## Define a function to grab the name of a viewport
viewport_name <- function(viewport) {
## Define a function to add a plot viewport to internal list of
## valid "last plotted" viewports
addViewport <- function(vpName) {
pg_vpTree <- get("pg_vpTree", envir = pgEnv)
pg_vpTree[length(pg_vpTree) + 1] <- vpName
assign("pg_vpTree", pg_vpTree, envir = pgEnv)
## Define a function to get a list of current viewports
current_viewports <- function() {
if (!"page" %in% names(lapply(
))) {
current <- as.list(names(lapply(
} else {
page_children <- names(lapply(
current <- as.list(page_children)
## Define a function to convert viewport x and y into center just
adjust_vpCoords <- function(viewport) {
vp_y <- viewport$y
## left
if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0.5))) {
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0.5))) {
## right
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 0))) {
## bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- vp_y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 1))) {
## top
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- vp_y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 1))) {
## left top
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- vp_y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 1))) {
## right top
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- vp_y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0))) {
## left bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- vp_y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0))) {
## right bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- vp_y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else {
## center
vp_x <- viewport$x
return(list(vp_x, vp_y))
## Define a function to change viewport x and y-coordinates to top left
vp_topLeft <- function(viewport) {
if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0.5))) {
## left
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0.5))) {
## right
vp_x <- viewport$x - (viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 0))) {
## bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y + (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 1))) {
## top
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 1))) {
## left top
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 1))) {
## right top
vp_x <- viewport$x - (viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0))) {
## left bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y + (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0))) {
## right bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x - (viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y + (viewport$height)
} else {
## center
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
return(list(vp_x, vp_y))
## Define a function to change viewport x and y-coordinates to bottom left
vp_bottomLeft <- function(viewport) {
if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0.5))) {
## left
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0.5))) {
## right
vp_x <- viewport$x - (viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 0))) {
## bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 1))) {
## top
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y - (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 1))) {
## left top
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y - (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 1))) {
## right top
vp_x <- viewport$x - (viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y - (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0))) {
## left bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0))) {
## right bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x - (viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else {
## center
vp_x <- viewport$x - (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
return(list(vp_x, vp_y))
## Define a function to change viewport x and y-coordinates to bottom right
vp_bottomRight <- function(viewport) {
if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0.5))) {
## left
vp_x <- viewport$x + viewport$width
vp_y <- viewport$y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0.5))) {
## right
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 0))) {
## bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 1))) {
## top
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y - (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 1))) {
## left top
vp_x <- viewport$x + viewport$width
vp_y <- viewport$y - (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 1))) {
## right top
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y - (viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0))) {
## left bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x + viewport$width
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0))) {
## right bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else {
## center
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y - (0.5 * viewport$height)
return(list(vp_x, vp_y))
vp_topRight <- function(viewport) {
if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0.5))) {
## left
vp_x <- viewport$x + viewport$width
vp_y <- viewport$y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0.5))) {
## right
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 0))) {
## bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y + viewport$height
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0.5, 1))) {
## top
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 1))) {
## left top
vp_x <- viewport$x + viewport$width
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 1))) {
## right top
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(0, 0))) {
## left bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x + viewport$width
vp_y <- viewport$y + viewport$height
} else if (identical(viewport$justification, c(1, 0))) {
## right bottom
vp_x <- viewport$x
vp_y <- viewport$y + viewport$height
} else {
## center
vp_x <- viewport$x + (0.5 * viewport$width)
vp_y <- viewport$y + (0.5 * viewport$height)
return(list(vp_x, vp_y))
## Define a function to convert to page units
convert_page <- function(object) {
## Get page_height and its units from pgEnv
page_height <- get("page_height", envir = pgEnv)
page_units <- get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
## Convert x and y coordinates and height and width to same page_units
old_x <- object$x
old_y <- object$y
old_height <- object$height
old_width <- object$width
new_x <- convertX(old_x, unitTo = page_units)
new_y <- convertY(unit(page_height,
units = page_units
) - convertY(old_y,
unitTo = page_units
unitTo = page_units
new_height <- convertHeight(old_height, unitTo = page_units)
new_width <- convertWidth(old_width, unitTo = page_units)
object$x <- new_x
object$y <- new_y
object$height <- new_height
object$width <- new_width
## Parse y-coordinates for plots relative to bottom of last plot
plot_belowY <- function(y_coord) {
prevPlots <- unlist(get("pg_vpTree", envir = pgEnv))
if (length(prevPlots) == 0) {
stop("No previous plot detected. Cannot define ",
"a \'below\' y-coordinate.",
call. = FALSE
lastPlot <- prevPlots[length(prevPlots)]
## Go into viewport to get coordinates/dimensions
seekViewport(name = lastPlot)
x <- current.viewport()$x
y <- current.viewport()$y
width <- current.viewport()$width
height <- current.viewport()$height
just <- current.viewport()$just
## Exit viewport
## Convert to bottom
bottomCoords <- vp_bottomLeft(viewport(
x = x, y = y,
width = width, height = height,
just = just
## Parse number and convert to page units
space <- utils::type.convert(gsub("b", "", y_coord), as.is = TRUE)
space <- unit(space, get("page_units", envir = pgEnv))
new_y <- (unit(
get("page_height", envir = pgEnv),
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
) - bottomCoords[[2]]) + space
new_y <- convertY(new_y, unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv))
## Define a function to distinguish between plots with
## multiple viewports for certain annotation functions
getAnnoViewport <- function(plot){
if (is(plot, "genes")){
plotVP <- plot$grobs$children$background$vp
} else if (is(plot, "hicTriangle") |
is(plot, "hicRectangle")){
plotVP <- plot$outsideVP
} else {
plotVP <- plot$grobs$vp
## Define a function that converts chromstart/chromend to page units for
## multi-chromosome manhattan plot
convertManhattan <- function(object, manhattanPlot) {
## Get assembly data
if (is(object$assembly$TxDb, "TxDb")) {
txdbChecks <- TRUE
} else {
if (!requireNamespace(object$assembly$TxDb, quietly = TRUE)){
txdbChecks <- FALSE
} else {
txdbChecks <- TRUE
if (txdbChecks == TRUE) {
if (is(object$assembly$TxDb, "TxDb")) {
tx_db <- object$assembly$TxDb
} else {
tx_db <- eval(parse(text = paste0(as.name(object$assembly$TxDb),
assembly_data <- as.data.frame(setDT(as.data.frame(
keep.rownames = TRUE
colnames(assembly_data) <- c("chrom", "length")
assembly_data <- assembly_data[which(assembly_data[, "chrom"] %in%
manhattanPlot$chrom), ]
## Get the offset based on spacer for the assembly
offsetAssembly <- spaceChroms(
assemblyData = assembly_data,
space = manhattanPlot$space
offsetAssembly <- offsetAssembly[which(
offsetAssembly$chrom == object$chrom
), ]
## Convert chromstart and chromend to chrom offsetAssembly range
oldRange <- offsetAssembly[, "length"] - 1
newRange <- offsetAssembly[, "end"] - offsetAssembly[, "start"]
newStart <- (((object$chromstart - 1) * newRange) / oldRange) +
offsetAssembly[, "start"]
newEnd <- (((object$chromend - 1) * newRange) / oldRange) +
offsetAssembly[, "start"]
## Convert new chromstart and chromend to page units
start <- convertX(unit(newStart, "native"),
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
end <- convertX(unit(newEnd, "native"),
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
return(list(start, end))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.