## Eval methods for evaluating transformation objects
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Helper function to fully resolve all transformationReferences
resolve <- function(x, df)
if(!is(x, "transformReference"))
eval(x)(df) else resolveTransformReference(x, df)
## ===========================================================================
## Unity transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="unitytransform", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
df <- flowFrameToMatrix(df)
return(df[, expr@parameters, drop=FALSE])
## ===========================================================================
## Polynomial transformation of degree 1
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="dg1polynomial", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
par <- expr@parameters
temp <- sapply(par,function(i){
if(is(i, "function")) return(i)
resolve(i, df)
temp <- flowFrameToMatrix(temp)
coeff <- expr@a
res <- 0
for(i in seq_along(expr@parameters))
res <- res + temp[,i,drop=FALSE]*coeff[i]
res <- res+expr@b
## ===========================================================================
## Ratio transformation of two arguments
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="ratio", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
num <- resolve(expr@numerator, df)
den <- resolve(expr@denominator, df)
num <- flowFrameToMatrix(num)
den <- flowFrameToMatrix(den)
## ===========================================================================
## Quadratic transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="quadratic", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
## ===========================================================================
## Squareroot transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="squareroot", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
## ===========================================================================
## Log transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="logarithm", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
temp <- expr@a*parameter
result <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(temp))
result[temp>0] <- log(temp[temp>0])*expr@b
## ===========================================================================
## Exponential transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="exponential", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
## ===========================================================================
## Inverse hyperbolic sin transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="asinht", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
## ================================================================================
## Inverse hyperbolic sin transformation parametrized according to Gating-ML 2.0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature = signature(expr = "asinhtGml2", envir = "missing"),
definition = function(
envir = parent.frame(),
enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
if(is(df, "flowFrame")){
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
parameter <- df
# Gating-ML 2.0 fasinh is defined as
# (asinh(x * sinh(M * log(10)) / T) + A * log(10)) / ((M + A) * log(10))
# (asinh(parameter * sinh(expr@M * log(10)) / expr@T) + expr@A * log(10)) / ((expr@M + expr@A) * log(10))
# The previous 'direct' implementation seems to work just fine for me; however,
# Wayne Moore suggested, that following calculation may be more stable:
# (it is giving the same results based on my tests)
myB = (expr@M + expr@A) * log(10)
myC = expr@A * log(10)
myA = expr@T / sinh(myB - myC)
x = parameter / myA
# This formula for the arcsinh loses significance when x is negative
# Therefore we take advantage of the fact that sinh is an odd function
negative = x < 0
x[negative] = -x[negative]
asinhx = log(x + sqrt(x * x + 1))
res = rep(NA, times=length(asinhx))
res[negative] = (myC - asinhx[negative]) / myB
res[!negative] = (asinhx[!negative] + myC) / myB
# New in Gating-ML 2.0: this transformation has an optional boundary, i.e.,
# if the result is less than boundMin, then let it be boundMin; if the
# result is more than boundMax, then let it be boundMax. Defaults for
# boundMin and boundMax are -Inf and Inf.
res <- sapply(res, function(x) max(min(x,expr@boundMax),expr@boundMin))
## ================================================================================
## Logicle transformation parametrized according to Gating-ML 2.0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature = signature(expr = "logicletGml2", envir = "missing"),
definition = function(
envir = parent.frame(),
enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
if(is(df, "flowFrame")){
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
parameter <- df
# We are calling the externa logicle transformation, but we are also
# dividing the result by M so that "reasonable" values are scaled [0,1]
# rather than [0,M]. This is how logicle in Gating-Ml 2.0 is defined.
res <- logicle_transform(as.double(parameter), as.double(expr@T),
as.double(expr@W), as.double(expr@M), as.double(expr@A), FALSE) / expr@M
# New in Gating-ML 2.0: this transformation has an optional boundary, i.e.,
# if the result is less than boundMin, then let it be boundMin; if the
# result is more than boundMax, then let it be boundMax. Defaults for
# boundMin and boundMax are -Inf and Inf.
res <- sapply(res, function(x) max(min(x,expr@boundMax),expr@boundMin))
## ================================================================================
## Hyperlog transformation parametrized according to Gating-ML 2.0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature = signature(expr = "hyperlogtGml2", envir = "missing"),
definition = function(
envir = parent.frame(),
enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
res <- hyperlog_transform(as.double(parameter), as.double(expr@T),
as.double(expr@W), as.double(expr@M), as.double(expr@A), FALSE)
# New in Gating-ML 2.0: this transformation has an optional boundary, i.e.,
# if the result is less than boundMin, then let it be boundMin; if the
# result is more than boundMax, then let it be boundMax. Defaults for
# boundMin and boundMax are -Inf and Inf.
res <- sapply(res, function(x) max(min(x,expr@boundMax),expr@boundMin))
## ================================================================================
## Linear transformation parametrized according to Gating-ML 2.0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature = signature(expr = "lintGml2", envir = "missing"),
definition = function(
envir = parent.frame(),
enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
# Gating-ML 2.0 flin is defined as
# (x + A) / (T + A)
res <- (parameter + expr@A) / (expr@T + expr@A)
# New in Gating-ML 2.0: this transformation has an optional boundary, i.e.,
# if the result is less than boundMin, then let it be boundMin; if the
# result is more than boundMax, then let it be boundMax. Defaults for
# boundMin and boundMax are -Inf and Inf.
res <- sapply(res, function(x) max(min(x,expr@boundMax),expr@boundMin))
## ================================================================================
## Log transformation parametrized according to Gating-ML 2.0
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature = signature(expr = "logtGml2", envir = "missing"),
definition = function(
envir = parent.frame(),
enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
if(is(df, "flowFrame")){
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
parameter <- df
# Gating-ML 2.0 flog is defined as
# (1/M) * log_10(x/T) + 1
res <- ((1/expr@M) * log((parameter/expr@T), base=10)) + 1
# New in Gating-ML 2.0: this transformation has an optional boundary, i.e.,
# if the result is less than boundMin, then let it be boundMin; if the
# result is more than boundMax, then let it be boundMax. Defaults for
# boundMin and boundMax are -Inf and Inf.
res <- sapply(res, function(x) max(min(x,expr@boundMax),expr@boundMin))
## ===========================================================================
## Ratio transformation parametrized according to Gating-ML 2.0
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature = signature(expr = "ratiotGml2", envir="missing"),
definition = function(
envir = parent.frame(),
enclos = if(is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
num <- resolve(expr@numerator, df)
den <- resolve(expr@denominator, df)
num <- flowFrameToMatrix(num)
den <- flowFrameToMatrix(den)
# Gating-ML 2.0 fratio is defined as
# fratio(x, y, A, B, C) = A * (x - B) / (y - C)
res <- expr@pA * (num - expr@pB) / (den - expr@pC)
# New in Gating-ML 2.0: this transformation has an optional boundary, i.e.,
# if the result is less than boundMin, then let it be boundMin; if the
# result is more than boundMax, then let it be boundMax. Defaults for
# boundMin and boundMax are -Inf and Inf.
res <- sapply(res, function(x) max(min(x,expr@boundMax),expr@boundMin))
## ===========================================================================
## Hyperbolic sin transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="sinht", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
## ===========================================================================
## Hyperlog transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="hyperlog", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
solveEH(parameter , expr@a ,expr@b)
## ===========================================================================
## EH transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="EHtrans", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
result[parameter>=0]=10^(parameter/expr@a)+ (expr@b*parameter)/expr@a-1
result[parameter<0]= -1*(10^(-parameter/expr@a))+ (expr@b*parameter)/expr@a+1
## ===========================================================================
## Splitscale transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="splitscale", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
transitionChannel <- expr@transitionChannel
r <- expr@r
maxValue <- expr@maxValue
b <- transitionChannel/2
d <- 2*r*log10(2.71828)/transitionChannel
log10t <- -2*log10(2.71828)*r/transitionChannel +log10(maxValue)
t <- 10^(log10t)
a <- transitionChannel/(2*t)
log10ct <- (a*t+b)*d/r
c <- (10^log10ct)/t
idx <- which(parameter <= t)
idx2 <- which(parameter > t)
parameter[idx2] <- log10(c*parameter[idx2])*r/d
parameter[idx] <- a*parameter[idx]+b
## ===========================================================================
## Inverse Splitscale transformation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="invsplitscale", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
parameter <- resolve(expr@parameters, df)
parameter <- flowFrameToMatrix(parameter)
transitionChannel <- expr@transitionChannel
r <- expr@r
maxValue <- expr@maxValue
b <- transitionChannel/2
d <- 2*r*log10(2.71828)/transitionChannel
log10t <- -2*log10(2.71828)*r/transitionChannel +log10(maxValue)
t <- 10^(log10t)
a <- transitionChannel/(2*t)
log10ct <- (a*t+b)*d/r
c <- (10^log10ct)/t
thresh <- t*a+b
idx <- which(parameter<=thresh)
idx2 <- which(parameter>thresh)
parameter[idx2] <- (10^(parameter[idx2]*(d/r)))/c
parameter[idx] <- (parameter[idx]-b)/a
## ===========================================================================
## Transformation reference
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="transformReference", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
#### Reference to a predefined gate
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="filterReference", envir="missing"),
definition=function (expr, envir = parent.frame(),
enclos=if (is.list(envir) ||
is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv())
expr@env[[expr@name]] #retrieved using name instead of the filterId
#### Eval transforms for compensations
# Josef Spidlen, Oct 17, 2013:
# I have changed the eval method to accept a flowFrame (x) instead of just
# the data matrix (df).
# The whole point is that Gating-ML 2.0 includes the option of specifying
# "FCS" as the "spillover matrix", which means that parameters are supposed
# to be compensated as per compensation description in FCS. This is why the
# whole flowFrame is passed to eval, which then has the option of extracting
# the spillover matrix from the SPILL (or some other) keyword.
#' @export
signature=signature(expr="compensatedParameter", envir="missing"),
function(expr, envir, enclos)
{ function(x)
df <- flowFrameToMatrix(x)
parameter <- expr@parameters
compObj <- expr@searchEnv[[expr@spillRefId]]
if (is.null(compObj) && expr@spillRefId == "SpillFromFCS")
spillMat <- getSpilloverFromFlowFrame(x, parameter)
trans <- list()
spillMat <- compObj@spillover
trans <- compObj@parameters
cols <- colnames(spillMat)
for(i in trans){
if(is(i, "transformReference")){
newCol <- resolveTransformReference(i, x)
colnames(newCol) <- i@transformationId
df <- cbind(df,newCol)
# Josef Spidlen, Oct 23, 2013
# Added pseudoinverse (from corpcor) to deal with non-square spectrum matrices
if(ncol(spillMat) == nrow(spillMat))
# Josef Spidlen, Nov 14, 2013:
# This code is wrong and went probably unnoticed for some time
# t(solve(spillMat)[parameter,]%*%t(df[,cols]))
# The same issue existed in the compensate method (see flowFrame-accessors.R) and
# has been fixed by "phd" long time ago
tmp <- (df[,cols] %*% solve(spillMat))
# that is the same as tmp <- t(solve(t(spillMat))%*%t(df[,cols]))
# which is essentially what the compensate method is doing.
colnames(tmp) <- cols
# Jacob Wagner, May 21, 2019
# Inlined pseudoinverse calculation to avoid package dependency
# on corpcor or MASS. This method may no longer be necessary anyway.
tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
msvd <- svd(spillMat)
pos <- msvd$d > max(tol * msvd$d[1], 0)
if (all(pos)){
resMatrix <- msvd$v %*% (1/msvd$d * t(msvd$u))
}else if(!any(pos)){
resMatrix <- array(0, dim(mat)[2L:1L])
resMatrix <- msvd$v[, pos, drop=FALSE] %*% ((1/msv$d[pos]) * t(msvd$u[, pos, drop=FALSE]))
# resMatrix <- df[,cols] %*% pseudoinverse(spillMat)
colnames(resMatrix) <- rownames(spillMat)
# Note that bellow we are using expr@transformationId rather than parameter
# since the parameter of a compensatedParameter reflects the detector name,
# not the fluorochrome name of a Gating-ML 2.0 spectrum matrix
# Btw. compensatedParameter@parameter is not meaningful for non-square matrices
# Josef Spidlen, Oct 18, 2013:
# Gating-ML 2.0 may specify to use compensation description as prescribed
# by the FCS data file.
# We will look at
# - description[['SPILL']]
# - description[['$SPILLOVER']]
# - description[['SPILLOVER']]
# - description[['$SPILL']]
# and try to extract the spillover from there.
# If there is no spillover in the FCS datafile or if the spillover does not
# include the required parameter, then the parameter is supposed to be used
# uncompensated. In flowUtils/flowCore, we keep the parameter as compensated,
# but we will provide a 1x1 identify matrix as the spillover at the point of
# evaluation. Therefore, the calculation will essentially use the uncompensated
# parameter. This also has the advantage that if the same filter is applied
# to a different flowFrame, which may include a different spillover, then the
# parameter will be compensated according to that spillover at the time of
# evaluation.
getSpilloverFromFlowFrame <- function(myFrame, requiredParameter)
mySpill <- myFrame@description[['SPILL']]
if (is.null(mySpill))
mySpill <- myFrame@description[['$SPILLOVER']]
if (is.null(mySpill))
mySpill <- myFrame@description[['SPILLOVER']]
if (is.null(mySpill))
mySpill <- myFrame@description[['$SPILL']]
if (is.null(mySpill))
mySpill <- getIdentityMatrixForParameter(requiredParameter)
if (!is(mySpill, "matrix"))
mySpill <- parseMatrixFromString(mySpill, requiredParameter)
if (!(requiredParameter %in% colnames(mySpill)))
mySpill <- getIdentityMatrixForParameter(requiredParameter)
# Josef Spidlen, Oct 18, 2013:
# Return a 1x1 matrix with the value 1 and with both colnames and
# rownames set to the provided paremeter value. This is used as dummy
# spillover matrix that does not change the value of the parameter
getIdentityMatrixForParameter <- function(parameter)
ret <- matrix(c(1), dimnames=list(parameter))
colnames(ret) <- list(parameter)
# Josef Spidlen, Oct 18, 2013:
# Parse the spillover matrix from a string. This is what
# flowCore's IO is doing when reading the SPILL keyword.
# Here, we may can parse it from different keywords as well,
# and we have a fall back strategy of returning a 1x1 identity
# matrix if parsing doesn't work as expected (i.e, if there is
# something else in the spilloverString.
parseMatrixFromString <- function(spilloverString, requiredParameter)
spmat <- NULL
splt <- strsplit(spilloverString, ",")[[1]]
nrCols <- as.numeric(splt[1])
cnames <- splt[2:(nrCols+1)]
vals <- as.numeric(splt[(nrCols+2):length(splt)])
spmat <- matrix(vals, ncol=nrCols, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(spmat) <- cnames
}, silent=TRUE))
if (is.null(spmat)) spmat <- getIdentityMatrixForParameter(requiredParameter)
# These eval methods are made to use either a flowFrame or a data matrix, so this
# this mehtod is called if we want to be sure we have the data matrix only
flowFrameToMatrix <- function(x)
if (is(x, "flowFrame"))
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