context("-- cytoframe")
fcs_file <- list.files(dataDir, "Cyto", full.names = TRUE)[1]
fr <- read.FCS(fcs_file)
lgcl <- logicleTransform( w = 0.5, t= 10000, m =4.5)
rectGate <- rectangleGate(filterId="nonDebris","FSC-H"=c(200,Inf))
cf <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(fcs_file)
test_that("compensate", {
sp = spillover(cf)[[1]]
sa0 <- summary(compensate(realize_view(cf), sp))
sa1 <- summary(compensate(fr, sp))
expect_equivalent(sa0, sa1, tol = 2e-6)
test_that("rownames", {
skip("rownames feature is to be deprecated")
rn <- rownames(cf)
cn <- colnames(cf)
expect_equivalent(dimnames(cf), list(rn, cn))
# add rn
cf <- realize_view(cf)
rn <- paste0("c", seq_len(nrow(cf)))
rownames(cf) <- rn
expect_equal(rownames(cf), rn)
expect_equal(rownames(exprs(cf)), rn)
cf1 <- cf[2:4, 1:2]
rn1 <- rn[2:4]
expect_equal(rownames(cf1), rn1)
rn1 <- sub("c", "d", rn1)
expect_error(rownames(cf) <- rn1, "different", class = "error")
rownames(cf1) <- rn1
expect_equal(rownames(cf1), rn1)
rn[2:4] <- rn1
expect_equal(rownames(cf), rn)
expect_equal(rownames(exprs(cf)), rn)
expect_error(rownames(cf1) <- NULL, "subsetted", class = "error")
rownames(cf) <- NULL
# test_that("load_cytoframe", {
# expect_error(load_cytoframe("/"), "invalid cytoframe", class = "error")
# })
test_that("cf_append_cols", {
cf <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(GvHD[[1]])
n <- matrix(as.numeric(1:(nrow(cf))), ncol = 1)
colnames(n) <- "A"
m <- matrix(as.numeric(1:(2*nrow(cf))), ncol = 2)
colnames(m) <- c("B", "C")
# Test error if trying to append to subsetted cytoframe
cf_subsetted <- cf[1:1000, 1:5]
expect_error(cf_append_cols(cf_subsetted, n), "cannot be added to subsetted")
# Add single column and make sure min/max keywords set appropriately
cf_expanded <- realize_view(cf)
cf_append_cols(cf_expanded, n)
key_range <- keyword(cf_expanded)[c("flowCore_$P9Rmin", "flowCore_$P9Rmax")]
expect_equal(as.numeric(unname(unlist(key_range))), range(n[,"A"]))
expect_equal(as.numeric(keyword(cf_expanded, "$P9R")), max(n[,"A"]) + 1)
# Add multiple columns
cf_expanded <- realize_view(cf)
cf_append_cols(cf_expanded, m)
key_range <- keyword(cf_expanded)[c("flowCore_$P9Rmin", "flowCore_$P9Rmax")]
expect_equal(as.numeric(unname(unlist(key_range))), range(m[,"B"]))
expect_equal(as.numeric(keyword(cf_expanded, "$P9R")), max(m[,"B"]) + 1)
key_range <- keyword(cf_expanded)[c("flowCore_$P10Rmin", "flowCore_$P10Rmax")]
expect_equal(as.numeric(unname(unlist(key_range))), range(m[,"C"]))
expect_equal(as.numeric(keyword(cf_expanded, "$P10R")), max(m[,"C"]) + 1)
# Test edge case of adding a column to a cytoframe with no events
fr_empty <- flowFrame(matrix(as.numeric(1:4), nrow = 1, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(NULL, c("A","B","C","D"))))
fr_empty <- fr_empty[-1, ]
skip("edge case no longer works under cpp11 .needs to be investigated")
new_col <- matrix(numeric(), ncol = 1, nrow= 0, dimnames = list(NULL, "Test"))
cf_expanded <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(fr_empty)
cf_append_cols(cf_expanded, new_col)
# Make sure min/max keywords are not set in this case (because they will be infinite)
expect_null(keyword(cf_expanded, "$P5R")[[1]])
expect_null(keyword(cf_expanded, "flowCore_$P5Rmin")[[1]])
expect_null(keyword(cf_expanded, "flowCore_$P5Rmax")[[1]])
test_that("cf_scale_time_channel", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
rg <- range(cf1, "data")
rg1 <- range(cf1, "data")
rg[, "Time"] <- rg[, "Time"] * as.numeric(keyword(cf1, "$TIMESTEP")[[1]])
expect_equal(rg, rg1, tol = 3e-8)
test_that("load_meta", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
tmp <- cf_get_uri(cf1)
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
oldvalue <- keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]]
keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <- "dd"
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]], "dd")
#discard changes
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]], oldvalue)
keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <- "dd"
#flush the change
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(tmp)
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf2)[["TUBE NAME"]], "dd")
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]], "dd")
test_that("Subset", {
#Subset by gate
is_equal_flowFrame(Subset(cf, rectGate), Subset(fr, rectGate))
test_that("cytoset_to_flowframe", {
fr1 <- cytoframe_to_flowFrame(cf)
is_equal_flowFrame(cf, fr1)
test_that("cf_get_uri", {
uri <- cf_get_uri(cf)
if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
else if(get_default_backend() == "h5")
test_that("write permission", {
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
#newly created from fcs: writable
cf1 <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(fcs_file, which.lines = 1:10)
exprs(cf1)[1,1] <- 1
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf1)[1,1], 1)
#loaded from h5: default readonly
h5file <- cf_get_uri(cf1)
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(h5file)
expect_error(exprs(cf2)[1,1] <- 2, "read-only", class = "error")
exprs(cf2)[1,1] <- 2
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf2)[1,1], 2)
#loaded from h5: explicitly set write mode
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(h5file, readonly = FALSE)
exprs(cf2)[1,1] <- 2
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf2)[1,1], 2)
#fresh deep cp: writable
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(h5file)
cf3 <- realize_view(cf2)
exprs(cf3)[1,1] <- 3
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf3)[1,1], 3)
test_that("lock", {
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
exprs(cf1)[1,1] <- 3
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf1)[1,1], 3)
#lock it
oldkey <- keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]]
expect_error(exprs(cf1)[1,1] <- 4, "read-only", class = "error")
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf1)[1,1], 3)
keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <- "dd"
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]], "dd")
expect_error(cf_flush_meta(cf1), "read-only", class = "error")
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]], oldkey)
exprs(cf1)[1,1] <- 4
expect_equivalent(exprs(cf1)[1,1], 4)
key.old <- keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <- "dd"
keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <-
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]],
#test load
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]], key.old)
#flush to disk
keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <-
tmp <- cf_get_uri(cf1)
cf1 <- load_cytoframe(tmp, readonly = FALSE)
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]],
#without explicit flush changes won't automatically synced to disk
#which is the intentional to prevent accidental tamper become permanant
keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]] <- key.old
cf1 <- load_cytoframe(tmp)
expect_equivalent(keyword(cf1)[["TUBE NAME"]],
test_that("[", {
cf0 <- realize_view(cf)
cf1 <- cf0[1:100, 2:3]
expect_true(cf_is_subsetted(cf0[1:2, ]))
is_equal_flowFrame(cf1, fr[1:100, 2:3])
#keyword is not removed during []
key.rm <- "$P1N"
expect_equal(cf_getKeyword(cf1@pointer, key.rm), "FSC-A")
keyword(cf1)[[key.rm]] <- "dd"
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[[key.rm]], "dd")
#nc1 and nc share the cdf file
expect_equal(cf_get_uri(cf1), cf_get_uri(cf0))
#write h5
tmp <- tempfile()
cf_write_h5(cf1, tmp)
cf_write_tile(cf1, tmp)
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(tmp)
is_equal_flowFrame(cf2, fr[1:100, 2:3], description = F)
#edge case
idx <- integer()
expect_equal(nrow(cf1[idx, ]), 0)#empty rows
expect_equal(ncol(cf1[idx, ]), 2)
expect_equal(ncol(cf1[, idx]), 0)#empty cols
# cf1[idx, idx]
expect_equal(nrow(realize_view(cf1[idx, ])), 0)
expect_equal(ncol(realize_view(cf1[idx, ])), 2)
expect_equal(ncol(realize_view(cf1[, idx])), 0)
test_that("copy", {
cf1 <- cf[] #copy_view(cf)
expect_equal(cf_get_uri(cf1), cf_get_uri(cf))
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
h5 <- cf_get_uri(cf1)
expect_false(identical(h5, cf_get_uri(cf)))
is_equal_flowFrame(cf, cf1)
#overwrite the existing h5
expect_error(cf2 <- realize_view(cf1, filepath = h5), "not supported", class = "error")
expect_error(cf2 <- realize_view(cf1[,1:2], filepath = h5), "not supported", class = "error")
test_that("exprs<-", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
exprs(cf1)[1:10, 1:10] <- 0
expect_true(all(exprs(cf1)[1:10, 1:10] == 0))
expect_false(all(exprs(cf)[1:10, 1:10] == 0))
expect_error(exprs(cf1) <- exprs(cf1)[1:10, ] , "size", class = "error")
expect_error(exprs(cf1) <- exprs(cf1)[, 1:2] , "size", class = "error")
test_that("cf_rename_marker", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
old <- markernames(cf1)[1]
newname <- "test"
cf_rename_marker(cf1, old, newname)
expect_equivalent(markernames(cf1)[1], newname)
#rm marker by setting it to empty string
markers <- markernames(cf1)
cf_rename_marker(cf1, newname, "")
expect_equal(markernames(cf1), markers[-1])
# expect_equivalent(unlist(keyword(cf1)[c("$P5S")]), newname)
markers <- markernames(cf1)
new <- markers[6:1]
names(new) <- colnames(cf1)[6:11]
markernames(cf1) <- new
new1 <- new[1]
names(new1) <- names(new[2])
expect_error(markernames(cf1) <- new1, "multiple")
test_that("colnames<-", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
sp0 <- spillover(cf)[[1]]
coln <- colnames(cf1)
expect_equal(coln, colnames(fr))
newColNames <- coln
idx <- c(5,7,9)
newColNames[idx] <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
colnames(cf1) <- newColNames
expect_equal(colnames(cf1), newColNames)
pids <- paste0("$P", seq_along(coln), "N")
expect_equivalent(unlist(keyword(cf1)[pids]), newColNames)
expect_equal(colnames(spillover(cf1)[["SPILL"]]), newColNames[5:11])
#:change the order of colnames
newColNames[idx] <- newColNames[idx][c(2,3,1)]
colnames(cf1) <- newColNames
expect_equal(colnames(cf1), newColNames)
expect_equivalent(unlist(keyword(cf1)[pids]), newColNames)
expect_equal(colnames(spillover(cf1)[["SPILL"]]), newColNames[5:11])
#reorder data
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
coln <- colnames(cf1)
idx1 <- c(1:4, 6, 5, 7:12)
cf1 <- cf1[, idx1]
newColNames <- coln
idx <- c(5,7,9)
newColNames[idx] <- c("c1", "c2", "c3")
colnames(cf1) <- newColNames
expect_equal(colnames(cf1), newColNames)
expect_equivalent(unlist(keyword(cf1)[pids])[idx1], newColNames)
sp1 <- spillover(cf1)[[1]]
expect_equal(colnames(sp1), newColNames[c(6,5, 7:11)])#but the order of channels in spillover should remain the same
#verify the compensation results are the same
sa0 <- summary(compensate(realize_view(cf), sp0))
sa1 <- summary(compensate(cf1, sp1))
sa0 <- sa0[, idx1]
expect_equivalent(sa0, sa1, tol = 2e-6)
expect_error(set_all_channels(cf1@pointer, c("c1", "c2")), "size", class = "error")
expect_error(set_all_channels(cf1@pointer, c("c1", "c1", newColNames[-(1:2)])), "duplicates", class = "error")
test_that("parameters<-", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
pd <- pData(parameters(cf1))
pd[, "desc"][5] <- "cd4"
pd[, "minRange"][2] <- 1
pData(parameters(cf1)) <- pd
expect_equal(pData(parameters(cf1)), pd)
test_that("spillover", {
mat <- spillover(cf)[["SPILL"]]
mat1 <- keyword(cf , "SPILL")[[1]]
expect_equal(mat, mat1)
test_that("keyword<-", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
kw <- kw.old <- keyword(cf1)
kw[["$P5S"]] <- "cd4"#update
kw[["$P6S"]] <- NULL #delete
kw[["testkw"]] <- 11 #add new
keyword(cf1) <- kw
kw <- collapse_desc(kw, collapse.spill = FALSE)
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[names(kw)], kw, tol = 6e-6)
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
#now meta won't be flushed to disk automatically after destroy cf1
tmp <- cf_get_uri(cf1)
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(tmp, readonly = FALSE)
expect_equal(keyword(cf2)[names(kw.old)], kw.old)
#explicit flush
keyword(cf2) <- kw
cf2 <- load_cytoframe(tmp)
kw1 <- keyword(cf2)[names(kw)]
expect_equal(kw1, kw, tol = 6e-6)
test_that("keyword setters", {
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
#add new
cf_keyword_insert(cf1, "k1", 2)
expect_error(cf_keyword_insert(cf1, "k1", 2), "exist")
cf_keyword_rename(cf1, "k1", "k2")
expect_error(cf_keyword_rename(cf1, "k1", "k2"), "not found")
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[["k2"]], "2")
#set (subset)
cf_keyword_set(cf1, "k2", 5)
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[["k2"]], "5")
cf_keyword_delete(cf1, "k2")
expect_error(cf_keyword_delete(cf1, "k2"), "not found")
# Testing vectorized operations
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
#add new
cf_keyword_insert(cf1, c("k1", "k2", "k3"), c("red", 5, 1.23))
# If any is already present, the call should fail
expect_error(cf_keyword_insert(cf1, c("k1", "k2"), c("blue", 6)), "exist")
cf_keyword_rename(cf1, c("k1", "k2"), c("key1", "key2"))
expect_error(cf_keyword_rename(cf1, c("k1", "k2"), c("key1", "key2")), "not found")
expected <- list(key1="red", key2="5")
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[c("key1", "key2")], expected)
#set (subset) -- overwrite two and add one
cf_keyword_set(cf1, c("key1", "key2", "key4"), c("green", 7, "newval"))
expected <- list(key1="green", key2="7", k3="1.23", key4="newval")
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
cf_keyword_delete(cf1, c("key2", "key4"))
# If any are not longer present, the call should fail
expect_error(cf_keyword_delete(cf1, c("key2", "k3")), "not found")
# Testing vectorized operations with named vector
cf1 <- realize_view(cf)
#add new
values <- c(k1="red", k2=5, k3=1.23)
cf_keyword_insert(cf1, values)
# If any is already present, the call should fail
expect_error(cf_keyword_insert(cf1, c(k1="blue", k2=6)), "exist")
cf_keyword_rename(cf1, c(k1="key1", k2="key2"))
expect_error(cf_keyword_rename(cf1, c(k1="key1", k2="key2")), "not found")
expected <- list(key1="red", key2="5")
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[c("key1", "key2")], expected)
#set (subset) -- overwrite two and add one
cf_keyword_set(cf1, c(key1="green", key2=7, key4="newval"))
expected <- list(key1="green", key2="7", k3="1.23", key4="newval")
expect_equal(keyword(cf1)[c("key1", "key2", "k3", "key4")], expected)
cf_keyword_delete(cf1, c("key2", "key4"))
# If any are not longer present, the call should fail
expect_error(cf_keyword_delete(cf1, c("key2", "k3")), "not found")
# test_that("range", {
# cf <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(GvHD[[1]])
# rng1 <- data.frame("FSC-H" = c(0,1023)
# ,"SSC-H" = c(0,1023)
# ,"FL1-H" = c(1,10000)
# ,"FL2-H" = c(1,10000)
# ,"FL3-H" = c(1,10000)
# ,"FL2-A" = c(0,1023)
# ,"FL4-H" = c(1,10000)
# ,"Time" = c(0,1023)
# , row.names = c("min", "max")
# , check.names = FALSE
# )
# expect_equal(range(cf), rng1)
# expect_equal(range(fr, "instrument"), rng1)
# expect_equal(range(fr, type = "instrument"), rng1)
# expect_error(range(fr, "FSC-H"), "only accept two")
# rng2 <- data.frame("FSC-H" = c(59,1023)
# ,"SSC-H" = c(6,1023)
# ,"FL1-H" = c(1,10000)
# ,"FL2-H" = c(1.000,9221.666)
# ,"FL3-H" = c(1.000,1131.784)
# ,"FL2-A" = c(0,1023)
# ,"FL4-H" = c(1,1162.77)
# ,"Time" = c(1, 755)
# , row.names = c("min", "max")
# , check.names = FALSE
# )
# expect_equal(range(fr, type = "data") ,rng2, tolerance = 4e-7)
# expect_equal(range(fr, "data") ,rng2, tolerance = 4e-7)
# expect_error(range(fr, "FSC-H", type = "data"), "only accept two")
# })
test_that("transform", {
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
fr <- GvHD[pData(GvHD)$Patient %in% 6:7][[1]]
cf <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(fr)
h5 <- cf_get_uri(cf)
translist <- transformList(c("FL1-H", "FL2-H"), lgcl)
#in place transform
# R level transformation using transList
transform(cf, translist)
expect_equal(h5, cf_get_uri(cf))
trans_range <- range(cf, "data")
expect_equal(trans_range[, c("FL1-H")], c(0.6312576, 4.0774226))
expect_equal(trans_range[, c("FL2-H")], c(0.6312576, 3.7131872))
# C++ level transformation using fully-supported transformerList
cf <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(fr)
translist <- list(logtGml2_trans(), logicle_trans(), flowjo_biexp_trans(), asinhtGml2_trans(), logicleGml2_trans())
translist <- transformerList(colnames(cf)[3:7], translist)
transform(cf, translist)
trans_range <- range(cf, "data")
expect_equal(trans_range[, c("FL1-H")], c(-0.2041200, 0.5909272), tolerance = 1e-7)
expect_equal(trans_range[, c("FL2-H")], c(0.5050419, 2.2717643), tolerance = 1e-7)
#TODO:not ported to cytoframe yet
#transform using inline arguments
# fr <- GvHD[pData(GvHD)$Patient %in% 6:7][[1]]
# cf <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(fr)
# h5 <- cf_get_uri(cf)
# transform(cf, `FL1-H`=log(`FL1-H`), `FL2-H`=log(`FL2-H`))
# trans_range <- range(cf, "data")
# expect_equal(trans_range[, c("FL1-H")], c(0.000000, 8.237988))
# expect_equal(trans_range[, c("FL2-H")], c(0.000000, 7.400684))
test_that("load_fcs", {
skip_if(get_default_backend() == "mem")
fr <- read.FCS(list.files(system.file("extdata","compdata","data",package="flowCore"), full.names = TRUE)[1])
#write to carry flowCore_Rmax keywords
tmp <- tempfile()
write.FCS(fr, tmp)
fr <- read.FCS(tmp)
cf <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(tmp)
#check if pickup the new keyword for range
is_equal_flowFrame(fr, cf)
#random select rows to read
cf <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(tmp, which.lines = 10)
expect_equal(nrow(cf), 10)
cf2 <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(tmp, which.lines = 10)
expect_equal(exprs(cf), exprs(cf2))
cf2 <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(tmp, which.lines = 10)
expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(exprs(cf), exprs(cf2))))
#pass an existing row indices explicitly
select <- sample(seq_len(nrow(fr)), 20)
cf <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(tmp, which.lines = select)
fr <- read.FCS(tmp, which.lines = select)
is_equal_flowFrame(fr, cf)
#TODO: yet to determine whether the original FCS R parser is correct on
# setting range from flowCore_Rmax in makeFCSparameters call without checking condition of x[["transformation"]] == "custom"
#expect_equal(range(fr)[2,], range(cf)[2,] + 1)
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