find_peaks<-function (x, y = NULL, num_peaks = NULL, adjust = 2, plot = FALSE,
x <- as.vector(x)
if (length(x) < 2) {
warning("At least 2 observations must be given in 'x' to find peaks.")
if (is.null(y)) {
dens <- density(x, adjust = adjust, ...)
else {
y <- as.vector(y)
if (length(x) != length(y)) {
stop("The lengths of 'x' and 'y' must be equal.")
dens <- list(x = x, y = y)
second_deriv <- diff(sign(diff(dens$y)))
which_maxima <- which(second_deriv == -2) + 1
which_maxima <- which_maxima[findInterval(dens$x[which_maxima],
range(x)) == 1]
which_maxima <- which_maxima[order(dens$y[which_maxima],
decreasing = TRUE)]
if (length(which_maxima) > 0) {
peaks <- dens$x[which_maxima]
if (is.null(num_peaks) || num_peaks > length(peaks)) {
num_peaks <- length(peaks)
peaks <- peaks[seq_len(num_peaks)]
else {
peaks <- NA
peaks <- data.frame(x = peaks, y = dens$y[which_maxima][seq_len(num_peaks)])
if (plot) {
plot(dens, main = paste("adjust =", adjust))
points(peaks, , col = "red")
return( peaks )
find_valleys<-function (x, y = NULL, num_valleys = NULL, adjust = 2, ...)
x <- as.vector(x)
if (length(x) < 2) {
warning("At least 2 observations must be given in 'x' to find valleys.")
if (is.null(y)) {
dens <- density(x, adjust = adjust, ...)
else {
y <- as.vector(y)
if (length(x) != length(y)) {
stop("The lengths of 'x' and 'y' must be equal.")
dens <- list(x = x, y = y)
second_deriv <- diff(sign(diff(dens$y)))
which_minima <- which(second_deriv == 2) + 1
which_minima <- which_minima[findInterval(dens$x[which_minima],
range(x)) == 1]
which_minima <- which_minima[order(dens$y[which_minima],
decreasing = FALSE)]
if (length(which_minima) > 0) {
valleys <- dens$x[which_minima]
if (is.null(num_valleys) || num_valleys > length(valleys)) {
num_valleys <- length(valleys)
valleys <- valleys[seq_len(num_valleys)]
else {
valleys <- NA
return( valleys )
between_interval<-function (x, interval)
x <- x[findInterval(x, interval) == 1]
if (length(x) == 0) {
x <- NA
return( x )
#set up cutpoints so that they are decreasing to the left of midindex and increasing to the right
#midindex: trusted index
#cutpoints: numeric
orderCutpoints <- function(midindex, cutpoints) {
decreasingIdx <- midindex:1
increasingIdx <- (midindex:length(cutpoints))
cutpointsMonotone <- c(cummin(cutpoints[decreasingIdx]), #decreasing to the left of midindex
cummax(cutpoints[increasingIdx])[-1]) #increasing to the right of midindex
cutpointsMonotone[c(decreasingIdx, increasingIdx[-1])]
#'Threshold a count matrix using an adaptive threshold.
#'An adaptive threshold is calculated from the conditional mean of expression, based on 10 bins
#'of the genes with similar expression levels. Thresholds are chosen by estimating cutpoints in the bimodal density estimates of the
#'binned data.
#' These density estimates currently exclude the zeros due to complications with how the bandwidth is selected.
#' (If the bandwith is too small, then extra peaks/modes are found and everything goes haywire).
#' If the diagnostic plots don't reveal any bimodal bins, this is probably the reason, and you may not need to threshold since background in the data are exact zeros.
#' @param data_all \code{matrix} of (possibly log-transformed) counts or TPM. Rows are genes and columns are cells.
#' @param conditions Bins are be determined per gene and per condition. Typically contrasts of interest should be specified.
#' @param cutbins \code{vector} of cut points.
#' @param nbins \code{integer} number of bins when cutbins is not specified.
#' @param bin_by \code{character} "median", "proportion", "mean"
#' @param qt when \code{bin_by} is "quantile", what quantile should be used to form the bins
#' @param min_per_bin minimum number of genes within a bin
#' @param absolute_min \code{numeric} giving a hard threshold below which everything is assumed to be noise
#' @param data_log is \code{data_all} log+1 transformed? If so, it will be returned on the (log+1)-scale as well.
#' @param adj bandwith adjustment, passed to \code{density}
#'@return \code{list} of thresholded counts (on natural scale), thresholds, bins, densities estimated on each bin, and the original data
#'@importFrom plyr ldply
#' @examples
#' data(maits,package='MAST', envir = environment())
#' sca <- FromMatrix(t(maits$expressionmat[,1:1000]), maits$cdat, maits$fdat[1:1000,])
#' tt <- thresholdSCRNACountMatrix(assay(sca))
#' tt <- thresholdSCRNACountMatrix(2^assay(sca)-1, data_log=FALSE)
#' opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' on.exit(par(opar))
#' par(mfrow=c(4,2))
#' plot(tt)
thresholdSCRNACountMatrix <-function( data_all ,
conditions = NULL ,
cutbins = NULL ,
nbins = 10 ,
bin_by = "median",
qt = 0.975,
min_per_bin = 50 ,
absolute_min= 0.0 ,
data_log = TRUE,
adj = 1
# when there is no condition to stratify
log_base <- 2
#we naively check the range of the data to determine if it may be logged or not. This is so we emit a meaningful warning.
maybelogged <- max(range(data_all))<30
warning("Data may already be log transformed! Should you set `data_log=TRUE`?")
log_data <- log( data_all+ 1, base = log_base )
} else{
warning("Data may not have been log transformed! Should you set `data_log=FALSE`?")
log_data <- data_all
if( is.null( conditions ) ){
conditions <- rep( 1, dim( data_all )[2] )
} else {
conditions <- as.character( conditions )
## exclude genes with no counts from thresholding
comp_zero_idx <- rowSums( log_data> 0.0 ) == 0
data <- 2^log_data[!comp_zero_idx,]-1
log_data <- log_data[!comp_zero_idx,]
uni_cond <- unique( conditions )
arg <- match.arg( bin_by, c( "quantile", "proportion", "mean", "median","iqr" ) )
if( arg == "median" ){
cond_stat <- apply_by( log_data, conditions, function( x ) if( all( x <= 0.0 ) ){ 0 } else { median( x[x>0.0]) })
} else if( arg == "mean" ){
# mean is taken on the original scale than loged
cond_stat <- apply_by( data, conditions, function( x ) if( all(x <= 0.0 ) ){ 0 } else { log( mean( x[x>0.0])+1, base = log_base) } )
} else if( arg == "proportion" ){
cond_stat <- apply_by( data > 0, conditions, mean )
} else if( arg == "quantile" ){
cond_stat <- apply_by( log_data, conditions, function(x) if( all( x <= 0.0 ) ){ 0 } else { quantile( x[x>0.0], qt ) } )
} else if( arg == "iqr" ){
cond_stat <- apply_by( log_data, conditions, function(x) if( all( x <= 0.0 ) ){ 0 } else { IQR( x[x>0.0]) } )
} else {
stop("choose bin_by from c('proportion', 'mean', 'median' )")
rprop <- range( unlist(cond_stat) )
# log bin
if( is.null(cutbins) ){
rprop <- range( cond_stat )
# log bin
cutbins <- exp( seq( log( rprop[1] + 1 ),log( rprop[2] + 1 ),length.out = nbins + 1 ) ) - 1
cutbins[1] <- min( cutbins[1], rprop[1] - 1e-10 )
cutbins[ length( cutbins ) ]<- max( cutbins[length( cutbins )], rprop[2] + 1e-10 )
} else{
if( !( min(cutbins)< min(cond_stat) & max(cutbins) > max(cond_stat) ) ){
stop("range of cutbins must include the range of the log expression")
cond_stat_bins <- cut( cond_stat, cutbins )
t_prop_bins <- table( cond_stat_bins )
cond_stat_bins_array <- array( cond_stat_bins, dim( cond_stat ) )
dimnames( cond_stat_bins_array ) <- dimnames( cond_stat )
# make sure each bin has at least min_per_bin genes
while( any( t_prop_bins < min_per_bin ) ){
i <- which.min( t_prop_bins )
if( i == 1 & t_prop_bins[ i ] < min_per_bin ){
cutbins <- cutbins[-( i + 1 )]
} else if( i == length( t_prop_bins ) & t_prop_bins[i] < min_per_bin ){
cutbins <- cutbins[ -i ]
} else if( t_prop_bins[ i ] < min_per_bin ){
cutbins <- cutbins[ -ifelse( t_prop_bins[i-1] < t_prop_bins[ i + 1 ], i, ( i + 1 ) ) ]
cond_stat_bins <- cut( cond_stat, cutbins )
t_prop_bins <- table( cond_stat_bins )
cond_stat_bins_array<-array(cond_stat_bins, dim(cond_stat))
# convert data into a list
log_data_list <- vector("list", length(levels(cond_stat_bins)))
names(log_data_list) <- levels(cond_stat_bins)
for( i in levels(cond_stat_bins)){
for( j in uni_cond){
dens <- lapply( log_data_list, function( x ) { if(length(x)>2){ density( x, adjust = adj ) } else{ NULL } })
peaks <- lapply( dens, function( dd ) { if( is.null(dd) ){ data.frame( x=0, y=0 ) }else{ find_peaks( dd$x,dd$y, adjust = adj )}} )
valleys<- lapply( dens, function( dd ) { if( is.null(dd) ){ list(0)} else{find_valleys( dd$x,dd$y, adjust = adj ) } })
#peaks is a data.frame containing x-coordinate of a putative peak and density at peak
#examine first two peaks
#Check for single peaks found
singles <- ldply( lapply( peaks,nrow ),function( x ) x == 1 )[,2]
single_modes[singles] <- TRUE
#which valleys lie between first two peaks
cutpoints<-lapply( seq_along(peaks), function( j ){
valleys[[j]][which( findInterval( valleys[[j]], sort( peaks[[j]][1:2,1]) ) == 1 )]
#take rightmost valley that lies between first two peaks
cutpoints <- lapply( cutpoints, function(x) ifelse( length( x )==0, NA, max( x ) ) )
names(cutpoints)<- names( peaks )
#Check if all cutpoints are NA
if( all( ldply( cutpoints )[,2] ) ) ){
for( i in 1:length( cutpoints ) ){
cutpoints[[i]] <- 0.0 #0
} else {
#impute cutpoints if NA
for(i in 1:length( cutpoints ) ){
if( cutpoints[[i]] ) ){
if( i != length( cutpoints ) ){
#interior bin
# ensure cutpoints are increasing and decreasing from the 75% of bins with 2 modes.
# could be improved.
vals2 <- unlist(valleys[which(unlist(lapply(peaks,nrow))==2)])
if( length(vals2) > 0 ){ #at least one double-peaked
#index of valley closest to 75% of double-peaked valleys
midindex <- which(names(peaks)==names(which.min(abs(vals2-quantile(vals2,c(0.75),na.rm=TRUE)))))
} else{ # no double peaksed valleys
midindex <- length(cutpoints)
cutpoints <- orderCutpoints(midindex, cutpoints)
cutpoints <- pmax(cutpoints, absolute_min)
data_threshold <- log_data
} else {
data_threshold <- data#log_data
for( j in uni_cond ){
for( i in levels(cond_stat_bins) ){
nms <- names( cutpoints )
cutpoints <- unlist( cutpoints )
names( cutpoints ) <- nms
print( cutpoints )
data_threshold_all <- data_all*0
#data_threshold_all[comp_zero_idx, ] <- 0
data_threshold_all[!comp_zero_idx,] <- data_threshold #2^( data_threshold ) - 1
bin_all <- factor(cond_stat_bins_array)
dim(bin_all) <- dim(cond_stat_bins_array)
res_obj <- list( counts_threshold = data_threshold_all,
original_data = data_all,
cutpoint = cutpoints,
bin = bin_all,
conditions = conditions,
density = dens
,peaks = peaks, valleys= valleys)
class( res_obj )<- c( "list", "thresholdSCRNACountMatrix" )
return( res_obj )
##' Plot cutpoints and densities for thresholding
##' @param x output of \code{thresholdSCRNACountMatrix}
##' @param ask if TRUE then will prompt before displaying each plot
##' @param wait.time pause (in seconds) between each plot
##' @param type one or more of the following: 'bin' (plot the genes by the binning used for thresholding), or 'gene' (plot thresholding by gene -- see next argument)
##' @param indices if \code{type} is equal to 'gene', and is a integer of length 1, then a random sample of \code{indices} genes is taken. If it is NULL, then 10 genes are sampled. If it is a integer vector of length > 1, then it is interpreted as giving a list of indices of genes to be displayed.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{plot}
##' @return displays plots
##' @export
##' @importFrom graphics plot abline arrows lines par points rug text
##' @examples
##' ## See thresholdSCRNACountMatrix
##' example(thresholdSCRNACountMatrix)
plot.thresholdSCRNACountMatrix<-function(x, ask=FALSE, wait.time=0, type='bin', indices=NULL, ...)
type <- match.arg(type, c('bin', 'gene'), several.ok=TRUE)
op <- par(ask=ask)
par(mar=c(3,3,2,1), mgp=c(2,.7,0), tck=-.01)
if('bin' %in% type){
## plot by bins
for(i in 1:length(x$density)){
plot(x$density[[i]],main=names(x$cutpoint)[i], ...)
if('gene' %in% type){
## plot by genes
uni_cond <- unique(x$conditions)
num_cond <- as.numeric(as.factor(x$conditions))
indices <- 10L
if(is.finite(indices) && length(indices)==1){
indices <- sample(ncol(x$original_data), indices)
if(any(indices < 1 | indices>ncol(x$original_data))) stop('`indices` must range between 1 and the number of columns of the count matrix.')
for(i in indices){
den <- density(x$original_data[,i])
plot(den, main=paste0('Index ', i, '(', colnames(x$original_data)[i], ')'), ...)
for(j in seq_along(uni_cond)){
abline(v=with(x, cutpoint[bin[i,j]]), col=j, lty=2)
with(x, rug(original_data[j==num_cond,i], col=j))
##' Summarize the effect of thresholding
##' Returns the proportion of (putative) expression, the variance of expressed cells, and -log10 shapiro-wilk tests for normality on the expressed cells
##' @param object a \code{thresholdSCRNACountMatrix}
##' @param ... currently ignored
##' @return a list of statistics on the original data, and thresholded data
##' @export
##' @method summary thresholdSCRNACountMatrix
summary.thresholdSCRNACountMatrix <- function(object, ...){
zeros <- lapply(object[c('original_data', 'counts_threshold')], function(o){
apply(o>0, 2, mean)
vars <- lapply(object[c('original_data', 'counts_threshold')], function(o){
o[o==0] <- NA
apply(o, 2, var, na.rm=TRUE)
shapiro <- lapply(object[c('original_data', 'counts_threshold')], function(o){
apply(o, 2, function(x){
out <- list(zeros=zeros, vars=vars, shapiro=shapiro)
class(out) <- c(class(out), 'summaryThresholdSCRNA')
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c('L2', 'bin', 'cutpoint', 'original_data'))
##' @describeIn summary.thresholdSCRNACountMatrix prints five-number distillation of the statistics and invisibly returns the table used to generate the summary
##' @param x a \code{summaryThresholdSCRNA} object, ie output from \code{summary.thresholdSCRNACountMatrix}
##' @export
print.summaryThresholdSCRNA <- function(x, ...){
class(x) <- class(x)[-length(class(x))]
m <-, na.rm=TRUE))
m <- m[!,]
setnames(m, 'L1', 'metric')
summ <- m[,list(stat=names(summary(value)), value=summary(value)),keyby=list(L2, metric)]
summ$stat <- factor(summ$stat, levels=c('Min.', '1st Qu.', 'Median', 'Mean', '3rd Qu.', 'Max.'))
dc <-, stat + L2 ~ metric)
setnames(dc, c('stat', 'L2', 'vars', 'zeros'), c('Quantile', 'Data', 'variance', 'prop. expressed'))
dcdf <-
print(dcdf, right=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
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