#'@title filterIL
#'@description Filters out IL entries lower than a specified intensity in a
#' given RT interval.
#'@param struct The RHermesExp object.
#'@param id The IL ID in the RHermesExp object. The IDs are assigned by the
#' order in which the IL are generated.
#'@param rts Time interval to filter (two numeric values - start, end),
#' in seconds
#'@param minint Minimum entry intensity to be retained. All entries
#'<= minint will be removed in the specified rt interval. Defaults to
#'infinity, so all IL entries in the range are removed.
#'@return Nothing. As a side effect, it generates one/multiple .csv
#' files with the inclusion list data
#' filterIL(myHermes, 1, c(0,200), minint = 1e6)
setGeneric("filterIL", function(struct, id, rts, minint = Inf) {
#' @rdname filterIL
setMethod("filterIL", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "numeric", "ANY"),
function(struct, id, rts, minint = Inf) {
if (length(rts) != 2) {
stop("Please input just two RT values corresponding to the starting RT
and ending RT you want to filter")
IL <- struct@data@MS2Exp[[id]]@IL@IL
anot <- struct@data@MS2Exp[[id]]@IL@annotation
which_to_remove <- which(IL$start >= rts[1] & IL$end <= rts[2] &
IL$MaxInt < minint)
if (length(which_to_remove) != 0) {
struct@data@MS2Exp[[id]]@IL@IL <- IL[-which_to_remove]
struct@data@MS2Exp[[id]]@IL@annotation <- anot[-which_to_remove]
struct <- setTime(struct, paste("IL entry", id, "filtered between",
rts[1], "and", rts[2], "taking", minint,
"as minimum intensity"))
#'@title exportIL
#'@description Organizes the IL entries into multiple injections taking into
#' account the user-specified parameters. Outputs a single or multiple csv
#' files that serve as input for the MS to performed MSMS analysis.
#'@param struct The RHermesExp object.
#'@param id The IL ID in the RHermesExp object. The IDs are assigned by the
#' order in which the IL are generated.
#'@param file A string containing the folder to save the IL csv/s into and the
#' basename for the file. By default will be your working directory and the
#' default name is 'InclusionList' as in './InclusionList'.
#'@param mode Whether to plan set of continuous MS2 entries (PRM), adaptative
#' injection time scans at the apexes of the entries' peaks or both (which
#' optimizes instrument free time). Options are: "continuous", "deep" or
#' "both".
#'@param maxOver Numeric, very important. It's the number of mz-rt segments that
#' can be monitored at the same time by the MS instrument. Higher numbers lead
#' to less injections but the number of scans for each IL entry will be reduced
#' and gives problems when deconvoluting the MS2 spectras. It is ignored if
#' mode = "deep". Defaults to 5.
#'@param defaultIT Numeric, the default IT in ms for continuous MS2 scans (only
#' aplicable in Orbitrap instruments and for "continuous" and "both" modes).
#' Defaults to 100ms.
#'@param maxInjections Numeric, the maximum number of planned injections to
#' export. Defaults to 9999 to export all of them.
#'@param sepFiles Logical, whether to generate a single csv file or multiple
#' csvs, each corresponding to each injection/chromatographic run.
#'@return Nothing. As a side effect, it generates one/multiple .csv files with
#' the inclusion list data
#' exportIL(myHermes, 1, 'C:/SomeFolder', maxOver = 5, sepFiles = FALSE)
setGeneric("exportIL", function(struct, id, file = "./InclusionList",
mode = "both", maxOver = 5, defaultIT = 100,
sepFiles = TRUE, maxInjections = 9999) {
#'@rdname exportIL
setMethod("exportIL", c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, id, file = "./InclusionList", mode = "both", maxOver = 5,
defaultIT = 100, sepFiles = TRUE, maxInjections = 9999) {
if (length(struct@data@MS2Exp) == 0) {
stop("This object doesn't have any ILs")
if (!between(id, 1, length(struct@data@MS2Exp))) {
stop("Please enter a valid IL number")
IL <- struct@data@MS2Exp[[id]]@IL@IL
IL$IT <- defaultIT
plan <- injectionPlanner(IL, maxOver = maxOver, byMaxInt = TRUE,
injections = maxInjections,
mode = mode)
if (sepFiles) {
for (x in seq_along(plan)) {
p <- plan[[x]]
p$IT[p$IT > 1500] <- 1500
p$f <- character(nrow(p))
p$ad <- character(nrow(p))
p$z <- 1
p <- p[, c("f", "ad", "mass", "z", "start", "end", "IT")]
#Setting column style for Thermo Xcalibur import
colnames(p) <- c("Formula", "Adduct", "m/z", "z", "t start (min)",
"t stop (min)", "Maximum Injection Time (ms)")
p[, 5] <- floor(p[, 5]*100/60)/100
p[, 6] <- ceiling(p[, 6]*100/60)/100
# JC: need to consider max absolute RT
#Added as result of Michi's comment
p <- cbind(data.frame(Compound = seq_len(nrow(p))), p)
write.csv(p, file = paste0(file, "_Injection_", x, ".csv"),
quote=F, row.names = FALSE)
} else {
plandf <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(plan), function(x) {
p <- plan[[x]]
p$ID <- x
return(p[,c("start", "end", "mass", "MaxInt", "ID")])
write.csv(plandf, paste0(file, "_complete.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
injectionPlanner <- function(IL, injections, maxOver, byMaxInt = TRUE,
mode = "continuous") {
if (byMaxInt) {IL <- IL[order(-IL$MaxInt), ]}
idx <- which(is.na(IL$start) | is.na(IL$end)) #NA depuration
if (length(idx) != 0) {IL <- IL[-idx, ]}
plan <- list()
if(mode != "continuous"){
message("Calculating high IT scans")
deep_IL <- calculate_deep_IL(IL)
} else {
deep_IL <- data.frame()
mint <- min(IL$start)
maxt <- max(IL$end)
if(mode %in% c("continuous", "both")){
while (nrow(IL) != 0 & injections > 0) {
timeInt <- seq(mint,
by = 0.005)
OL <- rep(0, length(timeInt))
ok_entries <- c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(IL))) {
timeidx <- which(timeInt >= IL$start[i] & timeInt <= IL$end[i])
if (any(OL[timeidx] >= maxOver)) {next}
ok_entries <- c(ok_entries, i)
OL[timeidx] <- OL[timeidx] + 1
curinj <- IL[ok_entries, ]
IL <- IL[-ok_entries, ]
if(mode == "both" & any(OL == 0)){
deep_ok_entries <- c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(deep_IL))) {
timeidx <- which(timeInt >= deep_IL$start[i] &
timeInt <= deep_IL$end[i])
if (any(OL[timeidx] >= 1)) {next}
deep_ok_entries <- c(deep_ok_entries, i)
OL[timeidx] <- OL[timeidx] + 1
if(length(deep_ok_entries) != 0){
deep_curinj <- deep_IL[deep_ok_entries, ]
deep_IL <- deep_IL[-deep_ok_entries, ]
curinj <- rbind(curinj, deep_curinj, fill = TRUE)
plan <- c(plan, list(curinj))
injections <- injections - 1
if(mode == "both" & nrow(deep_IL) != 0){
message(paste(nrow(deep_IL), "high IT scans could not be planned",
"within the continuous MS2 injections.",
"Adding them separately after injection",
while (nrow(deep_IL) != 0 & injections > 0) {
timeInt <- seq(min(deep_IL$start, na.rm = TRUE),
max(deep_IL$end, na.rm = TRUE),
by = 0.005)
OL <- rep(0, length(timeInt))
deep_ok_entries <- c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(deep_IL))) {
timeidx <- which(timeInt >= deep_IL$start[i] &
timeInt <= deep_IL$end[i])
if (any(OL[timeidx] >= 1)) {next}
deep_ok_entries <- c(deep_ok_entries, i)
OL[timeidx] <- OL[timeidx] + 1
deep_curinj <- deep_IL[deep_ok_entries, ]
deep_IL <- deep_IL[-deep_ok_entries, ]
plan <- c(plan, list(deep_curinj))
injections <- injections - 1
} else {
while (nrow(deep_IL) != 0 & injections > 0) {
timeInt <- seq(min(deep_IL$start, na.rm = TRUE),
max(deep_IL$end, na.rm = TRUE),
by = 0.005)
OL <- rep(0, length(timeInt))
deep_ok_entries <- c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(deep_IL))) {
timeidx <- which(timeInt >= deep_IL$start[i] &
timeInt <= deep_IL$end[i])
if (any(OL[timeidx] >= 1)) {next}
deep_ok_entries <- c(deep_ok_entries, i)
OL[timeidx] <- OL[timeidx] + 1
deep_curinj <- deep_IL[deep_ok_entries, ]
deep_IL <- deep_IL[-deep_ok_entries, ]
plan <- c(plan, list(deep_curinj))
injections <- injections - 1
if (nrow(IL) != 0) {
message(paste0(nrow(IL), "ILs haven't been added to the injection plan",
" due to lack of space. Try again with more injections,",
" more maxOver or maxInjections"))
# print(plot(cumsum(sapply(plan, nrow))))
# hist_data <- lapply(seq_along(plan), function(x){
# loc_plan <- plan[[x]]
# p <- hist(x = loc_plan$MaxInt %>% log10,
# breaks = seq(4,10,0.5))$counts
# # p <- p / nrow(loc_plan) * 100
# data.frame(sample = x, int = seq(4.25,10,0.5), p = p)
# })
# hist_data <- do.call(rbind, hist_data)
# print(ggplotly(ggplot(hist_data) + geom_tile(aes(x=sample, y = int, fill = p))))
#'@rdname RHermesIL-class
#' @param object An RHermesIL object
setMethod("show", "RHermesIL", function(object){
message("Info about the IL:")
message(paste("\tIL entries:", nrow(object@IL)))
message(paste("\tSOI index:", object@SOInum))
calculate_XIC_estimation <- function(raw, mzs, rts){
points <- filter(raw, between(.data$mz, mzs[1], mzs[2]))
points <- filter(points, between(.data$rt, rts[1], rts[2]))
xic <- sapply(unique(points$rt), function(rt){
sum(points$rtiv[points$rt == rt])
xic <- data.frame(rt = unique(points$rt), int = xic)
calculate_deep_IL <- function(IL, intThr = 1e4){
IL_deep <- IL %>%
filter(.data$MaxInt > intThr)
IL_deep <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(IL_deep)),function(entry){
cur <- IL_deep[entry,]
scans <- calculate_best_interval(cur$XIC[[1]], objective = 3e4)
scans <- as.data.frame(scans)
if(nrow(scans) == 0){return()}
colnames(scans) <- c("start", "end")
scans$mass <- cur$mass
scans$MaxInt <- cur$MaxInt
scans$entrynames <- cur$entrynames
scans$XIC <- cur$XIC
IL_deep <- do.call(rbind, IL_deep)
IL_deep$IT <- (IL_deep$end - IL_deep$start) * 1000
calculate_apex <- function(scans){
calculate_best_interval <- function(scans, objective = 1e6, maxIT = 2000){
if(nrow(scans) > 10){
apexes <- scans$rt[inflect(scans$int, 4)]
if(length(apexes) == 0){apexes <- calculate_apex(scans)}
} else {
apexes <- calculate_apex(scans)
intervals <- lapply(apexes, function(apex){
maxt <- min(max(apex - min(scans$rt), max(scans$rt) - apex), maxIT/1000)
scans <- approx(scans$rt, scans$int, n = 1000) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%
t %>% as.data.frame
for(t in seq(0.1, maxt, 0.01)){
integral <- calculate_integral(filter(scans,
apex-t, apex+t)))
if(integral > objective){return(c(apex-t, apex+t))}
return(c(apex-maxt, apex+maxt))
return(do.call(rbind, intervals))
calculate_integral <- function(scans){
sum(diff(scans[[1]]) * (scans[[2]][-nrow(scans)] + diff(scans[[2]])/2))
# Authorship Evan Friedland, Stackoverflow #6836409
inflect <- function(x, threshold = 1){
up <- sapply(1:threshold, function(n) c(x[-(seq(n))], rep(NA, n)))
down <- sapply(-1:-threshold, function(n){
c(rep(NA, abs(n)),
x[-seq(length(x), length(x) - abs(n) + 1)])
a <- cbind(x,up,down)
which(apply(a, 1, max) == a[,1])
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