#' caliblist_advise_lipidomics
#' @description \code{caliblist_advise_lipidomics} is the function for creation of the calibration
#' data (concentration and area).
#' @param out List. It is the result from the \code{filter_advise_lipidomics} function.
#' @param calibration_path Character string. It should be the folder in which calibration files
#' are located, already stored in the list 'out' (as out$folders$calibration_path).
#' @param calibration_targetfile Character string. It is the calibration target file.
#' @param info a string that tells if it's the deuterated or nonlabeled calibration
#' @return A calibration matrix
#' @import dplyr
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom readr read_delim
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom crayon red bgYellow
#' @export
#' @details The first part of the calibration step creates a list of calibration information
#' from the calibration target files. This first part should be applied both to deuterated
#' files and to non-labeled files. The creation of the final calibration matrix is performed
#' outside the function. The calibration matrix has the correspondence between concentration
#' and area for each internal standard lipid species.
#' @note Last change 20/01/2022
caliblist_advise_lipidomics <- function(out,
info, ###AGGIUNTO info
#Reading calibration target file
message("Reading ", info, " calibration files...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Reading", "<b>", info, "</b>", "calibration files...")), type = "default")
file_list <- unlist(strsplit(calibration_targetfile$Name, split = ";"))
if (!all(file_list %in% list.files(calibration_path))){
message("At least one file is missing or reported with the wrong name!")
showNotification(tagList(icon("times-circle"), HTML(" At least one file is missing or reported with the wrong name! Check the console.")),
type = "error", duration = 7)
#check the separator
message("Semi-colon not detected in Name column. In case you have replicates, remember to use ';' to separate the different files.")
showNotification(tagList(icon("times-circle"), HTML(" Semi-colon not detected in Name column. In case you have replicates, remember to use ';' to separate the different files.")),
type = "warning", duration = 7)
#check the txt extension
if(!all(grepl(".txt", file_list))){
message("File extension '.txt' not found in Name column. Did you forget to add it? LipidSearch outputs should be a txt file.")
showNotification(tagList(icon("times-circle"), HTML(" File extension '.txt' not found in Name column. Did you forget to add it? LipidSearch outputs should be a txt file.")),
type = "warning", duration = 7)
filemissing = file_list[which(!file_list %in% list.files(datapath))]
message("Number of file missing or with wrong name: ",length(filemissing))
message("Check the following files:")
stop("Calibration file missing!")
#check class column
message("Semi-colon not detected in Class column. Remember to use ';' if you want to use more than one lipid class for each concentration.")
showNotification(tagList(icon("times-circle"), HTML(" Semi-colon not detected in Class column. Remember to use ';' if you want to use more than one lipid class for each concentration.")),
type = "warning", duration = 7)
calibration = calibration_targetfile
calibration$Class = strsplit(calibration$Class, split = ";")
calibration$Name = strsplit(calibration$Name, split = ";")
calibration_list = list()
# Creating calibration list
message("Creating calibration list...")
showNotification(tagList(icon("cogs"), HTML(" Creating calibration list...")), type = "default")
nas_list = list()
rt_range <- out$targets$internal_standard %>% dplyr::select(Class,Ion,MinRt,MaxRt,InternalStandardLipidIon)
# #check files
# calib_files_tocheck = calibration$Name
# if(!all(unlist(calibration$Name) %in% list.files(calibration_path))){
# if(shiny::isRunning()){
# showNotification(tagList(icon("times-circle"), HTML(" Calibration file missing!")), type = "error")
# }
# stop("Calibration file missing!")
# }
###check lipidsearch version
colnames_4.2 = c("LipidIon","Class","FattyAcid","Ion","ObsMz","TopRT","Area")
colnames_5.0 = c("LipidID", "ClassKey", "Adduct", "ObsMz" ,"TopRT","Area")
files_to_check = paste0(calibration_path, unlist(calibration$Name))
if(is.null(check_lipidversion(file_paths = unique(files_to_check), colnames_4.2 = colnames_4.2, colnames_5.0 = colnames_5.0))){
for (k in 1:nrow(calibration)){
conc_list <- list()
conc_temp <- calibration[k,]
our_file <- unlist(conc_temp$Name)
for(kk in our_file){
conc_list[[kk]] <- readr::read_delim(paste0(calibration_path,kk), "\t",
escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 5, n_max = 1000000)
colnames_tocheck = colnames(conc_list[[kk]])
if(all(colnames_4.2 %in% colnames_tocheck)){
conc_list[[kk]] <- conc_list[[kk]] %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(colnames_4.2))
}else if(all(colnames_5.0 %in% colnames_tocheck)){
conc_list[[kk]] <- conc_list[[kk]] %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(colnames_5.0))
#add column FattyAcid
conc_list[[kk]] = tibble::add_column(conc_list[[kk]], FattyAcid = paste0("(",stringr::str_extract(string = conc_list[[kk]]$LipidID, pattern = "(?<=\\()(.*?)(?=\\))"),")"), .after = 2)
colnames(conc_list[[kk]]) <- colnames_4.2
conc_list[[kk]] <- conc_list[[kk]] %>%
dplyr::mutate(Area = if(inherits(conc_list[[kk]]$Area, "character")) {readr::parse_number(Area)}else{Area}) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Area = replace(Area, Area <= 0 , NA)) %>%
dplyr::filter(Class %in% calibration$Class[[k]]) %>%
dplyr::left_join(rt_range, by = c("Class","Ion")) %>%
dplyr::filter(TopRT >= MinRt & TopRT <= MaxRt) %>%
dplyr::filter(LipidIon %in% out$targets$internal_standard$InternalStandardLipidIon) %>%
conc_list <- conc_list[sapply(conc_list, function(x) dim(x)[1]) > 0]
###Removing duplicated lipids (very important for LipidSearch 5.0)
fun_f <- function(f){
dup <- f$LipidIon[duplicated(f$LipidIon)] %>% unique()
not_dup = setdiff(f$LipidIon, dup)
if(length(dup) != 0){
all_dup = list()
max_dup = list()
for(k in 1:length(dup)){
all_dup[[k]] <- f[f$LipidIon == dup[k],]
max_dup[[k]] <- all_dup[[k]] %>% dplyr::slice_max(Area,n = 1,with_ties = FALSE)
max_dup_df <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, max_dup))
tibble::as_tibble(rbind(max_dup_df, dplyr::filter(f, LipidIon %in% not_dup)))
#Filter duplicated lipids. Only lipids with maximum area will be picked. Convert to tibble or problems later.
conc_list = lapply(conc_list, fun_f)
aux_fun <- function(a,b) {merge(a, b, by = "LipidIon", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)}
if (length(conc_list) != 0){
nas_list[[k]] = data.frame("NAs" = unlist(lapply(conc_list, function(x) sum(is.na(x$Area)))))
mean_df <- base::Reduce(aux_fun, conc_list)
mean_df <- cbind(mean_df$LipidIon,rowMeans(mean_df[,-1], na.rm = TRUE))
colnames(mean_df) <- c("LipidIon",calibration$`Concentration (ng/mL)`[k])
calibration_list[[k]] <- tibble::as_tibble(mean_df)
if(length(calibration_list) == 0){
message(paste("Calibration list for",info,"is empty"))
showNotification(tagList(icon("exclamation-circle"), HTML(" Calibration list for",info,"is empty")), type = "warning")
nas_list = base::Filter(Negate(is.null), nas_list)
df_nas = lapply(nas_list, function(x) tibble::rownames_to_column(x, "Sample")) %>% data.table::rbindlist() %>% dplyr::filter(NAs != 0)
if(sum(df_nas$NAs) > 0){
showNotification(duration = 8, tagList(icon("exclamation-circle"),
HTML(" Some lipid areas (",sum(nas$NAs),"in total) are equal or less than 0 and will be replaced with NA.
Check the console to see where NAs are introduced.")), type = "warning")
cat(crayon::bgYellow(crayon::red("NAs are introduced in the following samples.")))
#check if there are not supported files (returned 0)
check_too_new = lapply(calibration_list, function(x) if(length(x) == 1) x == 0) %>% unlist()
message("Version of LipidSearch not supported. If your version is newer than 5.0
please open an issue on the GitHub page. Probably they changed some column names.")
showNotification(duration = 8, tagList(icon("times-circle"), HTML(" Version of LipidSearch not supported. If your version is newer than 5.0
please open an issue on our GitHub page. Probably they changed some column names.")), type = "error")
calibration_mat <- base::Filter(Negate(is.null), calibration_list) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::full_join,by = "LipidIon") %>%
tidyr::gather(Concentration, Area, -c(LipidIon))
calibration_mat$Concentration <- sub("*\\.[a-zA-Z]","",calibration_mat$Concentration)
calibration_mat <- calibration_mat[complete.cases(calibration_mat),]
calibration_mat <- tidyr::pivot_wider(calibration_mat, id_cols = LipidIon,
names_from = Concentration, values_from = Area)
showNotification(tagList(icon("check"), HTML(" Calibration list successfully created!")), type = "message")
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