#' Testing scClassify model
#' @param exprsMat_test A list or a matrix indicates the log-transformed
#' expression matrices of the query datasets
#' @param trainRes A `scClassifyTrainModel` or a `list` indicates
#' scClassify trained model
#' @param cellTypes_test A list or a vector indicates cell types
#' of the qurey datasets (Optional).
#' @param k An integer indicates the number of neighbour
#' @param prob_threshold A numeric indicates the probability threshold
#' @param cor_threshold_static A numeric indicates the static
#' correlation threshold.
#' @param cor_threshold_high A numeric indicates the highest
#' correlation threshold
#' @param features A vector indicates the gene selection method,
#' set as "limma" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI".
#' @param algorithm A vector indicates the KNN method that are used,
#' set as "WKNN" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN".
#' @param similarity A vector indicates the similarity measure that are used,
#' set as "pearson" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "pearson", "spearman", "cosine",
#' "jaccard", "kendall", "binomial", "weighted_rank","manhattan"
#' @param cutoff_method A vector indicates the method to cutoff the
#' correlation distribution. Set as "dynamic" by default.
#' @param weighted_ensemble A logical input indicates in ensemble learning,
#' whether the results is combined by a
#' weighted score for each base classifier.
#' @param weights A vector indicates the weights for ensemble
#' @param parallel A logical input indicates whether running in paralllel or not
#' @param BPPARAM A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object
#' from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param verbose A logical input indicates whether the intermediate steps
#' will be printed
#' @return list of results
#' @examples
#' data("scClassify_example")
#' wang_cellTypes <- scClassify_example$wang_cellTypes
#' exprsMat_wang_subset <- scClassify_example$exprsMat_wang_subset
#' data("trainClassExample_xin")
#' pred_res <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_wang_subset,
#' trainRes = trainClassExample_xin,
#' cellTypes_test = wang_cellTypes,
#' algorithm = "WKNN",
#' features = c("limma"),
#' similarity = c("pearson"),
#' prob_threshold = 0.7,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bplapply
#' @export
# function to predict multiple feature + distance combinations
predict_scClassify <- function(exprsMat_test,
cellTypes_test = NULL,
k = 10,
prob_threshold = 0.7,
cor_threshold_static = 0.5,
cor_threshold_high = 0.7,
features = "limma",
algorithm = "WKNN",
similarity = "pearson",
cutoff_method = c("dynamic", "static"),
weighted_ensemble = FALSE,
weights = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
verbose = FALSE){
# checking input
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm, c("WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN"),
several.ok = TRUE)
similarity <- match.arg(similarity, c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
several.ok = TRUE)
cutoff_method <- match.arg(cutoff_method, c("dynamic", "static"),
several.ok = TRUE)
if ("scClassifyTrainModelList" %in% is(trainRes)) {
stop("For a list of training model,
please use predict_scClassifyJoint()
instead to get joint training results.")
if (!any(c("scClassifyTrainModel", "list") %in% is(trainRes))) {
stop("Wrong trainRes input.
Need to be either scClassifyTrainModel or list")
if ((length(features) > 1 | length(algorithm) > 1 |
length(similarity) > 1) ) {
if (weighted_ensemble) {
weighted_ensemble <- TRUE
ensemble <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
cat("Performing weighted ensemble learning... \n")
} else {
weighted_ensemble <- FALSE
ensemble <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
cat("Performing unweighted ensemble learning... \n")
} else {
weighted_ensemble <- FALSE
ensemble <- FALSE
if (verbose) {
cat("Ensemble learning is disabled... \n")
ensemble_methods <- as.matrix(expand.grid(similarity = similarity,
algorithm = algorithm,
features = features))
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (length(weights) != nrow(ensemble_methods)) {
stop("The length of weights is not equal to
the number of combination of ensemble methods")
if (parallel) {
predictRes <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(nrow(ensemble_methods)),
predict_scClassifySingle(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test,
trainRes = trainRes,
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
features = ensemble_methods[em, 3],
algorithm = ensemble_methods[em, 2],
similarity = ensemble_methods[em, 1],
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
verbose = verbose)
predictRes <- list()
for (em in seq(nrow(ensemble_methods))) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Using parameters: \n")
print(ensemble_methods[em, ])
predictRes[[em]] <- predict_scClassifySingle(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test,
trainRes = trainRes,
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
features = ensemble_methods[em, 3],
algorithm = ensemble_methods[em, 2],
similarity = ensemble_methods[em, 1],
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
verbose = verbose)
names(predictRes) <- paste(ensemble_methods[, 1],
ensemble_methods[, 2],
ensemble_methods[, 3],
sep = "_")
if (is.null(weights)) {
if ("list" %in% is(trainRes)) {
weights <- trainRes$modelweights
weights <- weights[names(predictRes)]
if ("scClassifyTrainModel" %in% is(trainRes)) {
weights <- modelweights(trainRes)
weights <- weights[names(predictRes)]
if (verbose) {
cat("weights for each base method: \n")
if (ensemble) {
ensembleRes <- getEnsembleRes(predictRes,
exclude = NULL,
weighted_ensemble = weighted_ensemble)
predictRes$ensembleRes <- ensembleRes
#' Testing scClassify model (joint training)
#' @param exprsMat_test A list or a matrix indicates the expression matrices of the testing datasets
#' @param trainRes A `scClassifyTrainModel` or a `list` indicates scClassify training model
#' @param cellTypes_test A list or a vector indicates cell types of the testing datasets (Optional).
#' @param k An integer indicates the number of neighbour
#' @param prob_threshold A numeric indicates the probability threshold for KNN/WKNN/DWKNN.
#' @param cor_threshold_static A numeric indicates the static correlation threshold.
#' @param cor_threshold_high A numeric indicates the highest correlation threshold
#' @param features A vector indicates the method to select features, set as "limma" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "limma", "DV", "DD", "chisq", "BI".
#' @param algorithm A vector indicates the KNN method that are used, set as "WKNN" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN".
#' @param similarity A vector indicates the similarity measure that are used,
#' set as "pearson" by default.
#' This should be one or more of "pearson", "spearman", "cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
#' "binomial", "weighted_rank","manhattan"
#' @param cutoff_method A vector indicates the method to cutoff the correlation distribution.
#' Set as "dynamic" by default.
#' @param parallel A logical input indicates whether running in paralllel or not
#' @param BPPARAM A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object
#' from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param verbose A logical input indicates whether the intermediate steps will be printed
#' @return list of results
#' @author Yingxin Lin
#' @examples
#' data("scClassify_example")
#' wang_cellTypes <- scClassify_example$wang_cellTypes
#' exprsMat_wang_subset <- scClassify_example$exprsMat_wang_subset
#' data("trainClassExample_xin")
#' data("trainClassExample_wang")
#' trainClassExampleJoint <- scClassifyTrainModelList(trainClassExample_wang,
#' trainClassExample_xin)
#' pred_res_joint <- predict_scClassifyJoint(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_wang_subset,
#' trainRes = trainClassExampleJoint,
#' cellTypes_test = wang_cellTypes,
#' algorithm = "WKNN",
#' features = c("limma"),
#' similarity = c("pearson"),
#' prob_threshold = 0.7,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' table(pred_res_joint$jointRes$cellTypes, wang_cellTypes)
#' @importFrom methods is slot
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam
#' @export
predict_scClassifyJoint <- function(exprsMat_test,
cellTypes_test = NULL,
k = 10,
prob_threshold = 0.7,
cor_threshold_static = 0.5,
cor_threshold_high = 0.7,
features = "limma",
algorithm = "WKNN",
similarity = "pearson",
cutoff_method = c("dynamic", "static"),
parallel = FALSE,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
verbose = FALSE){
# checking input
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm, c("WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN"),
several.ok = TRUE)
similarity <- match.arg(similarity, c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
several.ok = TRUE)
cutoff_method <- match.arg(cutoff_method, c("dynamic", "static"),
several.ok = TRUE)
if (!"scClassifyTrainModelList" %in% is(trainRes)) {
stop("trainRes needs to be a scClassifyTrainModelList object")
predictResList <- list()
for (trainListIdx in seq_len(length(methods::slot(trainRes, "listData")))) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Training using ")
cat(names(methods::slot(trainRes, "listData"))[trainListIdx], "\n")
predictResList[[trainListIdx]] <- predict_scClassify(exprsMat_test = exprsMat_test,
trainRes = trainRes[[trainListIdx]],
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
features = features,
algorithm = algorithm,
similarity = similarity,
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
parallel = parallel,
verbose = verbose)
names(predictResList) <- paste("Trained_by",
names(methods::slot(trainRes, "listData")),
sep = "_")
jointRes <- getJointRes(predictResList, trainRes)
rownames(jointRes) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
predictResList$jointRes <- jointRes
predict_scClassifySingle <- function(exprsMat_test,
k = 10,
prob_threshold = 0.7,
cor_threshold_static = 0.5,
cor_threshold_high = 0.7,
features = "limma",
algorithm = c("WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN"),
similarity = c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard",
"kendall", "weighted_rank",
cutoff_method = c("dynamic", "static"),
verbose = TRUE){
if (!is.null(cellTypes_test)) {
if (length(cellTypes_test) != ncol(exprsMat_test)) {
stop("Length of testing cell types does not match
with number of column of testing expression matrix")
if (is.null(rownames(exprsMat_test))) {
stop("rownames of exprsMat_test is NULL")
if (is.null(colnames(exprsMat_test)) |
sum(duplicated(colnames(exprsMat_test))) != 0) {
stop("colnames of exprsMat_test is NULL or not unique")
if (all(exprsMat_test %% 1 == 0)) {
warning("exprsMat_test looks like a count matrix
(scClassify requires a log-transformed normalised input)")
# check input
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm, c("WKNN", "KNN", "DWKNN"))
similarity <- match.arg(similarity, c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
cutoff_method <- match.arg(cutoff_method, c("dynamic", "static"))
if (ncol(exprsMat_test) < 100 & cutoff_method == "dynamic") {
warning("Number of cells in test data is small.
The cutoff method is changed to static.")
cutoff_method <- "static"
if ("scClassifyTrainModelList" %in% is(trainRes)) {
stop("For a list of training model,
please use predict_scClassifyJoint instead to
get joint training results.")
if (!any(c("scClassifyTrainModel", "list") %in% is(trainRes))) {
stop("wrong trainRes input.
Need to be either scClassifyTrainModel or list")
if ("scClassifyTrainModel" %in% is(trainRes)) {
if (!features %in% features(trainRes)) {
stop("The selected features are not trained in the provided model!")
# get the input from train model
levelModel <- model(trainRes)[[features]]$model
levelHVG <- model(trainRes)[[features]]$hvg
cutree_list <- cellTypeTree(trainRes)
cellTypes_train <- cellTypeTrain(trainRes)
} else {
if (!features %in% names(trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes)) {
stop("The selected features are not trained in the provided model!")
# get the input from train model
levelModel <- trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes[[features]]$model
levelHVG <- trainRes$hierarchyKNNRes[[features]]$hvg
cutree_list <- trainRes$cutree_list
cellTypes_train <- trainRes$cellTypes_train
pred <- list()
# For each level
for (i in seq_len(length(levelModel))) {
# If this level is not NULL (Not Level1)
if (!is.null(levelModel[[i]])) {
#If not all the cells are not unassigned in the parent nodes
if (sum(pred[[i - 1]] != 0) != 0) {
pred_level <- list()
for (j in seq_len(length(levelModel[[i]]))) {
# If the model of level i-1, cells labeled as j is NOT "no model"
if (!"character" %in% is(levelModel[[i]][[j]])) {
# Select the cells that are going to classified
# (according to what they are classified in last level)
predIdx <- which(pred[[i - 1]] == j)
if (length(predIdx) != 0) {
# features that are in the test dataset
common_HVG <- intersect(rownames(exprsMat_test), levelHVG[[i]][[j]])
exprsMat_toTest <- exprsMat_test[common_HVG, predIdx, drop = FALSE]
exprsMat_toTest <- exprsMat_toTest[Matrix::rowSums(exprsMat_toTest) != 0, ,
drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(exprsMat_toTest) < 5) {
message(paste("There are only", nrow(exprsMat_toTest),
"selected genes in reference data expressed in query data"))
pred_level[[j]] <- rep(0, length(predIdx))
# Calculate the similarity
corMat <- calculateSimilarity(exprsMat_train = Matrix::t(levelModel[[i]][[j]]$train[ ,rownames(exprsMat_toTest)]),
exprsMat_test = exprsMat_toTest,
similarity = similarity)
# Different algorithm
if (algorithm == "KNN") {
predRes <- KNNcor(corMat = corMat,
subLevelModel = levelModel[[i]][[j]],
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
topLevel = FALSE,
verbose = verbose)
if (algorithm == "WKNN") {
predRes <- WKNNcor(corMat = corMat,
subLevelModel = levelModel[[i]][[j]],
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
topLevel = FALSE,
verbose = verbose)
if (algorithm == "DWKNN") {
predRes <- DWKNNcor(corMat = corMat,
subLevelModel = levelModel[[i]][[j]],
cutoff_method = cutoff_method,
k = k,
prob_threshold = prob_threshold,
cor_threshold_static = cor_threshold_static,
cor_threshold_high = cor_threshold_high,
topLevel = FALSE,
verbose = verbose)
pred_level[[j]] <- predRes$predRes
# Else, the model of (level i-1, cells labeled as j) IS "no model"
# maintain the same class.
else {
predIdx <- which(pred[[i - 1]] == j)
# check the label of current level based on the label of last level
pred_level[[j]] <- as.factor(rep(unique(cutree_list[[i]][cutree_list[[i - 1]] == j]),
names(pred_level[[j]]) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)[predIdx]
# Get the predict results for level i, change it to the numeric
pred[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(pred_level, function(x){
cellNames <- names(x)
x <- as.numeric(as.character(x))
names(x) <- cellNames
# reorder the prediction results to consistent
#with the exprsMat_test
pred[[i]] <- pred[[i]][colnames(exprsMat_test)]
names(pred[[i]]) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
pred[[i]] <- as.numeric(as.character(pred[[i]]))
# there will be NA since they are unassigned
#from the last level,
#and therefore are not predicted in this level
pred[[i]][is.na(pred[[i]])] <- 0
names(pred[[i]]) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
# else, if all the cells in paraent nodes are unassigned
pred[[i]] <- as.factor(rep(0, ncol(exprsMat_test)))
names(pred[[i]]) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
# If this level is NULL (Level 1)
pred[[i]] <- as.factor(rep(1, ncol(exprsMat_test)))
names(pred[[i]]) <- colnames(exprsMat_test)
predMat <- do.call(cbind, pred)
predMat <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(predMat)),
function(x) getPredRes(predMat, cutree_list, x),
predRes <- apply(predMat, 1, function(x){
unAssIdx <- which(x == "unassigned")
if (length(unAssIdx) != 0) {
if (min(unAssIdx) >= 3) {
x[min(unAssIdx) - 1]
if (is.null(cellTypes_test)) {
return(list(predRes = predRes, predLabelMat = predMat))
classify_res <- ClassifyError(cellTypes_pred = predRes,
cellTypes_test = cellTypes_test,
cellTypes_train = cellTypes_train)
if (verbose) {
return(list(predRes = predRes, predLabelMat = predMat,
classifyRes = classify_res))
# Function to calculate similarity
#' @importFrom proxyC simil
#' @importFrom proxy as.dist
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @importFrom methods as
calculateSimilarity <- function(exprsMat_train,
similarity = c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
"weighted_rank","manhattan")) {
similarity <- match.arg(similarity, c("pearson", "spearman",
"cosine", "jaccard", "kendall",
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
!"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
exprsMat_train <- methods::as(exprsMat_train, "dgCMatrix")
if (!"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
exprsMat_test <- methods::as(exprsMat_test, "dgCMatrix")
if (similarity == "cosine") {
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
corMat <- proxyC::simil(Matrix::t(exprsMat_train),
method = "cosine")
} else {
corMat <- 1 - as.matrix(proxy::dist(t(as.matrix(exprsMat_train)),
method = "cosine"))
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- min(corMat)
} else if (similarity == "kendall") {
corMat <- stats::cor(as.matrix(exprsMat_train),
as.matrix(exprsMat_test), method = "kendall")
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- -1
} else if (similarity == "jaccard") {
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
corMat <- proxyC::simil(Matrix::t(exprsMat_train),
method = "jaccard")
} else {
corMat <- 1 -
as.matrix(proxy::dist(t(as.matrix(exprsMat_train > 0)),
t(as.matrix(exprsMat_test > 0)),
method = "Jaccard"))
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- min(corMat)
}else if (similarity == "weighted_rank") {
corMat <- wtd_rank2(as.matrix(exprsMat_train),
as.matrix(exprsMat_test), method = "pearson")
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- -1
}else if (similarity == "manhattan") {
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
corMat <- 1 - as.matrix(proxy::dist(t(as.matrix(exprsMat_train)),
method = "Manhattan"))
} else {
corMat <- 1 - as.matrix(proxy::dist(t(as.matrix(exprsMat_train)),
method = "Manhattan"))
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- min(corMat)
}else if (similarity == "spearman") {
corMat <- stats::cor(as.matrix(exprsMat_train),
as.matrix(exprsMat_test), method = "spearman")
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- -1
}else if (similarity == "pearson") {
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
corMat <- proxyC::simil(Matrix::t(exprsMat_train),
method = "correlation")
} else {
corMat <- stats::cor(as.matrix(exprsMat_train),
as.matrix(exprsMat_test), method = "pearson")
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- -1
if ("dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_test) &
"dgCMatrix" %in% is(exprsMat_train)) {
corMat <- proxyC::simil(Matrix::t(exprsMat_train),
method = "correlation")
} else {
corMat <- stats::cor(as.matrix(exprsMat_train),
as.matrix(exprsMat_test), method = "pearson")
corMat[is.na(corMat) | is.infinite(corMat)] <- -1
# Function to caculate weighted rank correlation
# the codes are modified from the wtd_rank function in dismay package
wtd_rank2 <- function(mat1, mat2 = NULL, method = "pearson") {
method <- match.arg(method, c("pearson", "spearman"))
ranks1 <- apply(mat1, 2, function(x) rank(-x, ties.method = "average"))
# weight the ranks
# calculate the savage scores
n1 <- nrow(mat1)
reciprocals1 <- 1 / seq_len(n1)
savage1 <- vapply(seq_len(n1),
function(i) sum(reciprocals1[i:n1]),
# replace each rank with the savage score
savages1 <- ranks1
savages1[] <- savage1[ranks1]
if (!is.null(mat2)) {
ranks2 <- apply(mat2, 2, function(x) rank(-x, ties.method = "average"))
# weight the ranks
# calculate the savage scores
n2 <- nrow(mat2)
reciprocals2 <- 1 / seq_len(n2)
savage2 <- vapply(seq_len(n2),
function(i) sum(reciprocals2[i:n2]),
# replace each rank with the savage score
savages2 <- ranks2
savages2[] <- savage2[ranks2]
cor <- stats::cor(savages1, savages2, method = method)
} else {
cor <- stats::cor(savages1, method = method)
# calculate pearson correlation
# Function to get the prediction labels according to the tree
getPredRes <- function(predMat, cutree_list, level){
res <- predMat[,level]
for (i in seq_len(length(predMat[,level]))) {
if (predMat[i,level] == 0) {
res[i] <- "unassigned"
res[i] <- paste(names(cutree_list[[level]])[cutree_list[[level]]
%in% predMat[i,level]],
collapse = "_")
# Functions to classify the error for the predicted cell types
ClassifyError <- function(cellTypes_pred, cellTypes_test, cellTypes_train){
errClass <- c("correct", "correctly unassigned",
"intermediate", "incorrectly unassigned",
"error assigned", "misclassified")
if (length(cellTypes_pred) != length(cellTypes_test)) {
stop("wrong input")
train_ref <- unique(cellTypes_train)
res <- vapply(seq_len(length(cellTypes_pred)), function(i){
if (cellTypes_test[i] %in% train_ref) {
if (cellTypes_pred[i] %in% c("unassigned", "Unassigned")) {
"incorrectly unassigned"
} else if (cellTypes_pred[i] == "intermediate") {
if (cellTypes_test[i] == cellTypes_pred[i]) {
}else if (grepl(cellTypes_test[i], cellTypes_pred[i])) {
if (cellTypes_pred[i] %in% c("unassigned","Unassigned")) {
"correctly unassigned"
"error assigned"
}, character(1L))
res <- factor(res, levels = errClass)
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