#' @templateVar old getNodes
#' @templateVar new gt_get_nodes
#' @template template-depr_pkg
#' get nodes from \link[openCyto:gatingTemplate-class]{gatingTemplate} object
#' @name gt_get_nodes
#' @aliases getNodes getNodes,gatingTemplate-method
#' @param x \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @param y \code{character} node index. When \code{missing}, return all the nodes
#' @param order \code{character} specifying the order of nodes. options are "default", "bfs", "dfs", "tsort"
#' @param only.names \code{logical} specifiying whether user wants to get the entire \code{gtPopulation} object or just the name of the population node
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' gt_get_nodes(gt)[1:2]
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, only.names = TRUE)
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, "/nonDebris")
#' }
#' @export
gt_get_nodes <- function(x, y
, order = c("default", "bfs", "dfs", "tsort")
, only.names = FALSE) {
if (missing(y)){
res <- nodeData(x, attr = "pop")
order <- match.arg(order)
if(order != "default"){
nodeIds <- eval(substitute(f1(x),list(f1=as.symbol(order))))
if(order == "dfs")
nodeIds <- nodeIds$discovered
res <- res[nodeIds]
res <- nodeData(x, y, "pop")
res <- sapply(res,alias)
if(length(res) == 1 && class(res) == "list")
res <- res[[1]]
#' @export
setMethod("getNodes", signature = c("gatingTemplate"),
definition = function(x, y
, order = c("default", "bfs", "dfs", "tsort")
, only.names = FALSE) {
gt_get_nodes(x, y, order, only.names)
#' @templateVar old getChildren
#' @templateVar new gt_get_children
#' @template template-depr_pkg
#' get children nodes
#' @name gt_get_children
#' @aliases getChildren getChildren,gatingTemplate,character-method
#' @param obj \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @param y \code{character} parent node path
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, "/nonDebris")
#' gt_get_children(gt, "/nonDebris")
#' }
#' @importClassesFrom methods character ANY data.frame environment list logical matrix missing numeric oldClass
gt_get_children <- function(obj, y){
edges(obj, y)[[1]]
#' @export
setMethod("getChildren", signature = c("gatingTemplate", "character"),
definition = function(obj, y) {
gt_get_children(obj, y)
#' @templateVar old getParent
#' @templateVar new gt_get_parent
#' @template template-depr_pkg
#' get parent nodes
#' @param obj \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @param y \code{character} child node path
#' @param isRef \code{logical} whether show the reference node besides the parent node
#' @name gt_get_parent
#' @aliases getParent getParent,gatingTemplate,character-method
#' @importFrom graph inEdges
#' @aliases getParent,gatingTemplate,character-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, "/nonDebris")
#' gt_get_parent(gt, "/nonDebris/singlets")
#' }
#' @export
gt_get_parent <- function(obj, y, isRef = FALSE) {
# browser()
src <- inEdges(y, obj)[[1]]
isRefs <- unlist(lapply(src,function(thisSrc){
thisEdge <- edgeData(obj,thisSrc,y)
}), recursive = F)
# browser()
#' @export
setMethod("getParent", signature = c("gatingTemplate", "character"),
definition = function(obj, y, isRef = FALSE) {
gt_get_parent(obj, y, isRef)
#' @templateVar old getGate
#' @templateVar new gt_get_gate
#' @template template-depr_pkg
#' get gating method from the node
#' @name gt_get_gate
#' @aliases getGate,gatingTemplate,character-method
#' @param obj \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @param y \code{character} parent node path
#' @param z \code{character} child node path
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, only.names = TRUE)
#' gt_get_nodes(gt, "/nonDebris")
#' gt_get_children(gt, "/nonDebris")
#' gt_get_gate(gt, "/nonDebris", "/nonDebris/singlets")
#' }
#' @export
gt_get_gate <- function(obj, y, z) {
edgeData(obj, from = y, to = z, attr = "gtMethod")[[1]]
#' @export
setMethod("getGate", signature = c("gatingTemplate", "character"),
definition = function(obj, y, z) {
gt_get_gate(obj, y, z)
setGeneric("ppMethod", function(obj, y, ...) standardGeneric("ppMethod"))
#' get preprocessing method from the node
#' get preprocessing method from the node
#' @param obj \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @param y \code{character} parent node path
#' @param z \code{character} child node path
#' @aliases ppMethod,gatingTemplate,character-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' ppMethod(gt, "/nonDebris/singlets", "/nonDebris/singlets/lymph")
#' }
setMethod("ppMethod", signature = c("gatingTemplate", "character"),
definition = function(obj, y, z) {
edgeData(obj, from = y, to = z, attr = "ppMethod")[[1]]
#' show method for gatingTemplate
#' show method for gatingTemplate
#' @param object \code{gatingTemplate}
#' @aliases
#' show,gatingTemplate-method
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods show
setMethod("show", signature = c("gatingTemplate"),
definition = function(object) {
cat("--- Gating Template: ")
cat("\twith ", length(object@nodes), " populations defined\n")
#' plot the gating scheme
#' plot the gating scheme using Rgraphviz
#' @param x \code{gatingTemplate} object
#' @param y either \code{character} specifying the root node which can be used to visualize only the subgraph
#' or \code{missing} which display the entire gating scheme
#' @param ... other arguments
#' graphAttr, nodeAttr: graph rendering attributes passed to \link[Rgraphviz:renderGraph]{renderGraph}
#' showRef \code{logical}: whether to display the reference gates. Sometime it maybe helpful to
#' hide all those reference gates which are not the cell population of interest
#' and used primarily for generating other population nodes.
#' @export
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @aliases
#' plot,gatingTemplate,missing-method
#' plot,gatingTemplate,character-method
#' plot,gatingTemplate-method
#' plot,gatingTemplate,ANY-method
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gt <- gatingTemplate(system.file("extdata/gating_template/tcell.csv",package = "openCyto"))
#' plot(gt) #plot entire tree
#' plot(gt, "lymph") #only plot the subtree rooted from "lymph"
#' }
#FIXME:somehow the edge attributes are not correctly assigned to each edge respectively
, graphAttr = list(rankdir = "LR", page = c(8.5, 11))
, nodeAttr = list(fixedsize = FALSE, shape = "ellipse")
, showRef = TRUE
, ...){
# browser()
# get gating method name attr from edges
hasEdge <- length(edgeData(x)) > 0
gm.names <- unlist(lapply(edgeData(x, attr = "gtMethod"), names))
gm.types <- unique(gm.names)
ref.edges <- unlist(edgeData(x, attr = "isReference"))
ref.edges <- ref.edges[ref.edges]
# fix the name attr
e.colnames <- gsub("\\|", "~", names(gm.names))
ref.colnames <- gsub("\\|", "~", names(ref.edges))
#only care about the ref edges that are not conflicting with gm edges
ref.colnames <- ref.colnames[!ref.colnames%in%e.colnames]
# encode the method name with color
nMethods <- length(gm.types)
gm.col <- brewer.pal(nMethods, name = "Dark2")
names(gm.col) <- gm.types
eCol.gm <- gm.col[gm.names]
# restore names
names(eCol.gm) <- e.colnames
eCols <- eCol.gm
#add ref edges
eCol.ref <- sapply(ref.colnames,function(i)return("grey"))
eCols <- c(eCols, eCol.ref)
# encode edge style
gm.isPoly <- unlist(lapply(gm.names, function(y) {
ifelse(y == "polyFunctions", "poly", "regular")
edge.styles <- c("solid", "dashed")
names(edge.styles) <- unique(gm.isPoly)
eStyles.gm <- edge.styles[gm.isPoly]
names(eStyles.gm) <- e.colnames
eStyles <- eStyles.gm
eStyles.ref <- sapply(ref.colnames,function(i)ifelse(showRef,"dotted","blank"))
eStyles <- c(eStyles,eStyles.ref)
eAttrs <- list(color = eCols, lty = eStyles)
eAttrs <- list()
# encode the node shape and color with isSubsets
nodeTypes <- unlist(lapply(nodeData(x, attr = "pop"), function(y) {
ifelse(class(y) == "gtSubsets", "subset", "pop")
n.colnames <- names(nodeTypes)
nodeType <- unique(nodeTypes)
# color
subset.col <- brewer.pal(9, name = "Set3")[c(9, 7)]
names(subset.col) <- nodeType
nFillCol <- subset.col[nodeTypes]
names(nFillCol) <- n.colnames
# line type (somehow it doesn't work here)
LineType <- c("solid", "dotted")
names(LineType) <- nodeType
nLtys <- LineType[nodeTypes]
names(nLtys) <- n.colnames
nLabels <- unlist(lapply(nodeData(x, attr = "pop"), function(thisPop)paste(alias(thisPop), collapse = ",")))
nAttrs <- list(label = nLabels, fillcolor = nFillCol, lty = nLtys)
plot(as(x,"graphNEL"), nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs = eAttrs
,attrs = list(graph = graphAttr,node = nodeAttr)
plot.space = par()[["usr"]]
x1 = plot.space[1]
x2 = plot.space[2]
y1 = plot.space[3]
y2 = plot.space[4]
legend.lty <- ifelse(gm.types == "polyFunctions", "poly", "regular")
legend(x1 + 100, y2 - 100, legend = gm.types, title = "Gating Methods",
col = gm.col, lty = edge.styles[legend.lty], cex = 0.8)
setMethod("plot", signature = c("gatingTemplate"),
definition = function(x, y = missing,...) {
#convert alias to nodeID
allNodes <- gt_get_nodes(x)
allAlias <- unlist(lapply(allNodes, alias), recursive = F)
nodeInd <- match(y, allAlias)
thisNode <- allNodes[nodeInd]
thisId <- names(thisNode)
# browser()
if(length(y)==1){#use it as the root
nodelist <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
nodelist$v <- character()
flowWorkspace:::.getAllDescendants (x, thisId, nodelist)
# browser()
nodelist$v <- c(nodelist$v,thisId)
nodelist$v <- unique(nodelist$v)
#assume the number y is consistent with R graph node name: N_x
subNode_Ind <- nodelist$v
#when y is a vector, use it to subset the graph
subNode_Ind <- thisId
# subNodes <- paste("N",subNode_Ind-1,sep="_")
stop("Rgraphviz doesn't know how to plot leaf node!")
x <- subGraph(subNode_Ind, x)
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