#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes ggtitle guides theme guide_legend
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size scale_color_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 GeomSegment GeomText GeomPoint
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
#' @importFrom tidytree groupOTU
#' @importFrom ggtree ggtree geom_point2 geom_tiplab
#' @rdname plotSingleSite
#' @title Color the tree by a single site
#' @description Plot and color the tree according to amino acid/nucleotide of
#' the selected site. The color scheme depends on the \code{seqType} set in
#' \code{\link{addMSA}} function.
#' @param x The object to plot.
#' @param site For \code{lineagePath}, it can be any site within sequence
#' length. For \code{fixationSites} and \code{parallelSites}, it is restrained
#' to a predicted fixation site. The numbering is consistent with the
#' reference defined by \code{\link{setSiteNumbering}}.
#' @param ... Other arguments. Since 1.5.4, the function uses
#' \code{\link{ggtree}} as the base function to make plots so the arguments in
#' \code{plot.phylo} will no longer work.
#' @return Since 1.5.4, the function returns a ggplot object so on longer
#' behaviors like the generic \code{\link{plot}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.sitePath}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(zikv_tree)
#' data(zikv_align)
#' tree <- addMSA(zikv_tree, alignment = zikv_align)
#' paths <- lineagePath(tree)
#' plotSingleSite(paths, 139)
plotSingleSite <- function(x, site, ...) {
#' @rdname plotSingleSite
#' @description For \code{\link{lineagePath}}, the tree will be colored
#' according to the amino acid of the site. The color scheme tries to assign
#' distinguishable color for each amino acid.
#' @param showPath If plot the lineage result from \code{\link{lineagePath}}.
#' The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param showTips Whether to plot the tip labels. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
plotSingleSite.lineagePath <- function(x,
showPath = TRUE,
showTips = FALSE,
...) {
seqType <- attr(x, "seqType")
group <- extractTips.lineagePath(x, site)
# Use different color scheme depending on the sequence type
names(group) <- toupper(names(group))
groupColors <- .siteColorScheme(seqType)
tree <- attr(x, "tree")
group <- groupOTU(as_tibble(tree), group)
group <- group[["group"]]
size <- NULL
sizeRange <- c(GeomSegment[["default_aes"]][["size"]], 1.5)
# Set lineage nodes and non-lineage nodes as separate group
if (showPath) {
pathNodes <- unique(unlist(x))
pathLabel <- ".lineage"
# Color the path node black
levels(group) <- c(levels(group), pathLabel)
group[pathNodes] <- pathLabel
lineageColor <- "black"
names(lineageColor) <- pathLabel
groupColors <- c(groupColors, lineageColor)
# Set the size of the lineage nodes
size <- rep(1, times = length(group))
size[pathNodes] <- 2
if (seqType == "AA") {
legendTitle <- "Amino acid"
} else {
legendTitle <- "Nucleotide"
p <- ggtree(tree, aes(color = group, size = size)) +
scale_size(range = sizeRange, guide = "none") +
scale_color_manual(values = groupColors,
limits = unique(group)) +
guides(color = guide_legend(title = legendTitle,
override.aes = list(size = 3))) +
theme(legend.position = "left") +
if (showTips) {
p <- p + geom_tiplab()
.siteColorScheme <- function(seqType) {
if (seqType == "AA") {
groupColors <- vapply(
FUN = function(i) {
FUN.VALUE = character(1)
} else {
groupColors <- NT_COLORS
names(groupColors) <- toupper(names(groupColors))
groupColors[["hide"]] <- NA
#' @rdname plotSingleSite
#' @export
plotSingleSite.sitesMinEntropy <- function(x,
...) {
tree <- as.phylo.sitesMinEntropy(x)
allPaths <- attr(x, "paths")
# Specify the color of mutations by pre-defined color set.
sitePaths <- lapply(x, "[[", as.character(site))
seqType <- attr(allPaths, "seqType")
groupColors <- .siteColorScheme(seqType)
if (seqType == "AA") {
legendTitle <- "Amino acid"
} else {
legendTitle <- "Nucleotide"
# Collect the fixation mutation for each evolutionary pathway
group <- list()
for (seg in sitePaths) {
for (tips in seg) {
fixedAA <- attr(tips, "AA")
if (fixedAA %in% names(group)) {
group[[fixedAA]] <- c(group[[fixedAA]], tips)
} else {
group[[fixedAA]] <- tips
tree <- groupOTU(tree, group)
# Just in case the fixation mutation name is too long
# Annotate the mutation on the tree
p <- ggtree(tree, aes(color = group)) +
scale_color_manual(values = groupColors, limits = names(group)) +
guides(linetype = "none",
color = guide_legend(title = legendTitle,
override.aes = list(size = 3))) +
theme(legend.position = "left") +
#' @rdname plotSingleSite
#' @description For \code{\link{parallelSites}}, the tree will be colored
#' according to the amino acid of the site if the mutation is not fixed.
#' @export
plotSingleSite.parallelSites <- function(x,
showPath = TRUE,
...) {
paths <- attr(x, "paths")
tree <- attr(paths, "tree")
tipNames <- tree[["tip.label"]]
nNodes <- length(tipNames) + tree[["Nnode"]]
parallelMut <- extractTips.parallelSites(x, site)
fixationMut <- character()
sporadicTip <- rep(FALSE, nNodes)
for (node in names(parallelMut)) {
tips <- parallelMut[[node]]
if (attr(tips, "fixed")) {
fixationMut[node] <- attr(tips, "mutName")[4]
} else {
sporadicTip[which(tipNames == node)] <- TRUE
if (length(fixationMut) != 0) {
attr(paths, "tree") <- .annotateSNPonTree(tree, fixationMut)
p <- plotSingleSite.lineagePath(
x = paths,
site = site,
showPath = showPath,
showTips = FALSE
) +
aes(x = branch, label = SNPs),
fill = 'lightgreen',
color = "black",
min.segment.length = 0,
na.rm = TRUE,
size = GeomText[["default_aes"]][["size"]]
} else {
p <- plotSingleSite.lineagePath(
x = paths,
site = site,
showPath = showPath,
showTips = FALSE
if (any(sporadicTip)) {
p <- p + geom_point2(aes(subset = sporadicTip,
size = GeomPoint[["default_aes"]][["size"]]))
#' @rdname plotSingleSite
#' @description For \code{\link{fixationSites}}, it will color the ancestral
#' tips in red, descendant tips in blue and excluded tips in grey.
#' @param select Select which fixation path in to plot. The default is NULL
#' which will plot all the fixations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fixations <- fixationSites(paths)
#' plotSingleSite(fixations, 139)
plotSingleSite.fixationSites <- function(x,
select = NULL,
...) {
plot.sitePath(x = .actualExtractSite(x, site),
y = TRUE,
select = select,
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