View source: R/getWinOverlapEachReadFragment.R
getWinOverlapEachReadFragment | R Documentation |
Calculate the window ranges that overlap each read fragment
getWinOverlapEachReadFragment(readInfo, strand, winWidth, winStep,
readProp, useCoverage = FALSE, subset = NULL)
readInfo |
a list contains the read information |
strand |
the considering strand |
winWidth |
the width of the sliding window, 1000 by default. |
winStep |
the step length to sliding the window, 100 by default. |
readProp |
a read fragment is considered to be included in a window if
and only if at least |
useCoverage |
either base on coverage or number of reads |
subset |
if we consider only a subset of the input reads |
If useCoverage=FALSE
: an IRanges object which contains the
range of sliding windows that overlap each read fragment.
If useCoverage=TRUE
: a list of two objects, the first one is the
later IRanges object, the second one is an integer-Rle object which contains
the coverage of the input readInfo
file <- system.file('extdata','s2.sorted.bam',package = 'strandCheckR')
readInfo <- scanBam(file, param =
ScanBamParam(what = c("pos","cigar","strand")))
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