Glue <- function(...) abind(..., rev.along=0)
#'@importFrom plyr rbind.fill
collectSummaries <- function(listOfSummaries){
summaries <- list()
summaries[['coefC']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'coefC'))
#summaries[['coefC']] <- as.matrix(,lapply(lapply(listOfSummaries,"[[", "coefC"),function(x)
rownames(summaries[['coefC']]) <- names(listOfSummaries)
summaries[['vcovC']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'vcovC'))
summaries[['df.resid']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'df.resid'))
summaries[['df.null']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'df.null'))
summaries[['deviance']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'deviance'))
summaries[['dispersion']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'dispersion'))
summaries[['dispersionNoshrink']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'dispersionNoshrink'))
summaries[['converged']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'converged'))
summaries[['loglik']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'loglik'))
summaries[['coefD']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'coefD'))
summaries[['vcovD']] <-, lapply(listOfSummaries, '[[', 'vcovD'))
#summaries[['coefD']] <-as.matrix(,lapply(lapply(listOfSummaries,"[[", "coefD"),function(x)
rownames(summaries[['coefD']]) <- names(listOfSummaries)
## Refit using new MM and calculate stats
## hString is human-readable hypothesis
.lrtZlmFit <- function(zlmfit, newMM, hString, ...){
o1 <- zlmfit
LMlike <- o1@LMlike
model.matrix(LMlike) <- newMM
message('Refitting on reduced model...')
# may not be necessary, but hopefully will keep backward compatibility with serialized ZlmFit
if('exprs_values' %in% slotNames(zlmfit)) {
o0 <- zlm(sca=o1@sca, LMlike=LMlike, exprs_values = o1@exprs_values, ...)
} else{
o0 <- zlm(sca=o1@sca, LMlike=LMlike, ...)
lambda <- -2*(o0@loglik-o1@loglik)
testable <- o0@converged & o1@converged
testable[,'C'] <- testable[,'C'] & (o0@df.resid > 1 & o1@df.resid > 1)[,'C']
lambda <- ifelse(testable, lambda, 0)
df <- o0@df.resid-o1@df.resid
df <- ifelse(testable, df, 0)
cst <- makeChiSqTable(,, hString)
dimnames(cst) <- list(primerid=mcols(zlmfit@sca)$primerid, test.type=dimnames(cst)[[2]], metric=dimnames(cst)[[3]])
##' Likelihood ratio test
##' A 3D array with first dimension being the genes,
##' next dimension giving information about the test
##' (the degrees of freedom, Chisq statistic, and P value), and final dimension
##' being the value of these quantities on the
##' discrete, continuous and hurdle (combined) levels.
##' @param object ZlmFit
##' @param hypothesis See Details
##' @param ... passed to `zlm`
##' @inheritDotParams zlm
##' @return 3D array
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='character'), function(object, hypothesis, ...){
o1 <- object
LMlike <- o1@LMlike
oldMM <- model.matrix(LMlike)
newF <- update.formula(LMlike@formula, formula(sprintf(' ~. - %s', hypothesis)))
LMlike <- update(LMlike, newF)
newMM <- model.matrix(LMlike)
##test if design matrix has different column space
## Same if Q * Q^T X = X
## (old MM lies in the projection onto the new MM)
## There must be a better way to do this??
newq <- qr.Q(qr(newMM))
diff <- any(abs(newq %*% crossprod(newq, oldMM) - oldMM)>1e-6)
if(!diff) stop('Removing term ', sQuote(hypothesis), " doesn't actually alter the model, maybe due to marginality? Try specifying individual coefficents as a `CoefficientHypothesis`.")
.lrtZlmFit(o1, LMlike@modelMatrix, hypothesis, ...)
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns an array with likelihood-ratio tests on contrasts defined using \code{CoefficientHypothesis()}.
##' @param ... passed to `zlm`
##' @return see "Methods (by generic)"
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='CoefficientHypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis, ...){
h <- generateHypothesis(hypothesis, colnames(object@coefD))
testIdx <- h@index
newMM <- model.matrix(object@LMlike)[,-testIdx, drop=FALSE]
.lrtZlmFit(object, newMM, hypothesis@.Data, ...)
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns an array with likelihood-ratio tests specified by \code{Hypothesis}, which is a \link{Hypothesis}.
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='Hypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis, ...){
## original fit
h <- generateHypothesis(hypothesis, colnames(object@coefD))
## call using coefficient matrix
lrTest(object, h@contrastMatrix, ...)
## contrast matrices
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns an array with likelihood-ratio tests specified by \code{Hypothesis}, which is a contrast \code{matrix}.
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='matrix'), function(object, hypothesis, ...){
## original fit
LMlike <- object@LMlike
MM <- .rotateMM(LMlike, hypothesis)
testIdx <- attr(MM, 'testIdx')
.lrtZlmFit(object, MM[,-testIdx, drop=FALSE], 'Contrast Matrix', ...)
##' Wald test
##' A 3D array with first dimension being the genes,
##' next dimension giving information about the test
##' (the degrees of freedom, Chisq statistic, and P value), and final dimension
##' being the value of these quantities on the
##' discrete, continuous and hurdle (combined) levels.
##' @param object ZlmFit
##' @param hypothesis See Details
##' @return 3D array
setMethod('waldTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='matrix'), function(object, hypothesis){
coefC <- coef(object, 'C')
coefD <- coef(object, 'D')
vcovC <- vcov(object, 'C')
vcovD <- vcov(object, 'D')
converged <- object@converged
genes <- rownames(coefC)
tests <- aaply(seq_along(genes), 1, function(i){
hypothesis, converged[i,])
}, .drop=FALSE)
dimnames(tests)[[1]] <- genes
names(dimnames(tests)) <- c('primerid', 'test.type', 'metric')
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns an array with Wald Tests on contrasts defined using \code{CoefficientHypothesis()}.
setMethod('waldTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='CoefficientHypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis){
h <- generateHypothesis(hypothesis, colnames(object@coefD))
waldTest(object, h@contrastMatrix)
##' @param hypothesis call to \link{Hypothesis} or \link{CoefficientHypothesis} or a matrix giving such contrasts.
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns an array with Wald Tests on contrasts defined in \code{Hypothesis()}
setMethod('waldTest', signature=c(object='ZlmFit', hypothesis='Hypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis){
h <- generateHypothesis(hypothesis, colnames(object@coefD))
waldTest(object, h@contrastMatrix)
##' @describeIn show print info on ZlmFit
setMethod('show', signature=c(object='ZlmFit'), function(object){
cat('Fitted zlm on', nrow(object@sca), 'genes and', ncol(object@sca), 'cells.\n Using', class(object@LMlike), as.character(object@LMlike@formula), '\n')
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns the matrix of coefficients for component \code{which}.
##' @param ... ignored
##' @param object \code{ZlmFit}
setMethod('coef', signature=c(object='ZlmFit'), function(object, which, ...){
which <- match.arg(which, c('C', 'D'))
if(which=='C') object@coefC else object@coefD
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns an array of variance/covariance matrices for component \code{which}.
##' @export
setMethod('vcov', signature=c(object='ZlmFit'), function(object, which, ...){
which <- match.arg(which, c('C', 'D'))
if(which=='C') object@vcovC else object@vcovD
##' @param which character vector, one of "C" (continuous) or "D" (discrete) specifying which component should be returned
##' @describeIn ZlmFit Returns a matrix of standard error estimates for coefficients on component \code{which}.
##' @export
setMethod('se.coef', signature=c(object='ZlmFit'), function(object, which, ...){
which <- match.arg(which, c('C', 'D'))
vc <- if(which=='C') object@vcovC else object@vcovD
se <- sqrt(aaply(vc, 3, diag))
rownames(se) <- mcols(object@sca)$primerid
normalci <- function(center, se, level){
zstar <- qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)
list(coef=center, ci.lo=center-se*zstar, ci.hi=center+se*zstar)
##' Summarize model features from a \code{ZlmFit} object
##' Returns a \code{data.table} with a special print method that shows the top 2 most significant genes by contrast.
##' This \code{data.table} contains columns:
##' \describe{
#' \item{primerid}{the gene}
#' \item{component}{C=continuous, D=discrete, logFC=log fold change, S=combined using Stouffer's method, H=combined using hurdle method}
#' \item{contrast}{the coefficient/contrast of interest}
#' \item{ci.hi}{upper bound of confidence interval}
#' \item{ci.lo}{lower bound of confidence interval}
#' \item{coef}{point estimate}
#' \item{z}{z score (coefficient divided by standard error of coefficient)}
#' \item{Pr(>Chisq)}{likelihood ratio test p-value (only if \code{doLRT=TRUE})}
#' }
#' Some of these columns will contain NAs if they are not applicable for a particular component or contrast.
##' @param object A \code{ZlmFit} object
##' @param logFC If TRUE, calculate log-fold changes, or output from a call to \code{getLogFC}.
##' @param doLRT if TRUE, calculate lrTests on each coefficient, or a character vector of such coefficients to consider.
##' @param level what level of confidence coefficient to return. Defaults to 95 percent.
##' @inheritParams zlm
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return \code{data.table}
##' @seealso print.summaryZlmFit
##' @aliases "summary-ZlmFit", "ZlmFit-summary", "summary.ZlmFit"
##' @examples
##' data(vbetaFA)
##' z <- zlm(~Stim.Condition, vbetaFA[1:5,])
##' zs <- summary(z)
##' names(zs)
##' print(zs)
##' ##Select `datatable` copmonent to get normal print method
##' zs$datatable
##' ## Can use parallel processing for LRT now
##' summary(z, doLRT = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)
##' @export
setMethod('summary', signature=c(object='ZlmFit'), function(object, logFC=TRUE, doLRT=FALSE, level=.95, parallel = FALSE, ...){
message('Combining coefficients and standard errors')
coefAndCI <- aaply( c(C='C', D='D'), 1, function(component){
## coefficients for each gene
coefs <- coef(object, which=component)
## standard errors for each gene
se <- se.coef(object, which=component)
names(dimnames(se)) <- names(dimnames(coefs)) <- c('primerid', 'Coefficient')
ci <- normalci(coefs, se, level)
z <- coefs/se
abind(coef=coefs, z=z, ci.lo=ci[['ci.lo']], ci.hi=ci[['ci.hi']], rev.along=0, hier.names=TRUE)
names(dimnames(coefAndCI)) <- c('component', 'primerid', 'contrast', 'metric')
dt <-,, primerid + component + contrast ~ metric)
setkey(dt, primerid, contrast)
stouffer <- dt[,list(z=sum(z)/sqrt(sum(!, component='S'), keyby=list(primerid, contrast)]
dt <- rbind(dt, stouffer, fill=TRUE)
if(is.logical(logFC) && logFC){
message("Calculating log-fold changes")
logFC <- getLogFC(zlmfit=object)
lfc <- logFC
ci <- normalci(lfc$logFC, sqrt(lfc$varLogFC), level=level)
setnames(lfc, 'logFC', 'coef')
lfc <- lfc[,c('component', 'ci.lo', 'ci.hi', 'varLogFC'):=list('logFC', ci$ci.lo, ci$ci.hi, NULL)]
dt <- rbind(dt, lfc, fill=TRUE)
setkey(dt, contrast, z)
if(is.logical(doLRT) && doLRT){
doLRT <- setdiff(colnames(coef(object, 'D')), '(Intercept)')
message('Calculating likelihood ratio tests')
llrt <- lapply(doLRT, function(x) lrTest(object, CoefficientHypothesis(x), parallel = parallel)[,,'Pr(>Chisq)'])
names(llrt) <- doLRT
llrt <- data.table(reshape2::melt(llrt))
setnames(llrt, c('test.type', 'L1', 'value'), c('component', 'contrast', 'Pr(>Chisq)'))
llrt[,':='(component=c(cont='C', disc='D', hurdle='H')[component],
setkey(llrt, primerid, component, contrast)
setkey(dt, primerid, component, contrast)
dt <- merge(llrt, dt, all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE)
dt[, component :='H']
out <- list(datatable=dt)
class(out) <- c('summaryZlmFit', 'list')
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(
##' Print summary of a ZlmFit
##' Shows the top `n` genes by z score on `by`
##' @param x output from summary(ZlmFit)
##' @param n number of genes to show
##' @param by one of 'C' , 'D' or 'logFC' for continuous, discrete and log fold change z-scores for each contrast
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return prints a pretty table and invisibly returns a \code{data.table} representing the table.
##' @seealso summary,ZlmFit-method
##' @export
print.summaryZlmFit <- function(x, n=2, by='logFC', ...){
x <- x$datatable
ns <- seq_len(n)
dt <- x[contrast!='(Intercept)',]
by <- match.arg(by, c('logFC', 'D', 'C'))
if(length(intersect(dt$component, 'logFC'))==0 & by=='logFC'){
warning('Log fold change not calculated, selecting discrete', call.=FALSE)
by <- 'D'
dt[,metric:=ifelse(, 0, -abs(z))]
describe <- switch(by, logFC='log fold change Z-score', D='Wald Z-scores on discrete', C='Wald Z-scores tests on continuous')
## if('Pr(>Chisq)' %in% names(dt)){
## keyv <- 'contrast'
## dt[,metric:=`Pr(>Chisq)`]
## jj <- quote(.(primerid=primerid[ns], value=`Pr(>Chisq)`[ns]))
## sel <- quote(component=='H')
## } else
dt <- dt[component==by,]
setkey(dt, contrast, metric)
pid <- dt[,list(primerid=primerid[ns]),by=contrast]
setkey(dt, primerid)
setkey(pid, primerid, contrast)
dts <- dt[unique(pid[,list(primerid)]), list(contrast=contrast, primerid=primerid, z=z)]
setkey(dts, primerid, contrast)
dts[pid,value:=sprintf('%6.1f*', z)]
dts[!pid,value:=sprintf('%6.1f ', z)]
cdts <-, primerid ~ contrast))
cat('Fitted zlm with top', n, 'genes per contrast:\n')
cat('(', describe, ')\n')
print(cdts, right=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
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