
Defines functions makeSunriseBackground makeSunriseDf plotPresGrid

Documented in plotPresGrid

#' @title plotPresGrid
#' @description Creates a grid plot of the presence or density of detections across time
#'   where the x-axis is the hour of the day and the y-axis is the date
#' @param x a data.frame of detections, must have a column \code{UTC} that contains the
#'   time of detection as a POSIXct object in UTC timezone
#' @param start the beginning datetime of the plot, if \code{NULL} will be set to the minimum
#'   time in \code{x}
#' @param end the ending datetime of the plot, if \code{NULL} will be set to the maximum
#'   time in \code{x}
#' @param bin the unit of time for each rectangle in the grid, must be one of "hour", "minute",
#'   "30min", or "15min"
#' @param type one of either "presence" or "density". If "density", then boxes will be colored according
#'   to the number of detections in each \code{timeBin} will be plotted. If "presence", then each box
#'   will be colored by \code{fill}
#' @param by (optional) if not \code{NULL}, specifies the name of a column in \code{x} to split and
#'   color the rectangles by. Only valid for presence plots.
#' @param alpha opacity of rectangles, only used if \code{by} is not \code{NULL}
#' @param gps (optional) if not \code{NULL}, a data.frame of GPS coordinates covering the date range
#'   of \code{x}. These are used to calculate sunrise and sunset information which is shown as a
#'   shaded dark region in the background of the plot. The data.frame must have columns "UTC",
#'   "Latitude", and "Longitude". If columns "Latitude" and "Longitude" are present in \code{x},
#'   then these values will be used and you do not need to provide separate GPS data here
#' @param format date format if \code{UTC} column of \code{x} is a character
#' @param fill the fill color for the boxes, only used if \code{type} is "presence"
#' @param color the outline color for the boxes, only used if \code{type} is "presence"
#' @param cmap the colormap to use for the boxes, only used if \code{type} is "density"
#' @param title if \code{TRUE}, a title will automatically created. If any other value, that will be
#'   used for the title of the plot.
#' @param plotTz the timezone to use for plotting the data. Note that inputs must still be in UTC,
#'   this option allows you to create plots scaled to local time. Valid values come from
#'   \link{OlsonNames}
#' @returns a ggplot2 object
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(UTC = as.POSIXct(runif(1e2, min=0, max=7*24*3600),
#'                                   origin='1970-01-01 00:00:00', tz='UTC'),
#'                  label = sample(letters[1:3], 1e2, replace=TRUE))
#' plotPresGrid(df, type='presence', bin='hour')
#' plotPresGrid(df, type='density', bin='hour')
#' plotPresGrid(df, type='density', bin='30min')
#' gps <- data.frame(UTC = as.POSIXct('1970-01-01 00:00:00', tz='UTC'),
#'                  Latitude=32.4,
#'                  Longitude = -118)
#' plotPresGrid(df, gps=gps, bin='hour')
#' # coloring presence grid by label column
#' plotPresGrid(df, gps=gps, by='label')
#' # can be confusing if there is a lot of overlap, ggplot output can be split
#' library(ggplot2)
#' plotPresGrid(df, gps=gps, by='label') + facet_wrap(vars(label), ncol=2)
#' # using "by" with type="density" defaults to this facet_wrap behavior
#' # since color is already being used to represent density
#' plotPresGrid(df, gps=gps, by='label', type='density')
#' # can adjust facet_wrap parameters by adding it again
#' plotPresGrid(df, gps=gps, by='label', type='density') + facet_wrap(vars(label), ncol=2)
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate floor_date hour period minute
#' @importFrom suncalc getSunlightTimes
#' @importFrom scales viridis_pal
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
plotPresGrid <- function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL,
                         bin=c('hour', 'minute', '30min', '15min'),
                         type=c('presence', 'density'),
                         by=NULL, alpha=.5,
                         format = c('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',
                                    '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
                         fill='blue', color=NA,
                         cmap=viridis_pal()(25), title=TRUE, plotTz='UTC') {
    if(!'UTC' %in% colnames(x)) {
        stop('"x" must have column UTC')
    if(is.character(x$UTC) ||
       is.factor(x$UTC)) {
        x$UTC <- parseToUTC(as.character(x$UTC), format=format, tz='UTC')
    if(!plotTz %in% OlsonNames()) {
        stop('Specified timezone is invalid, check "OlsonNames()" for accepted names.')
    x$UTC <- with_tz(x$UTC, tzone=plotTz)
    if(is.null(start)) {
        start <- floor_date(min(x$UTC), unit='day')
    if(is.null(end)) {
        end <- floor_date(max(x$UTC), unit='day') + period(1, 'day')
    if(is.null(gps) &&
       all(c('UTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude') %in% colnames(x))) {
        gps <- x[c('UTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude')]
    if(is.null(gps)) {
        g <- ggplot()
    } else {
        gps$UTC <- with_tz(gps$UTC, tzone=plotTz)
        sun_df <- makeSunriseDf(start, end, gps, plotTz)
        g <- makeSunriseBackground(sun_df, start, end)
    g <- g +
        scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0), limits=c(0, 24)) +
        scale_y_datetime(expand=c(0, 0), limits=c(start - period(0, 'day'), end + period(1, 'day'))) +
        labs(x=paste0('Hour (', plotTz,')'))
           'hour' = {
               x$plot_min = hour(x$UTC)
               x$plot_max = hour(x$UTC) + 1
               tlab <- 'Hour'
           'minute' = {
               x$plot_min = hour(x$UTC) + minute(x$UTC)/60
               x$plot_max = x$plot_min + 1/60
               tlab <- 'Minute'
           '30min' = {
               x$plot_min = hour(x$UTC) + floor(minute(x$UTC) / 30) * .5
               x$plot_max = x$plot_min + .5
               tlab <- '30 Minutes'
           '15min' = {
               x$plot_min = hour(x$UTC) + floor(minute(x$UTC)/15) * .25
               x$plot_max = x$plot_min + .25
               tlab <- '15 Minutes'
    x$day <- floor_date(x$UTC, 'day')

    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type == 'presence') {
        if(is.null(by)) {
            # default .5 appropriate for multi-color
            if(missing(alpha)) {
                alpha <- 1
            x <- distinct(select(x, all_of(c('plot_min', 'plot_max', 'day'))))
            g <- g +
                geom_rect(data=x, aes(xmin=.data$plot_min,
                                      ymax=.data$day + period(1, 'day')),
                          alpha=alpha, fill=fill, col=color)
        } else {
            x <- distinct(select(x, all_of(c('plot_min', 'plot_max', 'day', by))))

            g <- g +
                geom_rect(data=x, aes(xmin=.data$plot_min,
                                      ymax=.data$day + period(1, 'day'),
                          alpha=alpha, col=color)
    if(type == 'density') {
        if(is.null(by)) {
            # x <- group_by(x, .data$day, .data$plot_min, .data$plot_max) %>%
            #     summarise(count=n(), .groups='keep')
            x <- summarise(
                group_by(x, .data$day, .data$plot_min, .data$plot_max),
            g <- g +
                geom_rect(data=x, aes(xmin=.data$plot_min,
                                      ymax=.data$day + period(1, 'day'),
                                      fill=count)) +
            tlab <- paste0('Calls/', tlab)
        } else {
            # x <- group_by(x, .data$day, .data$plot_min, .data$plot_max, .data[[by]]) %>%
            #     summarise(count=n(), .groups='keep')
            x <- summarise(
                group_by(x, .data$day, .data$plot_min, .data$plot_max, .data[[by]]),
            g <- g +
                geom_rect(data=x, aes(xmin=.data$plot_min,
                                      ymax=.data$day + period(1, 'day'),
                                      fill=count)) +
                scale_fill_gradientn(colors=cmap) +
            tlab <- paste0('Calls/', tlab)
    if(isTRUE(title)) {
        title <- paste0('Call ', oneUp(type), ' (', tlab, ')')
    g + ggtitle(title)


makeSunriseDf <- function(start, end, gps, tz) {
    gpsCols <- c('UTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude')
    if(!all(gpsCols %in% colnames(gps))) {
        stop('gps must have columns UTC, Latitude, and Longitude')
    gps <- distinct(gps[gpsCols])
    gps$sUTC <- gps$UTC
    x <- data.frame(UTC = seq(from=start, to=end, 'day'))
    x$isGreater <- x$UTC >= min(gps$UTC)

    x <- bind_rows(lapply(split(x, x$isGreater), function(d) {
        if(d$isGreater[1]) {
            d <- left_join(d, gps[c('sUTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude')], join_by(closest('UTC' >= 'sUTC')))
        } else {
            d <- left_join(d, gps[c('sUTC', 'Latitude', 'Longitude')], join_by(closest('UTC' <= 'sUTC')))
    x$sUTC <- NULL
    x$isGreater <- NULL
    gps$sUTC <- NULL
    sun_df <- x
    # sun_df <- data.table(UTC = seq(from=start, to=end, 'day'))
    # setkeyv(sun_df, 'UTC')
    # setDT(gps)
    # setkeyv(gps, 'UTC')
    # sun_df <- gps[sun_df, roll='nearest']
    # setDF(sun_df)
    sun_df$Date <- as.Date(sun_df$UTC)
    sun_df$sunrise <- NA
    sun_df$sunset <- NA
    for(i in 1:nrow(sun_df)) {
        sun <- getSunlightTimes(sun_df$Date[i], sun_df$Latitude[i], sun_df$Longitude[i], keep=c('sunrise', 'sunset'), tz=tz)
        sun_df$sunrise[i] <- hour(sun$sunrise) + minute(sun$sunrise)/60
        sun_df$sunset[i] <- hour(sun$sunset) + minute(sun$sunset)/60

makeSunriseBackground <- function(sun_df, start, end) {
    sun_df$rise_after <- sun_df$sunrise > sun_df$sunset
    g <- ggplot()
    if(any(sun_df$rise_after)) {
        g <- g +
                      aes(xmin=.data$sunset, xmax=.data$sunrise, ymin=.data$UTC, ymax=.data$UTC + period(1, 'day')), fill='lightgray')
    if(any(!sun_df$rise_after)) {
        g <- g +
                      aes(xmin=0, xmax=.data$sunrise, ymin=.data$UTC, ymax=.data$UTC+period(1, 'day')), fill='lightgray') +
                      aes(xmin=.data$sunset, xmax=24, ymin=.data$UTC, ymax=.data$UTC+period(1, 'day')), fill='lightgray')
TaikiSan21/PAMmisc documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:29 p.m.