#' @export
print.cqc_cf_list <- function(x, ...) {
cat("cytoqc data: \n")
cat(length(x), "samples \n")
#' @export
print.cqc_gs <- function(x, ...) {
cat("cytoqc data: \n")
cat("List of GatingHierarchy objects with", length(x), "samples \n")
#' @importFrom knitr knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_reference <- function(x, ...) {
x %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling("bordered", full_width = F, position = "left", font_size = 12) %>%
row_spec(0, background = "gray", color = "black") %>%
#' @export
print.cqc_match_result <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
print.cqc_match_result_and_solution <- function(x, ...) {
print(format(x, ...))
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_match_result_and_solution <- function(x, ...) {
match_result_to_dt(x,...) %>% knit_print
#' color encoding table for the match report
#' @noRd
match_result_color_tbl <- function(x, ...) {
df_color <- format(x, ...)#check mark preserved version of coloring
ncol <- ncol(df_color)
df_color[] <- lapply(df_color, as.character)
#start color encoding
ref_vec <- df_color[,"Ref"]
nref <- sum(ref_vec!="")
df_color[1:nref,"Ref"] <- "black"
for(i in seq_len(ncol)[-(1:2)])
vec <- df_color[1:nref, i]
vec[is.na(vec)] <- ""
#color the approximately matched
vec[vec != "" & vec != "\u2713"] <- "green"
#color the extact matched
vec[vec == "\u2713"] <- "gray"
#color the unmatched
vec[vec==""] <- "red"
df_color[1:nref, i] <- vec
ridx.Unmatched <- which(df_color[,1]=="Unmatched")
if(length(ridx.Unmatched) > 0)
vec <- df_color[ridx.Unmatched, ]
row <- vec[, -c(1:2)]
row[row != ""] <- "red"
vec[, -c(1:2)] <- row
vec[1] <- "black"
df_color[ridx.Unmatched, ] <- vec
ridx.rm <- which(df_color[,1]=="To Delete")
if(length(ridx.rm) > 0)
vec <- df_color[ridx.rm, ]
row <- vec[, -c(1:2)]
row[row != ""] <- "brown"
vec[, -c(1:2)] <- row
vec[1] <- "black"
df_color[ridx.rm, ] <- vec
df_color[df_color==""] <- "white"
#' This can not be called at rstudio console since knit_print requires PhantomJS when run interactively
#' @importFrom DT formatStyle styleEqual datatable
#' @noRd
match_result_to_dt <- function(x, ...) {
df <- format(x, show_check_mark = FALSE, ...)
df[is.na(df)] <- "N/A" #display NA in dt
df_color <- match_result_color_tbl(x, ...)
ncol <- ncol(df_color)
#append df_color
df <- cbind(df, df_color)
col_ref_col_idx <- (ncol+1):(ncol+ncol)
#apply the color map
colors <- unique(unlist(df_color))
, class = "compact"
, colnames = c("", colnames(df)[-1])
, filter = "none"
, options = list(
columnDefs = list(list(targets = col_ref_col_idx, visible = FALSE)) #hide df_color cols
# , pageLength = 12
, paging = FALSE
, searching = FALSE
, info = FALSE
, ordering = FALSE
, dom = 't'
formatStyle(1:ncol, col_ref_col_idx
, color = styleEqual(colors, colors)
# , fontSize = "80%"
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfc
format.cqc_match_result_and_solution <- function(x, show_check_mark = TRUE, ...) {
#combine match res and recommened solution to present it as wide format for easy viewing the data
ref <- x[["ref"]]
match_result <- x[["match_result"]]
gids <- names(x[["match_result"]])
tbl <- map_dfc(gids, function(gid) {
df <- filter(x[["solution"]], group_id == gid)
this_res <- match_result[[gid]]
#init column
col_to_show <- rep("\u2713", length(ref))
col_to_show <- ref
missing <- this_res[["missing"]]
unknown <- this_res[["unknown"]]
#drop the recommended deletion
df1 <- filter(df, !is.na(to))
#drop the recommended insertion
df1 <- filter(df1, !is.na(from))
#fill the refs with the recommended edit
matched.ref <- df1[["to"]]
matched.target <- df1[["from"]]
idx <- match(matched.ref, ref)
col_to_show[idx] <- matched.target
# browser()
#fill the unmatched refs
unmatched.ref <- missing[!missing%in%matched.ref]
col_to_show[match(unmatched.ref, ref)] <- NA
## the redundant item
torm <- filter(df, is.na(to))[["from"]]
#insertion item (may overwrite unmatched entry of NA)
insert.ref <- filter(df, is.na(from))[["to"]]
col_to_show[match(insert.ref, ref)] <- "<TO INSERT>"
# the unmatched target
unmatched.target <- unknown[-match(matched.target, unknown)]#exclude the matched ones
unmatched.target <- unknown
unmatched.target <- unmatched.target[!unmatched.target %in% torm]#exclude the deletion entries
#append unmatched.target
if(length(unmatched.target) == 0)
unmatched.target <- ""
unmatched.target <- paste(unmatched.target, collapse = ",")
col_to_show <- c(col_to_show, unmatched.target)
#append deletions
if(length(torm) == 0)
torm <- ""
torm <- paste(torm, collapse = ",")
col_to_show <- c(col_to_show, torm)
col_to_show <- c(col_to_show, "", "")
col_to_show <- list(col_to_show)
names(col_to_show) <- gid
tbl <- cbind(c(ref, "", ""), tbl)
tbl <- cbind(c(rep("", length(ref)), "Unmatched", "To Delete"), tbl)
colnames(tbl)[1:2] <- c("", "Ref")
#rm last two rows if they are all empty
ridx <- nrow(tbl) - 1
unmatched <- tbl[ridx, -1]
if(isTRUE(all(unmatched == "")))
tbl <- tbl[-ridx,]
ridx <- nrow(tbl)
torm <- tbl[ridx,-1]
if(isTRUE(all(torm == "")))
tbl <- tbl[-ridx,]
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable_styling row_spec
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_match_result <- function(x, ...) {
if (length(x) == 0) {
res <- kable(data.frame(object = "All passed"), col.names = NULL) %>% row_spec(1, color = "green")
} else {
res <- kable(as_tibble(x)) %>%
row_spec(0, background = "#9ebcda", color = "black")
res %>%
kable_styling("bordered", full_width = F, position = "left", font_size = 12) %>%
column_spec(1, bold = TRUE) %>%
#' @importFrom htmltools htmlEscape
#' @importFrom kableExtra collapse_rows cell_spec column_spec
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select distinct mutate_if
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_solution <- function(x, itemize = FALSE, ...) {
if (!itemize) {
x <- x %>%
select(-1) %>%
x <- x %>% mutate(from = htmlEscape(from), to = htmlEscape(to)) %>%
mutate("Proposed change" = ifelse(is.na(to), cell_spec(from, strikeout = TRUE), paste(from, to, sep = " --> "))) %>%
select(-c(from, to)) %>%
kable(escape = F) %>%
kable_styling(c("bordered", "condensed"), full_width = F, position = "left", font_size = 12) %>%
collapse_rows(columns = 1, "top") %>%
row_spec(0, background = "#e5f5e0", color = "black")
if (itemize) {
x <- x %>% column_spec(1, bold = TRUE)
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
collapse_params <- function(x, ...) {
class_names <- class(x)
type <- sub("cqc_check_", "", class_names[2])
if (type != "panel") {
type <- as.symbol(type)
x <- group_by(x, group_id, nObject) %>%
summarise(!!type := paste(!!type, collapse = ", ")) %>%
class(x) <- class_names
#' @export
print.cqc_check <- function(x, ...){
print(summary(x), ...)
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom knitr is_latex_output is_html_output
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_cluster_panel <- function(x, ...){
# browser()
check_res <- attr(x, "check_res")
value <- "marker"
summarized <- check_res %>% summary
df <- summarized %>%
select(-nObject) %>%
arrange(group_id) %>%
spread(group_id, !!value) %>%
nObj <- summarized %>%
distinct(group_id, nObject) %>%
arrange(group_id) %>%
old_groups <- as.numeric(colnames(df)[-1])
new_groups <- x$group_membership %>%
arrange(match(old_groups, old_group)) %>%
# Color columns by group for easy viewing
colors <- gen_color_palette(length(unique(new_groups)), output="colors")
names(colors) <- unique(new_groups)
colnames(df)[-1] <- sapply(2:ncol(df), function(idx){
paste0("Group ", colnames(df)[idx], " (n=", nObj[[idx-1]], ")")
group_row <- c("New Group:", new_groups)
df <- rbind(df, group_row)
for (i in 2:ncol(df)){
df[,i]<- cell_spec(df[,i], color="black", background=colors[[new_groups[[i-1]]]])
output <- kable(df, escape = F) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = "scale_down") %>%
row_spec(nrow(df), color="black", bold=TRUE, background = "white", hline_after = TRUE) %>%
output <- kable(df) %>% kable_styling()
for (i in 2:ncol(df)){
output <- column_spec(output, i, color="black", background=colors[[new_groups[[i-1]]]], border_left = TRUE, border_right = TRUE)
output <- row_spec(output, nrow(df), color="darkgray", bold=TRUE, background = "white", hline_after = TRUE)
#' @importFrom crayon make_style style
#' @export
print.cqc_cluster_panel <- function(x, ...){
check_res <- attr(x, "check_res")
value <- "marker"
summarized <- check_res %>% summary
df <- summarized %>%
select(-nObject) %>%
arrange(group_id) %>%
spread(group_id, !!value) %>%
nObj <- summarized %>%
distinct(group_id, nObject) %>%
arrange(group_id) %>%
old_groups <- as.numeric(colnames(df)[-1])
new_groups <- x$group_membership %>%
arrange(match(old_groups, old_group)) %>%
# Color columns by group for easy viewing
colors <- gen_color_palette(length(unique(new_groups)), output="styles")
names(colors) <- unique(new_groups)
channels <- df[,1]
colorized <- data.frame(lapply(2:ncol(df), function(col){
colorized <- cbind(df[,1], colorized)
colnames(colorized) <- colnames(df)
# Kable doesn't handle format decoration well. It bases header width on the
# field width of the strings assessed with all formatting decoration (so super wide). So we need
# to manually fix that
rough <- kable(colorized, format = "rst")
# Determining proper width of each column
max.widths <- sapply(1:length(df), function(col){
max(as.numeric(nchar(colnames(colorized)[col])), max(sapply(df[,col], nchar), na.rm = TRUE))
# Fix === rows
headers <- lapply(max.widths, function(width){
paste0(strrep("=", width), " ")
headers <- do.call(paste0, headers)
rough[[1]] <- rough[[3]] <- rough[[(length(rough))]] <- headers
# Fix actual header row
unpadded <- colnames(colorized)
padded_top <- lapply(1:length(unpadded), function(idx){
paste0(unpadded[[idx]], strrep(" ", max(0, max.widths[[idx]] - nchar(unpadded[[idx]]) + 2)))
padded_bottom <- lapply(1:length(new_groups), function(idx){
paste0(new_groups[[idx]], strrep(" ", max(0, max.widths[[idx+1]] - nchar(new_groups[[idx]]) + 2)))
padded_bottom <- paste0("New Group:", strrep(" ", max(0, max.widths[[1]] - 8)), do.call(paste0, padded_bottom))
rough[[2]] <- do.call(paste0, padded_top)
buffer <- strrep(" ", (nchar(rough[[1]]) %/% 2) - 5)
top <- paste0(buffer, "Old Groups", buffer)
count_row <- lapply(1:length(nObj), function(idx){
paste0(nObj[[idx]], strrep(" ", max(0, max.widths[[idx+1]] - nchar(nObj[[idx]]) + 2)))
count_row <- do.call(paste0, count_row)
count_row <- paste0("n =", strrep(" ", max(0, max.widths[[1]] - 1)), count_row)
rough <- c(top, rough, padded_bottom, headers, count_row)
final <- structure(rough, class="knitr_kable", format="rst")
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_cluster <- function(x, ...){
type <- gsub("cqc_cluster_", "", class(x)[[1]])
type <- as.symbol(type)
check_res <- as_tibble(attr(x, "check_res"))
summarized <- check_res %>%
inner_join(x$group_membership, by=c("group_id" = "old_group")) %>%
select(-c(object)) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(group_id, new_group, nObject) %>%
summarise(!!type := paste(!!type, collapse = ", ")) %>%
new_groups <- x$group_membership$new_group
colors <- gen_color_palette(length(unique(new_groups)), output="colors")
names(colors) <- unique(new_groups)
summarized <- kable(summarized) %>% kable_styling()
# Should try to convert this for loop if possible, but row_spec makes it a little difficult
for(i in 1:length(new_groups)){
summarized <- row_spec(summarized, i, color = "black", background = colors[[new_groups[[i]]]])
#' @export
print.cqc_cluster <- function(x, ...){
type <- gsub("cqc_cluster_", "", class(x)[[1]])
check_res <- as_tibble(attr(x, "check_res"))
summarized <- check_res %>%
select(-c(object)) %>%
type <- as.symbol(type)
summarized <- group_by(summarized, group_id, nObject) %>%
summarise(!!type := paste(!!type, collapse = ", ")) %>%
arrange(group_id) %>%
new_groups <- x$group_membership %>%
arrange(old_group) %>%
summarized$new_group <- new_groups
summarized <- summarized[,c(1,4,2,3)]
# Color columns by group for easy viewing
colors <- gen_color_palette(length(unique(new_groups)), output="styles")
names(colors) <- unique(new_groups)
colored_markers <- apply(summarized, 1, function(row){
style(row[["marker"]], colors[[new_groups[[as.numeric(row[["group_id"]])]]]])
summarized$marker <- colored_markers
final <- kable(summarized, format="rst")
object_type <- function(x){
dat <- attr(x, "data")
if(is(dat, "cqc_gs_list"))
#' @export
print.cqc_check_summary <- function(x, collapse = TRUE, ...){
x <- collapse_params(x)
type <- object_type(x)
colnames(x)[match("nObject", colnames(x))] = paste0("n", type)
class(x) <- class(x)[-(1:3)]
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_check <- function(x, ...){
knit_print(summary(x), ...)
#' Customized knit print for cqc_check_summary
#' @param x cqc_check_summary object returned by 'summary' call on `cqc_check`
#' @param collapse whether to collapse the same information within each group
#' @param ... not used
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup everything
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_check_summary <- function(x, collapse = TRUE, ...) {
n <- nrow(x)
if (collapse) {
x <- collapse_params(x)
type <- object_type(x)
type <- paste0("n", type)
colnames(x)[match("nObject", colnames(x))] = type
collaspse_idx <- match("group_id", colnames(x))
if (is(x, "cqc_check_panel")) {
collaspse_idx <- c(collaspse_idx, match(type, colnames(x)))
x <- x %>%
arrange(desc(get(type))) %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling("bordered", full_width = F, position = "left", font_size = 12)
# browser()
if (n > 0) {
x <- x %>%
collapse_rows(columns = collaspse_idx, "top") %>%
row_spec(0, background = "#e5f5e0", color = "black")
#' @export
#' @importFrom colortable color_vctr
format.cqc_match_result_panel <- function(x, ...){
class(x) <- class(x)[-(1:2)]
res <- format(x, ...)
#add color to ref
res[[1]] <- color_vctr(res[[1]], text_color = "green")
#find the ref col
ref <- attr(x, "ref")
ref_col <- paste0("group ", ref)
ref_idx <- grep(ref_col, colnames(res), fixed = TRUE)
res[[ref_idx]] <- color_vctr(res[[ref_idx]], text_color = "green")
colnames(res)[ref_idx] <- "Ref group"
#' @export
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
format.cqc_check_panel <- function(x, color_ref = FALSE, ...){
# x <- summary(x)
anchor <- attr(x, "by")
# browser()
if(anchor == "channel")
value <- "marker"
value <- "channel"
# #long to wide
x %>% summary %>%
filter(!is.na(!!as.name(anchor))) %>%
mutate(group_id := paste("group", group_id), nObject := paste0("(n=", nObject, ")")) %>%
unite(grp, group_id, nObject, sep = "") %>% #merge grp cols
spread(grp, !!value) %>%
filter(get(anchor) !="") %>% #rm the empty row that was caused by samples that have entire empty markers
`class<-`(value = class(x)[-(1:2)])
#' @export
print.cqc_match_result_panel <- function(x, ...){
format(x, ...) %>%
#' @export
print.cqc_check_panel <- function(x, ...){
format(x, ...) %>%
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_match_result_panel <- function(x, ...){
x <- kable_cqc_check_panel(x, ...)
ref_idx <- attr(x, "ref")
x %>%
column_spec(c(1, ref_idx), color = "green") %>% knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.cqc_check_panel <- function(x, ...){
kable_cqc_check_panel(x, ...)%>%
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_all
kable_cqc_check_panel <- function(x, ...){
attr <- attributes(x)
x <- mutate_all(x, htmlEscape)
attributes(x) <- attr
x <- format(x, ...)
x[is.na(x)] <- "<font color='red'>N/A</font>"
ref_idx <- grep("Ref", colnames(x), fixed = TRUE)
# x[x=="FSC-Height"] <- "<font color='red'>N/A</font>"
x = x%>%
kable(escape = F) %>%
kable_styling(c("bordered", "condensed"), full_width = F, position = "left", font_size = 12)
attr(x, "ref") <- ref_idx
gen_color_palette <- function(n, output=c("styles", "colors")){
output <- match.arg(output, c("styles", "colors"))
colors <- rainbow(n, s = 0.3)
if(output == "colors")
lapply(colors, function(color){
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