#' @title Intersect the windows data frame with an annotation data frame
#' @description Intersect the windows with an annotation data frame to get
#' features that overlap with each window
#' @param windows data frame containing the strand information of the sliding
#' windows. Windows can be obtained using the function \code{getStrandFromBamFile}.
#' @param annotation a Grange object that you want to intersect with your
#' windows. It can have mcols which contains the information or features that
#' could be able to integrate to the input windows
#' @param getFeatureInfo whether to get the information of features in the
#' mcols of annotation data or not.
#' If FALSE the return windows will have an additional column indicating
#' whether a window overlaps with any range of the annotion data.
#' If TRUE the return windows will contain the information of features that
#' overlap each window
#' @param overlapCol the columnn name of the return windows indicating whether
#' a window overlaps with any range of the annotion data.
#' @param mcolsAnnot the column names of the mcols of the annotation data that
#' you want to get information
#' @param collapse character which is used collapse multiple features that
#' overlap with a same window into a string. If missing then we don't
#' collapse them.
#' @param ... used to pass parameters to GenomicRanges::findOverlaps
#' @return the input windows DataFrame with some additional columns
#' @seealso \code{\link{getStrandFromBamFile}}, \code{\link{plotHist}},
#' \code{\link{plotWin}}
#' @examples
#' bamfilein = system.file('extdata','s2.sorted.bam',package = 'strandCheckR')
#' windows <- getStrandFromBamFile(file = bamfilein)
#' #add chr before chromosome names to be consistent with the annotation
#' windows$Seq <- paste0('chr',windows$Seq)
#' library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene)
#' annot <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene)
#' # get the transcript names that overlap with each window
#' windows <- intersectWithFeature(windows,annot,mcolsAnnot='tx_name')
#' # just want to know whether there's any transcript that
#' # overlaps with each window
#' windows <- intersectWithFeature(windows,annot,overlapCol='OverlapTranscript')
#' plotHist(windows,facets = 'OverlapTranscript')
#' plotWin(windows,facets = 'OverlapTranscript')
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges mcols findOverlaps
#' @import TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
intersectWithFeature <- function(
windows, annotation, getFeatureInfo = FALSE, overlapCol = "OverlapFeature",
mcolsAnnot, collapse, ...
# check annotation is a GRanges object
stopifnot(is(annotation, "GRanges"))
# check if windows contains required column
reqWinCols <- c("Seq", "Start", "End")
stopifnot(all(reqWinCols %in% colnames(windows)))
w <- GRanges(
seqnames = windows$Seq,
ranges = IRanges(start = windows$Start, end = windows$End)
if (length(intersect(seqlevels(w), seqlevels(annotation))) == 0) {
message("Windows do not have any sequence in annotation data.")
# check mcolsAnnot parameter
if (!missing(mcolsAnnot)) {
if (length(mcolsAnnot) > 0) {
mcolsAnnot <- intersect(mcolsAnnot, colnames(mcols(annotation)))
if (length(mcolsAnnot) == 0) {
"mcols of annotation does not contain any column ",
paste0(mcolsAnnot, collapse = ",")
getFeatureInfo <- FALSE
} else {
getFeatureInfo <- TRUE
} else {
message("No column specified to get from mcols of annotation.")
getFeatureInfo <- FALSE
# Get overlap between windows and annotation
ol <- findOverlaps(w, annotation, select = "all", ...)
if (!getFeatureInfo) {
windows[[overlapCol]] <- "NotOverlap"
windows[[overlapCol]][as.integer(unique(from(ol)))] <- "Overlap"
} else {
## check collapse
stopifnot(missing(collapse) || is.character(collapse))
## Check mcolsAnnot
if (missing(mcolsAnnot)) {
mcolsAnnot <- mcols(annotation)
featureTo <- mcols(annotation)[to(ol), mcolsAnnot[1]]
splitTo <- split(featureTo, f = from(ol), drop = TRUE)
if (!missing(collapse)) {
splitTo <- vapply(splitTo, function(s) {
paste0(unique(s), collapse = collapse)
}, character(1))
indexFrom <- as.integer(names(splitTo))
windows[[mcolsAnnot[1]]] <- "unknown"
windows[[mcolsAnnot[1]]][indexFrom] <- splitTo
for (i in seq_along(mcolsAnnot)[-1]) {
featureTo <- mcols(annotation)[to(ol), mcolsAnnot[i]]
splitTo <- split(featureTo, f = from(ol))
if (!missing(collapse)) {
splitTo <- vapply(
function(s) {paste0(unique(s), collapse = collapse)},
windows[[mcolsAnnot[i]]] <- "unknown"
windows[[mcolsAnnot[i]]][indexFrom] <- splitTo
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