##' @include AllClasses.R
##' @include AllGenerics.R
setMethod('initialize', 'GLMlike', function(.Object, ...){
.Object <- callNextMethod()
model.matrix(.Object) <- model.matrix(.Object@formula, .Object@design)
## This is pinch point (up to 10% of computation time can be spent here)
#' @describeIn GLMlike return the variance/covariance of component \code{which}
#' @param object \code{GLMlike}
#' @param which \code{character}, one of 'C', 'D'.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return covariance matrix
#' @export
setMethod('vcov', signature=c(object='GLMlike'), function(object, which, ...){
stopifnot(which %in% c('C', 'D'))
vc <- object@defaultVcov
if(which=='C' & object@fitted['C']){
vc2 <- stats::summary.glm(object@fitC, dispersion=object@fitC$dispersion)$cov.scaled
} else if(which=='D' & object@fitted['D']){
vc2 <- stats::summary.glm(object@fitD)$cov.scaled
} else{
vc2 <- numeric()
ok <- colnames(vc2)
vc[ok,ok] <- vc2
## Degree of freedom calculations
.glmDOF <- function(object, pos){
npos <- sum(pos)
## bayesglm doesn't correctly set the residual DOF, and this won't hurt for regular glm
object@fitC$df.residual <- max(npos - object@fitC$rank, 0)
## conservative estimate of residual df
object@fitD$df.residual <- min(npos, length(pos)-npos) - object@fitD$rank
object@fitted <- c(C=object@fitC$converged &
object@fitC$df.residual>0, #kill unconverged or empty
## dispersion calculations for glm-like fitters
.dispersion <- function(object){
object@fitC$dispersionMLE <- object@fitC$dispersion <- NA
df.total <- object@fitC$df.null+1
df.residual <- object@fitC$df.residual
## Save unshrunken
dMLEns <- object@fitC$deviance/df.total
dns <- object@fitC$deviance/df.residual
object@fitC$dispersionMLENoShrink <- dMLEns
object@fitC$dispersionNoShrink <- dns
## Now shrink default component
object@fitC$dispersionMLE <- (dMLEns*df.total + object@priorVar*object@priorDOF)/(df.total+object@priorDOF)
object@fitC$dispersion <- (dns*df.residual+object@priorVar*object@priorDOF)/(df.residual+object@priorDOF)
.residualsD <- function(object){
object@fitD$residuals <- (object@response>0)*1 - object@fitD$fitted
} else{
object@fitD$residuals <- NA
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c('pos'))
setMethod('fit', signature=c(object='GLMlike', response='missing'), function(object, response, silent=TRUE, ...){
prefit <- .fit(object)
if(!silent) warning('No positive observations')
fitArgsC <- object@fitArgsC
fitArgsD <- object@fitArgsD
object@fitC <- do.call(glm.fit, c(list(x=object@modelMatrix[pos,,drop=FALSE], y=object@response[pos], weights=object@weightFun(object@response[pos])), fitArgsC))
object@fitD <- do.call(glm.fit, c(list(x=object@modelMatrix, y=object@weightFun(object@response), family=binomial()), fitArgsD))
## needed so that residuals dispatches more correctly
class(object@fitD) <- c('glm', class(object@fitD))
## first test for positive continuous DOF
## cheap additional test for convergence
## object@fitted['D'] <- object@fitted['D'] & (object@fitD$null.deviance >= object@fitD$deviance)
object <- .glmDOF(object, pos)
## don't return estimates that would be at the boundary
## object@fitted <- object@fitted & c(C=TRUE, D=object@fitD$df.residual>0)
## update dispersion, possibly shrinking by prior
object <- .dispersion(object)
if(!silent & !all(object@fitted)) warning('At least one component failed to converge')
##' @export
##' @importMethodsFrom stats4 logLik
##' @describeIn LMlike return the log-likelihood of a fitted model
setMethod('logLik', signature=c(object='GLMlike'), function(object){
L <- c(C=0, D=0)
s2 <- object@fitC$dispersionMLE
dev <- object@fitC$deviance
N <- (object@fitC$df.null+1)
L['C'] <- -.5*N*(log(s2*2*pi) +1)
dev <- object@fitD$deviance
L['D'] <- -dev/2
setMethod('dof', signature=c(object='GLMlike'), function(object){
c(C=length(coef(object, 'C', singular=FALSE)), D=length(coef(object, 'D', singular=FALSE)))
setMethod('residuals', signature=c(object='GLMlike'), function(object, type='response', which, ...){
which <- match.arg(which, c('Discrete', 'Continuous', 'Marginal'))
if(type != 'response') stop("Only type='response' residuals implemented for GLMlike")
PD <- object@fitD$fitted
RD <- object@fitD$residuals <- (object@response>0)*1 -PD
## May contain NAs for non-estimible coefficients, set to zero
coefC <- coef(object, which='C', singular=TRUE)
coefC[is.na(coefC)] <- 0
PC <- object@modelMatrix %*% coefC
RC <- (object@response - PC)[object@response>0]
if(which=='Discrete') return(RD)
if(which=='Continuous') return(RC)
if(type != 'response') warning("Marginal residuals probably don't make sense unless predicting on the response scale")
## make a row matrix
rowm <- function(C, D){
x <- c(C=NA, D=NA)
try({if(is.null(C) || missing(C))
C <- NA
if(is.null(D) || missing(D))
D <- NA
x <- c(C=C, D=D)
}, silent=TRUE)
## dim(x) <- c(1, length(x))
## colnames(x) <- c('C', 'D')
torowm <- function(x){
## dim(x) <- c(1, length(x))
## colnames(x) <- c('C', 'D')
setMethod('summarize', signature=c(object='GLMlike'), function(object, ...){
coefC <- coef(object, which='C')
coefD <- coef(object, which='D')
## make sure covariance matrices are constant size
## if it's not fitted, then we'll throw an error here
vcC <- vcov(object, 'C')
vcD <- vcov(object, 'D')
list(coefC=coefC, vcovC=vcC,
deviance=rowm(C=object@fitC$deviance, D=object@fitD$deviance),
df.null=rowm(C=object@fitC$df.null, D=object@fitD$df.null),
df.resid=rowm(C=object@fitC$df.residual, D=object@fitD$df.residual),
dispersion=rowm(C=object@fitC$dispersionMLE, D=object@fitD$dispersion),
dispersionNoshrink=rowm(C=object@fitC$dispersionMLENoShrink, D=object@fitD$dispersion),
coefD=coefD, vcovD=vcD, converged=torowm(object@fitted))
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