## Create an MaxQuant output example file
## To run this code, you need:
## 1. First run the `scp1.R` script in the `scp/inst/script` folder
## 2. Downloaded the `raw.RData` file that contains the SCoPE2 data
## set. The file can be downloaded here:
## load("../.localdata/SCP/specht2019/v3/raw.RData")
## 3. Download the `evidence_unfiltered.csv` file. This table
## contains additional blank samples that are used as a test case
## in the vignette. The file can be downloaded here:
## The `ev` table was loaded from the `raw.Rdata` file
ev |>
select(-c("lcbatch", "sortday", "digest", "Leading.razor.protein.y")) |>
mutate(protein = Leading.razor.protein) |>
## MS set should be consistent with metadata and other data
dplyr::rename(peptide = modseq) |>
## Remove "X" at start of batch
mutate(Raw.file = gsub("^X", "", Raw.file)) |>
mutate_if(is.logical, as.character) |>
## keep sets selected in scp1
filter(Raw.file %in% names(scp1) &
## keep only a few proteins
protein %in% rbindRowData(scp1, 1:3)$protein) ->
## Add the blank sample
header = TRUE) |>
select(-c("X", "X1", "lcbatch", "sortday", "digest")) |>
## extract one of the blank samples
filter(grepl("FP97_blank_01", Raw.file)) |>
## MS set should be consistent with metadata and other data
dplyr::rename(peptide = modseq,
protein = Leading.razor.protein) |>
## Remove "X" at start of batch
mutate(Raw.file = gsub("^X", "", Raw.file)) ->
## Adjust data types
for(col in grep("", colnames(blank), value = TRUE))
blank[, "remove"] <- as.character(blank[, "remove"])
for(col in grep("Deamidation..NQ.$", colnames(blank), value = TRUE))
blank[, col] <- as.numeric(blank[, col])
for(col in grep("Reporter.intensity.corrected.", colnames(blank), value = TRUE))
blank[, col] <- as.double(blank[, col])
mqScpData <- bind_rows(samples, blank)
format(object.size(mqScpData), units = "MB", digits = 2)
file = file.path("data/mqScpData.rda"),
compress = "xz",
compression_level = 9)
## Create the associated annotation file
## The `design` and `batch` tables were loaded from the `raw.RData`
## file. We clean somewhat the sample metadata so that it meets the
## requirements for `scp::readSCP`. The cell annotation and batch
## annotation are merge into a single table
inner_join(x = design |>
dplyr::rename(Raw.file = Set) |>
rename_with(.fn = function(x) sub("^RI", "Reporter.intensity.", x)) |>
mutate(Raw.file = sub("^X", "", Raw.file)) |>
names_to = "Channel",
values_to = "SampleType") |>
mutate(SampleType = recode(SampleType,
sc_0 = "Blank",
sc_u = "Monocyte",
sc_m0 = "Macrophage",
unused = "Unused",
norm = "Reference",
reference = "Reference",
carrier_mix = "Carrier")) |>
y = batch |>
dplyr::rename(Raw.file = set) |>
mutate(Raw.file = sub("^X", "", Raw.file)) |>
by = "Raw.file") |>
filter(Raw.file %in% mqScpData$Raw.file) |>
## Add the metadata for the blank sample
add_row(Raw.file = grep("blank", mqScpData$Raw.file, value = TRUE) |>
unique() |>
Channel = paste0("Reporter.intensity.", 1:16),
SampleType = "Blank",
lcbatch = "LCA10",
sortday = "s8") |>
data.frame() |>
rename(quantCols = "Channel" ,
runCol = "Raw.file") ->
format(object.size(sampleAnnotation), units = "MB", digits = 2)
save(sampleAnnotation, file = file.path("data/sampleAnnotation.rda"),
compress = "xz", compression_level = 9)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.