRow]
updateSelectizeInput(session,inputId="GeneListDisplay", choices=GeneList()$GeneList, selected=Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene, server=TRUE)
Selected_Junction_Row <- observeEvent(input$DisplayJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function will identify the selected values from a table row
SelectedRow <- input$DisplayJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$RAW$Gene[SelectedRow]
Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$RAW$Gene[SelectedRow]
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$RAW$BSjuncName[SelectedRow]
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_GeneCount <- Ularcirc_data$PartialPooledDataSet$RAW$Freq[SelectedRow]
updateSelectizeInput(session,inputId="GeneListDisplay", choices=GeneList()$GeneList, selected=Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene, server=TRUE)
Selected_Junction_Row <- observeEvent(input$Display_externalBSJ_CountTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function will identify the selected values from a table row
SelectedRow <- input$Display_externalBSJ_CountTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CurrentDisplay$Gene[SelectedRow])
Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CurrentDisplay$Gene[SelectedRow])
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CurrentDisplay$BSjuncName[SelectedRow])
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_GeneCount <- as.numeric(as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$CurrentDisplay$Freq[SelectedRow]))
updateSelectizeInput(session,inputId="GeneListDisplay", choices=GeneList()$GeneList, selected=Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene, server=TRUE)
Selected_Junction_Row <- observeEvent(input$Display_externalBSJ_GroupCountTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function will identify the selected values from a table row
SelectedRow <- input$Display_externalBSJ_GroupCountTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CurrentDisplay$Gene[SelectedRow])
Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CurrentDisplay$Gene[SelectedRow])
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CurrentDisplay$BSjuncName[SelectedRow])
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_GeneCount <- as.numeric(as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_GroupedDataSet$CurrentDisplay$Freq[SelectedRow]))
updateSelectizeInput(session,inputId="GeneListDisplay", choices=GeneList()$GeneList, selected=Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene, server=TRUE)
Selected_Table_Row <- observeEvent(input$TranscriptTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function updates what transcript was last selected
SelectedRow <- input$TranscriptTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript <- names(table(circRNA_Subset()$Transcript$gene))[SelectedRow]
Selected_Table_Row <- observeEvent(input$ExonTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function is not functional as yet.... what do I do with selected EXONS?
SelectedRow <- input$ExonTable_row_last_clicked
Row_idx <- which(circRNA_Subset()$Transcript$gene == Ularcirc_data$SelectedTranscript)
# Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Start <- Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable[SelectedRow,.(start)]
# Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$End <- Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable[SelectedRow,.(stop)]
# Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Chr <- Ularcirc_data$CurrentExonTable[SelectedRow,.(chrom)]
Selected_Table_Row <- observeEvent(input$CanonicalJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked,
{ # This function records coordinates of a selected canonical junction so that it can be highlighted.
SelectedRow <- input$CanonicalJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Start <- Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(start)]
Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$End <- Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(end)]
Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Chr <- Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(chrom)]
Ularcirc_data$SelectedCanonical$Strand <- Ularcirc_data$CanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(strand)]
Selected_Table_Row <- observeEvent(input$BS_Junction_Count_Table_row_last_clicked,
{ #browser() # Need to return more data points .. see commented out variables below
SelectedRow <- input$BS_Junction_Count_Table_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction <- Ularcirc_data$BackSpliceJunctionCountTable$name[SelectedRow]
# browser()
SelectedGene_from_BSJ_Table <- Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene # <- as.character(Ularcirc_data$External_BSJ_DataSet$RAW$Gene[SelectedRow])
Selected_Table_Row <- observeEvent(input$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked,
{ SelectedRow <- input$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable_row_last_clicked
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGenome_FSJ$Start <- Ularcirc_data$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(start)]
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGenome_FSJ$End <- Ularcirc_data$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(end)]
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGenome_FSJ$Chr <- Ularcirc_data$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(chrom)]
Ularcirc_data$SelectedGenome_FSJ$Strand <- Ularcirc_data$GenomeCanonicalJunctionCountTable[SelectedRow,.(strand)]
Select_Tab_Update <- observeEvent(input$PanelSelect,
{ # This pre-loads required data when specific panels are selected
if (input$PanelSelect == "Junction_View")
if (is.null(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction))
{ Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData <- data.frame(STATUS="ACTION REQUIRED", ACTION="Select junction from Gene view tab")}
else # Pre-Assemble RAW counts for junction
{ ## Need to filter for selected data set
idx <- seq(from=1, to = length(Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs)) # m379()$SampleIDs)) # Default is to select everything. PROBABLY BETTER TO RETURN A NULL IF NO DATA SELECTED AND DEAL WITH THIS ELSEWHERE??
if (! is.null(input$SelectedFiles))
{ idx <- which( Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles) } #m379()$SampleIDs == input$SelectedFiles) }
if (input$BSJ_data_source == "STAR")
SelectedDataSets_Junctions <- Filter_by_Data_Set(idx , Ularcirc_data$ProjectData$Junctions) # Short list to selected data set
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData <- SelectUniqueJunctions(SelectedDataSets_Junctions,
list(BSjuncName=Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction, SortDir="Descending",
IndexNumber=1, DisplayNumber=5))
# Calculate where BSJ is detected in read. This should be close to 50% for paired end reads, and 0 % for single end reads
temp <- Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData
Ularcirc_data$BSJ_TypeI_vs_TypeII_Ratio <- length(grep(pattern = "M.*M",x = temp$CIGAR_1stSeg))/length(temp$CIGAR_1stSeg)
else # Make a dummy raw BSJ entry for external BSJ software inputs
# Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction == "chr9:110972072-110973559:-"
by_colon <- unlist(strsplit(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction, ":")) # contains strand information
chrom <- unlist(strsplit(by_colon, "_"))[1] # [1] element contains chromosome
aa <- unlist(gsubfn::strapplyc(Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction,"[0-9]+")) # circExplorer ID will
# "chr9 110973559 + chr9 110972072 + 2 2 3 SRR444655.165836 110973528 31M145S 110972073 31S145M chr9_110973559_chr9_110972072 1 bs"
part1 <- c(by_colon[1],aa[2],by_colon[3])
part2 <- c(by_colon[1],aa[3],by_colon[3])
part3 <- c(2,2,3,"dummyID",1,"1S100M",Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction,1,"bs")
Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction_RAWData <- data.table(
chromDonor=part1[1], startDonor=as.numeric(part1[2]), strandDonor=part1[3],
chromAcceptor=part1[1], startAcceptor=as.numeric(part1[2]), strandAceptor=part1[3],
FirstBase_1stSeg=1, CIGAR_1stSeg="50S10M",
FirstBase_2ndSeg=1, CIGAR_2ndSeg="50M10S",
BSjuncName=Ularcirc_data$Current_Selected_BS_Junction, DataSet=1, type="bs")
Ularcirc_data$BSJ_TypeI_vs_TypeII_Ratio <- 5
Selected_Gene_Name <- observeEvent( input$Update_Gene_of_Interest,
{ # This function waits for action button to be pressed from Gene view tab.
# Updates current gene if a new gene is selected from list.
# Also re-setes the flag which indicates page has been built and now allows other reactives to proceed
Ularcirc_data$GenePanelLoaded <- TRUE
Ularcirc_data$Current_SelectedGene <- input$GeneListDisplay
UpdateProjectWD <- observeEvent(input$UpdateProjectWorkingDirectory,
{ # This function will re-write working directory if update button selected
if (dir.exists(input$Project_WD))
extdata_path <- paste("DataPath = ", input$Project_WD, sep="")
Ularcirc_extdata_path <- system.file("extdata",package = "Ularcirc")
New_WD <- c(paste("# Updated ",date()),extdata_path)
write(x = New_WD, file = paste(Ularcirc_extdata_path,"extdata.txt", sep="/"))
showNotification("That is not an existing directory. Please try again", type = "error")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.