# functions get ensemble results
# function to transfer the error
alpha <- function(e) {
e[e < 0.001] <- 0.001
e[e > 0.999] <- 0.999
log((1 - e)/e)
getTrainWeights <- function(trainRes) {
errClass_train <- do.call(rbind, lapply(trainRes, function(x)
weighted_train <- alpha(1 - (errClass_train[, 1] + errClass_train[, 2]))
# function to get the ensemble res
getEnsembleRes <- function(testRes, weighted_train,
exclude = NULL, weighted_ensemble = TRUE) {
# trainRes <- testRes$train
# Get the weighted
if (weighted_ensemble) {
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
keep_method <- !grepl(paste(exclude, collapse = "|"),
weighted_train <- weighted_train[keep_method]
} else {
weighted_train <- NULL
ensembleRes <- calEnsembleRes(testRes,
exclude = exclude,
weight = weighted_train)
# Function to combine the ensemble res
calEnsembleRes <- function(res, exclude = NULL, weight = NULL){
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
keep_method <- !grepl(paste(exclude,collapse = "|"), names(res))
res <- res[keep_method]
weight <- weight[keep_method]
ensembleResMat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$predRes))
if (is.null(weight)) {
weight <- rep(1, ncol(ensembleResMat))
ensembleRes <- apply(ensembleResMat, 1, function(x) {
names(x) <- colnames(ensembleResMat)
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(x))
if (sum(keep) == 0) {
data.frame(cellTypes = "unassigned", scores = 0)
getResByWeights(x[keep], weight[keep])
ensembleRes <- do.call(rbind, ensembleRes)
# function to calculate the weight for each base classifier
getResByWeights <- function(res, weight) {
resType <- unique(res)
if (length(resType) == 1) {
final <- resType
scores <- 1
} else {
mat <- vapply(seq_len(length(resType)), function(i){
ifelse(res %in% resType[i], 1, 0) * weight
}, numeric(length(res)))
colnames(mat) <- resType
rownames(mat) <- names(res)
mat_colMeans <- Matrix::colMeans(mat)
final <- names(mat_colMeans)[which.max(mat_colMeans)]
scores <- max(mat_colMeans)/sum(mat_colMeans)
return(data.frame(cellTypes = final, scores = scores))
# Function to summarise joint classification results
getJointRes <- function(predictResList, trainRes) {
predictJointResList <- lapply(seq_along(predictResList), function(l) {
if ("scClassifyTrainModel" %in% is(trainRes[[l]])) {
weights_train <- modelweights(trainRes[[l]])
} else {
weights_train <- trainRes[[l]]$modelweights
exclude = NULL,
weighted_ensemble = TRUE)
names(predictJointResList) <- names(predictResList)
jointCellType <- do.call(cbind, lapply(predictJointResList, function(x)
colnames(jointCellType) <- names(predictJointResList)
jointCellType <- apply(jointCellType, 2, function(x) {
len <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, "_"), length))
x[len > 2] <- "intermediate"
jointWeights <- do.call(cbind, lapply(predictJointResList, function(x)
colnames(jointWeights) <- names(predictJointResList)
jointRes <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(jointCellType)), function(idx) {
cell_res <- jointCellType[idx, ]
names(cell_res) <- colnames(jointCellType)
if (length(cell_res) == 2 & sum(cell_res == "unassigned") == 1) {
data.frame(cellTypes = cell_res[cell_res != "unassigned"],
scores = 0.5)
} else {
getResByWeights(cell_res, jointWeights[idx, ])
jointRes <- do.call(rbind, jointRes)
jointRes <- data.frame(jointRes)
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