## Methods for LMlike
##' Display info
##' Prints information on a LMlike object
##' @export
##' @param object an object of some type
##' @rdname show
##' @title show
##' @return side effect of printing to console
setMethod('show', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object){
cat('Fitted Continuous and discrete')
} else if(object@fitted['C']){
cat('Fitted Continuous')
}else if(object@fitted['D']){
cat('Fitted Discrete')
}else {
cat(':', as.character(object@formula), '\n')
cat(class(object), ':', nrow(object@design), ' cases\n', sep='')
.fit <- function(object){
frame <- sys.frame(-1)
positive <- object@response>0
object@fitted <- c(C=FALSE, D=FALSE)
assign('pos', positive, pos=frame)
assign('object', object, pos=frame)
setMethod('fit', signature=c(object='LMlike', response='vector'), function(object, response, silent=TRUE, quick=FALSE, ...){
object@response <- response
dargs <- list(...)
if('fitArgsC' %in% names(dargs)) object@fitArgsC <- dargs$fitArgsC
if('fitArgsD' %in% names(dargs)) object@fitArgsD <- dargs$fitArgsD
object@fitted <- c(C=FALSE, D=FALSE)
object@fitC <- NULL
object@fitD <- NULL
if(!quick) validObject(object) #save time in inner loop in zlm
fit(object, silent=silent, start=start, ...)
setMethod('initialize', 'LMlike', function(.Object, ..., design=data.frame()){
.Object@design <- as(design, 'data.frame')
.Object <- callNextMethod()
setMethod('coef', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object, which, singular=TRUE, ...){
stopifnot(which %in% c('C', 'D'))
co = object@defaultCoef
if(which == 'C' & object@fitted['C']){
some_co = coef(object@fitC)
} else if(which == 'D' & object@fitted['D']){
some_co = coef(object@fitD)
} else{
some_co = co
co[names(some_co)] = some_co
if(!singular) co = co[!is.na(co)]
#' @describeIn LMlike Print a summary of the coefficients in each component.
#' @param object \code{LMlike}
setMethod('summary', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object){
print(coef(object, 'D'))
print(coef(object, 'C'))
##' @export
##' @describeIn LMlike update the formula or design from which the \code{model.matrix} is constructed
##' @param formula. \code{formula}
##' @param design something coercible to a \code{data.frame}
##' @param keepDefaultCoef \code{logical}. Should the coefficient names be preserved from \code{object} or updated if the model matrix has changed?
##' @param ... passed to \code{model.matrix}
##' @importMethodsFrom stats4 update coef vcov summary
setMethod('update', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object, formula., design, keepDefaultCoef = FALSE, ...){
o_old = object
object@formula <- update.formula(object@formula, formula.)
object@design <- as(design, 'data.frame')
model.matrix(object) <- model.matrix(object@formula, object@design, ...)
object@defaultCoef = o_old@defaultCoef
object@defaultVcov = o_old@defaultVcov
object@fitC <- object@fitD <- numeric(0)
object@fitted <- c(C=FALSE, D=FALSE)
#' @describeIn model.matrix return the \code{model.matrix}
#' @param ... ignored
setMethod('model.matrix', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object, ...){
setReplaceMethod('model.matrix', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object, value){
qrm <- qr(value)
est <- qrm$pivot[seq_len(qrm$rank)]
if(length(est)<ncol(value)) warning('Coefficients ', paste(colnames(value)[setdiff(qrm$pivot, est)], collapse=', '), ' are never estimible and will be dropped.')
MM <- structure(value[,est, drop=FALSE], assign=attr(value, 'assign')[est])
object@modelMatrix <- MM
object@defaultCoef <- setNames(as.numeric(rep(NA, ncol(MM))), colnames(MM))
object@defaultVcov <- object@defaultCoef %o% object@defaultCoef
validObject(as(object, "LMlike"))
makeChiSqTable <- function(lambda, df, test){
## either data.frames or vectors
stopifnot(all(names(lambda) == c('C', 'D')))
stopifnot(all(names(df) == c('C', 'D')))
## which functions will we use for vectors vs data.frames
if(inherits(lambda, 'data.frame')){
Combine <- cbind
Sum <- rowSums
Glue <- function(...) abind(..., rev.along=0)
Flatten <- function(x) x
Combine <- c
Sum <- sum
Glue <- cbind
Flatten <- as.vector
lambdaC <- setNames(Combine(lambda, Sum(lambda)), c('cont', 'disc', 'hurdle'))
dfC <- setNames(Combine(df, Sum(df)), c('cont', 'disc', 'hurdle'))
pchi <- Flatten(pchisq(as.matrix(lambdaC), df=as.matrix(dfC), lower.tail=FALSE))
tab <- Glue(lambda=lambdaC,
df=dfC, 'Pr(>Chisq)'=ifelse(dfC>0,pchi,1))
structure(tab, test=test)
## this allows NAs to propagate via matrix multiplication, but still be killed when multiplied by zero
complexifyNA <- function(x){
x[is.na(x)] <- 0+1i
uncomplexify <- function(x){
x[abs(Im(x))>.Machine$double.eps] <- NA
nx <- as.numeric(x)
dim(nx) <- dim(x)
## Takes coefficients (vector), contrast (matrix) and vcov (matrix), gets linear combination(s) defined by contrast matrix
## Get squared length of linear combinations
## This will be called by both ZlmFit and LmFit
.waldTest <- function(coefC, coefD, vcC, vcD, cm, fitted){
## linear combination of coefficients
## complexify NA allows NAs to propagate algebraically rather than symbolically (ie 0*NA = 0)
contrC <- crossprod(cm, complexifyNA(coefC))
## covariance matrix of linear combination
contrCovC <- crossprod(cm, complexifyNA(vcC) %*% cm)
contrD <- crossprod(cm, complexifyNA(coefD))
contrCovD <- crossprod(cm, complexifyNA(vcD) %*% cm)
## Don't consider comparisons when we failed to fit
dof <- c(C=nrow(contrC), D=nrow(contrD))*(fitted*1)
contrC <- uncomplexify(contrC)
contrD <- uncomplexify(contrD)
## squared length of coefficient linear combination, using its covariance
lambdaC <- tryCatch(contrC %*% solve(matrix(uncomplexify(contrCovC),ncol=ncol(contrCovC)), contrC), error=function(e){
reraise(e, convertToWarning=TRUE)
lambdaD <- tryCatch(contrD%*%solve(matrix(uncomplexify(contrCovD),ncol=ncol(contrCovD)), contrD), error=function(e){
reraise(e, convertToWarning=TRUE)
makeChiSqTable(c(C=lambdaC, D=lambdaD)*(fitted*1), dof,cm)
#'@describeIn LMlike Wald test dropping single term specified by \code{CoefficientHypothesis} \code{hypothesis}
#' @param hypothesis one of a \code{CoefficientHypothesis}, \code{Hypothesis} or contrast \code{matrix}.
setMethod('waldTest', signature=c(object='LMlike', hypothesis='CoefficientHypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis){
cm <- hypothesis@contrastMatrix
waldTest(object, cm)
#'@describeIn LMlike Wald test of contrast specified by contrast matrix \code{hypothesis}
setMethod('waldTest', signature=c(object='LMlike', hypothesis='matrix'), function(object, hypothesis){
.waldTest(coef(object, 'C', singular=TRUE),
coef(object, 'D', singular=TRUE),
vcov(object, 'C', singular=TRUE),
vcov(object, 'D', singular=TRUE),
## object1 full model (fitted)
## newMM is new model to be tested against
## returns chisqtable
.lrTest <- function(object1, newMM){
l1 <- logLik(object1)
object0 <- object1
model.matrix(object0) <- newMM
object0 <- fit(object0)
l0 <- logLik(object0)
bothfitted <- object1@fitted & object0@fitted
dl <- ifelse(bothfitted, -2*(l0-l1), c(0, 0))
df <- ifelse(bothfitted, dof(object1) - dof(object0), c(0, 0))
drop.terms <- setdiff(colnames(model.matrix(object1)), colnames(model.matrix(object0)))
makeChiSqTable(dl, df, drop.terms)
#'@describeIn LMlike Likelihood ratio test dropping entire term specified by \code{character} \code{hypothesis} naming a term in the symbolic formula.
#' @return see section "Methods (by generic)"
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='LMlike', hypothesis='character'), function(object, hypothesis){
Formula <- update.formula(object@formula, formula(sprintf(' ~. - %s', hypothesis)))
U <- update(object, Formula)
.lrTest(object, U@modelMatrix)
.rotateMM <- function(object, contrast){
## from glmLRT in edgeR
qrc <- qr(contrast)
ncontrasts <- qrc$rank
if(ncontrasts==0) stop("contrasts are all zero")
testIdx <- 1:ncontrasts
if(ncontrasts < ncol(contrast)) contrast <- contrast[,qrc$pivot[testIdx]]
## rotate design and drop columns
design <- model.matrix(object)
Dvec <- rep.int(1,ncol(design))
Dvec[testIdx] <- diag(qrc$qr)[testIdx]
## what is Dvec??
Q <- qr.Q(qrc,complete=TRUE,Dvec=Dvec)
design <- design %*% Q
## Ok, so we rotated the design, and now the coefficients are arbitrary
## But might be needed for some subclasses (eg glmer)
colnames(design) <- paste('X', seq_len(ncol(design)), sep='')
structure(design, testIdx=testIdx)
#'@describeIn LMlike Likelihood ratio test dropping single term specified by \code{CoefficientHypothesis} \code{hypothesis}
setMethod('lrTest', c(object='LMlike', hypothesis='CoefficientHypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis){
testIdx <- hypothesis@index
.lrTest(object, model.matrix(object)[,-testIdx,drop=FALSE])
#'@describeIn LMlike Likelihood ratio test dropping single term specified by \code{Hypothesis} \code{hypothesis}
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='LMlike', hypothesis='Hypothesis'), function(object, hypothesis){
lrTest(object, hypothesis@contrastMatrix)
#'@describeIn LMlike Likelihood ratio test dropping single term specified by contrast matrix \code{hypothesis}
setMethod('lrTest', signature=c(object='LMlike', hypothesis='matrix'), function(object, hypothesis){
MM <- .rotateMM(object, hypothesis)
testIdx <- attr(MM, 'testIdx')
.lrTest(object, MM[,-testIdx,drop=FALSE])
## drop tested contrast
setMethod('residuals', signature=c(object='LMlike'), function(object, type='response', which, ...){
which <- match.arg(which, c('Discrete', 'Continuous', 'Marginal'))
RD <- residuals(object@fitD, type=type)
RC <- residuals(object@fitC, type=type)
if(which=='Discrete') return(RD)
if(which=='Continuous') return(RC)
if(type != 'response') warning("Marginal residuals probably don't make sense unless predicting on the response scale")
## Zero inflated residuals
PC <- predict(object@fitC, newx=object@design, type=type)
PD <- predict(object@fitD, newx=object@design, type=type)
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