####---- Internal functions ----####
## Internal function that normalizes SingleCellExperiment object using
## proteomics normalization methods available in MsCoreUtils::normalize_matrix
##' @importFrom MsCoreUtils normalize_matrix
.normalizeSCP <- function(x, method, ...) {
if(!inherits(x, "SingleCellExperiment"))
stop("The assay must be a 'SingleCellExperiment' object.")
e <- normalize_matrix(assay(x), method, ...)
rownames(e) <- rownames(assay(x))
colnames(e) <- colnames(assay(x))
assay(x) <- e
####---- Exported functions ----####
##' Divide assay columns by a reference column
##' The function divides the sample columns by a reference column. The sample
##' and reference columns are defined based on the provided `colvar`
##' variable and on regular expression matching.
##' The supplied assay(s) are replaced with the values computed after reference
##' division.
##' @param object A `QFeatures` object
##' @param i A `numeric()` or `character()` vector indicating from which
##' assays the `rowData` should be taken.
##' @param colvar A `character(1)` indicating the variable to take from
##' `colData(object)` that gives the sample annotation.
##' @param samplePattern A `character(1)` pattern that matches the sample
##' encoding in `colvar`. By default all samples are devided (using the
##' regex wildcard `.`).
##' @param refPattern A `character(1)` pattern that matches the carrier
##' encoding in `colvar`. Only one match per assay is allowed, otherwise
##' only the first match is taken
##' @return A `QFeatures` object
##' @export
##' @examples
##' data("scp1")
##' scp1 <- divideByReference(scp1,
##' i = 1,
##' colvar = "SampleType",
##' samplePattern = "Macrophage",
##' refPattern = "Ref")
divideByReference <- function(object,
samplePattern = ".",
refPattern) {
## Check arguments
if (!inherits(object, "QFeatures"))
stop("'object' must be a QFeatures object")
for (ii in i){
## Get the reference channel
annot <- colData(object)[colnames(object[[ii]]), ][, colvar]
refIdx <- grep(refPattern, annot)
sampIdx <- grep(samplePattern, annot)
if (!length(refIdx))
stop("The reference pattern '", refPattern,
"' did not match any column in '", names(object)[ii], "'")
if (!length(sampIdx))
stop("The sample pattern '", samplePattern,
"' did not match any column in '", names(object)[ii], "'")
if (length(refIdx) != 1)
warning("Multiple references found in assay '", names(object)[ii],
"'. Only the first match will be used")
## Divide all channels by the reference channel
y <- object[[ii]]
ref <- assay(y)[, refIdx]
assay(y)[, sampIdx] <- assay(y)[, sampIdx, drop = FALSE] / ref
## Store the normalized assay
object <- replaceAssay(object, y, ii)
##' Normalize single-cell proteomics (SCP) data
##' This function normalises an assay in a `QFeatures` according to
##' the supplied method (see Details). The normalized data is added as
##' a new assay
##' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`.
##' @param i A numeric vector or a character vector giving the index
##' or the name, respectively, of the assay(s) to be processed.
##' @param name A `character(1)` naming the new assay name. Defaults is
##' are `normAssay`.
##' @param method `character(1)` defining the normalisation method to
##' apply. See Details.`
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to
##' [MsCoreUtils::normalizeMethods()].
##' @return A `QFeatures` object with an additional assay containing the
##' normalized data.
##' @details
##' The `method` parameter in `normalize` can be one of `"sum"`,
##' `"max"`, `"center.mean"`, `"center.median"`, `"div.mean"`,
##' `"div.median"`, `"diff.meda"`, `"quantiles`", `"quantiles.robust`"
##' or `"vsn"`. The [MsCoreUtils::normalizeMethods()] function returns
##' a vector of available normalisation methods.
##' - For `"sum"` and `"max"`, each feature's intensity is divided by
##' the maximum or the sum of the feature respectively. These two
##' methods are applied along the features (rows).
##' - `"center.mean"` and `"center.median"` center the respective
##' sample (column) intensities by subtracting the respective column
##' means or medians. `"div.mean"` and `"div.median"` divide by the
##' column means or medians. These are equivalent to `sweep`ing the
##' column means (medians) along `MARGIN = 2` with `FUN = "-"` (for
##' `"center.*"`) or `FUN = "/"` (for `"div.*"`).
##' - `"diff.median"` centers all samples (columns) so that they all
##' match the grand median by subtracting the respective columns
##' medians differences to the grand median.
##' - Using `"quantiles"` or `"quantiles.robust"` applies (robust)
##' quantile normalisation, as implemented in
##' [preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles()] and
##' [preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.robust()]. `"vsn"` uses the
##' [vsn::vsn2()] function. Note that the latter also glog-transforms
##' the intensities. See respective manuals for more details and
##' function arguments.
##' For further details and examples about normalisation, see
##' [MsCoreUtils::normalize_matrix()].
##' @seealso [QFeatures::normalize] for more details about `normalize`
##' @export
##' @examples
##' data("scp1")
##' scp1
##' normalizeSCP(scp1, i = "proteins", name = "normproteins",
##' method = "center.mean")
normalizeSCP <- normaliseSCP <- function(object, i, name = "normAssay",
method, ...) {
if(!inherits(object, "QFeatures"))
stop("'object' must be a 'QFeatures' object.")
if (length(i) != 1)
stop("Only one assay to be processed at a time")
if (is.numeric(i)) i <- names(object)[[i]]
object <- addAssay(object,
.normalizeSCP(object[[i]], method, ...),
addAssayLinkOneToOne(object, from = i, to = name)
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