#--------------------- based on binaomial distribution, estimate threshhold.
get_threshold = function(gene_muts, gene_length){
th = which(unlist(lapply(X = 2:gene_muts, FUN = function(x) dbinom(x = x, size = gene_muts, prob = 1/gene_length) )) < 0.01)[1]
#-------------------- end of function.
#--------------------- parse protein positions from protein conversions.
parse_prot = function(dat, AACol, gl, m, calBg = FALSE, nBg){
pchange = c('HGVSp_Short', 'Protein_Change', 'AAChange')
if(pchange[pchange %in% colnames(dat)] > 0){
pchange = suppressWarnings(pchange[pchange %in% colnames(dat)][1])
message(paste0("Assuming protein change information are stored under column ", pchange,". Use argument AACol to override if necessary."))
colnames(dat)[which(colnames(dat) == pchange)] = 'AAChange'
message('Available fields:')
stop('AAChange field not found in MAF. Use argument AACol to manually specifiy field name containing protein changes.')
colnames(dat)[which(colnames(dat) == AACol)] = 'AAChange'
all.prot.dat = dat[,.(Hugo_Symbol, Variant_Classification, AAChange)]
all.prot.dat = all.prot.dat[Variant_Classification != 'Splice_Site']
#parse AAchanges to get postion
prot.spl = strsplit(x = as.character(all.prot.dat$AAChange), split = '.', fixed = TRUE)
prot.conv = sapply(sapply(prot.spl, function(x) x[length(x)]), '[', 1)
all.prot.dat[,conv := prot.conv]
all.prot.dat = all.prot.dat[!conv == 'NULL']
#If conversions are in HGVSp_long (default HGVSp) format, we will remove strings Ter followed by anything (e.g; p.Asn1986GlnfsTer13)
pos = gsub(pattern = 'Ter.*', replacement = '',x = all.prot.dat$conv)
#Following parsing takes care of most of HGVSp_short and HGVSp_long format
pos = gsub(pattern = '[[:alpha:]]', replacement = '', x = pos)
pos = gsub(pattern = '\\*$', replacement = '', x = pos) #Remove * if nonsense mutation ends with *
pos = gsub(pattern = '^\\*', replacement = '', x = pos) #Remove * if nonsense mutation starts with *
pos = gsub(pattern = '\\*.*', replacement = '', x = pos) #Remove * followed by position e.g, p.C229Lfs*18
pos = suppressWarnings( as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(x = pos, split = '_', fixed = TRUE), '[', 1)) )
all.prot.dat[,pos := pos]
all.prot.dat = all.prot.dat[!is.na(pos)] #Remove NA's
gene.sum = summarizeMaf(maf = dat, chatty = FALSE)$gene.summary
gene.sum = merge(x = gene.sum, y = gl, by = 'Hugo_Symbol', all.x = TRUE)
gene.sum = gene.sum[!is.na(aa.length)]
num_mut_colIndex = which(colnames(gene.sum) == 'total')
aalen_colIndex = which(colnames(gene.sum) == 'aa.length')
#Get background threshold
gene.sum$th = apply(gene.sum, 1, function(x) get_threshold(gene_muts = as.numeric(x[num_mut_colIndex]), gene_length = as.numeric(x[aalen_colIndex])))
#use only genes with atleast 2 (or m ) mutations.
gene.sum = gene.sum[total >= m]
if(nrow(gene.sum) < nBg){
#message("Not enough genes to build background. Using predefined values. (Mean = 0.279; SD = 0.13)")
} else{
syn.res = c()
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(gene.sum), style = 3) #progress bar
for(i in 1:nrow(gene.sum)){
prot.dat = all.prot.dat[Hugo_Symbol %in% gene.sum[i, Hugo_Symbol]]
syn.res = rbind(syn.res, cluster_prot(prot.dat = prot.dat, gene = gene.sum[i, Hugo_Symbol], th = gene.sum[i, th], protLen = gene.sum[i,aa.length]))
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
} else{
nonsyn.res = c()
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(gene.sum), style = 3) #progress bar
for(i in 1:nrow(gene.sum)){
hs = gene.sum[i, Hugo_Symbol]
prot.dat = all.prot.dat[Hugo_Symbol %in% hs]
nonsyn.res = rbind(nonsyn.res, cluster_prot(prot.dat = prot.dat, gene = hs, th = gene.sum[Hugo_Symbol %in% hs, th], protLen = gene.sum[Hugo_Symbol %in% hs, aa.length]))
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
#--------------------- End of Function
# -------------------Clustering function-------------------
cluster_prot = function(prot.dat, gene, th, protLen){
mergeDist = 5 #hard coded inter event distance.
#prot.dat = all.prot.dat[Hugo_Symbol == gene]
#Summarise counts per position
pos.counts = prot.dat[,.N,pos]
pos.counts = pos.counts[order(pos)]
#classify position as meaningful if its greater than background threshhold.
pos.counts$cluster = ifelse(test = pos.counts$N >= th, yes = 'meaningful', no = 'nonMeaningful')
#Just choose meaningful positions
clust.tbl = pos.counts[cluster %in% 'meaningful']
nonclust.tbl = pos.counts[cluster %in% 'nonMeaningful']
if(nrow(clust.tbl) == 0){
#message(paste('No meaningful positions found for', gene, sep=' '))
clust.tbl$distance = c(0,diff(clust.tbl$pos)) #calculate inter event distance.
#If more than one meaningful positions are found within a 5 aa distance, join them to form a cluster.
if(nrow(clust.tbl) > 1){
#initialize variables.
cstart = end = clust.tbl[1,pos]
n = clust.tbl[1,N]
cdf = c()
cluster = 1
#Go through entire table and update variables.
for(i in 2:nrow(clust.tbl)){
pos = clust.tbl[i,pos]
d = clust.tbl[i,distance]
if(d < mergeDist){
end = pos
n = n + clust.tbl[i,N]
tempdf = data.frame(cluster = paste('cluster', cluster, sep='_'), start = cstart, end = end ,N = n)
cdf = rbind(cdf, tempdf)
cstart = end = pos
n = clust.tbl[i,N]
cluster = cluster + 1
cdf = rbind(cdf, data.frame(cluster = paste('cluster', cluster, sep='_'), start = cstart, end = end ,N = n))
} else {
cdf = data.frame(cluster = 'cluster_1', start = clust.tbl$pos, end = clust.tbl$pos ,N = clust.tbl$N)
#merge adjacent variants to clusters.
for(i in 1:nrow(cdf)){
tempcdf = cdf[i,]
nonclust.tbl$startDist = nonclust.tbl$pos - tempcdf$start
nonclust.tbl$endDist = nonclust.tbl$pos - tempcdf$end
merge.adj.to.start = nonclust.tbl[startDist >= -5 & startDist <= 0]
if(nrow(merge.adj.to.start) > 0){
tempcdf$start = merge.adj.to.start[which(merge.adj.to.start$startDist == min(merge.adj.to.start$startDist)),pos]
tempcdf$N = tempcdf$N + sum(merge.adj.to.start$N)
merge.adj.to.end = nonclust.tbl[endDist <= 5 & endDist >= 0]
if(nrow(merge.adj.to.end) > 0){
tempcdf$end = merge.adj.to.end[which(merge.adj.to.end$endDist == max(merge.adj.to.end$endDist)),pos]
tempcdf$N = tempcdf$N + sum(merge.adj.to.end$N)
cdf[i,] = tempcdf
cdf$Hugo_Symbol = gene
#Calcluate cluster score.
total.muts = nrow(prot.dat) #total variants for this gene.
clusterScores = c()
for(i in 1:nrow(cdf)){
temp.prot.dat = prot.dat[pos >= as.numeric(cdf$start[i]) & pos <= as.numeric(cdf$end[i])]
temp.prot.dat.summary = temp.prot.dat[,.N, pos]
temp.prot.dat.summary[,fraction:= N/total.muts]
peak = temp.prot.dat.summary[N == max(N), pos]
posVector = as.numeric(temp.prot.dat.summary[,pos])
fractionMutVector = unlist(lapply(posVector, FUN = function(x) temp.prot.dat.summary[pos == x, fraction]))
distanceVector = suppressWarnings(abs(posVector - peak))
clusterScores = c(clusterScores, sum( fractionMutVector / (sqrt(2)^ distanceVector)))
cdf$clusterScore = clusterScores
gene.clust.res = data.frame(Hugo_Symbol = gene, clusters = nrow(cdf), muts_in_clusters = sum(cdf$N), clusterScores = sum(cdf$clusterScore), protLen = protLen)
# -------------------End of clustering function-------------------
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