methodDict <- data.table(keyword=c('glm', 'glmer', 'lmer', 'bayesglm','ridge', 'blmer'),
lmMethod=c('GLMlike', 'LMERlike','LMERlike', 'BayesGLMlike','RidgeBGLMlike', 'bLMERlike'),
implementsEbayes=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(
'implementsEbayes')) #zlm
##' @import stringr
.zlm <- function(formula, data, method='bayesglm',silent=TRUE, ...){
## perhaps we should be generic, but since we are dispatching on second argument, which might be an S3 class, let's just do this instead.
if(!inherits(data, 'data.frame')) stop("'data' must be data.frame, not matrix or array")
if(!is(formula, 'formula')) stop("'formula' must be class 'formula'")
## get response
resp <- eval(formula[[2]], data)
RHS <- removeResponse(formula, warn=FALSE)
obj <- new(methodDict[keyword==method, lmMethod], formula=RHS, design=data, response=resp)
obj <- fit(obj)
list(cont=obj@fitC, disc=obj@fitD)
summary.zlm <- function(out){
##' Zero-inflated regression for SingleCellAssay
##' For each gene in sca, fits the hurdle model in \code{formula} (linear for et>0), logistic for et==0 vs et>0.
##' Return an object of class \code{ZlmFit} containing slots giving the coefficients, variance-covariance matrices, etc.
##' After each gene, optionally run the function on the fit named by 'hook'
##' @section Empirical Bayes variance regularization:
##' The empirical bayes regularization of the gene variance assumes that the precision (1/variance) is drawn from a
##' gamma distribution with unknown parameters.
##' These parameters are estimated by considering the distribution of sample variances over all genes.
##' The procedure used for this is determined from
##' \code{ebayesControl}, a named list with components 'method' (one of 'MOM' or 'MLE') and 'model' (one of 'H0' or 'H1')
##' method MOM uses a method-of-moments estimator, while MLE using the marginal likelihood.
##' H0 model estimates the precisions using the intercept alone in each gene, while H1 fits the full model specified by \code{formula}
##' @param formula a formula with the measurement variable on the LHS and predictors present in colData on the RHS
##' @param sca SingleCellAssay object
##' @param method character vector, either 'glm', 'glmer' or 'bayesglm'
##' @param silent Silence common problems with fitting some genes
##' @param ebayes if TRUE, regularize variance using empirical bayes method
##' @param ebayesControl list with parameters for empirical bayes procedure. See \link{ebayes}.
##' @param force Should we continue testing genes even after many errors have occurred?
##' @param hook a function called on the \code{fit} after each gene.
##' @param parallel If TRUE and \code{option(mc.cores)>1} then multiple cores will be used in fitting.
##' @param LMlike if provided, then the model defined in this object will be used, rather than following the formulas. This is intended for internal use.
##' @param onlyCoef If TRUE then only an array of model coefficients will be returned (probably only useful for bootstrapping).
##' @param exprs_values character or integer passed to `assay` specifying which assay to use for testing
##' @param ... arguments passed to the S4 model object upon construction. For example, \code{fitArgsC} and \code{fitArgsD}, or \code{coefPrior}.
##' @return a object of class \code{ZlmFit} with methods to extract coefficients, etc.
##' OR, if data is a \code{data.frame} just a list of the discrete and continuous fits.
##' @seealso ZlmFit-class, ebayes, GLMlike-class, BayesGLMlike-class
##' @aliases zlm.SingleCellAssay
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' zlmVbeta <- zlm(~ Stim.Condition, subset(vbetaFA, ncells==1)[1:10,])
##' slotNames(zlmVbeta)
##' #A matrix of coefficients
##' coef(zlmVbeta, 'D')['CCL2',]
##' #An array of covariance matrices
##' vcov(zlmVbeta, 'D')[,,'CCL2']
##' waldTest(zlmVbeta, CoefficientHypothesis('Stim.ConditionUnstim'))
##' ## Can also provide just a \code{data.frame} instead
##' data<- data.frame(x=rnorm(500), z=rbinom(500, 1, .3))
##' logit.y <- with(data, x*2 + z*2); mu.y <- with(data, 10+10*x+10*z + rnorm(500))
##' y <- (runif(500)<exp(logit.y)/(1+exp(logit.y)))*1
##' y[y>0] <- mu.y[y>0]
##' data$y <- y
##' fit <- zlm(y ~ x+z, data)
##' summary.glm(fit$disc)
##' @export
zlm <- function(formula, sca, method='bayesglm', silent=TRUE, ebayes=TRUE, ebayesControl=NULL, force=FALSE, hook=NULL, parallel=TRUE, LMlike, onlyCoef=FALSE, exprs_values = assay_idx(sca)$aidx, ...){
## could also provide argument `data`
dotsdata = list(...)$data
if(!missing(sca)) stop("Cannot provide both `sca` and `data`")
sca = dotsdata
## Are we just a data.frame? Call simplified method.
if(!inherits(sca, 'SingleCellAssay')){
if(inherits(sca, 'data.frame')){
return(.zlm(formula, method=method, silent=silent, ...) )
} else{
return(.zlm(formula, data=sca, method=method, silent=silent, ...) )
} else{
stop('`sca` must inherit from `data.frame` or `SingleCellAssay`')
## Default call
## Which class are we using for the fits...look it up by keyword
method <- match.arg(method, methodDict[,keyword])
method <- methodDict[keyword==method,lmMethod]
if(!is(sca, 'SingleCellAssay')) stop("'sca' must be (or inherit) 'SingleCellAssay'")
if(!is(formula, 'formula')) stop("'formula' must be class 'formula'")
Formula <- removeResponse(formula)
## Empirical bayes method
priorVar <- 1
priorDOF <- 0
if(!methodDict[lmMethod==method,implementsEbayes]) stop('Method', method, ' does not implement empirical bayes variance shrinkage.')
ebparm <- ebayes(t(assay(sca, exprs_values)), ebayesControl, model.matrix(Formula, colData(sca)))
priorVar <- ebparm[['v']]
priorDOF <- ebparm[['df']]
## initial value of priorVar, priorDOF default to no shrinkage
obj <- new_with_repaired_slots(classname = method, design = colData(sca),
formula = Formula, priorVar = priorVar, priorDOF = priorDOF,
extra = list(...))
## End Default Call
} else{
## Refitting
if(!missing(formula)) warning("Ignoring formula and using model defined in 'objLMLike'")
if(!inherits(LMlike, 'LMlike')) stop("'LMlike' must inherit from class 'LMlike'")
## update design matrix with possibly new/permuted colData
##obj <- update(LMlike, design=colData(sca))
obj <- LMlike
## avoiding repeated calls to the S4 object speeds calls on large sca
## due to overzealous copying semantics on R's part
ee <- t(assay(sca, exprs_values))
genes <- colnames(ee)
ng <- length(genes)
MM <- model.matrix(obj)
coefNames <- colnames(MM)
## to facilitate our call to mclapply
listEE <- setNames(seq_len(ng), genes)
obj <- fit(obj, ee[,1], silent=silent)
## called internally to do fitting, but want to get local variables in scope of function
nerror <- totalerr <- 0
pb = progress::progress_bar$new(total = ng, format = " Completed [:bar] :percent with :err failures")
.fitGeneSet <- function(idx){
## initialize outputs
hookOut <- NULL
tt <- try({
obj <- fit(obj, response=ee[,idx], silent=silent, quick=TRUE)
if(!is.null(hook)) hookOut <- hook(obj)
nerror <- 0
if(is(tt, 'try-error')){
obj@fitC <- obj@fitD <- NULL
obj@fitted <- c(C=FALSE, D=FALSE)
nerror <- nerror + 1
totalerr = totalerr + 1
if(nerror>5 & !force) {
stop("We seem to be having a lot of problems here...are your tests specified correctly? \n If you're sure, set force=TRUE.", tt)
pb$tick(tokens = list(err = totalerr))
if(onlyCoef) return(cbind(C=coef(obj, 'C'), D=coef(obj, 'D')))
summaries <- summarize(obj)
structure(summaries, hookOut=hookOut)
if(!parallel || getOption('mc.cores', 1L)==1){
listOfSummaries <- lapply(listEE, .fitGeneSet)
} else{
listOfSummaries <- parallel::mclapply(listEE, .fitGeneSet, mc.preschedule=TRUE, mc.silent=silent)
out <-, c(listOfSummaries, rev.along=0))
return(aperm(out, c(3,1,2)))
## test for try-errors
cls <- sapply(listOfSummaries, function(x) class(x))
complain <- if(force) warning else stop
if(mean(cls=='try-error')>.5) complain('Lots of errors here..something is amiss.')
## gethooks
hookOut <- NULL
if(!is.null(hook)) hookOut <- lapply(listOfSummaries, attr, which='hookOut')
summaries <- collectSummaries(listOfSummaries)
## add rest of slots, plus class name
summaries[['LMlike']] <- obj
summaries[['sca']] <- sca
summaries[['priorVar']] <- obj@priorVar
summaries[['priorDOF']] <- obj@priorDOF
summaries[['hookOut']] <- hookOut
summaries[['exprs_values']] <- exprs_values
summaries[['Class']] <- 'ZlmFit'
## everything we need to call new
zfit <-, as.list(summaries))
## tests, summarized objects, example fit, hooks
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