#' This function retrieves the hallmark gene set from the Molecular Signature
#' Database (MSigDB) for a specified species. The function returns a list of
#' gene sets where each list entry contains a vector of gene symbols in the gene set.
#' @noRd
get_geneset <- function( species = "Homo sapiens") {
m_df <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = species, category = "H")
m_t2g <- m_df |>
dplyr::select("gs_name", "entrez_gene") |>
geneset <- split(x = m_t2g$entrez_gene, f = m_t2g$gs_name)
# convert the entrez id to gene symbol
geneset <- lapply(geneset, function(x) {
if (species == "Homo sapiens") {
geneID <- ensembldb::select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79,
keys = as.character(x),
keytype = "ENTREZID", columns = c("SYMBOL", "GENEID")
} else {
geneID <- ensembldb::select(EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79,
keys = as.character(x),
keytype = "ENTREZID", columns = c("SYMBOL", "GENEID")
this_geneset <- unique(geneID$SYMBOL)
#' This function performs gene set enrichment analysis on a list object
#' containing expression data to generate pathway score. The type of pathway
#' analysis method currently supported are ssgsea and aucell. The function
#' returns a matrix of samples x features with the pathway scores.
#' @noRd
helper_pathway_gsva <- function(alldata, method = "aucell", geneset, ncores = 1) {
if (method == "ssgsea") {
# if the dataset has greater than 30000 cells
# then it is actually too large to be computed in one go in gsva
# split into multiple set
if (ncol(alldata$data) > 30000) {
index <- seq(1, ncol(alldata$data), by = 30000)
index <- c(index, ncol( alldata$data ))
topMatrixGSVA <- NULL
for (i in c(2:length(index))) {
start <- index[i - 1]
finish <- index[i] - 1
message("calculating ", start, " to ", finish, " cells")
thesecell <- as.matrix(alldata$data[, start:finish])
gsvaPar <- GSVA::ssgseaParam(thesecell, geneset ,
minSize = 10, maxSize = 999999)
temp_topMatrixGSVA <- GSVA::gsva(gsvaPar, verbose=TRUE )
topMatrixGSVA <- cbind(topMatrixGSVA, temp_topMatrixGSVA)
} else { # if <30000, can directly be used as input into the GSVA function
gsvaPar <- GSVA::ssgseaParam(as.matrix(alldata$data), geneset ,
minSize = 10, maxSize = 999999)
topMatrixGSVA <- GSVA::gsva(gsvaPar, verbose=TRUE )
X <- format_pathway(alldata, topMatrixGSVA, ncores)
if (method == "aucell") {
capture.output( suppressMessages( {
cells_rankings <- AUCell::AUCell_buildRankings(
nCores = ncores, plotStats = FALSE
# geneSets <- GSEABase::GeneSet(genes, setName="geneSet1") # alternative
cells_AUC <- AUCell::AUCell_calcAUC(
geneSets = geneset, rankings = cells_rankings,
aucMaxRank = nrow(cells_rankings) * 0.05, nCores = ncores
cells_AUC <- AUCell::getAUC(cells_AUC)
X <- format_pathway(alldata, cells_AUC, ncores)
#' The helper_pathway_mean function use the mean expression of genes in a
#' gene set as the basis of pathway score. The input is a list object
#' containing the gene expression data, the gene set of interest. Frist
#' compute the mean expression of each gene in the gene set. This is
#' done on each cell. The mean expression values are then subtracted from
#' the overall mean expression of all genes in each cell to control for the
#' difference in library detection. The resulting gene set scores are passed
#' to the format_pathway function to convert them into a sample x pathway
#' feature matrix.
#' @noRd
helper_pathway_mean <- function(alldata, geneset, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
geneset_score_all <- BiocParallel::bplapply(geneset, function(x) {
exprsMat_geneset <- alldata$data[rownames(alldata$data) %in% x, , drop=FALSE]
geneset <- DelayedMatrixStats::colMeans2(
) - DelayedMatrixStats::colMeans2(
geneset <- as.matrix(geneset)
geneset_score <- data.frame(geneset = geneset)
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
geneset_score_all <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, geneset_score_all))
colnames(geneset_score_all) <- names(geneset)
geneset_score_all <- t(geneset_score_all)
colnames(geneset_score_all) <- colnames(alldata$data)
X <- format_pathway(alldata, geneset_score_all, ncores)
#' Helper function to calculate proportion that a geneset is expressed in each
#' cell type in a sample
#' The function first calculates the average expression level of the genes in
#' the gene set across all cells. It then uses the third quantile of these expression
#' levels as a threshold to determine whether a gene is considered "expressed" in a cell.
#' It then summarise the proportion of cells expressing the gene set for each cell type.
#' This computation is done for each sample in the dataset.
#' @param data Data to run the calculation on.
#' @param this_geneset geneset to run analysis on
#' @return a data frame containing the proportion a gene is expressed in each
#' cell type in a sample
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colMeans2
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray
#' @noRd
individual_geneset_proportion_celltype <- function(alldata, this_geneset) {
# first find the average expression of the genes across cells
expression_level <- DelayedMatrixStats::colMeans2(DelayedArray::DelayedArray(
alldata$data[rownames(alldata$data) %in% this_geneset, , drop=FALSE]
# find the third quantile as the threshold
third_quantile <- as.numeric(quantile(expression_level, 0.75, na.rm=T))
# if the expression is higher than the third quantile,
# this gene is expressed
expression_level <- as.numeric(expression_level >= third_quantile)
alldata$expression_high <- expression_level
# loop through all samples
geneset_prop <- NULL
# this_sample_name <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
for (this_sample_name in unique(alldata$sample)) {
this_sample_celltype <- unname( alldata$celltype[alldata$sample == this_sample_name ] )
this_sample_expression_high <- unname( alldata$expression_high[alldata$sample == this_sample_name])
# for each cell type, find the proportion of cells expressing this geneset
this_geneset_prop <- table(
celltype = this_sample_celltype,
expression_high = this_sample_expression_high
this_geneset_prop <- this_geneset_prop / rowSums(this_geneset_prop)
this_geneset_prop <- as.data.frame(this_geneset_prop)
this_geneset_prop <- this_geneset_prop[this_geneset_prop$expression_high == 1, ]
if (nrow(this_geneset_prop) == 0) {
this_geneset_prop <- data.frame(
celltype = unique(this_sample_celltype),
proportion_expressed = 0,
sample = this_sample_name
} else {
this_geneset_prop <- this_geneset_prop[, c(1, 3)]
this_geneset_prop$sample <- this_sample_name
colnames(this_geneset_prop) <- c(
"celltype", "proportion_expressed", "sample"
# check if any cell type in this patient is missing
missing_celltype <- setdiff(
unique(alldata$celltype), unique(this_geneset_prop$celltype)
if (length(missing_celltype) > 0) {
for (this_missing_celltype in missing_celltype) {
this_geneset_prop <- rbind(
celltype = this_missing_celltype,
proportion_expressed = 0,
sample = this_sample_name
this_geneset_prop <- this_geneset_prop[match(
), ]
geneset_prop <- rbind(geneset_prop, this_geneset_prop)
#' Calculates proportion that a geneset is expressed in each cell type in a
#' sample. The function first uses the individual_geneset_proportion_celltype
#' function to calculate the proportion of cells expressing each gene set
#' in each sample. It then concatenates the gene set name to the cell type
#' name in the output data frame. The output data frame contains one column
#' for each gene set-cell type combination.
#' @noRd
helper_pathway_prop <- function(alldata, geneset, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
geneset_prop_df <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(geneset), function(i) {
this_geneset <- geneset[[i]]
geneset_prop <- individual_geneset_proportion_celltype(alldata, this_geneset)
geneset_prop$geneset <- names(geneset)[i]
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
geneset_prop_df <- do.call(rbind, geneset_prop_df)
geneset_prop_df$celltype <- paste0(
geneset_prop_df <- geneset_prop_df[, c(
"sample", "celltype",
geneset_prop_df <- geneset_prop_df |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "celltype", values_from = "proportion_expressed")
geneset_prop_df <- as.data.frame(geneset_prop_df)
rownames(geneset_prop_df) <- geneset_prop_df$sample
geneset_prop_df <- geneset_prop_df[, -1]
geneset_prop_df <- geneset_prop_df[unique(alldata$sample), ]
#' This function is used to convert the pathway score output from
#' gene set analysis into a matrix of samples x features. It takes
#' the object containing the pathway scores (in the format of pathway score x cell),
#' aggregates the pathway scores by cell type and converts the data into a matrix of
#' samples x features, where the features are the pathways and the cell types they
#' are associated with.
#' @noRd
format_pathway <- function(alldata, topMatrixGSVA, ncores) {
# aggregate the pathway score of each cell type
result_list <- list( data = topMatrixGSVA ,
celltype = alldata$celltype,
sample = alldata$sample)
bulk_data <- bulk_sample_celltype(result_list , ncores)
# convert to patient x (pathway a -- cell type a , pathway a -- cell type b)
bulk_data <- reshape2::melt(t(as.data.frame(bulk_data)))
celltype <- unlist(
lapply(strsplit(as.character(bulk_data$Var1), "--"), `[`, 2)
bulk_data$Var2 <- paste0(bulk_data$Var2, "--", celltype)
bulk_data$Var1 <- unlist(
lapply(strsplit(as.character(bulk_data$Var1), "--"), `[`, 1)
bulk_data <- bulk_data |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "Var2", values_from = "value")
bulk_data[is.na(bulk_data)] <- 0
bulk_data <- as.data.frame(bulk_data)
rownames(bulk_data) <- bulk_data$Var1
bulk_data <- bulk_data[, -1]
bulk_data <- bulk_data[unique(alldata$sample), ]
#' Thie function calculates the mean expression level of each gene set
#' in a list of gene sets for each cell type in each sample, for spatial
#' transcriptomics data. It first uses the cell type composition and
#' gene expression at each spot and uses linear regression to calculate the
#' regression coefficient of each cell type. It then sum the regression
#' coefficient of each cell type and returns the resulting matrix.
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @noRd
helper_pathway_mean_st <- function(alldata, geneset, ncores = 1) {
BPparam <- generateBPParam(ncores)
prob <- as.matrix(alldata$predictions)
zero_celltype <- names(which(rowSums(prob) == 0))
prob <- prob[!rownames(prob) %in% zero_celltype, ]
rownames(prob) <- make.names(rownames(prob))
celltype <- sort(rownames(prob))
x <- 3
allgeneset <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(geneset), function(x) {
thisgeneset <- geneset[[x]]
s <- unique(alldata$sample)[1]
temp <- lapply(unique(alldata$sample), function(s) {
index <- which(alldata$sample == s)
gene <- intersect(rownames(alldata$data), thisgeneset)
gene_count <- as.matrix(alldata$data[gene, index])
gene_name <- rownames(gene_count)
thisprob <- prob[, index]
result_coef <- NULL
i <- 1
for (i in c(seq_len(nrow(gene_count)))) {
thisgene <- data.frame(count = gene_count[i, ])
thisgene <- cbind(thisgene, t(thisprob))
for (thiscelltype in celltype) {
model <- lm(glue::glue("count ~ {thiscelltype}"), thisgene)
a <- summary(model)
if (nrow(a$coefficients) == 1) {
value <- data.frame(0)
} else {
value <- data.frame(a$coefficients[2, 2])
rownames(value) <- paste0(thiscelltype, "-", gene_name[i])
colnames(value) <- "val"
if (is.null(result_coef)) {
result_coef <- data.frame(value)
} else {
result_coef <- rbind(result_coef, value)
temp <- do.call(cbind, temp)
colnames(temp) <- unique(alldata$sample)
ct <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(rownames(temp), "-"), `[`, 1))
final <- NULL
i <- unique(celltype)[1]
for (i in unique(celltype)) {
thiscelltype <- which(ct == i)
thiscelltype <- temp[thiscelltype, ]
this_val <- colSums(thiscelltype)
final <- rbind(final, this_val)
rownames(final) <- paste0(unique(celltype), "-", names(geneset)[x])
}, BPPARAM = BPparam)
allgeneset <- do.call(rbind, allgeneset)
colnames(allgeneset) <- unique(alldata$sample)
allgeneset <- t(allgeneset)
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