## Define a function for `pgParams` and parameter parsing logic
# @param params pgParams object to override default arguments of
# parent function
# @param defaultArgs List of defaults for each argument of parent function
# @param declaredArgs List of arguments to override all others
# @param class Name of internal function class
parseParams <- function(params = params,
defaultArgs = formals(eval(match.call()[[1]])),
declaredArgs = lapply(match.call()[-1],
n = 2
class) {
## Remove 'params' and '...' from defaultArgs and declaredArgs
defaultArgs[["params"]] <- NULL
declaredArgs[["params"]] <- NULL
if ("..." %in% names(defaultArgs)) {
defaultArgs[["..."]] <- NULL
if ("..." %in% names(declaredArgs)) {
declaredArgs[["..."]] <- NULL
## If params are supplied override matching defaultArguments
if (!is.null(params)) {
if (is(params, "pgParams")) {
## Replace matching defaultArgs with params
matchedParams <- params[na.omit(sort(match(
))] <- matchedParams
} else {
warning("Input object ignored. Object must be a",
" \'pgParams\' class object.",
call. = FALSE
## Replace default args with declared args
if (length(declaredArgs) != 0) {
%in% names(declaredArgs)] <- declaredArgs)
## Set arguments without default to NULL
unset <- unlist(lapply(defaultArgs, is.name))
defaultArgs[unset] <- lapply(lapply(defaultArgs[unset], deparse), as.null)
## Add arguments to object and evaluate
object <- structure(
.Data = defaultArgs,
class = class
object <- lapply(object, eval, rlang::ns_env("plotgardener"))
## Define a function that parses gpar parameters
# @param gpList Input gpar() class list
# @param params Internal function object
# @param ... Additional arguments passed in from parent function call
setGP <- function(gpList, params, ...) {
availGPs <- c("fill", "col", "lty", "lwd", "cex", "fontsize",
"lineheight", "font", "fontfamily", "alpha", "lineend",
"linejoin", "linemitre", "lex")
gpMatches <- params[which(names(params) %in% availGPs)]
gpList[names(gpMatches)] <- gpMatches
gpList[names(list(...))] <- list(...)
## Reset with fontface first
if ("fontface" %in% names(gpList)) {
otherParams <- gpList
gpList <- gpar(fontface = gpList$fontface)
gpList[names(otherParams)] <- otherParams
gpList$font <- NULL
## Define a function that checks chromstart/chromend
## region errors
regionErrors <- function(chromstart, chromend){
## Can't have only one NULL chromstart or chromend
if ((is.null(chromstart) &
!is.null(chromend)) |
(is.null(chromend) &
!is.null(chromstart))) {
stop("Cannot have one \'NULL\' \'chromstart\' or ",
"\'chromend\'.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(chromstart) & !is.null(chromend)){
## Can't have a 0 bp wide region
if (chromstart == chromend) {
stop("Genomic region is 0 bp wide.", call. = FALSE)
## start can't be larger than end
if (chromstart > chromend) {
stop("\'chromstart\' should not be larger than \'chromend\'.",
call. = FALSE
## Define a function that checks just and gets corresponding numeric value
justConversion <- function(just){
## Convert input just to comma-separated string for finding in dataframe
just <- paste(just, collapse = ", ")
## Valid combinations of string and numeric justifications
validJusts <- c(plotJusts$just, plotJusts$numeric)
## Throw error if not a valid Just
if (!just %in% validJusts){
stop("Invalid `just` option.", call. = FALSE)
## Convert to robust numeric values
if (!just %in% plotJusts$numeric){
just <- plotJusts[plotJusts$just == just,]$numeric
just <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(just, split = ", ")),
as.is = TRUE)
## Define a function that checks the format of range parameters
rangeErrors <- function(range){
if (!is.null(range)){
## Needs to be a vector
if (!is.vector(range)) {
stop("\'(z)range\' must be a vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
## Vector needs to be length 2
if (length(range) != 2) {
stop("\'(z)range\' must be a vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
## Vector needs to be numbers
if (!is.numeric(range)) {
stop("\'(z)range\' must be a vector of two numbers.",
call. = FALSE
## second value should be larger than the first value
if (range[1] >= range[2]) {
stop("\'(z)range\' must be a vector of two numbers ",
"in which the 2nd value is larger than the 1st.",
call. = FALSE
## Define a function that checks for hic input errors
hicErrors <- function(hic, norm){
## if it's a dataframe or datatable, it needs to be properly formatted
if (is(hic, "data.frame") && ncol(hic) != 3) {
stop("Invalid dataframe format. Input a dataframe with 3 ",
"columns: chrA, chrB, counts.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is(hic, "data.frame")) {
## if it's a file path, it needs to be a .hic file
if (file_ext(hic) != "hic") {
stop("Invalid input. File must have a \".hic\" extension",
call. = FALSE
## if it's a valid .hic file, it needs to have a valid norm
if (is.null(norm)) {
stop("If providing .hic file, please specify \'norm\'.",
call. = FALSE
## Define a function to get the assembly info based on a string (ie default)
## or assembly object
# @param assembly assembly input from a plot object
parseAssembly <- function(assembly) {
availDefaults <- default_genomePackages$Genome
## If it's just a string, get the default
if (is(assembly, "character")) {
if (!assembly %in% availDefaults) {
stop("\'assembly\' not available as a default. Please make a ",
"assembly object with `assembly()` or pick an assembly ",
"from the defaults listed with `genomes()`.",
call. = FALSE
assemblyData <- default_genomePackages[
default_genomePackages$Genome == assembly,]
assemblyData <- assembly(
Genome = assemblyData$Genome,
TxDb = assemblyData$TxDb,
OrgDb = assemblyData$OrgDb,
gene.id.column = assemblyData$gene.id.column,
display.column = assemblyData$display.column,
BSgenome = assemblyData$BSgenome
## If it's a assembly object, use those
} else if (is(assembly, "assembly")) {
assemblyData <- assembly
} else {
stop("Invalid \'assembly\' type. Please make a assembly object ",
"with `assembly()` or input an assembly string from the ",
"defaults listed with `genomes()`.",
call. = FALSE
## Define a function that converts coordinates/dimensions
## for standard plot objects into default units
# @param object Function object containing x, y, width, height valus
# @param default.units String value of default.units
defaultUnits <- function(object, default.units) {
if (!(is.null(object$x)) & !(is.null(object[["y"]]))) {
if (!"unit" %in% class(object$x)) {
if (!is.numeric(object$x)) {
stop("x-coordinate is neither a unit object nor a ",
"numeric value. Cannot place object.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(default.units)) {
stop("x-coordinate detected as numeric.\'default.units\' ",
"must be specified.",
call. = FALSE
object$x <- unit(object$x, default.units)
if (!"unit" %in% class(object$y)) {
## Check for "below" y-coord
if (grepl("b", object$y) == TRUE) {
if (grepl("^[ac-zA-Z]+$", object$y) == TRUE) {
stop("\'below\' y-coordinate detected with additional ",
"letters. Cannot parse y-coordinate.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("b", "",
object$y))))) {
stop("\'below\' y-coordinate does not have a numeric ",
"associated with it. Cannot parse y-coordinate.",
call. = FALSE
object$y <- plot_belowY(y_coord = object$y)
} else {
if (!is.numeric(object$y)) {
stop("y-coordinate is neither a unit object nor a ",
"numeric value. Cannot place plot.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(default.units)) {
stop("y-coordinate detected as numeric. \'default.units\' ",
"must be specified.",
call. = FALSE
object$y <- unit(object$y, default.units)
if (!"unit" %in% class(object$width)) {
if (!is.numeric(object$width)) {
stop("width is neither a unit object nor a numeric value. ",
"Cannot place plot.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(default.units)) {
stop("width detected as numeric. \'default.units\' must ",
"be specified.",
call. = FALSE
object$width <- unit(object$width, default.units)
if (!"unit" %in% class(object$height)) {
if (!is.numeric(object$height)) {
stop("height is neither a unit object nor a numeric ",
"value. Cannot place plot.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(default.units)) {
stop("height detected as numeric.v\'default.units\' ",
"must be specified.",
call. = FALSE
object$height <- unit(object$height, default.units)
## Define a function that converts coordinates/dimensions
## for other miscellaneous elements into default units
# @param value value to be checked/converted
# @param name string name identifying kind of value
# @param default.units String value of default.units
# @param funName String value of function name called within
# @param yBelow Logical indicating whether to allow "below" y coords
misc_defaultUnits <- function(value, name, default.units,
funName = NULL, yBelow = TRUE) {
if (!"unit" %in% class(value)) {
## Check for y
if (grepl("y", name)) {
## Check for "below" y-coord
if (all(grepl("b", value))) {
if (yBelow == FALSE) {
stop("\'below\' ", name, "-coordinate detected. Cannot ",
"parse \'below\' ", name, "-coordinate for ",
funName, ".",
call. = FALSE
} else {
## "below" y-coord additional letters
if (any(grepl("^[ac-zA-Z]+$", value))) {
stop("\below\' ", name, "-coordinate detected with ",
"additional letters. Cannot parse ",
name, "-coordinate.",
call. = FALSE
## "below" y-coord missing a number
if (any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("b", "",
value)))))) {
stop("\below\' ", name, "-coordinate does not have ",
"a numeric associated with it. Cannot parse ",
name, "-coordinate.",
call. = FALSE
value <- unit(
unlist(lapply(value, plot_belowY)),
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
} else {
## y-coord, not detected as "below"
if (!is.numeric(value)) {
stop(name, "-coordinate is neither a unit object nor a ",
"numeric value. Cannot place plot.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(default.units)) {
stop(name, "-coordinate detected as numeric. ",
"\'default.units\' must be specified.",
call. = FALSE
value <- unit(value, default.units)
} else {
if (grepl("x", name)) {
name <- paste0(name, "-coordinate")
if (!is.numeric(value)) {
stop(name, " is neither a unit object nor a ",
"numeric value. Cannot place plot.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(default.units)) {
stop(name, " detected as numeric. ",
"\'default.units\' must be specified.",
call. = FALSE
value <- unit(value, default.units)
## Define a function to catch errors for functions that don't handle
## colorby and for colorby related errors
checkColorby <- function(fill, colorby = TRUE, data = NULL){
## colorby not allowed for some functions
if (colorby == FALSE){
if (is(fill, "colorby")){
stop("`fill` cannot be a `colorby` object for this function.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
## If colorby allowed, check for appropriate colorby class,
## column in data, and number of colorby column in data
if (all(c(!is(fill, "character"), !is(fill, "factor"), !is.na(fill)))){
if (!is(fill, "colorby")){
stop("`colorby` not of class \"colorby\". Input colorby ",
"information with `colorby()`.", call. = FALSE)
## Check for `colorby` column
if (!any(colnames(data) == fill$column)) {
stop("`colorby` column not found in data. Check ",
"`colorby` column name.",
call. = FALSE
if (length(which(colnames(data) == fill$column)) > 1) {
stop("Multiple matching `colorby` columns found in data. ",
"Please provide `colorby` column name with only ",
"one occurrence.", call. = FALSE)
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