####---- Internal functions ----####
## Create a matrix with the following cases for testing CV computation
## - 1 NA -> CV = NA
## - >1 NA -> CV = NA
## - 1 NA and 1 numeric -> CV = NA
## - 1 NA and >1 numeric -> CV = numeric
## - 1 numeric -> CV = NA
## - >1 numeric -> CV = numeric
group <- factor(c(2, rep(1, 2), rep(3, 3)))
m <- matrix(c(1, 1, NA, 1, 2, 3, rep(NA, 4), 2, 3), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(paste0(group, letters[1:6]),
test_that(".rowCV", {
## Take missingness into account
cvs <- .rowCV(m, group, na.rm = TRUE)
expect_true(all([1:2, 1:2])))
## The lines below tests equality instead of identity because of
## precision errors
expect_equal(cvs[3, "A"], sd(m[4:6, "A"]) / mean(m[4:6, "A"]))
expect_equal(cvs[3, "B"], sd(m[4:6, "B"], na.rm = TRUE) /
mean(m[4:6, "B"], na.rm = TRUE))
## Test no ordering
list(as.character(unique(group)), colnames(m)))
## Test ordering
expect_identical(dimnames(.rowCV(m, group, reorder = TRUE)),
list(as.character(sort(unique(group))), colnames(m)))
## Test when na.rm = FALSE
## The output should be the same as above but the last element is NA
expect_identical(c(as.vector(cvs[1:5]), NA),
as.vector(.rowCV(m, group, na.rm = FALSE)))
## When nobs is too large, we expect only NAs
expect_true(all(, group, nobs = 5))))
## Test error: nobs is too small
expect_error(.rowCV(m, group, nobs = 1),
regexp = "No sd can be computed")
test_that("featureCV", {
## Create a SingleCellExperiment
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(m, rowData = DataFrame(group = group))
## No normalization
expect_identical(.rowCV(m, group = group, reorder = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE),
featureCV(x = sce, group = rowData(sce)$group,
norm = "none", na.rm = TRUE))
## With normalization: divide columns by median
expect_identical(.rowCV(sweep(m, 2, colMedians(m, na.rm = TRUE), "/"),
group = group, reorder = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE),
featureCV(x = sce, group = rowData(sce)$group,
norm = "div.median", na.rm = TRUE))
## Double normalization: divide columns by median and divide rows
## by sum
mproc <- sweep(m, 2, colMedians(m, na.rm = TRUE), "/")
mproc <- sweep(mproc, 1, rowSums(mproc, na.rm = TRUE), "/")
expect_identical(.rowCV(mproc, group = group, reorder = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE),
featureCV(x = sce, group = rowData(sce)$group,
norm = c("div.median", "sum"), na.rm = TRUE))
## SCoPE2 normalization: the normalization factor is computed by
## dividing columns by the median and then dividing rows by the mean.
nf <- sweep(m, 2, colMedians(m, na.rm = TRUE), "/")
nf <- rowMeans(nf, na.rm = TRUE)
expect_identical(.rowCV(sweep(m, 1, nf, "/"), group = group,
reorder = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE),
featureCV(x = sce, group = rowData(sce)$group,
norm = "SCoPE2", na.rm = TRUE))
test_that(".getDetectionMatrix", {
expect_error(.getDetectionMatrix(scp1, "peptide"),
regexp = "assay.*is/are not found.*peptide$")
expect_error(.getDetectionMatrix(scp1, c("peptides", "proteins")),
regexp = "You selected multiple assays")
expect_error(.getDetectionMatrix(scp1, 1:2),
regexp = "You selected multiple assays")
expect_error(.getDetectionMatrix(scp1, rep(TRUE, length(scp1))),
regexp = "You selected multiple assays")
x <- .getDetectionMatrix(scp1, "peptides")
expect_identical(dim(scp1[["peptides"]]), dim(x))
expect_identical(dimnames(scp1[["peptides"]]), dimnames(x))
expect_identical(class(x), c("matrix", "array"))
expect_identical(mode(x), "logical")
assay(scp1[["peptides"]])[[["peptides"]]))] <- 0
x2 <- .getDetectionMatrix(scp1, "peptides")
expect_identical(x, x2)
test_that(".computeMissingValueMetrics", {
expNames <- c(
"LocalSensitivityMean", "LocalSensitivitySd", "TotalSensitivity",
"Completeness", "NumberCells"
x <- matrix()
exp <- structure(c(rep(NA, 4), 1), names = expNames)
expect_identical(.computeMissingValueMetrics(x), exp)
x <- matrix(TRUE, 10, 10)
x[sample(1:100, 10)] <- FALSE
exp <- structure(c(9, sd(colSums(x)), 10, 0.9, 10), names = expNames)
expect_identical(.computeMissingValueMetrics(x), exp)
test_that(".computeJaccardIndex", {
expNames <- c(
"LocalSensitivityMean", "LocalSensitivitySd", "TotalSensitivity",
"Completeness", "NumberCells"
s1 <- rep(TRUE, 6)
s2 <- c(rep(TRUE, 3), rep(FALSE, 3))
s3 <- c(rep(TRUE, 3), rep(FALSE, 3))
s4 <- rep(FALSE, 6)
s5 <- rep(FALSE, 6)
x <- cbind(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5)
exp <- c(
0.5, ## s1 vs s2 = 50%
0.5, ## s1 vs s3 = 50%
1, ## s2 vs s3 = 100%
0, ## s1 vs s4 = 0%
0, ## s2 vs s4 = 0%
0, ## s3 vs s4 = 0%
0, ## s1 vs s5 = 0%
0, ## s2 vs s5 = 0%
0, ## s3 vs s5 = 0%
NaN ## s4 vs s5 = similarity between null sets does not make sense
expect_identical(.computeJaccardIndex(x), exp)
####---- Exported functions ----####
test_that("computeSCR", {
## Single assay
test <- computeSCR(scp1, i = 1, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Reference", carrierPattern = "Carrier")
unname(assay(scp1[[1]])[, 2] / assay(scp1[[1]])[, 1]))
## Multiple assays
test <- computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Reference", carrierPattern = "Carrier")
unname(assay(scp1[[2]])[, 2] / assay(scp1[[2]])[, 1]))
## Multiple match for carrier: compute mean carrier
test <- computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Reference", carrierPattern = "Carrier|Blank",
carrierFUN = "mean")
unname(assay(scp1[[2]])[, 2] / rowMeans(assay(scp1[[2]])[, c(1, 5)], na.rm = TRUE)))
## Multiple match for sample: compute median instead of mean, and
## test rowDataName
test <- computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Macrophage", carrierPattern = "Carrier|Blank",
carrierFUN = "mean", sampleFUN = "median",
rowDataName = "medianSCR")
unname(rowMedians(assay(scp1[[2]])[, 7:11], na.rm = TRUE) /
rowMeans(assay(scp1[[2]])[, c(1, 5)], na.rm = TRUE)))
## Error: colvar not fount
expect_error(computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "foo",
samplePattern = "Reference", carrierPattern = "Carrier|Blank"),
regexp = "invalid names")
## Error: sample pattern not found
expect_error(computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "foo", carrierPattern = "Carrier"),
regexp = "No match.*samplePattern")
## Error: carrier pattern not found
expect_error(computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Ref", carrierPattern = "foo"),
regexp = "No match.*carrierPattern")
## Error: the new rowData variable already exists
expect_error(computeSCR(scp1, i = 1:2, colvar = "SampleType",
samplePattern = "Reference", carrierPattern = "Carrier",
rowDataName = "dart_PEP"),
regexp = "already exists")
test_that("pep2qvalue", {
## Correct use
## Compute q-values with scp function, then compare to the known result
## Test with groupBy
test <- rowData(pep2qvalue(scp1,
i = 1:3,
groupBy = "protein",
PEP = "dart_PEP"))
expect_equal(unique(test[[1]][test[[1]]$protein == "P61981", "qvalue"]),
## Test missing groupBy
expect_identical(rbindRowData(pep2qvalue(scp1, i = 1:3, PEP = "dart_PEP"), 1:3)$qvalue,
.pep2qvalue(rbindRowData(scp1, 1:3)$dart_PEP))
## Warning: the PEP contains missing values
rowData(scp1[[1]])$dart_PEP[1] <- NA
expect_warning(tmp <- pep2qvalue(scp1, i = 1:3, groupBy = "peptide",
PEP = "dart_PEP"),
regexp = "no non-missing arguments to min")
## Error: rowData variable not found
expect_error(pep2qvalue(scp1, i = 1, groupBy = "foo", PEP = "dart_PEP"),
regexp = "not found")
expect_error(pep2qvalue(scp1, i = 2, groupBy = "peptide", PEP = "foo"),
regexp = "not found")
## Error: PEP must be a numeric between 0 and 1
expect_error(pep2qvalue(scp1, i = 1, groupBy = "peptide", PEP = "Length"),
regexp = "is not a probability")
## Error: the new rowData variable already exists
expect_error(pep2qvalue(scp1, i = 1, groupBy = "peptide", PEP = "Length",
rowDataName = "dart_PEP"),
regexp = "already exists")
test_that("medianCVperCell", {
## Check for single assay
scpfilt <- filterFeatures(scp1, ~ !
scp2 <- medianCVperCell(scpfilt, i = 1, groupBy = "Proteins")
cvs <- colMedians(featureCV(scpfilt[[1]], group = rowData(scpfilt[[1]])$Proteins,
nobs = 5, na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE, useNames = FALSE)
expect_identical(colData(scp2)[colnames(scp2)[[1]], "MedianCV"], cvs)
expect_true(all([unlist(colnames(scp2)[2:3]), "MedianCV"])))
## Same for 2 assays
scp2 <- medianCVperCell(scpfilt, i = 1:2, groupBy = "Proteins")
cvs1 <- colMedians(featureCV(scpfilt[[1]], group = rowData(scpfilt[[1]])$Proteins,
nobs = 5, na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE, useNames = FALSE)
cvs2 <- colMedians(featureCV(scpfilt[[2]], group = rowData(scpfilt[[2]])$Proteins,
nobs = 5, na.rm = TRUE),
na.rm = TRUE, useNames = FALSE)
expect_identical(colData(scp2)[unlist(colnames(scp2)[1:2]), "MedianCV"],
c(cvs1, cvs2))
expect_true(all([colnames(scp2)[[3]], "MedianCV"])))
## Warning: all computed median CV are NA (nobs is too high)
expect_warning(medianCVperCell(scpfilt, i = 1, groupBy = "Proteins", nobs = 100),
regexp = "The median CV could not be computed for one or more")
## Error: the colData name already exists
expect_error(medianCVperCell(scpfilt, i = 1:5, groupBy = "Proteins",
colData = "SampleType"),
regexp = "The colData name 'SampleType' already exists")
## Error: the assays contain duplicated samples
expect_error(medianCVperCell(scp1, i = 1:5, groupBy = "Proteins"),
regexp = "Duplicated samples")
test_that("reportMissingValues", {
expNames <- c(
"LocalSensitivityMean", "LocalSensitivitySd", "TotalSensitivity",
"Completeness", "NumberCells"
expect_error(reportMissingValues(scp1, "peptides", 1),
regexp = "*ncol.*is not TRUE")
test1 <- reportMissingValues(scp1, "peptides")
expect_identical(class(test1), "data.frame")
expect_identical(dimnames(test1), list("all", expNames))
test2 <- reportMissingValues(scp1, "peptides", scp1$SampleType)
expect_identical(dimnames(test2), list(unique(scp1$SampleType), expNames))
test_that("jaccardIndex", {
test1 <- jaccardIndex(scp1, "peptides")
expn <- (ncol(scp1[["peptides"]])^2 - ncol(scp1[["peptides"]])) / 2
expect_identical(class(test1), "data.frame")
expect_identical(nrow(test1), as.integer(expn))
expect_identical(test1$by, rep("all", expn))
test2 <- jaccardIndex(scp1, "peptides", scp1$SampleType)
expn2 <- table(scp1$SampleType)
expn2 <- (expn2^2 - expn2) / 2
expect_identical(nrow(test2), as.integer(sum(expn2)))
unlist(lapply(unique(scp1$SampleType), function(n) rep(n, expn2[[n]])))
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