# function to remove rows where intensity is NA
remove_intensity_na <- function(intensity_columns) {
if (!is.null(intensity_columns)){
n_before <- nrow(intensity_columns)
intensity_columns <- stats::na.omit(intensity_columns)
n_after <- nrow(intensity_columns)
n <- n_before - n_after
if (n !=0) {
message(sprintf("Note: %i rows removed due to NA intensity values.",n))}
# convert spe object to a data frame with both colData and intensity matrix
bind_info <- function(spe_object){
formatted_data <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data,
#convert rowname to column
if (is.null(formatted_data$Cell.ID)){
formatted_data <- formatted_data %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("Cell.ID")
# get the intensity matrix
intensity_matrix <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(spe_object)
markers <- rownames(intensity_matrix)
cell_ids <- colnames(intensity_matrix)
rownames(intensity_matrix) <- NULL
colnames(intensity_matrix) <- NULL
intensity_t <- data.frame(t(intensity_matrix))
colnames(intensity_t) <- markers
# bind
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data, intensity_t)
# shouldn't delete column `sample_id`
# formatted_data$sample_id <- NULL
# convert spe object to a data frame with only colData
get_colData <- function(spe_object){
formatted_data <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data,
if (is.null(formatted_data$Cell.ID)){
formatted_data <- formatted_data %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("Cell.ID")
# shouldn't delete column `sample_id`
# formatted_data$sample_id <- NULL
# do not print out the messages
quiet_basic <- function(x) {
# fix the bug in `ahull` function from `alphahull` package
fix_ahull <- function(ahull){ # the order of cells returned by ahull is messy
# this function reorders the cells
arc <- ahull$arcs
n_cells <- dim(arc)[1]
# copy the arc ends
ends <- arc
ends <- rbind(ends, ends[1,])
i <- 1
while (i < n_cells){
end2 <- ends[i,8]
next_end1 <- ends[i+1,7]
next_end2 <- ends[i+1,8]
while (end2 != next_end1){ # the connection breaks here
if (next_end2 == next_end1) {
# if the next cell is a loner cell, or the current cell is the last cell,
# the current cell does not have to be issue cell
i <- i+1
if (i >= (dim(arc)[1])) break
next_end1 <- arc[i+1,7]
next_end2 <- arc[i+1,8]
else{ # the next cell is not loner cell, confirm the current cell is the issue cell
# break the current loop, go to next cell (skip loner cells)
for (j in (i+1):n_cells){
t_end1 <- ends[j,7]
t_end2 <- ends[j,8]
# found the correct cell!
if (t_end1 == end2 || t_end2 == end2){
ends[n_cells+1,] <- ends[i+1,]
ends[i+1,] <- ends[j,]
ends[j,] <- ends[n_cells+1,]
if (t_end2 == end2){
ends[i+1,8] <- t_end1
ends[i+1,7] <- end2
# next cell
i <- i+1
ends <- ends[-(n_cells+1),]
ahull$arcs <- ends
# gets the coordinates of points on ahull
get_polygon <- function(xahull, arc, n_to_exclude){
df_list <- list()
n <- 0
s <- 1
for (i in seq_len(dim(arc)[1]-1)){
if (arc[i,8] != arc[i+1,7]){
if (i-s > 4){
n <- n+1
df_list[[n]] <- arc[c(s:i),]
s <- i+1
if (length(df_list) == 0) df_list[[1]] <- arc
poly_list <- list()
c <- 0
for (j in c(seq_len(length(df_list)))){
df <- df_list[[j]]
# eliminate the small tumour clusters (add later)
if (dim(df)[1] <= n_to_exclude){
c <- c+1
cell_ID <- c()
locs <- c()
for (i in seq_len(dim(df)[1])){
cell_ID <- df[i,7]
locs <- rbind(locs,xahull[cell_ID,c(1,2)])
poly_list[[c]] <- locs
# Produces a scatter plot of the cells in the tissue. Cells are coloured
# categorically by specified column. Cells not part of the celltypes of interest
# will be coloured "lightgrey"
plot_cell_basic <- function(spe_object, cell_types_of_interest, colour_vector,
feature_colname, cex = 0.4, ...) {
Cell.X.Position <- Cell.Y.Position <- NULL
assign(feature_colname, NULL)
formatted_data <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
formatted_data <- cbind(formatted_data,
# shouldn't delete column `sample_id`
# formatted_data$sample_id <- NULL
if (length(cell_types_of_interest) != length(colour_vector)) {
stop("The colour vector is not the same length as the celltypes of interest")
real_celltypes <- cell_types_of_interest
for (phenotype in cell_types_of_interest) {
if (!(phenotype %in% unique(formatted_data[[feature_colname]]))) {
methods::show(paste(phenotype, "cells were not found"), sep = "")
real_celltypes <- real_celltypes[real_celltypes != phenotype]
colour_vector <- colour_vector[match(real_celltypes, cell_types_of_interest)]
cell_types_of_interest <- real_celltypes
if (any(!formatted_data[[feature_colname]] %in% cell_types_of_interest)) {
formatted_data[!formatted_data[[feature_colname]] %in% cell_types_of_interest,
][[feature_colname]] <- "OTHER"
formatted_data$color <- ""
for (phenotype in cell_types_of_interest) {
idx <- which(cell_types_of_interest == phenotype)
formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == phenotype,
]$color <- colour_vector[idx]
if (any(formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == "OTHER")) {
formatted_data[formatted_data[[feature_colname]] == "OTHER", ]$color <- "grey"
all_phenotypes <- unique(c(cell_types_of_interest, "OTHER"))
all_colours <- c(colour_vector, "grey")[seq_len(length(all_phenotypes))]
else {
all_phenotypes <- cell_types_of_interest
all_colours <- colour_vector
name_of_object <- attr(spe_object, "name")
if (!is.null(name_of_object)) name_of_object <- paste("", name_of_object)
pch = 19,cex = cex, col = formatted_data$color,
xlab = "X Position", ylab = "Y Position",
main = paste0("Plot", name_of_object, " by " ,feature_colname), ...)
x.max <- max(formatted_data$Cell.X.Position)
y.max <- max(formatted_data$Cell.Y.Position)
x <- x.max + 2
y <- y.max/2
requireNamespace("graphics", quietly = TRUE)
graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 5.1), xpd=TRUE)
graphics::legend(x,y, legend=all_phenotypes,
col=all_colours, cex=0.6, pch = 19, box.lty=0, bg='gray')
# define a function to get the number of certain name under a certain column
count_category <- function(spe_object, cat, feature_colname){
data <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(spe_object))
count_table <- table(data[feature_colname])
count <- unname(count_table[match(cat, names(count_table))])
split_image <- function(spe_object, number_of_splits){
Cell.X.Position <- Cell.Y.Position <- NULL
#Reads the image file
cell_loc <- get_colData(spe_object)
#turn the spe object name into string
image_name <- deparse(substitute(spe_object))
if(nrow(cell_loc) == 0) stop("There are no cells in the data.")
#Selects x and y region to plot
minX <- min(cell_loc$Cell.X.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
maxX <- max(cell_loc$Cell.X.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
minY <- min(cell_loc$Cell.Y.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
maxY <- max(cell_loc$Cell.Y.Position, na.rm = TRUE)
#Splits the range of x and y coordinates into n + 1 evenly spaced out lengths
x_split <- seq(minX, maxX, length.out = number_of_splits + 1)
y_split <- seq(minY, maxY, length.out = number_of_splits + 1)
divided_image_obj <- list()
for(y in seq_len(number_of_splits)){
local_coor_y <- y_split[c(y+1, y)]
#Round coordinates of cuts to nearest whole number for labeling
rounded_coor_y <- round(local_coor_y)
temp_cell_loc <- cell_loc
for(x in seq_len(number_of_splits)){
local_coor_x <- x_split[c(x+1, x)]
#Rounds coordinates of cuts to nearest whole number for labeling
rounded_coor_x <- round(local_coor_x)
temp_cell_loc <- cell_loc
#Locates all points in the data file fitting the given min/max parameters to be plotted i.e. splitting up the image.
divided_image <- temp_cell_loc[min(local_coor_x) < temp_cell_loc$Cell.X.Position &
temp_cell_loc$Cell.X.Position <= max(local_coor_x)
& min(local_coor_y) < temp_cell_loc$Cell.Y.Position &
temp_cell_loc$Cell.Y.Position <= max(local_coor_y), ]
divided_image_obj[[paste(image_name,"r", x,"c", y, sep="")]] <-
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