#'@title removeSOI
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@description Removes SOI lists from an RHermesExp object
#'@param struct The RHermesExp object
#'@param id The SOI lists to remove (indexes)
#'@return An RHermesExp object without the SOI lists indicated by idx.
#' myHermes <- removeSOI(myHermes, 2) #Remove the 2nd SOI list in the object
setGeneric("removeSOI", function(struct, id) {
#' @rdname removeSOI
setMethod("removeSOI", c("RHermesExp", "numeric"), function(struct, id) {
nSOI <- length(struct@data@SOI)
if (nSOI == 0) {
warning("No SOI to substract")
tosub <- c()
for (i in id) {
if (i > nSOI) {
warning(paste("The index", i,
"is larger than the number of SOI lists"))
} else {
tosub <- c(tosub, i)
if (length(tosub) != 0) {
struct@data@SOI <- struct@data@SOI[-tosub]
struct <- setTime(struct, paste("Removed the SOI lists:", tosub))
} else {
warning("Couldn't remove any SOIs")
duplicateSOI <- function(struct, id){
if(!id %in% seq_along(struct@data@SOI))
struct@data@SOI <- c(struct@data@SOI, SOI(struct, id))
#' @title getSOIpar
#' @description Returns a SOIParam object for posterior SOI detection.
#' This function does NOT require the RHermesExp object as multple SOIParam
#' can be used at once. See \link[RHermes]{findSOI} for more info.
#' @param tag A character string that tells which premade SOI parameter
#' object to use. Currently the following tags are available: 'single',
#' 'double', 'triple', and their extended counterparts for longer
#' chromatography experiments, 'single-x', 'double-x' and 'triple-x'.
#' These are all stored in /app/www/SOIFilterParams.csv, feel free to
#' locally change them or add new ones for your use (if you know what
#' you're doing).
#' @param mode Whether SOI detection should use the regular density-based
#' algorithm or xcms peak detection for defining the SOIs
#' @param cwp A CentWaveParam object used for either SOI detection (xcms mode)
#' or long SOI splitting (regular mode)
#' @return A SoiParam object
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' par <- getSOIpar('double')
#' par2 <- getSOIpar('triple-x') #Etc. etc.
#' }
setGeneric("getSOIpar", function(tag = "double", mode = "regular", cwp = NA) {
#' @rdname getSOIpar
setMethod("getSOIpar", c("ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(tag = "double", mode = "regular", cwp = NA) {
temp <- read.csv2(system.file("extdata", "SOITemplates.csv",
package = "RHermes"))
specdf <- filter(temp, .data$name == tag)[, seq(2, 6)]
if (nrow(specdf) == 0) {
stop("No templated was found with that ID", call. = FALSE, )
obj <- SOIParam(specs = specdf[, seq(1, 3)],
maxlen = specdf[1, 4],
minint = specdf[1, 5],
mode = mode)
if(is(cwp, "CentWaveParam")) obj@cwp <- cwp
#'@title SOIsim
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@description Calculates the elution profile similarity between SOIs.
#'@param struct The RHermesExp object.
#'@param id The SOI list to be used.
#'@param subset A subset of SOI list entries that you want to compare the
#' profile similarities with. Defaults to NA, which means all the entries.
#'@param mode Whether to compare the similarity with "all" other SOIs or only
#' with those determined by subset. Defaults to "all", any other value
#' restricts the comparison to the subset.
#'@return A similarity matrix.
#' myHermes <- SOIsim(myHermes, 2) #Remove the 2nd SOI list in the object
setGeneric("SOIsim", function(struct, id, subset = NA, mode = "all") {
#' @rdname SOIsim
setMethod("SOIsim", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, id, subset = NA, mode = "all") {
if (length(struct@data@SOI) == 0) {
stop("This object doesn't have any SOI lists")
if (!between(length(struct@data@SOI), 1, id)) {
stop("Please enter a valid SOI list number")
if(is.na(subset)) subset <- seq_len(nrow(SOI))
SOI <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]@SOIList
if(mode != "all"){
against <- subset
SOI <- SOI[subset,]
SOI <- SOI[order(SOI$start), ]
m <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(SOI), ncol = nrow(SOI))
for (i in subset) {
st <- SOI$start[i]
end <- SOI$end
if(mode == "all") against <- seq_len(i)
for (j in against) {
if (i == j) {
m[i, j] <- 1
if (end < SOI$start[j]) {
if (st > SOI$end[j]) {
# m[i, j] <- cosineSim(SOI$peaks[[i]], SOI$peaks[[j]])
m[i, j] <- pearsonSim(SOI$peaks[[i]], SOI$peaks[[j]])
m[j, i] <- m[i, j]
#' @export
#' @rdname SOIParam-class
#' @param object A SOIParam object
setMethod("show", "SOIParam", function(object) {
message("SOI parameters info:")
message("\tBins used:")
message(paste("\tMax SOI length: ", object@maxlen))
message(paste("\tMin data point intensity: ", object@minint))
message(paste("\tBlank substraction performed: ", object@blanksub))
message(paste("\tBlank filename: ", object@blankname))
#' @export
#' @rdname RHermesSOI-class
#' @param object A RHermesSOI object
setMethod("show", "RHermesSOI", function(object) {
message("Info about this SOI list:")
message(paste("\tOriginal file name:", object@filename))
message(paste("\tNumber of SOIs:", nrow(object@SOIList)))
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