#' This function calculates the pairwise distance between cell types
#' for a sample by using the coordinates and cell types of the cells.
#' It keeps the cell types with more than 10 cells and calculates
#' the pairwise distance between these cell types. The function returns
#' a list of the pairwise distances between the cell types.
#' This function is designed for spatial proteomics.
#' @noRd
individual_celltype_interaction_sp <- function(this_sample) {
cell_points <- spatstat.geom::ppp(
x = this_sample$x_cord,
y = this_sample$y_cord,
check = FALSE,,
xrange = c(
yrange = c(
marks = as.factor(this_sample$celltype)
tab <- table(this_sample$celltype)
cellTypes_toTest <- names(tab[which(tab > 10)])
cellTypes_pair <- expand.grid(cellTypes_toTest, cellTypes_toTest,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Calcualte the pairwise distance
d <- spatstat.geom::pairdist(cell_points, squared = FALSE)
diag(d) <- Inf
nn_list <- apply(d, 1, function(x) which(x < 50))
nn_list_cellTypes <- lapply(seq_along(nn_list), function(idx) {
if (length(nn_list[[idx]]) > 0) {
sep = "_"
nn_list_cellTypes <- unlist(nn_list_cellTypes)
nn_list_cellTypes <- rearrange_string(nn_list_cellTypes)
nn_list_cellTypes <- table(nn_list_cellTypes)
#' Calculates the pairwise distance between cell types for spatial proteomics.
#' It applies the individual_celltype_interaction_sp function to each sample,
#' then merges the results from each sample.
#' @noRd
helper_celltype_interaction_sp <- function( alldata, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
# s <- unique( alldata$sample)[1]
nn_list_cellTypes <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique( alldata$sample), function(s) {
this_sample_data <- alldata$data[, alldata$sample == s]
this_sample_x_cord <- alldata$x_cord[ alldata$sample == s]
this_sample_y_cord <- alldata$y_cord[ alldata$sample == s]
this_sample_celltype <- alldata$celltype[ alldata$sample == s]
this_sample <- list( data = this_sample_data ,
x_cord = this_sample_x_cord ,
y_cord = this_sample_y_cord ,
celltype = this_sample_celltype )
nn_list_cellTypes <- individual_celltype_interaction_sp(this_sample)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
temp <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(nn_list_cellTypes)) {
err <- try(
a <- nn_list_cellTypes[[i]]
a <- data.frame(a)
a$Freq <- a$Freq / sum(a$Freq)
if (is.null(temp)) {
temp <- a
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings(
merge(temp, a, by = "nn_list_cellTypes", all = TRUE)
silent = TRUE
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
a <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(temp)))
a$nn_list_cellTypes <- temp$nn_list_cellTypes
temp <- suppressWarnings(
merge(temp, a, by = "nn_list_cellTypes", all = TRUE)
colnames(temp) <- make.names(colnames(temp), unique = TRUE)
rownames(temp) <- temp$nn_list_cellTypes
temp <- temp[, -1, drop=FALSE]
colnames(temp) <- unique(alldata$sample)
temp <- t(temp)
temp[is.na(temp)] <- 0
nn_list_cellTypes <- temp
#' This function calculates the cell-type interactions for spatial
#' transcriptomic. It takes probabilities of cell-type assignments
#' for each spot and perform matrix multiplication to get the probability of
#' cell-type co-occurrences for each spot. The output is a vector containing
#' the co-occurrence probabilities for each cell-type pair.
#' @noRd
individual_celltype_interaction_st <- function(thisprob) {
x <- 1
temp <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(thisprob)), function(x) {
thisspot <- thisprob[, x]
thisspot <- thisspot %*% t(thisspot)
rownames(thisspot) <- colnames(thisspot)
thisspot <- reshape2::melt(thisspot)
a <- data.frame(thisspot$value)
rownames(a) <- paste0(thisspot$Var1, "-with-", thisspot$Var2)
temp <- do.call(cbind, temp)
nn_list_cellTypes <- rowSums(temp)
#' Calculates the cell-type interactions for spatial transcriptomic.
#' It applies the individual_celltype_interaction_st function to each sample,
#' then merges the results from each sample.
#' @noRd
helper_celltype_interaction_st <- function(alldata, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
prob <- alldata$predictions
zero_celltype <- names(which(rowSums(prob) == 0))
prob <- prob[!rownames(prob) %in% zero_celltype, ]
# s <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
nn_list_cellTypes <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique(alldata$sample), function(s) {
index <- which(alldata$sample == s)
thisprob <- prob[, index]
nn_list_cellTypes <- individual_celltype_interaction_st(thisprob)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
nn_list_cellTypes <- do.call(cbind, nn_list_cellTypes)
colnames(nn_list_cellTypes) <- unique(alldata$sample)
nn_list_cellTypes <- t(nn_list_cellTypes)
#' This function calculates the L-statistics for a given sample for spatial
#' transcriptomics data using the spatial coordinates, cell type information and
#' the number of cells in each spatial location. The L-statistic measures the
#' degree of spatial clustering between two objects in a particular area. The output
#' vector represents the L-statistic for a pair of cell types.
#' @noRd
individual_L_stat_st <- function(thissample, this_num_cell_per_spot) {
# expand each spot into its number of cells
x <- c()
y <- c()
celltype <- c()
i <- 1
gap_x <- (max(x_c <- thissample$x_cord) - min(x_c)) / length(x_c) / 2
gap_y <- (max(y_c <- thissample$y_cord) - min(y_c)) / length(y_c) / 2
for (i in seq_len(ncol(thissample$data))) {
thisspot <- thissample$data[, i]
thisspot_num_cell <- this_num_cell_per_spot[, i]
total_num_cell <- sum(thisspot_num_cell)
this_gap_x <- gap_x / total_num_cell
this_gap_y <- gap_y / total_num_cell
x <- c(
seq(thissample$x_cord[i], by = this_gap_x, length.out = total_num_cell)
y <- c(
seq(thissample$y_cord[i], by = this_gap_y, length.out = total_num_cell)
celltype <- c(
celltype, rep(rownames(this_num_cell_per_spot), thisspot_num_cell)
cell_points_threecelltype <- spatstat.geom::ppp(
x = x,
y = y,
check = FALSE,
yrange = c(
xrange = c(
marks = as.factor(celltype)
cellTypes_toTest <- names(which(table(celltype) > 10))
cellTypes_pair <- expand.grid(cellTypes_toTest, cellTypes_toTest,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
L_patient <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(cellTypes_pair)), function(i) {
from = cellTypes_pair[i, 1],
to = cellTypes_pair[i, 2],
L_dist = 4
L_patient <- do.call(c, L_patient)
names(L_patient) <- paste(cellTypes_pair[, 1], cellTypes_pair[, 2], sep = "_")
#' Calculates the L-statistics for spatial transcriptomic.
#' It applies the individual_L_stat_st function to each sample,
#' then merges the results from each sample.
#' @noRd
helper_L_stat_st <- function(alldata, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
num_cell_per_spot <- get_num_cell_per_celltype(alldata)
#s <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
L_stats <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique(alldata$sample), function(s) {
index <- which(alldata$sample == s)
thissample_data <- alldata$data[, index]
thissample_x_cord <- alldata$x_cord[index]
thissample_y_cord <- alldata$y_cord[ index]
thissample <- list(data = thissample_data,
x_cord = thissample_x_cord ,
y_cord = thissample_y_cord)
this_num_cell_per_spot <- num_cell_per_spot[, index]
L_patient <- individual_L_stat_st(thissample, this_num_cell_per_spot)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
temp <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(L_stats)) {
err <- try(
a <- L_stats[[i]]
a <- data.frame(a)
a$rowname <- rownames(a)
if (is.null(temp)) {
temp <- a
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
silent = TRUE
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
a <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(temp)))
a$rowname <- temp$rowname
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
colnames(temp) <- make.names(colnames(temp), unique = TRUE)
if (ncol(temp ) == 2){
temp <- temp[, -2, drop=FALSE]
rownames(temp) <- temp$rowname
temp <- temp[, -1]
colnames(temp) <- unique(alldata$sample)
temp <- t(temp)
temp[is.na(temp)] <- 0
L_patient <- temp
#' This function calculates the L-statistics for a given sample of spatial
#' transcriptomics data. It uses spatial coordinates, cell type information
#' to calculate the spatial distribution of cells in the sample.
#' The output vector represents the L-statistic for a pair of cell types.
#' @noRd
individual_L_stat_sp <- function(this_sample) {
cell_points <- spatstat.geom::ppp(
x = this_sample$x_cord ,
y = this_sample$y_cord,
xrange = c(
yrange = c(
check = FALSE,
marks = as.factor(this_sample$celltype)
tab <- table(this_sample$celltype)
cellTypes_toTest <- names(tab[which(tab > 10)])
cellTypes_pair <- expand.grid(cellTypes_toTest, cellTypes_toTest,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
L_patient <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(cellTypes_pair))) {
L_patient[[i]] <- L_stats(cell_points,
from = cellTypes_pair[i, 1],
to = cellTypes_pair[i, 2],
L_dist = 50
# L_patient <- do.call(c, L_patient)
L_patient <- unlist( L_patient)
names(L_patient) <- paste(cellTypes_pair[, 1], cellTypes_pair[, 2], sep = "_")
#' Calculates the L-statistics for spatial proteomics.
#' It applies the individual_L_stat_sp function to each sample,
#' then merges the results from each sample.
#' @noRd
helper_L_stat_sp <- function( alldata, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
# s <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
L_stats_result <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique( alldata$sample), function(s) {
index <- which( alldata$sample == s)
thissample_data <- alldata$data[, index]
thissample_x_cord <- alldata$x_cord[index]
thissample_y_cord <- alldata$y_cord[ index]
thissample_celltype <- alldata$celltype[index]
thissample <- list(data = thissample_data,
x_cord = thissample_x_cord ,
y_cord = thissample_y_cord,
celltype = thissample_celltype)
L_patient <- individual_L_stat_sp(thissample)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
temp <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(L_stats_result)) {
err <- try(
a <- L_stats_result[[i]]
a <- data.frame(a)
a$rowname <- rownames(a)
if (is.null(temp)) {
temp <- a
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
silent = TRUE
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
a <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(temp)))
a$rowname <- temp$rowname
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
colnames(temp) <- make.names(colnames(temp), unique = TRUE)
if (ncol(temp) == 2){
temp <- temp[, -2, drop=FALSE]
rownames(temp) <- temp$rowname
temp <- temp[, -1]
colnames(temp) <- unique(alldata$sample)
temp <- t(temp)
temp[is.na(temp)] <- 0
L_patient <- temp
#' Calculates the nearest neighbor correlation for a given sample
#' using the spatial coordinates and expression values of cells.
#' It returns a vector of correlation values for each gene.
#' This function is used in as a helper function in helper_nncorr_protein
#' function to generate the nearest neighbor correlation for all samples.
#' @noRd
individual_nncorr_protein <- function(thissample) {
exprsMat <- thissample$data
cell_points_cts <- spatstat.geom::ppp(
x = as.numeric(thissample$x_cord), y = as.numeric(thissample$y_cord),
check = FALSE,
xrange = c(
yrange = c(
marks = t(as.matrix(exprsMat))
err <- try(
nncorr_protein <- spatstat.explore::nncorr(cell_points_cts)["correlation", ]
silent = TRUE
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
nncorr_protein <- NA
#' Calculates the nearest neighbor correlation all samples
#' using the spatial coordinates and expression values of cells.
#' It applies the individual_nncorr_protein function to each sample,
#' then merges the results from each sample.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @noRd
helper_nncorr_protein <- function(alldata, num_top_gene = NULL, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
if (is.null(num_top_gene)) {
num_top_gene <- min(nrow(alldata$data), 1500)
top_gene <- find_var_gene(alldata,
num_top_gene = num_top_gene,
ncores = ncores, celltype = FALSE
alldata$data <- alldata$data[rownames( alldata$data ) %in% top_gene, ]
# s <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
nncorr_protein <- BiocParallel::bplapply( unique( alldata$sample), function(s) {
thissample_data <- alldata$data[, alldata$sample == s]
thissample_x_cord <- alldata$x_cord[ alldata$sample == s ]
thissample_y_cord <- alldata$y_cord[ alldata$sample == s]
thissample <- list(data = thissample_data,
x_cord = thissample_x_cord ,
y_cord = thissample_y_cord)
L_patient <- individual_nncorr_protein(thissample)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
temp <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(nncorr_protein)) {
err <- try(
a <- nncorr_protein[[i]]
a <- data.frame(a)
a$rowname <- rownames(a)
if (is.null(temp)) {
temp <- a
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
silent = TRUE
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
a <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(temp)))
a$rowname <- temp$rowname
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
colnames(temp) <- make.names(colnames(temp), unique = TRUE)
if (ncol(temp) == 2){
temp <- temp[, -2, drop=FALSE]
rownames(temp) <- temp$rowname
temp <- temp[, -1]
colnames(temp) <- unique(alldata$sample)
temp <- t(temp)
temp[is.na(temp)] <- 0
nncorr_protein <- temp
#' This function computes the Moran's I for each gene in a sample.
#' Moran's I is a measure of spatial autocorrelation, which indicates
#' how strongly the gene expression values in a sample cluster or disperse.
#' @noRd
individual_moran_cor <- function(thissample) {
exprsMat <- thissample$data
cell_points_cts <- spatstat.geom::ppp(
x = as.numeric(thissample$x_cord),
y = as.numeric(thissample$y_cord),
check = FALSE,
xrange = c(
yrange = c(
marks = t(as.matrix(exprsMat))
d <- spatstat.geom::pairdist(cell_points_cts, squared = FALSE)
diag(d) <- Inf
w <- 1 / d
moran_cor <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(exprsMat)), function(x) {
err <- try(val <- ape::Moran.I(exprsMat[x, ], w)$observed, silent = TRUE)
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
} else {
names(moran_cor) <- rownames(exprsMat)
moran_cor <- unlist(moran_cor)
#' Calculates the Moran's I value for all samples.
#' It applies the individual_moran_cor function to each sample,
#' then merges the results from each sample.
#' @noRd
helper_moran <- function( alldata, num_top_gene = NULL, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
if (is.null(num_top_gene)) {
num_top_gene <- min(nrow(alldata$data), 1500)
top_gene <- find_var_gene(alldata,
num_top_gene = num_top_gene,
ncores = ncores, celltype = FALSE
alldata$data <- alldata$data[ rownames(alldata$data) %in% top_gene, ]
# s <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
moran_cor <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique(alldata$sample), function(s) {
thissample_data <- alldata$data[, alldata$sample == s]
thissample_x_cord <- alldata$x_cord[ alldata$sample == s]
thissample_y_cord <- alldata$y_cord[ alldata$sample == s]
thissample <- list( data = thissample_data ,
x_cord = thissample_x_cord,
y_cord = thissample_y_cord)
moran_cor <- individual_moran_cor(thissample)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
temp <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(moran_cor)) {
err <- try(
a <- moran_cor[[i]]
a <- data.frame(a)
a$rowname <- rownames(a)
if (is.null(temp)) {
temp <- a
} else {
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
silent = TRUE
if (is(err, "try-error")) {
a <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(temp)))
a$rowname <- temp$rowname
temp <- suppressWarnings(merge(temp, a, by = "rowname", all = TRUE))
colnames(temp) <- make.names(colnames(temp), unique = TRUE)
if (ncol(temp) == 2){
temp <- temp[, -2, drop=FALSE]
rownames(temp) <- temp$rowname
temp <- temp[, -1]
colnames(temp) <- unique(alldata$sample)
temp <- t(temp)
temp[is.na(temp)] <- 0
moran_cor <- temp
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