#' Maps a numeric or character vector to a color palette and returns
#' the vector of colors
#' @param vector Vector to map to color.
#' @param palette Color palette function.
#' @param range Range of values to map for a numerical value.
#' @examples
#' ## Load paired ranges data in BEDPE format
#' library(plotgardenerData)
#' data("IMR90_DNAloops_pairs")
#' ## Add a length column
#' IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length <- (IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$start2 -
#' IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$start1) / 1000
#' ## Map length column to a vector of colors
#' colors <- mapColors(vector = IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length,
#' palette = colorRampPalette(c("dodgerblue2", "firebrick2")))
#' ## Pass color vector into bbPlotPairsArches
#' heights <- IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length / max(IMR90_DNAloops_pairs$length)
#' pageCreate(width = 7.5, height = 2.1, default.units = "inches",
#' showGuides = FALSE, xgrid = 0, ygrid = 0)
#' params <- pgParams(
#' chrom = "chr21",
#' chromstart = 27900000, chromend = 30700000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' width = 7
#' )
#' archPlot <- plotPairsArches(
#' data = IMR90_DNAloops_pairs, params = params,
#' fill = colors,
#' linecolor = "fill",
#' archHeight = heights, alpha = 1,
#' x = 0.25, y = 0.25, height = 1.5,
#' just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' annoGenomeLabel(plot = archPlot, x = 0.25, y = 1.78, scale = "Mb")
#' annoHeatmapLegend(
#' plot = archPlot, fontcolor = "black",
#' x = 7.0, y = 0.25,
#' width = 0.10, height = 1, fontsize = 10
#' )
#' plotText(
#' label = "Kb", rot = 90, x = 6.9, y = 0.75,
#' just = c("center", "center"),
#' fontsize = 10
#' )
#' @details
#' This function allows for the manual mapping of a numerical or factor
#' vector to a palette of colors. For a more automatic implementation
#' of this functionality in plotgardener functions,
#' \link[plotgardener]{colorby} objects can be used.
#' @return
#' Returns a character vector of color values. If the input vector is
#' numerical, this vector will have additional `palette` and `range`
#' attributes.
#' @seealso \link[plotgardener]{colorby}
#' @export
mapColors <- function(vector, palette, range = NULL){
## Define a function to catch errors
error_mapColors <- function(vector, palette, range){
## palette errors
if (!is(palette, "function")){
stop("Please provide a palette function.", call. = FALSE)
## range errors
rangeErrors(range = range)
# Numerical vector for breaks if no range is provided
if (is(vector, "numeric") | is(vector, "integer")){
if (length(unique(vector)) == 1){
if (is.null(range)){
warning("Not enough numerical values to map ",
"to colors without a range.", call. = FALSE)
vector <- NULL
## Catch errors and update to NULL vector if necessary
vector <- error_mapColors(vector = vector,
palette = palette,
range = range)
if (is(vector, "numeric") | is(vector, "integer")){
## Update range, if necessary
if (is.null(range)){
breaks <- seq(min(vector), max(vector), length.out = 100)
range <- c(min(vector), max(vector))
} else {
vector[which(vector < range[1])] <- range[1]
vector[which(vector > range[2])] <- range[2]
breaks <- seq(range[1], range[2], length.out = 100)
## Map numbers to colors
colors <- palette(length(breaks) + 1)
colorVector <- as.character(cut(vector, c(-Inf, breaks, Inf),
labels = colors))
attr(colorVector, "range") <- range
} else {
## Convert if not a factor
if (!is(vector, "factor")){
vector <- as.factor(vector)
## Map color palette to factor levels
colors <- palette(length(levels(vector)))
names(colors) <- levels(vector)
colorVector <- colors[vector]
attr(colorVector, "palette") <- palette
## Color palette and range default assignments for mapColors
## Returns an updated object with the color palette and range
colorDefaults <- function(vector, palette = NULL, range = NULL, object){
if (is(vector, "numeric") | is(vector, "integer")){
if (is.null(palette)){
palette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(
n = 9, "YlGnBu"
if (is.null(range)){
range <- c(min(vector), max(vector))
## Switch back to NULL if invalid range
if (range[1] >= range[2]){
range <- NULL
object$zrange <- range
} else {
## Convert if not a factor
if (!is(vector, "factor")){
vector <- as.factor(vector)
if (is.null(palette)){
palette <- colorRampPalette(suppressWarnings(
brewer.pal(n = length(levels(vector)),
object$color_palette <- palette
## Define a function that will parse a vector of colors vs. a colorby object
## Returns the final vector of colors and an updated plot object
# @param data Associated data, for finding `colorby` column
# @param fill Input fill - will either be a single value, a vector, or
# a colorby object
# @param object The plot object, to be updated with any color_palette
# and zrange information
# @param subset A string describing the type of data, which will determine
# how to subset it. Options are ranges, pairs, pairs_clip, or manhattan.
parseColors <- function(data, fill, object, subset = NULL){
## `colorby` class
if (is(fill, "colorby")){
colorbyCol <- data[, fill$column]
## Scale numeric colorby data by the subsetted plotted region
if ((is(colorbyCol, "numeric") | is(colorbyCol, "integer"))
& is.null(object$zrange)){
if (fill$scalePerRegion == TRUE){
if (subset == "ranges"){
subData <- data[which(data[,"chrom"] == object$chrom &
data[,"start"] <= object$chromend &
data[,"end"] >= object$chromstart),]
} else if (subset == "pairs"){
subData <- data[which(data[, "chrom1"] == object$chrom &
data[, "chrom2"] == object$chrom),]
overlappingRanges <-
as.data.frame(subsetByOverlaps(ranges =
IRanges(start = object$chromstart,
end = object$chromend),
x = IRanges(start = subData[,"start1"],
end = subData[,"end2"])))
subData <- subData[which(subData[,"start1"] %in%
overlappingRanges$start &
subData[,"end2"] %in%
} else if (subset == "pairs_clip"){
subData <- data[which(data[,"chrom1"] == object$chrom &
data[,"chrom2"] == object$chrom &
data[,"start1"] >= object$chromstart &
data[,"end1"] <= object$chromend &
data[,"start2"] >= object$chromstart &
data[,"end2"] <= object$chromend),]
} else if (subset == "pairs_noachor"){
subData <- data[which(data[,"chrom1"] == object$chrom &
data[,"chrom2"] == object$chrom &
((data[,"start1"] >= object$chromstart &
data[,"start1"] <= object$chromend) |
(data[,"end2"] >= object$chromstart &
data[,"end2"] <= object$chromend))), ]
} else if (subset == "manhattan"){
subData <- data[which(data[,"chrom"] == object$chrom &
data[,"pos"] >= object$chromstart &
data[,"pos"] <= object$chromend),]
} else {
subData <- data
range <- range(subData[,fill$column])
if (range[1] >= range[2]){
range <- NULL
fill$range <- range
## Default palette and range
object <- colorDefaults(vector = colorbyCol,
palette = fill$palette,
range = fill$range,
object = object)
## Pass into mapColors
colors <- mapColors(vector = colorbyCol,
palette = object$color_palette,
range = object$zrange)
} else {
if (length(fill) == 1){
colors <- as.character(rep(fill, nrow(data)))
} else {
colors <- as.character(rep(fill,
ceiling(nrow(data) / length(fill))
)[seq(1, nrow(data))])
if (!is.null(attributes(fill))){
object$color_palette <- attr(fill, "palette")
object$zrange <- attr(fill, "range")
return(list(colors, object))
## Define a function that will parse the objects for linecolors and
## return a vector of linecolors
# @param linecolor The linecolor parameter value
# @param fillcolors The mapped vector of fillcolors, for use if
# linecolor == "fill"
# @param data Associated data, for finding `colorby` column
# @param object The plot object
# @param subset A string describing the type of data, which will determine
# how to subset it. Options are ranges, pairs, or pairs_clip.
lineColors <- function(linecolor, fillcolors, data, object, subset = NULL){
if (is.null(linecolor)){
linecolor <- NA
if (!all(is.na(linecolor))){
if (all(linecolor == "fill")){
linecolors <- fillcolors
} else {
linecolors <- parseColors(data = data,
fill = linecolor,
object = object,
subset = subset)[[1]]
} else {
linecolors <- NA
## Define a function that makes a color transparent
# @param color color string
# @param alpha Alpha value of color
makeTransparent <- function(color, alpha) {
if (is.null(alpha)) {
alpha <- 1
rgb <- grDevices::col2rgb(color)
transp <- rgb(rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3],
alpha = alpha * 255,
maxColorValue = 255
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