dot-keptProbaWin: Get the probability of being kept for each window

.keptProbaWinR Documentation

Get the probability of being kept for each window


Calculate the keeping probability of each window based on its positive/negative proportion


.keptProbaWin(winPosAlignments, winNegAlignments, winWidth, winStep,
  threshold, pvalueThreshold, errorRate, mustKeepWin, minCov, maxCov,
  getWin, useCoverage = FALSE)



an object returned by getWinOverlapEachReadFragment for positive reads


an object returned by getWinOverlapEachReadFragment for negative reads


the width of the sliding window, 1000 by default.


the winStep length to sliding the window, 100 by default.


the strand proportion threshold to test whether to keep a window or not.


threshold of p-value


the probability that an RNA read takes the false strand. 0.01 by default


the windows that must be kept regardless their strand proportion


In the case that useCoverage=FALSE, if a window has less than minCov reads, then it will be rejected regardless of the strand proportion. For the case that useCoverage=TRUE, if a window has max coverage least than minCov, then it will be rejected. 0 by default


In the case that useCoverage=FALSE, if a window has more than maxCov reads, then it will be kept regardless of the strand proportion. For the case that useCoverage=TRUE, if a window has max coverage more than maxCov, then it will be kept. If 0 then it doesn't have effect on selecting window. 0 by default.


if TRUE, the function will return a data frame containing the information of all windows. It's FALSE by default.


if TRUE, then the strand information in each window corresponds to the sum of coverage coming from positive/negative reads; and not the number of positive/negative reads as default.


A list of 2 numeric-Rle objects containing keeping probability of each +/- alignments. If getWin=TRUE then the list contains an additional DataFrame for the number of reads and coverage of the input window +/- alignments

UofABioinformaticsHub/rnaCleanR documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 6:36 p.m.