
Defines functions fortify.rectangleGate fortify.filterList fortify.ellipsoidGate fortify.multiRangeGate fortify.polygonGate fortify.GatingSet fortify.GatingSetList fortify.ncdfFlowList fortify.cytoset fortify.flowSet .pd2dt fortify.flowFrame fortify.cytoframe .fs2dt .fr2dt

Documented in fortify.cytoframe fortify.cytoset fortify.ellipsoidGate fortify.filterList fortify.flowFrame fortify.flowSet fortify.GatingSet fortify.GatingSetList fortify.multiRangeGate fortify.ncdfFlowList fortify.polygonGate fortify.rectangleGate

#' coerce the flowFrame to a data.table
#' It extracts the cell event matrix and convert it to a data.table.
#' @param x flowFrame
#' @return data.table
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @noRd 
.fr2dt <- function(x, mapping = NULL, ...){
  dt <- as.data.table(exprs(x))
  # sort values by order aesthetic mapping
  if("order" %in% mapping$axis) {
    # variable to use for ordering
      cols = mapping[axis == "order", name]

#' coerce the flowSet to a data.table
#' It extract the cell event matrix from each flowFrame
#'  and combind them to a single data.table.
#' @param x flowSet
#' @return data.table
#' @export
#' @noRd 
.fs2dt <- function(x, ...){
  thisFilter <- attr(x, "filter")#must to get attr here before it is lost during subsetting
  # subset by columns if applicable
  dims <- attr(x, "dims")
    x <- x[, unique(dims[, name])]
      thisFilter <- thisFilter(x, unique(dims[, name]))
    x <- Subset(x, thisFilter)
  df.list <- .fsdply(x, .fr2dt, mapping = dims, .id = ".rownames")

#' @export
#' @rdname fortify.flowSet
fortify.cytoframe <- function(model, ...){
  getS3method("fortify", "flowFrame")(model, ...)

#' @export
#' @return data.table
#' @rdname fortify.flowSet
fortify.flowFrame <- function(model, data, ...){
  #covert to flowSet
  fs <- fortify_fs(model)
  #then dispatch to forityf method for flowSet
  fortify(fs, ...)

#' convert pData to data.table
#' @noRd 
.pd2dt <- function(pd){
  pd <- as.data.table(pd, keep.rownames = TRUE)
  setnames(pd, "rn", ".rownames")
#' Convert a flowFrame/flowSet/GatingSet to a ggplot-compatible data.table
#' It extracts events matrices and appends the pData to it so that ggplot can use the pData for facetting.
#' @param model flowFrame, flowSet or GatingSet
#' @param data not used.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @aliases fortify
#' @return data.table
#' @examples 
#' dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="flowWorkspaceData")
#' gs <- load_gs(list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_manual",full = TRUE))
#' attr(gs, "subset") <- "CD4" #must attach subset information to GatingSet object before foritfying it
#' fortify(gs)
#' fs <- gs_pop_get_data(gs, "CD8")
#' fortify(fs)#fs is a flowSet/ncdfFlowSet
#' fr <- fs[[1]]
#' fortify(fr)#fr is a flowFrame
fortify.flowSet <- function(model, data, ...){
  #convert to data.table
  df <- .fs2dt(model)

  #merge with pData
  pd <- .pd2dt(pData(model))
  merge(pd, df, by = ".rownames")


#' @export
#' @rdname fortify.flowSet
fortify.cytoset <- function(model, ...){
  getS3method("fortify", "flowSet")(model, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname fortify.flowSet
fortify.ncdfFlowList <- function(model, ...){
  getS3method("fortify", "flowSet")(model, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname fortify.flowSet
fortify.GatingSetList <- function(model, ...){
  getS3method("fortify", "GatingSet")(model, ...)

#' @export
#' @return data.table
#' @rdname fortify.flowSet
fortify.GatingSet <- function(model, ...){
  fs <- fortify_fs(model, ...)

#' Convert a polygonGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
#' It converts the boundaries slot into a data.table
#' @param model polygonGate
#' @param data data range used to reset off-bound gate coordinates to prevent interpolating on the extremely large space unnecessarily.
#' @param nPoints not used
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @return data.table
#' @examples 
#' sqrcut <- matrix(c(300,300,600,600,50,300,300,50),ncol=2,nrow=4)
#' colnames(sqrcut) <- c("FSC-H","SSC-H")
#' pg <- polygonGate(filterId="nonDebris", .gate= sqrcut)
#' fortify(pg) 
fortify.polygonGate <- function(model, data = NULL, nPoints = NULL, ...){
  vertices <- model@boundaries
  chnls <- colnames(vertices)
  new.vertices <- rbind(vertices, vertices[1,])#make sure geom_path will enclose the polygon by ending with the starting point
  dt <- as.data.table(new.vertices)
  setnames(dt, chnls)
#' Convert a multiRangeGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
#' It converts the boundaries slot into a data.table
#' @param model multiRangeGate
#' @param data Not used
#' @param nPoints not used
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @return data.table
#' @examples 
#' mrq = multiRangeGate(ranges = list(min=c(100, 350), max=c(250, 400)))
#' fortify(mrq)
fortify.multiRangeGate<- function(model, data = NULL, ...){
  vertices <- model@ranges
  # Convert to 1D vector
  channel = parameters(model)
  vertices =unlist(mapply(function(x, y)c(x, y),vertices[["min"]], vertices[["max"]], SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
  dt <- as.data.table(vertices)
  setnames(dt, channel)

#' Convert a ellipsoidGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
#' It interpolates the ellipsoidGate to polygongate before fortifying it.
#' @param model ellipsoidGate
#' @param data data range used for polygon interpolation.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @return data.table
#' @examples 
#' ## Defining the gate
#' cov <- matrix(c(6879, 3612, 3612, 5215), ncol=2,
#'               dimnames=list(c("FSC-H", "SSC-H"), c("FSC-H", "SSC-H")))
#' mean <- c("FSC-H"=430, "SSC-H"=175)
#' eg <- ellipsoidGate(filterId= "myEllipsoidGate", .gate=cov, mean=mean)
#' fortify(eg)
fortify.ellipsoidGate <- function(model, data = NULL, ...){
  poly.g <- as(model, "polygonGate")  
  fortify(poly.g, data = data, ...)

#' Convert a filterList to a data.table useful for ggplot
#' It tries to merge with pData that is associated with filterList as attribute 'pd'
#' @param model filterList
#' @param data not used
#' @param nPoints not used
#' @param ... not used.
#' @importFrom plyr name_rows
#' @export
#' @return data.table
#' @examples 
#' dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="flowWorkspaceData")
#' gs <- load_gs(list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_manual",full = TRUE))
#' gates <- gs_pop_get_gate(gs, "CD4")
#' gates <- as(gates, "filterList") #must convert list to filterList in order for the method to dispatch properly
#' fortify(gates)
fortify.filterList <- function(model, data = NULL, nPoints = NULL, ...){
      # convert each filter to df
      df <- .ldply(model, fortify
                      # , data = data
                      # , nPoints = nPoints
                   , .id = ".rownames")
      pd <- attr(model,"pd")
          # merge with pd
        if(!is(pd, "data.table"))
            pd <- .pd2dt(pd)
        df <- merge(df, pd, by = ".rownames")  
        attr(df, "annotated") <- TRUE
      # attr(df, "nPoints") <- nPoints

#' Convert a rectangleGate to a data.table useful for ggplot
#' For 2d rectangelGate, it is converted to a polygonGate first and then dispatch to the fortify method for polygonGate.
#' for 1d, uses geom_vline/hline format.
#' @param model rectangleGate
#' @param data data range used for polygon interpolation.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' #2d rectangleGate
#' rect.g <- rectangleGate(list("FSC-H" =  c(300,500), "SSC-H" = c(50,200)))
#' fortify(rect.g)
#' #1d gate
#' rg <- rectangleGate(list("FSC-H" =  c(300,500)))
#' fortify(rg)
#' @return data.table
fortify.rectangleGate <- function(model, data = NULL, ...){
  param <- parameters(model)
  nDim <- length(param)
  if (nDim ==  2){
    fortify(as(model, "polygonGate"), data = data, ...)
  }else if(nDim ==  1){
    l.b <- model@min
    r.t <- model@max  
    coord <- c(l.b, r.t)
    df <- data.table(unname(coord), check.names = FALSE)
    setnames(df, "V1" , param)
    stop("rectangelGate with dimension ", nDim, "is not supported!")

RGLab/ggcyto documentation built on March 3, 2024, 6:23 p.m.