# feature_selection.R
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Bahman Afsari, Albert Kuo
# Date last modified: Feb 22, 2021
# Function for selecting features
# Add up counts for every mutation (helper function)
add_counts <- function(dt){
dt <- dt %>%
transmute_(.dots = muts_formula) %>%
select(., c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T",
"T>A", "T>C", "T>G")) %>%
# Apply context matters to every inner partition (helper function)
feature_engineering <- function(train, factor, inner_partitions, n_fold, wgs){
message("Begin feature engineering...")
new_partition_ls <- vector(length = length(inner_partitions),
mode = "list")
for(ij in seq_along(inner_partitions)){
i <- (ij-1) %% n_fold + 1
j <- floor((ij-1)/n_fold) + 1
test_inner_ind <- inner_partitions[[i, j]]
train_inner_ind <- setdiff(seq_len(nrow(train)), test_inner_ind)
train_inner <- train[train_inner_ind, ]
# Separate into exposed (train_1) and unexposed (train_0)
if(factor != "AGE"){
train_0 <- train_inner %>% filter(.data$IndVar == 0)
train_1 <- train_inner %>% filter(.data$IndVar == 1)
} else {
train_0 <- train_inner
train_1 <- train_0
# Add up counts for every mutation
train_0 <- add_counts(train_0)
train_1 <- add_counts(train_1)
# Test for significant features
if(nrow(train_0) == 0 || nrow(train_1) == 0) next
features_context_0 <- context_matters(train_0, wgs = wgs)
features_context_1 <- context_matters(train_1, wgs = wgs)
input_ls <- list(var0 = features_context_0, var1 = features_context_1)
features_gmsa <- generate_min_sigma_algebra(input_ls)
new_partition_ls[[ij]] <- features_gmsa
# Repartition features
new_partition_combined <- Reduce(function(a, b){
generate_min_sigma_algebra(list(var0 = a, var1 = b),
partitioned_features = TRUE)},
# Rank features by AUC (helper function)
rank_tri_features <- function(dt_new, inner_partitions,
new_partition, factor){
rank_tri_ls <- vector(length = length(inner_partitions), mode = "list")
for(ij in seq_along(inner_partitions)){
feature_names <- names(new_partition)
auc_mat <- all_my_auc(dt_new %>% select(c(feature_names, "IndVar")),
IndVar = "IndVar")
if(factor == "AGE"){
auc_medians <- auc_mat
} else {
auc_medians <- ifelse(auc_mat > 0.5, auc_mat, 1 - auc_mat)
rank_mutations <- tibble(mutation = feature_names,
auc = auc_medians) %>%
# Calculate rank of trinucleotide equivalents
feature_to_trinuc <- tibble(feature = rep(feature_names,
trinucleotide = unlist(new_partition))
rank_trinucleotides <- rank_mutations %>%
left_join(., feature_to_trinuc,
by = c("mutation" = "feature")) %>%
mutate(rank = seq_len(n())) %>%
group_by(.data$mutation) %>%
mutate(mean_rank = mean(.data$rank)) %>%
# Save trinucleotide rankings
rank_tri_ls[[ij]] <- rank_trinucleotides %>%
select(.data$trinucleotide, .data$mean_rank) %>%
arrange(.data$trinucleotide) %>%
dplyr::rename(!!paste0("rank_", ij) := .data$mean_rank,
!!paste0("trinucleotide_", ij) := .data$trinucleotide)
# Get repartition of features (helper function)
repartition_with_rank <- function(rank_tri_ls){
# Take median of rankings for trinucleotides over inner folds
rank_tri <- bind_cols(rank_tri_ls)
rank_tri <- rank_tri %>%
mutate(rank = apply(select(., starts_with("rank")), 1, median)) %>%
select(.data$trinucleotide_1, .data$rank) %>%
dplyr::rename(trinucleotide = .data$trinucleotide_1) %>%
# Create new partition of features, grouping trinucleotides of same rank
# into one feature
unique_ranks <- unique(rank_tri$rank)
features_new <- lapply(unique_ranks, function(r) rank_tri %>%
filter(.data$rank == r) %>%
names(features_new) <- paste0("X", seq_along(features_new))
new_partition <- features_new
features_gmsa <- list(new_partition = features_new)
features_selected <- names(new_partition)
return(list(features_gmsa, new_partition, features_selected))
# Get n star (helper function)
n_star_features <- function(train, factor, inner_partitions,
n_fold, features_selected){
n_star_ls <- vector(length = length(inner_partitions), mode = "list")
n <- length(features_selected)
cv_msg <- paste("Begin cross-validated selection over", n,
"features and",
length(inner_partitions), "inner folds...")
for(ij in seq_along(inner_partitions)){
partition_msg <- paste("...testing inner fold", ij)
i <- (ij-1) %% n_fold + 1
j <- floor((ij-1)/n_fold) + 1
test_inner_ind <- inner_partitions[[i, j]]
train_inner_ind <- setdiff(seq_len(nrow(train)), test_inner_ind)
# Find n*
auc_ls <- list()
methods <- c("Logit")
for(k in seq_len(n)){
auc_ls[[k]] <- supersig_classifier(dt = train,
test_ind = test_inner_ind,
keep_classifier = FALSE,
select_n = c("Logit" = k))$auc
n_star <- which.max(vapply(auc_ls, function(x) x["Logit"],
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
n_star <- ifelse(identical(n_star, integer(0)), NA, n_star)
# Save n_star for each method
n_star_ls[[ij]] <- tibble(!!paste0("methods_", ij) := methods,
!!paste0("n_star_", ij) := n_star)
# Get median n star (helper function)
median_n_star <- function(n_star_ls){
n_star <- bind_cols(n_star_ls)
n_star <- n_star %>%
mutate(n_star = apply(select(., starts_with("n_star")), 1,
median, na.rm = TRUE),
n_star = round(.data$n_star)) %>%
select(.data$methods_1, .data$n_star) %>%
dplyr::rename(methods = .data$methods_1)
select_n <- n_star$n_star
names(select_n) <- n_star$methods
# Adjust select_n by removing features that are not > 0.6 AUC
select_n_adjust <- function(train, features_selected, select_n){
auc_mat <- all_my_auc(train %>% select(c(features_selected, "IndVar")),
IndVar = "IndVar")
max_n <- sum(auc_mat > 0.6)
select_n <- vapply(select_n, function(x) min(max_n, x),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
#' Function for feature selection
#' Perform feature selection given a dataset of mutations by calling
#' a series of other functions to find significant and predictive features
#' @param dt a data frame of mutations
#' @param factor the factor/exposure (e.g. "age", "smoking")
#' #' @param wgs logical value indicating whether sequencing data is
#' whole-genome (wgs = \code{TRUE}) or whole-exome (wgs = \code{FALSE}).
#' @import dplyr
#' @import assertthat
#' @import caret
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return \code{feature_selection} returns a list of several elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{features_context_0} is a vector of survival mutations
#' for the unexposed group
#' \item \code{features_context_1} is a vector of survival mutations
#' for the exposed group
#' \item \code{features_selected} is a vector of candidate
#' features ranked by AUC
#' \item \code{new_partition} is a list of the partitioned candidate features,
#' where each feature is represented by a vector of fundamental mutations
#' \item \code{select_n} is the number of top features to retain for each method
#' \item \code{mutation_dt} is a sorted data frame of candidate features
#' and their AUC
#' \item \code{dt_new} is the transformed data from \code{transform_data}
#' }
#' @noRd
feature_selection <- function(dt,
wgs = FALSE){
train <- dt
n_iter <- 5
n_fold <- 3
inner_partitions <- vapply(seq_len(n_iter),
FUN = function(x){
createFolds(y = train$IndVar,
k = n_fold)},
FUN.VALUE = vector("list", length = n_fold))
# Feature engineering
new_partition <- feature_engineering(train, factor, inner_partitions,
n_fold, wgs)
# Transform data
dt_new <- transform_data(train, new_partition)
# Trinucleotide ranking in inner folds
rank_tri_ls <- rank_tri_features(dt_new, inner_partitions,
new_partition, factor)
# Get new partition after grouping trinucleotides of same rank
repartition <- repartition_with_rank(rank_tri_ls)
features_gmsa <- repartition[[1]]
new_partition <- repartition[[2]]
features_selected <- repartition[[3]]
# Transform data
dt_new <- transform_data(dt, new_partition)
train <- dt_new
# Find n*
n_star_ls <- n_star_features(train, factor, inner_partitions,
n_fold, features_selected)
select_n <- median_n_star(n_star_ls) # take medians over inner folds
select_n <- select_n_adjust(train, features_selected, select_n)
# Return output
assert_that(length(features_selected) >= 1,
msg = "No predictive features found")
out <- list(features_gmsa = features_gmsa,
features_selected = features_selected,
new_partition = new_partition,
dt_new = dt_new,
select_n = select_n)
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