plotExonlog2FC <- function(results.Data=NULL, out.Dir=NULL, FDR.cutoff=0.05, plot.Type="bitmap"){
### make sure R doesn't add factors -- R creators never should have made this default = TRUE
# check to make sure results.Data parameter is given as input
if (is.null(results.Data) == TRUE){
stop(call="You must assign the results.Data argument a variable containing the results of an ExCluster analysis.
For example, if previous ExCluster results were assigned to clustResults, you would specify: results.Data=clustResults")
# check to make sure out.Dir is specified
if (is.null(out.Dir) == TRUE){
stop(call="plotExClustResults requires a direcotry to write images to, but was not specified.
Please specify the full file path to a folder to which exon log2FC plots may be written.")
# now that out.Dir is specified, make sure its parent directory exists
if (dir.exists(out.Dir) == FALSE){
# try to make out.Dir no matter what
try(dir.create(out.Dir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE), silent=TRUE)
### now make sure we can write to the out.Dir
WriteCheck <- file.access(out.Dir, mode=2)
if (WriteCheck != 0){
stop(call="ExCluster did not have write priveledges for the out.Dir you specified.
Please ensure you specify a valid directory that can be created and written to by R.")
### now check bitmap and PNG settings for plot.Type
if (is.null(plot.Type) == TRUE){
plot.Type <- "bitmap"
}else if (plot.Type != "bitmap" && plot.Type != "PNG"){
plot.Type <- "bitmap"
### now check that PNG and/or bitmap can be plotted
# plot.Check is FALSE by default, unless proven TRUE
plot.Check <- FALSE
if (plot.Type == "bitmap"){
# check if bitmap can be plotted
test.bitmap <- substr(testBMplot(out.Dir)[1],1,5)
if (test.bitmap == "Error"){
# check if PNG can be plotted
test.PNG <- substr(testPNGplot(out.Dir)[1],1,5)
plot.Type <- "PNG"
if (test.PNG != "Error"){
plot.Check <- TRUE
plot.Check <- TRUE
# if plot.Type == "PNG", repeat the steps above in reverse
test.PNG <- substr(testPNGplot(out.Dir)[1],1,5)
if (test.PNG == "Error"){
test.bitmap <- substr(testBMplot(out.Dir)[1],1,5)
plot.Type <- "bitmap"
if (test.bitmap != "Error"){
plot.Check <- TRUE
plot.Check <- TRUE
### make sure either bitmap or PNG passed
if (plot.Check == FALSE){
stop(call = ExCluster_errors$plot_type_failure)
############################# FUNCTIONS ###############################
ErrorBar <- function(x,y1,y2,MaxXvalue,BinSize){
ErrorWidth <- min((MaxXvalue*0.015),(BinSize/3))
########################### NOW PREPARE DATA ###########################
### sort results.Data
results.Data <- results.Data[order(results.Data$EnsG),]
### Target genes of interest
TargetGenes <- unique(results.Data$EnsG[which(results.Data$FDR <= FDR.cutoff)])
if (length(TargetGenes) > 0){
### grab IDs to make data parsing faster
IDs <- gsub("\\:.*","",results.Data$EnsG)
IDs <- gsub("\\..*","",IDs)
IDs <- substr(IDs,(nchar(IDs[1])-9),nchar(IDs[1]))
# Now add the IDs to results.Data
results.Data$IDs <- IDs
### Do the same for TargetGenes
IDs <- gsub("\\:.*","",TargetGenes)
IDs <- gsub("\\..*","",IDs)
IDs <- substr(IDs,(nchar(IDs[1])-9),nchar(IDs[1]))
### loop through results looking for gene data so we can grab FDR, min/max results.Data, etc.
Start <- 1
Counter <- 1
RemovalIndices <- NULL
Start <- 1
for (i in 2:nrow(results.Data)){
# check to see if we have reached a new gene
if ((results.Data$IDs[i] != results.Data$IDs[(i-1)]) == TRUE | i == nrow(results.Data)){
# determine stop of gene
if (i == nrow(results.Data)){
Stop <- i
Stop <- (i-1)
# now check to see if the current gene of interest is in TargetGenes
if (results.Data$IDs[Start] == IDs[Counter]){
Counter <- min((Counter + 1),length(IDs))
RemovalIndices <- c(RemovalIndices, c(Start:Stop))
# reset start for next gene
Start <- i
if (length(RemovalIndices) > 0){
### Now remove the rows specified in RemovalIndices to yield significant gene data
sig.Results <- results.Data[-c(RemovalIndices),]
sig.Results <- results.Data
# calculate length of each exon bin
sig.Results$End <- as.numeric(sig.Results$End)
sig.Results$Start <- as.numeric(sig.Results$Start)
sig.Results$Length <- sig.Results$End - sig.Results$Start + 1
############################# NOW PLOT DATA #############################
### loop through signficant results, plotting each gene
Start <- 1
for (i in 2:nrow(sig.Results)){
# check to see if we have reached a new gene
if ((sig.Results$IDs[i] != sig.Results$IDs[(i-1)]) == TRUE | i == nrow(sig.Results)){
# determine stop of gene
if (i == nrow(sig.Results)){
Stop <- i
Stop <- (i-1)
### Grab temporary gene data to plot
TempData <- sig.Results[Start:Stop,]
# Set up data variables to be used in plotting
TargetGene <- TempData$EnsG[1]
TargetName <- TempData$Gene_name[1]
TargetFDR <- TempData$FDR[1]
# ceiling of abs(log2FC) + SD + 1 log2FC to set for +/- y-axis limits
Maxlog2FC <- ceiling(max(abs(TempData$log2FC) + sqrt(TempData$log2Var)))
# maximum x-axis
MaxX <- sum(TempData$Length) + nrow(TempData) - 1
### now set up png for plotting
# check to see if we are plotting bitmap or PNG
if (plot.Type == "bitmap"){
bitmap(file=paste(out.Dir,"/",TargetGene,"_",TargetName,".png",sep=""), type="png16m",
width=6,height=4,units="in",res = 400, taa=4,gaa=4)
if (plot.Type == "PNG"){
png(filename = paste(out.Dir,"/",TargetGene,"_",TargetName,".png",sep=""),
width=6,height=4,units="in",res = 400)
par(ps = 12, cex = 1, cex.main = 1,mar=(c(5, 5, 4, 2)+0.2))
plot(c(0,MaxX), c(-(Maxlog2FC),Maxlog2FC) , type= "n",
ylab = "log2 fold change (log2FC)",xlab = "nucleotide position (number of base pairs)",
main = paste(TargetName," ",TargetGene," ","FDR=",TargetFDR,sep=""),cex.main=0.9)
# add a light grey line at log2FC = 0
lines(x = c(-500,MaxX+500), y = c(0,0), col = "grey")
# run plotting code
# Start of Exon = 0
ExonStart <- 0
# Bar height
BH <- Maxlog2FC/60
for (j in seq(nrow(TempData))){
rect(ExonStart, TempData$log2FC[j]-BH, ExonStart + TempData$Length[j],
TempData$log2FC[j]+BH, col = "red")
ErrorBar((ExonStart + (TempData$Length[j] / 2)),(TempData$log2FC[j]-sqrt(TempData$log2Var[j])),
ExonStart <- ExonStart + TempData$Length[j] + 1
# reset the Start variable for the next gene
Start <- i
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