#' Plot paired-end genomic range data in an arch style
#' @usage plotPairsArches(
#' data,
#' chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL,
#' chromend = NULL,
#' assembly = "hg38",
#' style = "2D",
#' flip = FALSE,
#' curvature = 5,
#' archHeight = NULL,
#' fill = "#1f4297",
#' linecolor = NA,
#' alpha = 0.4,
#' bg = NA,
#' clip = FALSE,
#' clip.noAnchor = TRUE,
#' range = NULL,
#' baseline = FALSE,
#' baseline.color = "grey",
#' baseline.lwd = 1,
#' x = NULL,
#' y = NULL,
#' width = NULL,
#' height = NULL,
#' just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches",
#' draw = TRUE,
#' params = NULL,
#' ...
#' )
#' @param data A string specifying the BEDPE file path, a dataframe
#' in BEDPE format specifying data to be plotted, or a
#' \link[InteractionSet]{GInteractions} object.
#' @param chrom Chromosome of region to be plotted, as a string.
#' @param chromstart Integer start position on chromosome to be plotted.
#' @param chromend Integer end position on chromosome to be plotted.
#' @param assembly Default genome assembly as a string or a
#' \link[plotgardener]{assembly} object.
#' Default value is \code{assembly = "hg38"}.
#' @param style Character value describing the style of arches.
#' Default value is \code{style = "2D"}. Options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"2D"}: }{Arches will be drawn in a 2-dimensional style.}
#' \item{\code{"3D"}: }{Arches will be drawn in a 3-dimensional style.}
#' }
#' @param flip Logical value indicating whether to reflect arches over
#' the x-axis. Default value is \code{flip = FALSE}.
#' @param curvature Numeric indicating the number of points along the
#' arch curvature. Default value is \code{curvature = 5}.
#' @param archHeight Single numeric value, numeric vector, or column name
#' in data specifying the arch heights. When NULL, all arches will be the
#' same height, filling up the given plot area.
#' @param fill A single character value, a vector, or a
#' \link[plotgardener]{colorby} object specifying fill colors of arches.
#' Default value is \code{fill = #1f4297"}.
#' @param linecolor A single character value, a vector, or a
#' \link[plotgardener]{colorby} object specifying the color of the lines
#' outlining arches. Default value is \code{linecolor = NA}.
#' Special options include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{NA}: }{No line color.}
#' \item{\code{"fill"}: }{Same color as \code{fill}.}
#' }
#' @param alpha Numeric value specifying transparency.
#' Default value is \code{alpha = 0.4}.
#' @param bg Character value indicating background color.
#' Default value is \code{bg = NA}.
#' @param clip A logical value indicating whether to clip any
#' arches that get cutoff in the given genomic region.
#' Default value is \code{clip = FALSE}.
#' @param clip.noAnchor A logical value indicating whether to clip
#' any arches that overlap the given genomic region but do not
#' have an anchor in that region. Default value is \code{clip.noAnchor = TRUE}.
#' @param range A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the y-range
#' of \code{archHeight} to plot (c(min, max)).
#' @param baseline Logical value indicating whether to include
#' a baseline along the x-axis. Default value is \code{baseline = FALSE}.
#' @param baseline.color Baseline color.
#' Default value is \code{baseline.color = "grey"}.
#' @param baseline.lwd Baseline line width.
#' Default value is \code{baseline.lwd = 1}.
#' @param x A numeric or unit object specifying pair arches plot x-location.
#' @param y A numeric, unit object, or character containing a "b"
#' combined with a numeric value specifying BEDPE arches plot y-location.
#' The character value will
#' place the pair arches plot y relative to the bottom of the most
#' recently plotted plot according to the units of the plotgardener page.
#' @param width A numeric or unit object specifying pair arches plot width.
#' @param height A numeric or unit object specifying pair arches plot height.
#' @param just Justification of pair arches plot relative to its (x, y)
#' location. If there are two values, the first value specifies horizontal
#' justification and the second value specifies vertical justification.
#' Possible string values are: \code{"left"}, \code{"right"},
#' \code{"centre"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"bottom"}, and \code{"top"}.
#' Default value is \code{just = c("left", "top")}.
#' @param default.units A string indicating the default units to use if
#' \code{x}, \code{y}, \code{width}, or \code{height} are only given as
#' numerics. Default value is \code{default.units = "inches"}.
#' @param draw A logical value indicating whether graphics output should be
#' produced. Default value is \code{draw = TRUE}.
#' @param params An optional \link[plotgardener]{pgParams} object containing
#' relevant function parameters.
#' @param ... Additional grid graphical parameters. See \link[grid]{gpar}.
#' @return Returns a \code{arches} object containing relevant
#' genomic region, placement, and \link[grid]{grob} information.
#' @examples
#' ## Load paired ranges data in BEDPE format
#' library(plotgardenerData)
#' data("IMR90_DNAloops_pairs")
#' ## Set the coordinates
#' params <- pgParams(
#' chrom = "chr21",
#' chromstart = 27900000, chromend = 30700000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' width = 7
#' )
#' ## Create a page
#' pageCreate(width = 7.5, height = 2.1, default.units = "inches")
#' ## Add a length column to color by
#' IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length <-
#' (IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$start2 - IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$start1) / 1000
#' ## Translate lengths into heights
#' IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$h <-
#' IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length / max(IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length)
#' ## Plot the data
#' archPlot <- plotPairsArches(
#' data = IMR90_DNAloops_pairs, params = params,
#' fill = colorby("length", palette =
#' colorRampPalette(c("dodgerblue2", "firebrick2"))),
#' linecolor = "fill",
#' archHeight = "h", alpha = 1,
#' x = 0.25, y = 0.25, height = 1.5,
#' just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' ## Annotate genome label
#' annoGenomeLabel(plot = archPlot, x = 0.25, y = 1.78, scale = "Mb")
#' ## Annotate heatmap legend
#' annoHeatmapLegend(
#' plot = archPlot, fontcolor = "black",
#' x = 7.0, y = 0.25,
#' width = 0.10, height = 1, fontsize = 10
#' )
#' ## Add the heatmap legend title
#' plotText(
#' label = "Kb", rot = 90, x = 6.9, y = 0.75,
#' just = c("center", "center"),
#' fontsize = 10
#' )
#' ## Hide page guides
#' pageGuideHide()
#' @details
#' A pair arches plot can be placed on a plotgardener coordinate page
#' by providing plot placement parameters:
#' \preformatted{
#' plotPairsArches(data chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL,
#' x, y, width, height, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches")
#' }
#' This function can also be used to quickly plot an unannotated pair
#' arches plot by ignoring plot placement parameters:
#' \preformatted{
#' plotPairsArches(data, chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL)
#' }
#' @export
plotPairsArches <- function(data, chrom, chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL,
assembly = "hg38", style = "2D", flip = FALSE,
curvature = 5, archHeight = NULL,
fill = "#1f4297",
linecolor = NA, alpha = 0.4, bg = NA,
clip = FALSE, clip.noAnchor = TRUE,
range = NULL, baseline = FALSE,
baseline.color = "grey", baseline.lwd = 1,
x = NULL, y = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL,
just = c("left", "top"),
default.units = "inches", draw = TRUE,
params = NULL, ...) {
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Define a function that catches errors
errorcheck_plotArches <- function(bedpe, archesPlot, style, fill) {
## Genomic region
regionErrors(chromstart = archesPlot$chromstart,
chromend = archesPlot$chromend)
if (!style %in% c("3D", "2D")) {
stop("Invalid \'style\' input. Options are \'3D\' and \'2D\'.",
call. = FALSE
## Fill colorby checks
checkColorby(fill = fill,
colorby = TRUE,
data = bedpe)
rangeErrors(range = archesPlot$range)
## Define a function that will produce a yscale for arches based on height
## and range
height_yscale <- function(heights, flip, range) {
if (is.null(range)){
if (length(heights) == 1) {
if (flip == FALSE) {
yscale <- c(0, heights)
} else {
yscale <- c(heights, 0)
} else {
if (flip == FALSE) {
yscale <- c(0, max(heights))
} else {
yscale <- c(max(heights), 0)
} else {
if (flip == FALSE){
yscale <- range
} else {
yscale <- rev(range)
## Define a function that normalizes arch heights
normHeights <- function(height, min, max) {
## First normalize from 0 to 1
newHeight <- (height - min) / (max - min)
## Then scale to a range of 1.38
finalHeight <- newHeight * 1.38
## Define a function that creates ribbon arch grobs
drawRibbons <- function(df, style, arch, flip, transp, gp) {
x1 <- min(df$start1, df$start2)
x2 <- min(df$end1, df$end2)
y1 <- max(df$start1, df$start2)
y2 <- max(df$end1, df$end2)
fillCol <- df$color
lineCol <- df$linecolor
outerHeight <- df$normHeight
gp$fill <- fillCol
gp$col <- lineCol
gp$alpha <- transp
## Calculate innerHeight
anchor1 <- x2 - x1
anchor2 <- y2 - y1
if (anchor1 == anchor2){
innerHeight <- outerHeight - 0.01
} else {
diff1 <- abs(y1-x2)
diff2 <- abs(y2-x1)
innerHeight <- outerHeight*((y1-x2)/(y2-x1))
if (style == "3D") {
x1 <- df$end1
x2 <- df$start1
## Designate bezier control points
innerX <- unit(
seq(x2, y1, length.out = arch)[c(1, 2, seq((arch - 1), arch))],
outerX <- unit(
seq(x1, y2, length.out = arch)[c(1, 2, seq((arch - 1), arch))],
if (flip == FALSE) {
## Switch y-positions for top plotting
innerY <- unit(c(0, innerHeight, innerHeight, 0), "npc")
outerY <- unit(c(0, outerHeight, outerHeight, 0), "npc")
} else {
## Switch y-positions for bottom plotting
innerY <- unit(c(1, 1 - innerHeight, 1 - innerHeight, 1), "npc")
outerY <- unit(c(1, 1 - outerHeight, 1 - outerHeight, 1), "npc")
## Calculate loop arcs using bezier curves
innerLoop <- bezierGrob(x = innerX, y = innerY)
outerLoop <- bezierGrob(x = outerX, y = outerY)
## Extract points from bezier curves
innerBP <- bezierPoints(innerLoop)
outerBP <- bezierPoints(outerLoop)
## Connect points, convert to proper units and draw polygons
archGrob <- polygonGrob(
x = unit(
convertX(outerBP$x, "native"),
rev(convertX(innerBP$x, "native"))
y = unit(
convertY(outerBP$y, "npc"),
rev(convertY(innerBP$y, "npc"))
gp = gp
gTree = get("arches_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = archGrob
envir = pgEnv
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
archInternal <- parseParams(
params = params,
defaultArgs = formals(eval(match.call()[[1]])),
declaredArgs = lapply(match.call()[-1], eval.parent, n = 2),
class = "archInternal"
## Set gp
archInternal$gp <- setGP(
gpList = gpar(),
params = archInternal, ...
## Justification
archInternal$just <- justConversion(just = archInternal$just)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (is.null(archInternal$data)) stop("argument \"data\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(archInternal$chrom)) stop("argument \"chrom\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
archesPlot <- structure(list(
bedpe = NULL, chrom = archInternal$chrom,
chromstart = archInternal$chromstart,
chromend = archInternal$chromend,
assembly = archInternal$assembly,
color_palette = NULL,
zrange = NULL,
range = archInternal$range,
x = archInternal$x, y = archInternal$y,
width = archInternal$width,
height = archInternal$height,
just = archInternal$just, grobs = NULL
class = "arches"
attr(x = archesPlot, which = "plotted") <- archInternal$draw
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
check_placement(object = archesPlot)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
archesPlot$assembly <- parseAssembly(assembly = archesPlot$assembly)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
archesPlot <- defaultUnits(
object = archesPlot,
default.units = archInternal$default.units
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
bedpe <- read_pairedData(data = archInternal$data,
assembly = archesPlot$assembly)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
bedpe = bedpe, archesPlot = archesPlot,
style = archInternal$style,
fill = archInternal$fill
## chrom format and data chrom format
chromDataAgreement(data = bedpe, chrom = archesPlot$chrom,
type = "pairs")
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
scaleChecks <- genomicScale(object = archesPlot,
objectInternal = archInternal,
plotType = "paired data arches")
archesPlot <- scaleChecks[[1]]
archInternal <- scaleChecks[[2]]
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (archInternal$clip == TRUE){
subset <- "pairs_clip"
} else {
if (archInternal$clip.noAnchor == TRUE){
subset <- "pairs_noanchor"
} else {
subset <- "pairs"
archColors <- parseColors(data = bedpe,
fill = archInternal$fill,
object = archesPlot,
subset = subset)
if (length(archColors[[1]]) > 0){
bedpe$color <- archColors[[1]]
} else {
bedpe$color <- rep("#1f4297", nrow(bedpe))
archesPlot <- archColors[[2]]
bedpe$linecolor <- lineColors(linecolor = archInternal$linecolor,
fillcolors = bedpe$color,
data = bedpe,
object = archesPlot,
subset = subset)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (!is.null(archesPlot$chromstart) & !is.null(archesPlot$chromend)) {
if (archInternal$clip == TRUE) {
bedpe <- bedpe[which(bedpe[, "chrom1"] == archesPlot$chrom &
bedpe[, "chrom2"] == archesPlot$chrom &
bedpe[, "start1"] >= archesPlot$chromstart &
bedpe[, "end1"] <= archesPlot$chromend &
bedpe[, "start2"] >= archesPlot$chromstart &
bedpe[, "end2"] <= archesPlot$chromend), ]
} else {
if (archInternal$clip.noAnchor == TRUE){
bedpe <- bedpe[which(bedpe[, "chrom1"] == archesPlot$chrom &
bedpe[, "chrom2"] == archesPlot$chrom &
((bedpe[, "start1"] >= archesPlot$chromstart &
bedpe[, "start1"] <= archesPlot$chromend) |
(bedpe[, "end2"] >= archesPlot$chromstart &
bedpe[, "end2"] <= archesPlot$chromend))), ]
} else {
bedpe <- bedpe[which(bedpe[, "chrom1"] == archesPlot$chrom &
bedpe[, "chrom2"] == archesPlot$chrom),]
overlappingRanges <- as.data.frame(subsetByOverlaps(ranges =
IRanges(start = archesPlot$chromstart,
end = archesPlot$chromend),
x = IRanges(start = bedpe[,"start1"],
end = bedpe[,"end2"])))
bedpe <- bedpe[which(bedpe[,"start1"] %in%
overlappingRanges$start &
bedpe[,"end2"] %in%
} else {
bedpe <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 6))
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## If placing information is provided but plot == TRUE,
## set up it's own viewport separate from bb_makepage
## Not translating into page_coordinates
if (is.null(archesPlot$x) | is.null(archesPlot$y)) {
vp <- viewport(
height = unit(0.5, "npc"), width = unit(1, "npc"),
x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
xscale = archInternal$xscale,
clip = "on",
just = "center",
name = "arches1"
if (archInternal$draw == TRUE) {
} else {
## Get viewport name
currentViewports <- current_viewports()
vp_name <- paste0(
pattern = "arches",
x = currentViewports
)) + 1
## Convert coordinates into same units as page
page_coords <- convert_page(object = archesPlot)
## Make viewport
vp <- viewport(
height = page_coords$height, width = page_coords$width,
x = page_coords$x, y = page_coords$y,
xscale = archInternal$xscale,
clip = "on",
just = archInternal$just,
name = vp_name
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (nrow(bedpe) > 0) {
if (is.null(archInternal$archHeight)) {
bedpe$height <- rep(1, nrow(bedpe))
} else if (is(archInternal$archHeight, "numeric")){
if (length(archInternal$archHeight) == 1){
bedpe$height <- rep(archInternal$archHeight, nrow(bedpe))
} else {
if (length(archInternal$archHeight) < nrow(bedpe)){
stop("`archHeight` vector is shorter than the",
" number of plotted arches.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(archInternal$archHeight) > nrow(bedpe)){
warning("`archHeight` vector is longer than the number ",
"of plotted arches. `archHeight` vector will",
" be truncated.", call. = FALSE)
bedpe$height <- archInternal$archHeight[seq(1, nrow(bedpe))]
yscale <- height_yscale(
heights = bedpe$height,
flip = archInternal$flip,
range = archInternal$range
vp$yscale <- yscale
} else {
if (!archInternal$archHeight %in% colnames(bedpe)){
stop("Column name for `archHeight` not found in data.",
call. = FALSE)
bedpe$height <- bedpe[, archInternal$archHeight]
yscale <- height_yscale(
heights = bedpe$height,
flip = archInternal$flip,
range = archInternal$range
vp$yscale <- yscale
if (length(bedpe$height) > 0) {
bedpe$normHeight <- lapply(bedpe$height, normHeights,
min = min(vp$yscale),
max = max(vp$yscale)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
backgroundGrob <- rectGrob(
gp = gpar(fill = archInternal$bg, col = NA),
name = "background"
assign("arches_grobs", gTree(vp = vp, children = gList(backgroundGrob)),
envir = pgEnv
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (nrow(bedpe) > 0) {
if (archInternal$baseline == TRUE) {
baselineGrob <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), y0 = 0,
x1 = unit(1, "npc"), y1 = 0,
default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(
col = archInternal$baseline.color,
lwd = archInternal$baseline.lwd
gTree = get("arches_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = baselineGrob
envir = pgEnv
invisible(apply(bedpe, 1, drawRibbons,
style = archInternal$style,
arch = archInternal$curvature,
flip = archInternal$flip,
transp = archInternal$alpha, gp = archInternal$gp
} else {
if (archInternal$txdbChecks == TRUE) {
warning("Data contains no values.", call. = FALSE)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (archInternal$draw == TRUE) {
grid.draw(get("arches_grobs", envir = pgEnv))
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
archesPlot$grobs <- get("arches_grobs", envir = pgEnv)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
message("arches[", vp$name, "]")
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