
Defines functions CoverageTrack RawReadsTrack NucleosomeTrack plotSummary

#' @importFrom PICS makeGRangesOutput
#' @export makeGRangesOutput
setAs("pingList", "GRanges", function(from) {
    makeGRangesOutput(from, type = "bed", filter = list(delta = c(50, 300), se = c(0, 50), sigmaSqF = c(0, 22500), sigmaSqR = c(0, 
        22500), score = c(1, Inf)), length = 100)

#' @importFrom PICS K chromosome w mu delta sigmaSqF sigmaSqR se score
#' @importFrom PICS scoreForward scoreReverse minRange maxRange seF seR
setAs("pingList", "data.frame", function(from) {
    ans <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:length(from), K(from)), chr = chromosome(from), w = w(from), mu = mu(from), delta = delta(from), 
        sigmaSqF = sigmaSqF(from), sigmaSqR = sigmaSqR(from), se = se(from), score = score(from), scoreF = scoreForward(from), 
        scoreR = scoreReverse(from), minRange = minRange(from), maxRange = maxRange(from), seF = seF(from), seR = seR(from))
    ans$chr <- as.character(ans$chr)
    ans <- ans[is.finite(ans$mu), ]

#' @export
setMethod("as.data.frame", "pingList", function(x, ...) {
    as(x, "data.frame")

#' @export
setMethod("show", "pingList", function(object) {
    cat("Object of class 'pingList'", "\n")
    cat("This object has the following slots: \n")
    cat(paste(names(getSlots(class(object))), collapse = ", "), "\n")
    cat("List is a list of 'ping' or pingError ojects\n")

# setGeneric('density', function(x, ...) standardGeneric('density'))
#' @export
setMethod("density", "ping", function(x, strand = "+", step = 10, sum = FALSE, filter = NULL, scale = TRUE) {
    # Check that all filters are passed
    missingNames <- !c("delta", "sigmaSqF", "sigmaSqR", "se", "seF", "seR", "score") %in% names(filter)
    filter[c("delta", "sigmaSqF", "sigmaSqR", "se", "seF", "seR", "score")[missingNames]] <- list(c(0, Inf))
    if (strand == "+") {
        strand <- 1
    } else if (strand == "-") {
        strand <- -1
    } else if (strand == "*") {
        strand <- 0
    } else {
        stop("Strand must be either '+', '-' or '*'")
    strand <- as.double(paste(strand, "1", sep = ""))
    ans <- .Call("getDensity", x, strand, step, filter, sum, scale, PACKAGE = "PICS")

#' @export
setMethod("density", "pingList", function(x, strand = "+", step = 10, sum = FALSE, filter = NULL, scale = TRUE) {
    # Check that all filters are passed
    missingNames <- !c("delta", "sigmaSqF", "sigmaSqR", "se", "seF", "seR", "score") %in% names(filter)
    filter[c("delta", "sigmaSqF", "sigmaSqR", "se", "seF", "seR", "score")[missingNames]] <- list(c(0, Inf))
    if (strand == "+") {
        strand <- 1
    } else if (strand == "-") {
        strand <- -1
    } else if (strand == "*") {
        strand <- 0
    } else {
        stop("Strand must be either '+', '-' or '*'")
    ans <- .Call("getDensityList", x, strand, step, filter, sum, scale, PACKAGE = "PICS")

#' @export
setMethod("density", "pingError", function(x, strand = NULL, step = NULL, sum = NULL, filter = NULL) {

#' @export
setMethod("summary", "segReads", function(object) {
    m <- min(object@yF[1], object@yR[1])
    M <- max(tail(object@yF, 1), tail(object@yR, 1))
    cat("** Region summary ** \n")
    cat("Summary on Forward reads:\n", summary(object@yF, digits = 100), "\n")
    cat("Summary on Reverse reads:\n", summary(object@yR, digits = 100), "\n")
    cat("Summary on control Forward reads:\n", summary(object@cF, digits = 100), "\n")
    cat("Summary on control Reverse reads:\n", summary(object@cR, digits = 100), "\n")
    cat("Non mappable intervals cover ", sum(diff(t(object@map)))/(M - m), "% of the region \n")

#' @export
setMethod("[", "pingList", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
    if (missing(i)) {
    if (!missing(j)) {
        stop("incorrect number of dimensions")
    } else {
        newPingList(x@List[i], x@paraEM, x@paraPrior, x@minReads, x@N, x@Nc)

#' @export
setMethod("summary", "pingList", function(object) {
    cat("** Experiment information ** \n")
    cat("Chromosomes interogated: ")
    cat(unique(chromosome(object)), "\n")
    cat("Number of reads:")
    cat("In IP: ", object@N, " in control: ", object@Nc, "\n")
    cat("** Prior parameters ** \n")
    cat("The following settings were used:\n")
    cat("  Hyper parameters for the fragment length distribution:\n")
    cat("  xi, rho, alpha, beta: ", object@paraPrior$xi, ",", object@paraPrior$rho, ",", object@paraPrior$alpha, ",", object@paraPrior$beta, 
    cat("** Score summary ** \n")
    cat("** Fragment length distribution summary ** \n")
    cat("** Summary on the number of binding events per candidate region** \n")

#' @export
setMethod("summary", "ping", function(object) {
    cat("** Score ** \n")
    cat(score(object), "\n")
    cat("** Fragment length estimate ** \n")
    cat(delta(object), "\n")
    cat("** Number of binding events in the candidate region** \n")
    cat(K(object), "\n")

#' @importFrom graphics par layout points axis mtext plot segments stripchart symbols title
#' @importFrom grDevices grey
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature("ping", "segReads"), function(x, y, addKernel = FALSE, addNucleosome = FALSE, addSe = TRUE, 
    main = NULL, rescale = 1, ...) {
    # Set outer and figure margins to reduce gap between plots
    if (addNucleosome) {
        nG <- 3
        par(oma = c(2.5, 5, 5, 5), mar = c(0, 5, 0, 0), cex.lab = 2)
        layout(matrix(1:nG, ncol = 1), heights = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.1))
    } else {
        nG <- 2
        par(oma = c(2.5, 5, 5, 5), mar = c(0, 5, 0, 0), cex.lab = 2)
        layout(matrix(1:nG, ncol = 1), heights = c(0.5, 0.5))
    step <- 5/rescale
    .densityMix <- function(x, para) {
        v <- 4
        w <- para$w
        mu <- para$mu
        sigmaSq <- para$sigmaSq
        sigma <- sqrt(sigmaSq)
        xNorm <- outer(-mu, x, "+")/sigma
        return(colSums(w * dt(xNorm, df = v)/sigma))
    yF <- y@yF
    yR <- y@yR
    cF <- y@cF
    cR <- y@cR
    map <- y@map
    m <- min(yF[1], yR[1]) - 100/rescale
    M <- max(tail(yF, 1), tail(yR, 1)) + 100/rescale
    paraR <- list(w = x@estimates$w, mu = x@estimates$mu + x@estimates$delta/2, sigmaSq = x@estimates$sigmaSqR)
    paraF <- list(w = x@estimates$w, mu = x@estimates$mu - x@estimates$delta/2, sigmaSq = x@estimates$sigmaSqF)
    dR <- .densityMix(seq(m, M, step), paraR)
    dF <- .densityMix(seq(m, M, step), paraF)
    maxRange <- max(c(dF, dR))
    plot(seq(m, M, step), dF, xlim = c(m, M), ylim = c(0, maxRange), lty = 2, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "density", 
        xaxt = "n", axes = FALSE)
    title(main = main, outer = TRUE, cex.main = 2)
    lines(seq(m, M, step), dR, lty = 2, col = 2)
    # if(length(map)>0) { nMap<-nrow(map) for(i in 1:nMap) { segments(map[i,1], 0, map[i,2], 0,lwd=3,col=3) } }
    # Add kernel density estimate
    if ((addKernel == TRUE) & (length(yF) > 1 & length(yR) > 1)) {
        dkF <- density(yF)
        dkR <- density(yR)
        lines(dkF, lty = 3)
        lines(dkR, col = 2, lty = 3)
    # Add single components and se's
    K <- length(x@estimates$w)
    for (k in 1:K) {
        paraR <- list(w = x@estimates$w[k], mu = x@estimates$mu[k] + x@estimates$delta[k]/2, sigmaSq = x@estimates$sigmaSqR[k])
        paraF <- list(w = x@estimates$w[k], mu = x@estimates$mu[k] - x@estimates$delta[k]/2, sigmaSq = x@estimates$sigmaSqF[k])
        dsR <- .densityMix(seq(m, M, step), paraR)
        dsF <- .densityMix(seq(m, M, step), paraF)
        lines(seq(m, M, step), dsF, lty = 1)
        lines(seq(m, M, step), dsR, col = 2, lty = 1)
    stripchart(yF[1], pch = ">", method = "stack", cex = 2, at = 0.55, add = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(m, M), ylim = c(0, 
    if (length(map) > 0) {
        nMap <- nrow(map)
        symbols((map[, 1] + map[, 2])/2, rep(0.35, nMap), rectangle = cbind(map[, 2] - map[, 1], rep(0.6, nMap)), inches = FALSE, 
            bg = grey(0.6), fg = 0, add = TRUE, xlim = c(m, M), ylim = c(0, 1))
    stripchart(yF, pch = ">", method = "stack", cex = 2, at = 0.55, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(m, M), ylim = c(0, 1), add = TRUE)
    mtext("IP", cex = 1.2, side = 2, las = 2, at = 0.45)
    stripchart(yR, pch = "<", method = "stack", cex = 2, at = 0.35, col = 2, add = TRUE, offset = -1/3)
    abline(h = 0.45, lty = 1, col = "grey")
    if (addSe) {
        points(x@estimates$mu, rep(0.45, K), pch = "+", cex = 2)
        if (any(x@estimates$seMu != 0)) {
            points(x@estimates$mu - 2 * x@estimates$seMu, rep(0.45, K), pch = "[", cex = 1)
            points(x@estimates$mu + 2 * x@estimates$seMu, rep(0.45, K), pch = "]", cex = 1)
            segments(x@estimates$mu - 2 * x@estimates$seMu, rep(0.45, K), x@estimates$mu + 2 * x@estimates$seMu, rep(0.45, 
                K), lwd = 1, lty = rep(1, K))
    if (length(cF) > 0) {
        stripchart(cF, pch = ">", method = "stack", at = 0.15, cex = 2, add = TRUE, xlim = c(m, M), ylab = "Cont.", axes = FALSE)
        abline(h = 0.1, lty = 1, col = "grey")
    if (length(cR) > 0) {
        stripchart(cR, pch = "<", method = "stack", at = 0.05, cex = 2, col = 2, add = TRUE, offset = -1/3)
    if ((length(cR) == 0) & (length(cF) == 0)) {
    mtext("Cont.", cex = 1.2, side = 2, las = 2, at = 0.1)
    if (addNucleosome) {
        plot(c(m, M), c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, col = 0, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(m, M), ylab = "")
        seq <- c(seq(-3, 0, 0.1), seq(3, 0, -0.1))
        sapply(seq, function(shift, x, m, M, K) {
            symbols(x@estimates$mu + shift * se(x), rep(0.5, K), rec = matrix(rep(c(147, 0.8), K), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), 
                inches = FALSE, bg = 0, fg = grey(abs(shift) * se(x)/(3 * (se(x)))), add = TRUE, xlim = c(m, M), ylim = c(0, 
                  1), lwd = 2)
        }, x, m, M, K)
        symbols(x@estimates$mu, rep(0.5, K), rec = matrix(rep(c(147, 0.8), K), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), inches = FALSE, 
            bg = "white", fg = grey(abs(0)), add = TRUE, xlim = c(m, M), ylim = c(0, 1))
        # if(addSe) { symbols(x@estimates$mu,rep(.5,K),rec=matrix(rep(c(147,.8),K),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE), inches=FALSE,
        # bg=grey(.5*pmin(se(x)/50,1)), fg=0, add=TRUE,xlim=c(m,M),ylim=c(0,1)) } else {
        # symbols(x@estimates$mu,rep(.5,K),rec=matrix(rep(c(147,.8),K),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE), inches=FALSE, fg=0, bg=1,
        # add=TRUE,xlim=c(m,M),ylim=c(0,1)) }
        mtext("Nucl.", cex = 1.2, side = 2, las = 2, at = 0.5)

#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature("pingError", "segReads"), function(x, y, addKernel = FALSE, main = NULL, rescale = 1, ...) {
    par(oma = c(2.5, 5, 5, 5), mar = c(0, 5, 0, 0))
    layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 1), heights = c(0.2, 0.1))
    yF <- y@yF
    yR <- y@yR
    cF <- y@cF
    cR <- y@cR
    map <- y@map
    m <- min(yF[1], yR[1]) - 100/rescale
    M <- max(tail(yF, 1), tail(yR, 1)) + 100/rescale
    stripchart(yF, pch = ">", method = "stack", cex = 2, at = 0.5, add = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(m, M), ylab = "Cont | Inp.", 
        ylim = c(0, 1))
    stripchart(yR, pch = "<", method = "stack", cex = 2, at = 0.5, col = 2, add = TRUE, offset = -1/3)
    title(main = main, outer = TRUE, cex.main = 2)
    abline(h = 0.35, lty = 3)
    # Add kernel density estimate
    if ((addKernel == TRUE) & (length(yF) > 1 & length(yR) > 1)) {
        dkF <- density(yF, bw = 75/rescale)
        dkR <- density(yR, bw = 75/rescale)
        plot(dkF, lty = 3)
        lines(dkR, col = 2, lty = 3)
    if (length(cF) > 0) {
        stripchart(cF, pch = ">", method = "stack", at = 0.2, cex = 2, add = TRUE, xlim = c(m, M), ylab = "Cont.", axes = FALSE)
    if (length(cR) > 0) {
        stripchart(cR, pch = "<", method = "stack", at = 0.2, cex = 2, col = 2, add = TRUE)

#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature("pingList", "segReadsList"), function(x, y, regionIndex = NULL, addKernel = FALSE, addNucleosome = FALSE, 
    addSe = TRUE, main = NULL, rescale = 1, ...) {
    setMain <- is.null(main)
    if (is.null(regionIndex)) {
        regionIndex <- 1:length(x@List)
    for (i in regionIndex) {
        if (setMain) {
            main <- paste(as.character(i), " (", y@List[[i]]@chr, ")", sep = "")
        if (class(x@List[[i]]) != "pingError") {
            plot(x@List[[i]], y@List[[i]], addKernel = addKernel, addNucleosome = addNucleosome, addSe = addSe, main = main, 
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        } else {
            plot(x@List[[i]], y@List[[i]], addKernel = addKernel, main = paste(as.character(i), " (", y@List[[i]]@chr, 
                ")", sep = ""), rescale = rescale, ...)
            warning("Object of class pingError, no PING density displayed")

#' @importFrom graphics grid lines abline
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature("pingList", "pingList"), function(x, y, filter = NULL, h = 0.1, ...) {
    FDR <- pingFDR(x, y, filter = filter)
    plot(FDR[, 2], FDR[, 1], xlab = "score", ylab = "FDR", panel.first = grid(nx = 50), ...)
    # points(FDR[,2],FDR[,3]/max(FDR[,3]),xaxt='n',yaxt='n',lty=3,col=3,pch=2)
    # axis(4,at=seq(0,1,.05),labels=max(FDR[,3])*seq(0,1,.05))
    FDRex <- FDR[FDR[, 1] > 0, ]
    notDup <- rev(!duplicated(rev(FDRex[, 1])))
    lines(FDRex[notDup, 2], FDRex[notDup, 1], col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 1.5)
    abline(h = h, lw = 1.5, col = "grey")

# plot function for two ping results in data.frame format
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature("data.frame", "data.frame"), function(x, y, h = 0.1, logscale = F, ...) {
    FDR <- pingFDR2(x, y)
    if (logscale) {
        FDR$score = log(FDR$score)
        xlab = "log(score)"
    } else xlab = "score"
    plot(FDR[, "score"], FDR[, "FDR"], xlab = xlab, ylab = "FDR", panel.first = grid(nx = 50), ylim = range(tail(head(FDR$FDR, 
        -1), -1)), ...)
    FDRex <- FDR[FDR[, "FDR"] > 0, ]
    notDup <- rev(!duplicated(rev(FDRex[, "FDR"])))
    lines(FDRex[notDup, "score"], FDRex[notDup, "FDR"], col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 1.5)
    lines(FDR[, "score"], FDR[, "FDR"], lty = 1, lwd = 1.5)
    abline(h = h, lw = 1.5, col = "grey")


## CoverageTrack
#' @export
CoverageTrack <- function(ping, reads, chr, gen = "gen", FragmentLength = 200, name = "XSET") {
    PE <- ping@PE
    if (class(reads) != "GRanges") {
        stop("The reads should be of class 'GRanges'")
    } else if (!isTRUE(PE)) {
        # no need to resize for PE sequencing data (width known)
        EXT <- resize(reads[seqnames(reads) == chr], width = FragmentLength)
        EXT <- EXT[start(EXT) > 0]
    } else {
        EXT <- reads[seqnames(reads) == chr]
    XSET = coverage(EXT)
    covTrack <- DataTrack(data = XSET[[chr]]@values, start = start(XSET[[chr]]), width = width(XSET[[chr]]), col = "black", 
        chromosome = chr, genome = gen, type = c("g", "s"), v = 0, col.axis = "black", cex.axis = 1, col.title = "black", 
        col.grid = "gray", name = name)

## RawReadsTrack INPUT: The reads used in the segmentation step OUTPUT: An AnnotationTrack object showing the starting
## position of forward and reverse reads
#' @export
RawReadsTrack <- function(ping, reads, chr, gen = "gen", from = NULL, to = NULL, ...) {
    PE <- ping@PE
    reads <- reads[seqnames(reads) == chr]
    if (length(c(from, to)) == 2 | is.numeric(c(from, to))) {
        reads <- reads[start(reads) > from & end(reads) < to]
    if (!isTRUE(PE)) {
        idxF <- which(as.character(strand(reads)) == "+")
        idxR <- which(as.character(strand(reads)) == "-")
        coordsF <- start(reads[idxF])
        coordsR <- end(reads[idxR])
    } else {
        coordsF <- start(reads)
        coordsR <- end(reads)
    pos <- unique(c(coordsF, coordsR))
    val <- vector("list", length(pos))
    s1 <- system.time({
        for (idx in 1:length(pos)) {
            val[[idx]] <- c(length(which(coordsF == pos[[idx]])), -length(which(coordsR == pos[[idx]])))  # get m$M
    })  #end s1
    m <- min(unlist((val)), -1)
    M <- max(unlist((val)), 1)
    # add the NA
    s2 <- system.time({
        vec <- unlist(lapply(val, function(x) {
            if (x[[1]] == 0) {
                c(rep(NA, abs(x[[2]] - m)), seq(x[[2]], -1), rep(NA, M))
            } else if (x[[2]] == 0) {
                c(rep(NA, abs(m)), seq(1, x[[1]]), rep(NA, M - x[[1]]))
            } else {
                c(rep(NA, abs(x[[2]] - m)), seq(x[[2]], -1), seq(1, x[[1]]), rep(NA, M - x[[1]]))
    })  #end s2
    s3 <- system.time({
        mat <- matrix(vec, nrow = M + abs(m), ncol = length(pos), dimnames = list(c(seq(m, -1), seq(1, M)), pos))
    })  #end s3
    s4 <- system.time({
        RawReadsTrack <- DataTrack(data = mat, start = pos, end = pos, chromosome = chr, genome = gen, groups = rep(c("rev", 
            "fwd"), c(abs(m), M)), col = c("black", "black"), pch = c(">", "<"), font = "sans", ylim = c(m, M), size = 1, 
            showAxis = FALSE, col.axis = "transparent", col.title = "black", ...)
    })  #end s4

## NucleosomeTrack Shows nucleosome positioning prediction with standard error
#' @importFrom Gviz AnnotationTrack
#' @export
NucleosomeTrack <- function(PS, chr, gen = "gen", scoreTrack = TRUE, scoreThreshold = 0.05, name = "PING", ...) {
    if (!is.null(scoreThreshold)) 
        PS <- FilterPING(PS, score = scoreThreshold)$ping.df
    # If object is ping, coerce into df
    if (class(PS) == "pingList") 
        PS <- as(PS, "data.frame")
    # Order the data.frame by start
    PS <- PS[with(PS, order(mu)), ]
    # wide nucleosomes are nucleosomes +se
    smallWidth <- rep(147, nrow(PS))
    wideWidth <- 147 + 2 * PS$se
    smallStart <- PS$mu - (smallWidth/2)
    wideStart <- PS$mu - (wideWidth/2)
    # Drawing the wide first is important
    starts <- c(wideStart, smallStart)
    widths <- c(wideWidth, smallWidth)
    idList <- c(rep("", length(wideStart)), PS$ID)
    tList <- list()
    if (isTRUE(scoreTrack)) {
        NSTrack <- DataTrack(data = score(PS), start = mu(PS) - 5, width = 10, chromosome = chr, genome = gen, type = c("histogram", 
            "g"), size = 1, col.axis = "black", cex.axis = 0.5, col.title = "black", name = "score", v = 0, col.grid = "gray", 
        tList <- c(tList, NSTrack)
    nucTrack <- AnnotationTrack(start = starts, width = widths, chromosome = chr, genome = gen, lwd = 1, col = "darkgray", 
        alpha = 1, size = 0.5, stacking = "dense", feature = c(rep("wide", nrow(PS)), rep("small", nrow(PS))), wide = "darkgray", 
        small = "white", shape = "ellipse", col.title = "black", collapse = FALSE, name = name, ...)  #collapse=FALSE is important. Prevents Gviz from changing the element order during prepare mode.
    tList <- c(tList, nucTrack)

## Plot a summary of PING estimates using Gviz PS : The ouput of PING or postPING or a list.  reads : The reads used for
## the segmentation (GRanges) chr : The chromosome to display from,to : The range to display title : A main title for
## the plot FragmentLength : Length of the DNA fragments used. For CoverageTrack.  scoreThreshold : Nucleosomes with a
## score < scoreThreshold are not displayed on the plot.  GRT : Doesn't work in the current version of Gviz.  PE : Set
## to TRUE for Paired-End Sequencing data.
#' @importFrom Gviz GenomeAxisTrack BiomartGeneRegionTrack plotTracks DataTrack
#' @export
plotSummary <- function(PS, ping, reads, chr, gen = "gen", from = NULL, to = NULL, FragmentLength = 200, title = "", scoreThreshold = 0.05) {
    GRT <- FALSE
    PE <- ping@PE
    if (class(PS) != "list") 
        PS <- list(PS)
    gt <- GenomeAxisTrack(add53 = TRUE, add35 = TRUE, col = "black")
    tList <- list(gt)
    if (isTRUE(GRT)) {
        bgrTrack <- tryCatch(expr = {
            r <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(chromosome = chr, genome = gen, start = from, end = to, col.title = "black", name = "Exons", 
                size = 0.5, showId = TRUE)
        }, error = function(err) {
            print(paste("WARNING: Unable to create BiomartGeneRegionTrack:", err))
            print("The 'gen' and 'chr' argument should be named as in the UCSC website")
            r <- NULL
        })  # end tryCatch. r is returned (last assigned value)
        tList <- c(tList, bgrTrack)
    covTrack <- CoverageTrack(ping = ping, reads = reads, chr = chr, gen = gen, FragmentLength = FragmentLength)
    tList <- c(tList, covTrack)
    if (!isTRUE(PE)) {
        rrTrack <- RawReadsTrack(ping = ping, reads = reads, chr = chr, gen = gen, from = from, to = to, name = "Aligned reads")
        tList <- c(tList, rrTrack)
    for (idxPS in 1:length(PS)) {
        tList <- c(tList, NucleosomeTrack(PS = PS[[idxPS]], chr = chr, gen = gen, scoreThreshold = scoreThreshold))
    plotTitle <- paste(title, chr, ":", from, "-", to, "(", to - from, "bps)", sep = "")
    # Plotting
    plotTracks(trackList = tList, from = from, to = to, main = plotTitle)
    # Return the tracks so they can be added to other plots. invisible=no print()
SRenan/PING documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 12:02 p.m.