#' Plot differences between APOBEC enriched and non-APOBEC enriched samples.
#' @description Plots differences between APOBEC enriched and non-APOBEC enriched samples
#' @details Plots differences between APOBEC enriched and non-APOBEC enriched samples (TCW). Plot includes differences in mutations load, tCw motif distribution and top genes altered.
#' @param tnm output generated by \code{\link{trinucleotideMatrix}}
#' @param maf an \code{\link{MAF}} object used to generate the matrix
#' @param pVal p-value threshold for fisher's test. Default 0.05.
#' @param title_size size of title. Default 1.3
#' @param axis_lwd axis width. Default 1
#' @param font_size font size. Default 1.2
#' @return list of table containing differenatially altered genes. This can be passed to \code{\link{forestPlot}} to plot results.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' laml.maf <- system.file("extdata", "tcga_laml.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
#' laml <- read.maf(maf = laml.maf)
#' laml.tnm <- trinucleotideMatrix(maf = laml, ref_genome = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19', prefix = 'chr',
#' add = TRUE, useSyn = TRUE)
#' plotApobecDiff(laml.tnm)
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf boxplot.stats dev.off
#' @seealso \code{\link{trinucleotideMatrix}} \code{\link{plotSignatures}}
#' @export
plotApobecDiff = function(tnm, maf, pVal = 0.05, title_size = 1, axis_lwd = 1, font_size = 1.2){
sub.tbl <- tnm$APOBEC_scores
sub.tbl$APOBEC_Enriched = factor(sub.tbl$APOBEC_Enriched, levels = c('yes', 'no')) #Set levels
if(nrow(sub.tbl[!is.na(APOBEC_Enriched), mean(fraction_APOBEC_mutations), APOBEC_Enriched][APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes']) == 0){
stop('None of the samples are enriched for APOBEC. Nothing to plot.')
apobec.samps = as.character(sub.tbl[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes', Tumor_Sample_Barcode])
apobec.maf = subsetMaf(maf = maf, tsb = apobec.samps, mafObj = TRUE)
apobec.maf.summary = apobec.maf@summary[ID %in% 'total', .(Mean, Median)][,Cohort := 'Enriched']
nonapobec.samps = as.character(sub.tbl[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'no', Tumor_Sample_Barcode])
nonapobec.maf = subsetMaf(maf = maf, tsb = nonapobec.samps, mafObj = TRUE)
nonapobec.maf.summary = nonapobec.maf@summary[ID %in% 'total', .(Mean, Median)][,Cohort := 'nonEnriched']
mc = mafCompare(m1 = apobec.maf, m2 = nonapobec.maf, m1Name = "Enriched", m2Name = "nonEnriched", minMut = 2, useCNV = TRUE)
mcr = mc$results
mc$SampleSummary = merge(mc$SampleSummary, rbind(apobec.maf.summary, nonapobec.maf.summary))
mcg = mcr[pval < pVal]
if(nrow(mcg) == 0){
stop('No differetially mutated genes found.')
if(nrow(mcg) < 10){
mcg = as.character(mcg[, Hugo_Symbol])
mcg = as.character(mcg[pval < 0.05, Hugo_Symbol])
apobec.mcg.gs = getGeneSummary(x = apobec.maf)[Hugo_Symbol %in% mcg, .(Hugo_Symbol, MutatedSamples)]
colnames(apobec.mcg.gs)[2] = 'Enriched'
nonapobec.mcg.gs = getGeneSummary(x = nonapobec.maf)[Hugo_Symbol %in% mcg, .(Hugo_Symbol, MutatedSamples)]
colnames(nonapobec.mcg.gs)[2] = 'nonEnriched'
mcg.gs = merge(apobec.mcg.gs, nonapobec.mcg.gs, all = TRUE)
mcg.gs[is.na(mcg.gs)] = 0
mcg.gs$Enriched = round(mcg.gs$Enriched / mc$SampleSummary[Cohort %in% colnames(mcg.gs)[2], SampleSize], digits = 3)
mcg.gs$nonEnriched = round(mcg.gs$nonEnriched / mc$SampleSummary[Cohort %in% colnames(mcg.gs)[3], SampleSize], digits = 3)
data.table::setDF(mcg.gs, rownames = as.character(mcg.gs$Hugo_Symbol))
mcg.gs = as.matrix(mcg.gs[,-1])
mcg.gs = mcg.gs[mcg,, drop = FALSE]
pieDat = sub.tbl[!is.na(APOBEC_Enriched), mean(fraction_APOBEC_mutations), APOBEC_Enriched]
pieDat[,nonApobec := 1 - V1]
colnames(pieDat)[2] = 'Apobec'
pieDat = data.table::melt(pieDat, id.vars = 'APOBEC_Enriched', drop = FALSE)
pieDat[,title := paste0(variable, ' [', round(value, digits = 3), ']')]
#pieDat$title = gsub(pattern = '^Apobec', replacement = 'tCw', x = pieDat$title)
#pieDat$title = gsub(pattern = '^nonApobec', replacement = 'non-tCw', x = pieDat$title)
pieDat$title = round(pieDat$value, digits = 3)
pieCol = c("#084594", "#9ECAE1")
graphics::layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,1,4,4), 2, 3, byrow = TRUE), widths=c(2, 2, 2))
par(bty="n", mgp = c(0.5,0.5,0), mar = c(2,3.5,4,0) + 0.1, las=1, tcl=-.25, font.main=4, xpd=NA)
yp = as.integer(pretty(log10(sub.tbl[,n_mutations])))
yp_lims = range(log10(sub.tbl[,n_mutations]))
boxplot(at = 1:2, log10(n_mutations) ~ APOBEC_Enriched, data = sub.tbl, xaxt="n", boxwex=0.6, outline = TRUE, lty=1,
outwex=0, staplewex=0, frame.plot = FALSE, col = c('maroon', 'royalblue'), yaxt = 'n',
outcol="gray70", outcex = 0.3, outpch = 16, boxfill = NULL, ylim = yp_lims,
border = c('maroon', 'royalblue'), lwd = 1.6, ylab = NA, xlab = NA)
title(main = 'Mutation load between APOBEC &\nnon-APOBEC enriched samples', cex.main = title_size)
axis(side = 1, at = c(1, 2), labels = na.omit(sub.tbl[,.N,APOBEC_Enriched])[,paste0('N=', N)],
las = 1, tick = FALSE, font.axis = 1, cex = 2.5, font = 1, cex.axis = font_size, lwd = axis_lwd)
axis(side = 2, lwd = axis_lwd, las = 1, font = 1, cex.axis = font_size, font.axis = 2)
mtext(text = "# mutations (log10)", side = 2, las = 3, line = 2.1, cex = 0.8)
p = wilcox.test(sub.tbl[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes', n_mutations], sub.tbl[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'no', n_mutations])$p.value
if(p < 0.001 ){
#lines(x = c(1.3, 1.8), y = rep(yp[length(yp)]-3, 2), lwd = 1.2)
text(x = 1.55, y = yp[length(yp)], labels = "***", cex = font_size)
}else if(p < 0.01){
text(x = 1.55, y = yp[length(yp)], labels = "**", cex = font_size)
}else if(p < 0.05){
text(x = 1.55, y = yp[length(yp)], labels = "*", cex = font_size)
segments(x0 = 1, y0 = yp[length(yp)]-0.1, x1 = 2, y1 = yp[length(yp)]-0.1, col = "black", lty = 1)
text(x = 1.55, y = yp[length(yp)], labels = paste0("NS [", round(p, 3),"]"), cex = font_size, font = 3)
par(bty="n", mgp = c(0.5,0.5,0), mar = c(0.5,1.5,3,1) + 0.1, las=1, tcl=-.25, font.main=4, xpd=NA)
pie(x = pieDat[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes', value], col = pieCol,
border="white", radius = 0.95, cex.main=0.6, cex = font_size, font = 1,
labels = round(pieDat[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'yes', title], digits = 2), clockwise = TRUE)
symbols(0,0,circles=.4, inches=FALSE, col="white", bg="white", lty=0, add=TRUE)
title(main = 'tCw load\nAPOBEC samples', cex.main = title_size)
pie(x = pieDat[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'no', value], col = pieCol,
border="white", radius = 0.95, cex.main = 1.33, cex = font_size, font = 1,
labels = round(pieDat[APOBEC_Enriched %in% 'no', title], 2), clockwise = TRUE)
symbols(0,0,circles=.4, inches=FALSE, col="white", bg="white", lty=0, add=TRUE)
title(main = 'tCw load\nnon-APOBEC samples', cex.main = title_size)
rownames(mcg.gs) = paste0(rownames(mcg.gs), ifelse(test = mcr[Hugo_Symbol %in% rownames(mcg.gs), pval] < 0.001, yes = '***',
no = ifelse(test = mcr[Hugo_Symbol %in% rownames(mcg.gs), pval] < 0.01, yes = '**',
no = ifelse(mcr[Hugo_Symbol %in% rownames(mcg.gs), pval] < 0.05, yes = '*', no = ''))))
if(nrow(mcg.gs) > 10){
message(paste0("Showing top 10 of ", nrow(mcg.gs), " differentially mutated genes"))
mcg.gs = mcg.gs[1:10,]
par(bty="n", mgp = c(0.5,0.5,0), mar = c(7,3.5,0,0) + 0.1, las=1, tcl=-.25, font.main=4, xpd=NA)
barplot(height = t(mcg.gs), beside = TRUE, las =2, ylab = "", border = NA, font.axis = 3,
font.lab = 2, col = c('maroon', 'royalblue'),
ylim = c(0, yl = max(apply(mcg.gs, 2, max))), yaxt = "n", cex.names = font_size)
axis(side = 2, at = seq(0, max(apply(mcg.gs, 2, max)), length.out = 4), lwd = axis_lwd, font.axis = 1, cex = 1.5,
labels = paste0(as.integer((seq(0, max(apply(mcg.gs, 2, max)), length.out = 4))*100, digits = 2), '%'), cex.axis = font_size)
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