#' Co-plot version of gisticChromPlot()
#' @description Use two GISTIC object or/and two MAF objects to view a vertical arranged version of
#' Gistic Chromosome plot results on the Amp or Del G-scores.
#' @author bio_sun - https://github.com/biosunsci
#' @param gistic1 first \code{GISTIC} object
#' @param gistic2 second \code{GISTIC} object
#' @param g1Name the title of the left side
#' @param g2Name the title of the right side
#' @param type default 'Amp', c('Amp',"Del"), choose one to plot, only focal events are shown, 'Amp'
#' only shows the Amplification events, and 'Del' only shows the Deletion events.
#' @param markBands default TRUE, integer of length 1 or 2 or TRUE, mark cytoband names of the outer
#' side of the plot
#' @param labelGenes if you want to label some genes you are interested along the chromosome, set it
#' to TRUE
#' @param gLims Controls the G-score's axis limits. Default NULL.
#' @param maf1,maf2 if labelGenes==TRUE, you need to provide \code{\link{MAF}} object, the genes mutation
#' info collected from the maf1 is shown on the left side, while maf2 on the right side. the genes
#' selected are controled by the mutGenes or mutGenes1 or mutGenes1 parameter, see following.
#' @param mutGenes,mutGenes1,mutGenes2 default NULL, could be NULL, number, or character vector of
#' gene symbols which match the corresponding MAF object's Hugo_Symbol column values. mutGenes
#' controls both sides of the annotation, mutGenes1 controls only left side and corresponding data
#' is extracted from to maf1, and mutGenes2 controls only right side annotation and corresponding
#' to maf2. If `NULL`, extract the top 50 mutated genes from maf1 and maf2 seperatedly then
#' annotate them on the left side (maf1 genes) and right side (maf2 genes). if integer, say N,
#' only top N genes will be extracted seperately from maf1 and maf2. These two condition leads to
#' different genes annotated on both sides. If character vector, then the genes have mutated in
#' maf1 and maf2 will be annotated on both side of the figure which mean the two sides have the
#' same list of genes. if mutGenes is not NULL and both mutGenes1 and mutGenes1 are NULL, then the
#' auto set mutGenes1 = mutGenes2 = mutGenes.
#' @param fdrCutOff default 0.05,only items with FDR < fdrCutOff will be colored as Amp or Del (
#' colored 'Red' or 'Blue'), others will be seen as non-significant events (colored gray)
#' @param symmetric default TRUE, If False, when the gistic1 and gistic2 have different max values
#' of G-scores, the Chrom (0 point of x axis) will not be in the center of the whole plot, if you
#' set symmetric==TRUE, then the one with smaller max(G-score) will be stretched larger to make
#' the 0 of the x axis in the middle which eventually make the plot more symmetric.
#' @param color NULL or a named vector. the color of the G-score lines, default NULL which will set
#' the color c(Amp = "red", Del = "blue", neutral = 'gray70')
#' @param ref.build default "hg19", c('hg18','hg19','hg38') supported at current.
#' @param cytobandOffset default 'auto', the width of the chromosome rects (Y axis at 0 point of X
#' axis). by default will be 0.015 of the width of the whole x axis length.
#' @param txtSize the zoom value of most of the texts
#' @param cytobandTxtSize textsize of the cytoband annotation
#' @param mutGenesTxtSize textsize of the mutGenes annotation
#' @param rugTickSize the rug line width of the cytoband annotation
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gistic_res_folder = system.file("extdata",package = "maftools")
#' laml.gistic = readGistic(gistic_res_folder)
#' laml.gistic2 = readGistic(gistic_res_folder)
#' laml.maf = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml.maf.gz', package = 'maftools')
#' laml.clin = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml_annot.tsv', package = 'maftools')
#' laml = read.maf(maf = laml.maf, clinicalData = laml.clin)
#' laml2 = laml
#' # --- plot ---
#' gisticChromPlot2v(gistic1 = laml.gistic, gistic2 = laml.gistic2, type='Del',
#' symmetric = TRUE, g1Name = 'TCGA1',
#' g2Name = 'TCGA2', maf1 = laml, maf2 = laml2, mutGenes = 30)
#' }
coGisticChromPlot = function(gistic1 = NULL,
gistic2 = NULL,
g1Name = "",
g2Name = "",
type = 'Amp',
markBands = TRUE,
labelGenes = TRUE,
gLims = NULL,
maf1 = NULL,
maf2 = NULL,
mutGenes = NULL,
mutGenes1 = NULL,
mutGenes2 = NULL,
fdrCutOff = 0.05,
symmetric = TRUE,
color = NULL,
ref.build = "hg19",
cytobandOffset = 'auto',
txtSize = 0.8,
cytobandTxtSize = 1,
mutGenesTxtSize = 0.6,
rugTickSize = 0.1) {
fdrCutOff.log10 = -log10(fdrCutOff)
stopifnot('GISTIC' %in% class(gistic1))
stopifnot('GISTIC' %in% class(gistic2))
g1 = getCytobandSummary(gistic1)
g1[, `:=`(Chromosome, sapply(strsplit(
x = g1$Wide_Peak_Limits,
split = ":"
), "[", 1))]
g1[, `:=`(loc, sapply(strsplit(
x = g1$Wide_Peak_Limits, split = ":"
"[", 2))]
g1[, `:=`(Start_Position, sapply(strsplit(x = g1$loc, split = "-"),
"[", 1))]
g1[, `:=`(End_Position, sapply(strsplit(x = g1$loc, split = "-"),
"[", 2))]
g1.lin = transformSegments(segmentedData = g1[, .(
gis1.scores = transformSegments(segmentedData = gistic1@gis.scores,
build = ref.build)
g2 = getCytobandSummary(gistic2)
g2[, `:=`(Chromosome, sapply(strsplit(
x = g2$Wide_Peak_Limits,
split = ":"
), "[", 1))]
g2[, `:=`(loc, sapply(strsplit(
x = g2$Wide_Peak_Limits, split = ":"
"[", 2))]
g2[, `:=`(Start_Position, sapply(strsplit(x = g2$loc, split = "-"),
"[", 1))]
g2[, `:=`(End_Position, sapply(strsplit(x = g2$loc, split = "-"),
"[", 2))]
g2.lin = transformSegments(segmentedData = g2[, .(
gis2.scores = transformSegments(segmentedData = gistic2@gis.scores,
build = ref.build)
# g.lin是用来注释bar的
g1.lin$loc = 'left'
g2.lin$loc = 'right'
g.lin = rbind(g1.lin , g2.lin)
# gis.scores是用来画bar图的
gis1.scores$loc = 'left'
gis2.scores$loc = 'right'
gis.scores = rbind(gis1.scores, gis2.scores)
if (is.null(color)) {
COLORS = c(Amp = "red",
Del = "blue",
neutral = 'gray70')
} else{
if (is.null(names(color))) {
if (length(color) == 2) {
COLORS = c(color, 'gray70')
} else if (length(color) == 3) {
COLORS = c(color[1], color[3], color[2])
names(COLORS) = c('Amp', 'Del', 'gray70')
} else{
c('Amp', 'Del', 'gray70'), names(color)
)) == 3)
COLORS = color
gis.scores$VC = gis.scores$Variant_Classification
gis.scores$Variant_Classification = ifelse(
test = as.numeric(gis.scores$fdr) >
yes = gis.scores$Variant_Classification,
no = "neutral"
gis.scores$Variant_Classification = factor(gis.scores$Variant_Classification,
levels = c("neutral", "Amp", "Del"))
gis.scores$value = ifelse(
test = gis.scores$loc ==
yes = -gis.scores$G_Score,
no = gis.scores$G_Score
chr.lens = getContigLens(build = ref.build)
chr.lens.cumsum = cumsum(chr.lens)
nchrs = length(unique(gis.scores$Chromosome))
chr.labels = c(1:22, "X", "Y")
chr.tbl = data.table::data.table(chr = chr.labels,
start = c(1,
chr.lens.cumsum[1:length(chr.lens.cumsum) - 1]),
end = chr.lens.cumsum)
chr.tbl$color = rep(c("black", "white"), length = nrow(chr.tbl))
# 找寻xy轴的范围
xlims = c(0, chr.lens.cumsum[length(chr.lens.cumsum)])
if (is.null(gLims)) {
y_lims = pretty(gis.scores[gis.scores$VC == type, ][, value], na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
# y_lims_basic = pretty(gis.scores[gis.scores$VC==type,][, value], na.rm = TRUE)
y_lims = pretty(gLims, na.rm = TRUE)
# 解决conflicts de custom_lims vs symmetric
#message('As you set y_lims not NULL, forced symmetric = FALSE')
symmetric = FALSE
ylims = range(y_lims)
# 在左右子图lim不同时,是否强制左右对称(放大小的值和label)
if (symmetric == TRUE) {
ratio.l = abs(ylims[2] / ylims[1])
ratio.r = abs(ylims[1] / ylims[2])
if (ratio.l >= ratio.r) {
ylims[1] = ylims[1] * ratio.l
ratio.r = 1
y_lims = pretty(ylims, na.rm = TRUE)
y_lims_labels = y_lims
y_lims_labels[y_lims_labels < 0] = signif(y_lims_labels[y_lims_labels <
0] / ratio.l, 2)
y_lims_labels = abs(y_lims_labels)
} else if (ratio.l < ratio.r) {
ylims[2] = ylims[2] * ratio.r
ratio.l = 1
y_lims = pretty(ylims, na.rm = TRUE)
y_lims_labels = y_lims
y_lims_labels[y_lims_labels > 0] = signif(y_lims_labels[y_lims_labels > 0] / ratio.r, 2)
y_lims_labels = abs(y_lims_labels)
} else{
ratio.l = 1
ratio.r = 1
y_lims_labels = abs(y_lims)
if (cytobandOffset == 'auto') {
cytobandOffset = signif((ylims[2] - ylims[1]) * 0.015, 2)
gis.scores$ystart = ifelse(
test = gis.scores$loc ==
yes = -cytobandOffset,
no = cytobandOffset
# gis.scores$Variant_Classification = factor(x = as.character(gis.scores$Variant_Classification),
# levels = c("neutral", "Amp", "Del"))
gis.scores.splt = split(gis.scores, as.factor(gis.scores$Variant_Classification))
# make.custom(10,12)
## --- plot 开始绘图 ---
# 设置子fig的layout
layout.matrix <- matrix(c(2, 1, 3), nrow = 1, ncol = 3)
layout(mat = layout.matrix, widths = c(2, 8, 2))
## --- 画主图 ---
# 起plot画布
par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.2, 4)) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
type = 'l',
xlim = ylims,
ylim = xlims,
axes = FALSE,
xlab = NA,
ylab = NA
# 画组名title(中上外框)
center = which(y_lims == 0)
y = xlims[2],
x = y_lims[center - 1],
labels = g1Name ,
adj = 0,
cex = 1,
pos = 3,
font = 3,
xpd = TRUE
y = xlims[2],
x = y_lims[center + 1],
labels = g2Name ,
adj = 1,
cex = 1,
pos = 3,
font = 3,
xpd = TRUE
#mtext(text = g1Name, at = ,side = 3, line = 0, cex = 1)
#mtext(text = g2Name, at = y_lims[(length(y_lims) + 3) / 2] ,side = 3, line = 0, cex = 1)
# 画主数据线
for (n in names(gis.scores.splt)) {
if (n == 'neutral' || n == type) {
# df.and = data.frame.amp.neutral.del
df.and = gis.scores.splt[[n]]
colour = COLORS[n]
df = df.and[loc == 'left']
x0 = df$ystart,
y0 = xlims[2] - df$Start_Position_updated,
x1 = df$value * ratio.l + df$ystart,
y1 = xlims[2] - df$End_Position_updated,
col = colour,
lwd = 1.5
# lines(x = df$value + df$ystart, y = xlims[2] - df$Start_Position_updated, col=colour,lwd=1.5)
df = df.and[loc == 'right']
x0 = df$ystart,
y0 = xlims[2] - df$Start_Position_updated,
x1 = df$value * ratio.r + df$ystart,
y1 = xlims[2] - df$End_Position_updated,
col = colour,
lwd = 1.5
# lines(x = df$value + df$ystart, y = xlims[2] - df$Start_Position_updated, col=colour,lwd=1.5)
# 画下面的刻度轴
side = 1,
at = y_lims,
las = 1,
pos = 0,
labels = y_lims_labels
text = "G-Score",
side = 1,
line = 0.5,
cex = 1.2
# 画外框
xleft = ylims[1],
ybottom = xlims[1],
xright = ylims[2],
ytop = xlims[2]
# 中间染色体框,和染色体label名字
xleft = -cytobandOffset,
xright = cytobandOffset,
ytop = xlims[2] - chr.tbl$start,
ybottom = xlims[2] - chr.tbl$end,
col = chr.tbl$color
y = apply(xlims[2] - chr.tbl[, 2:3], 1, mean),
x = 0,
labels = chr.tbl$chr,
cex = cytobandTxtSize,
col = c("white", "black")
# chr 分界线(灰虚线)
for (i in 1:(length(chr.tbl$end) - 1)) {
y = xlims[2] - rep(chr.tbl$end[i], 2),
x = ylims,
lty = 2,
col = grDevices::adjustcolor("gray80", 0.25)
# lines(y=xlims,x=rep(fdrCutOff - cytobandOffset,2),lty=2,col = 'green')
# lines(y=xlims,x=rep(-fdrCutOff + cytobandOffset,2),lty=2,col = 'green')
# convert numeric (int) markBands into corresponding char markBands names
if (length(markBands) == 1 && markBands == TRUE) {
markBands = c(5, 5)
if (!is.null(markBands)) {
ordered.g.lin = g.lin[order(qvalues)][Variant_Classification == type]
if (all(length(markBands) == 1 & markBands == "all")) {
markBandsdf = ordered.g.lin
} else if (length(markBands) == 1 &&
is.numeric(markBands) && markBands >= 1) {
if (markBands > nrow(g.lin)) {
markBands = nrow(g.lin)
markBands = as.integer(markBands)
markBandsdf = ordered.g.lin[1:markBands, ]
} else if (length(markBands) == 2 && is.numeric(markBands)) {
markBands = as.integer(markBands)
m1 = head(ordered.g.lin[loc == 'left'], markBands[1])
m2 = head(ordered.g.lin[loc == 'right'], markBands[2])
markBandsdf = rbind(m1, m2)
if (nrow(markBandsdf) == 0) {
message("Available cytobands: ")
print(getCytobandSummary(x = gistic)[qvalues < fdrCutOff])
"Could not find provided cytobands:",
collapse = ", ")
# gis.scores的区间比markBandsdf(g.lin)的区间要小,"Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"
# 在两表中不是一一对应, 所以要用foverlap找区间对应关系,而用left_join等keyjoin的方法则不行
gs = gis.scores.splt[[type]]
data.table::setkey(x = gs, Start_Position_updated,
cps.l = data.table::foverlaps(
by.x = c("Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"),
by.y = c("Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"),
x = markBandsdf[loc == 'left'][, .(
y = gs[loc == 'left'][, .(
cps.r = data.table::foverlaps(
by.x = c("Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"),
by.y = c("Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"),
x = markBandsdf[loc == 'right'][, .(
y = gs[loc == 'right'][, .(
#%>% dplyr::arrange(loc,Cytoband,desc(abs(value))) %>% dplyr::distinct(loc,Cytoband,.keep_all = TRUE)
cyto_peaks_scores = rbind(cps.l, cps.r)
cyto_peaks_scores = cyto_peaks_scores[order(loc, Cytoband, -abs(value))]
cyto_peaks_scores = unique(cyto_peaks_scores, by = c("loc", "Cytoband"))
# drop rows with NA values
cyto_peaks_scores = cyto_peaks_scores[complete.cases(cyto_peaks_scores)]
# set label y pos to range(y_lims)
cyto_peaks_scores$ylims = signif(ylims[sign(cyto_peaks_scores$ystart) / 2 + 1.5] * 0.9, digits = 2)
# pos (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right).
cyto_peaks_scores$pos = sign(cyto_peaks_scores$ystart) + 3
for (i in 1:nrow(cyto_peaks_scores)) {
pos = cyto_peaks_scores[i, Start_Position_updated]
at = xlims[2] - pos,
# y = cyto_peaks_scores$ylims,#cyto_peaks_scores$amp + cyto_peaks_scores$ystart,
text = cyto_peaks_scores[i, Cytoband],
side = cyto_peaks_scores[i, pos],
font = 3,
cex = txtSize,
las = 1
# lines(x=p,y=c(1,0.8,0.55),lwd = 0.5, col= mut_dat[i,colour])
x = xlims[2] - pos ,
side = cyto_peaks_scores[i, pos],
col = COLORS[type],
ticksize = rugTickSize * 0.1
if (!is.null(mutGenes) &&
is.null(mutGenes1) && is.null(mutGenes2)) {
if (is.numeric(mutGenes)) {
mutGenes = as.integer(mutGenes)
mutGenes1 = mutGenes
mutGenes2 = mutGenes
# print(stringr::str_flatten(c(
# 'both 1,2 use mutGenes values', mutGenes
# )))
# 画左Label
if (!is.null(maf1) && labelGenes) {
if (is.null(mutGenes1)) {
mutGenes.app = getGeneSummary(maf1)
mutGenes.app = head(mutGenes.app, 50)
mutGenes.app = mutGenes.app[, Hugo_Symbol]
print('maf1 set, mutGenes.app is null, by default label top 50 genes')
} else if (is.numeric(mutGenes1)) {
mutGenes.app = getGeneSummary(maf1)
mutGenes.app = head(mutGenes.app, mutGenes1)
mutGenes.app = mutGenes.app[, Hugo_Symbol]
} else if (is.character(mutGenes1)) {
mutGenes.app = mutGenes1
} else{
stop('when maf1 is set, mutGenes.app must be null or integer')
mut_dat = transformSegments(segmentedData = maf1@data[,
.(Chromosome, Start_Position, End_Position, Hugo_Symbol)],
build = ref.build)
# 同gis.scores的区间比markBandsdf, mut_dat(g.lin)的区间比gis1.scores的区间要小,"Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"
# 在两表中不是一一对应, 所以要用foverlap找区间对应关系,而用left_join等keyjoin的方法则不行
mut_dat = mut_dat[Hugo_Symbol %chin% mutGenes.app]
data.table::setkey(x = mut_dat, Start_Position_updated, End_Position_updated)
gs = gis.scores[VC == type & loc == 'left']
data.table::setkey(x = gs, Start_Position_updated, End_Position_updated)
mut_dat = data.table::foverlaps(y = gs, x = mut_dat, mult = "all")
if (nrow(mut_dat[duplicated(Hugo_Symbol)]) > 0) {
"Multiple CNV region overlaps found for follwing genes. Using the most significant entry for highlighting.",
immediate. = TRUE
mut_dat = mut_dat[order(G_Score, decreasing = TRUE)][!duplicated(Hugo_Symbol)]
mut_dat = mut_dat[complete.cases(mut_dat)]
# dups = mut_dat[duplicated(Hugo_Symbol)][, .N, Hugo_Symbol][, Hugo_Symbol]
# err = mut_dat[order(Hugo_Symbol, -G_Score)][Hugo_Symbol %in%
# dups, .(Hugo_Symbol, Chromosome, Start_Position,
# End_Position, Variant_Classification, fdr, G_Score)]
} else{
err = NULL
mut_dat = mut_dat[!is.na(Variant_Classification)]
mut_dat = mut_dat[order(Chromosome, Start_Position_updated)]
mut_dat$anno_Position = round(seq(
from = xlims[1],
to = xlims[2],
length.out = nrow(mut_dat)
), 0)
CLS['neutral'] = 'black'
mut_dat$color = CLS[as.character(mut_dat$Variant_Classification)]
# 绘图
par(mar = c(4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
# 建坐标轴
ylim = c(0, chr.lens.cumsum[length(chr.lens.cumsum)]),
xlim = c(0, 1),
axes = FALSE,
xlab = NA,
ylab = NA
# 画外框
# rect(xleft = ylims[1],ybottom = xlims[1],xright = ylims[2],ytop = xlims[2])
# pos (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right).
if (nrow(mut_dat) == 0) {
warning("Could not find mutations")
} else {
# 加字
y = xlims[2] - mut_dat$anno_Position,
x = 0.5,
labels = mut_dat$Hugo_Symbol,
adj = 2,
cex = mutGenesTxtSize,
pos = 2,
# srt=90,
font = 3,
xpd = TRUE,
col = mut_dat$color
# 加L型线,x,y按 右→中→左 的顺序绘制
for (i in 1:nrow(mut_dat)) {
p = mut_dat[i, c(Start_Position_updated,
y = xlims[2] - p,
x = c(1, 0.8, 0.55),
lwd = 0.5,
col = mut_dat[i, color]
# 上下界
#lines(y=rep(xlims[2],3), x = c(0,0.2,0.45), lwd=2,col='blue')
#lines(y=rep(0,3), x = c(0,0.2,0.45), lwd=2,col='blue')
# 画右Label
if (!is.null(maf2) && labelGenes) {
if (is.null(mutGenes2)) {
mutGenes.app = getGeneSummary(maf2)
mutGenes.app = head(mutGenes.app, 50)
mutGenes.app = mutGenes.app[, Hugo_Symbol]
print('maf2 set, mutGenes.app is null, by default label top 50 genes')
} else if (is.numeric(mutGenes2)) {
mutGenes.app = getGeneSummary(maf2)
mutGenes.app = head(mutGenes.app, mutGenes2)
mutGenes.app = mutGenes.app[, Hugo_Symbol]
} else if (is.character(mutGenes2)) {
mutGenes.app = mutGenes2
} else{
stop('when maf2 is set, mutGenes.app must be null or integer')
mut_dat = transformSegments(segmentedData = maf2@data[,
.(Chromosome, Start_Position, End_Position, Hugo_Symbol)],
build = ref.build)
# 同gis.scores的区间比markBandsdf, mut_dat(g.lin)的区间比gis1.scores的区间要小,"Start_Position_updated", "End_Position_updated"
# 在两表中不是一一对应, 所以要用foverlap找区间对应关系,而用left_join等keyjoin的方法则不行
mut_dat = mut_dat[Hugo_Symbol %chin% mutGenes.app]
data.table::setkey(x = mut_dat, Start_Position_updated, End_Position_updated)
gs = gis.scores[VC == type & loc == 'right']
data.table::setkey(x = gs, Start_Position_updated, End_Position_updated)
mut_dat = data.table::foverlaps(y = gs, x = mut_dat, mult = "all")
if (nrow(mut_dat[duplicated(Hugo_Symbol)]) > 0) {
"Multiple CNV region overlaps found for follwing genes. Using the most significant entry for highlighting.",
immediate. = TRUE
mut_dat = mut_dat[order(G_Score, decreasing = TRUE)][!duplicated(Hugo_Symbol)]
mut_dat = mut_dat[complete.cases(mut_dat)]
# dups = mut_dat[duplicated(Hugo_Symbol)][, .N, Hugo_Symbol][, Hugo_Symbol]
# err = mut_dat[order(Hugo_Symbol, -G_Score)][Hugo_Symbol %in%
# dups, .(Hugo_Symbol, Chromosome, Start_Position,
# End_Position, Variant_Classification, fdr, G_Score)]
} else{
err = NULL
mut_dat = mut_dat[!is.na(Variant_Classification)]
mut_dat = mut_dat[order(Chromosome, Start_Position_updated)]
mut_dat$anno_Position = round(seq(
from = xlims[1],
to = xlims[2],
length.out = nrow(mut_dat)
), 0)
CLS['neutral'] = 'black'
mut_dat$color = CLS[as.character(mut_dat$Variant_Classification)]
# 绘图
par(mar = c(4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) # c(bottom, left, top, right)
ylim = c(0, chr.lens.cumsum[length(chr.lens.cumsum)]),
xlim = c(0, 1),
axes = FALSE,
xlab = NA,
ylab = NA
# 画外框
# rect(xleft = ylims[1], ybottom = xlims[1], xright = ylims[2],ytop = xlims[2])
# pos (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right).
if (nrow(mut_dat) == 0) {
warning("Could not find mutations")
} else {
# 加字
y = xlims[2] - mut_dat$anno_Position,
x = 0.5,
labels = mut_dat$Hugo_Symbol,
adj = 2,
cex = mutGenesTxtSize,
pos = 4,
# srt=90,
font = 3,
xpd = TRUE,
col = mut_dat$color
# 加L型线,x,y按 左→中→右 的顺序绘制
for (i in 1:nrow(mut_dat)) {
p = mut_dat[i, c(Start_Position_updated,
y = xlims[2] - p,
x = c(0, 0.2, 0.45),
lwd = 0.5,
col = mut_dat[i, color]
# 上下界
#lines(y=rep(xlims[2],3), x = c(0,0.2,0.45), lwd=2,col='blue')
#lines(y=rep(0,3), x = c(0,0.2,0.45), lwd=2,col='blue')
## only for test usage
# list(
# g1Name = g1Name,
# g2Name = g2Name,
# type = type,
# markBands = markBands,
# labelGenes = labelGenes,
# y_lims = y_lims,
# mutGenes = mutGenes,
# mutGenes1 = mutGenes1,
# mutGenes2 = mutGenes2,
# fdrCutOff = fdrCutOff,
# symmetric = symmetric,
# color = color,
# ref.build = ref.build,
# cytobandOffset = cytobandOffset,
# txtSize = txtSize,
# cytobandTxtSize = cytobandTxtSize,
# mutGenesTxtSize = mutGenesTxtSize,
# rugTickSize = rugTickSize)
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