#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom ape getMRCA Nnode
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_tile theme
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank element_rect element_line
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_manual scale_fill_manual scale_x_continuous
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size GeomSegment
#' @importFrom aplot insert_left
#' @importFrom ggtree geom_tiplab geom_point2
#' @rdname plotMutSites
#' @title Plot tree and mutation sites
#' @description The mutated sites for each tip in a phylogenetic tree will be
#' represented as colored dots positioned by their site number.
#' @param x An \code{\link{SNPsites}} object.
#' @param showTips Whether to plot the tip labels. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @return A tree plot with SNP as dots for each tip.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(zikv_tree_reduced)
#' data(zikv_align_reduced)
#' tree <- addMSA(zikv_tree_reduced, alignment = zikv_align_reduced)
#' plotMutSites(SNPsites(tree))
plotMutSites <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname plotMutSites
#' @export
plotMutSites.SNPsites <- function(x, showTips = FALSE, ...) {
phyMSAmatched <- attr(x, "phyMSAmatched")
# Use 'ggtree' to make tree plot
tree <- as.phylo(phyMSAmatched)
treePlot <- ggtree(tree)
if (showTips) {
treePlot <- treePlot + geom_tiplab()
allSNP <- attr(x, "allSNP")
seqType <- attr(phyMSAmatched, "seqType")
snpPlot <- .createSNPplot(
allSNP = allSNP,
seqType = seqType,
allTreeTips = tree[["tip.label"]],
allSiteNames = attr(phyMSAmatched, "msaNumbering")
# Combine the two plots and return
return(insert_left(snpPlot, treePlot, 2))
.createSNPplot <- function(allSNP,
snpColors = NULL,
dotSize = NULL,
lineSize = NULL) {
if (is.null(dotSize)) {
dotSize <- 1
if (is.null(lineSize)) {
lineSize <- 0.2
allSNPsites <- sort(unique(allSNP[["Pos"]]))
placeHolder <- data.frame("Accession" = allTreeTips,
"Pos" = 0,
"SNP" = "hide")
allSNP <- rbind(allSNP, placeHolder)
placeHolderTip <- allTreeTips[1]
existingSites <-
allSNP[which(allSNP[["Accession"]] == placeHolderTip), "Pos"]
allSites <- seq_along(allSiteNames)
placeHolder <- data.frame(
"Accession" = placeHolderTip,
"Pos" = setdiff(allSites, existingSites),
"SNP" = "hide"
allSNP <- rbind(allSNP, placeHolder)
# Specify the color of mutations by pre-defined color set.
if (is.null(snpColors)) {
snpColors <- .siteColorScheme(seqType)
# Use 'ggplot' to make SNP plot as dots
snpPlot <- ggplot(allSNP, aes(x = Pos,
y = Accession,
fill = SNP)) +
shape = 23,
size = dotSize,
color = "white",
stroke = 0
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = snpColors, na.translate = FALSE) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = allSNPsites) +
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(
color = "grey",
linetype = 3,
size = lineSize
legend.position = "none"
#' @rdname plotMutSites
#' @export
plotMutSites.lineagePath <- function(x, ...) {
extraArgs <- list(...)
rootNode <- attr(x, "rootNode")
allSiteNames <- seq_along(attr(x, "msaNumbering"))
tree <- as.phylo(x)
allTreeTips <- tree[["tip.label"]]
snp <- SNPsites(x, useAllSites = TRUE)
snpPlot <- .createSNPplot(
allSNP = attr(snp, "allSNP"),
seqType = attr(x, "seqType"),
allTreeTips = allTreeTips,
allSiteNames = allSiteNames,
dotSize = extraArgs[["dotSize"]],
lineSize = extraArgs[["lineSize"]]
terminalNodes <- vapply(
X = x,
FUN = function(path) {
tips <- attr(path, "tips")
getMRCA(tree, tips)
FUN.VALUE = integer(1)
terminalTips <- lapply(terminalNodes, function(node) {
tips <- .childrenTips(tree, node)
relevantTips <- unlist(terminalTips)
middlePos <- rep(median(allSiteNames), length(relevantTips))
snpPlot <- snpPlot +
data = data.frame("middlePos" = middlePos,
"relevantTips" = relevantTips),
mapping = aes(
x = middlePos,
y = relevantTips,
width = max(allSiteNames)
fill = "red",
alpha = 0.5,
inherit.aes = FALSE
nNodes <- Nnode(tree, internal.only = FALSE)
pathNodes <- unique(unlist(x))
# Set lineage nodes and non-lineage nodes as separate group
group <- rep(1, times = nNodes)
group[pathNodes] <- 0
group <- factor(group)
# Set line size
size <- rep(1, times = nNodes)
size[pathNodes] <- 2
treePlot <- ggtree(tree, aes(color = group, size = size)) +
geom_point2(aes(subset = node %in% c(rootNode, terminalNodes)),
color = c("blue", rep("red", length(terminalNodes))),
size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "black")) +
scale_size(range = c(GeomSegment[["default_aes"]][["size"]], 1.5)) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
widthRatio <- extraArgs[["widthRatio"]]
if (is.null(widthRatio)) {
widthRatio <- 2
return(insert_left(snpPlot, treePlot, widthRatio))
#' @rdname plotMutSites
#' @export
plotMutSites.parallelSites <- function(x, ...) {
return(plot.parallelSites(x, ...))
#' @rdname plotMutSites
#' @export
plotMutSites.fixationSites <- function(x, ...) {
paths <- attr(x, "paths")
snpPlot <- .createSNPplot(
allSNP = attr(paths, "allSNP"),
seqType = attr(paths, "seqType"),
allTreeTips = as.phylo(paths)[["tip.label"]],
allSiteNames = attr(paths, "msaNumbering")
treePlot <- plot(x, ...)
return(insert_left(snpPlot, treePlot, 2))
#' @rdname plotMutSites
#' @param widthRatio The width ratio between tree plot and SNP plot
#' @param fontSize The font size of the mutation label in tree plot
#' @param dotSize The dot size of SNP in SNP plot
#' @param lineSize The background line size in SNP plot
#' @export
plotMutSites.paraFixSites <- function(x,
widthRatio = 0.75,
fontSize = 3.88,
dotSize = 1,
lineSize = 0.5,
...) {
paths <- attr(x, "paths")
seqType <- attr(paths, "seqType")
tree <- as.phylo(paths)
# The grouping of the tips by lineages
.node <- groupTips.lineagePath(paths)
grp <- names(.node)
grp <- grp[which(grp != "0")]
groupColors <-
colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(length(grp))
names(groupColors) <- grp
groupColors["0"] <- "black"
groupColors["hide"] <- NA
# Assume there is no result
treePlot <- NULL
snpPlot <- NULL
# Test if 'x' contains 'fixSites' or 'paraSites'
fixSites <- attr(x, "fixSites")
if (!is.null(fixSites)) {
fixSites <- as.treedata.fixationSites(fixSites, .node = .node)
treePlot <- ggtree(fixSites, aes(color = group)) +
scale_color_manual(values = groupColors) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
aes(x = branch, label = SNPs),
fill = "lightgreen",
color = "black",
min.segment.length = 0,
na.rm = TRUE,
size = fontSize,
allSNP <- attr(x, "allSNP")[, c("Accession", "Pos")]
if (!is.null(allSNP)) {
snpGroup <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(.node), function(n) {
data.frame("Accession" = .node[[n]],
"SNP" = n)
allSNP <- merge.data.frame(
x = allSNP,
y = snpGroup,
by = "Accession",
all.x = TRUE
snpPlot <- .createSNPplot(
allSNP = allSNP,
seqType = seqType,
allTreeTips = tree[["tip.label"]],
allSiteNames = attr(paths, "msaNumbering"),
snpColors = groupColors,
dotSize = dotSize,
lineSize = lineSize
if (is.null(treePlot)) {
treePlot <- plot.lineagePath(paths)
if (is.null(snpPlot)) {
} else {
return(insert_left(snpPlot, treePlot, widthRatio))
} else {
if (is.null(snpPlot)) {
} else {
return(insert_left(snpPlot, treePlot, widthRatio))
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