#' @export on_plate_selection
#' @importFrom graphics axis locator plot points text title legend par
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy dev.off png
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom stats median sd
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @title Sort experimental design on graphical 96-well-plate
#' @description
#' Loads user's data, prompt a graphical representation of a 96
#' well plate and let the user select where the duplicates of each
#' condition were placed. Use for reordering excel file.
#' Plate image with selection can also be saved in the form of a png
#' file in the "specified_path/output_MQ" directory.
#' @name on_plate_selection
#' @rdname on_plate_selection
#' @aliases on_plate_selection
#' @usage
#' on_plate_selection(MACSQuant,number_of_replicates,number_of_conditions,
#' control=FALSE,save.files=FALSE)
#' @param MACSQuant object of class MACSQuant resulting of the function
#' load_maxQuant().
#' Contains the original data table
#' @param number_of_replicates For each condition, the number of duplicates
#' (must be the same for all conditions)
#' @param number_of_conditions The number of conditions tested
#' (eg: Drug 1 alone, Drug 2 alone)
#' @param control Is there a control in this experiment (eg: Staurosporin)
#' @param save.files Used to save the image in the output folder
#' @examples
#' print("run manually, requires user input")
#' # on_plate_selection(MACSQuant,3,5)
#' # let you select 5 conditions of 3 replicates each
#' @return A formatted report file along with intermediates results
# source("./R/barplot_data.R")
on_plate_selection <- function(MACSQuant,
control = FALSE,
save.files = FALSE) {
# check if data is imported or not
if (is.null(MACSQuant@my_data)) {
stop(paste("Data missing: Please run load_MACSQuant or a",
"new_class_MQ to create MACSQuant object", sep = " "))
# checking if arguments are correct
if (!is.numeric(number_of_conditions) | !is.numeric(number_of_replicates)) {
stop(paste("Both number_of_conditions and number_of_replicates",
"must be numeric",
sep = " "
} else if (number_of_conditions <= 0 | number_of_replicates <= 0) {
stop(paste("Both number_of_conditions and number_of_replicates",
"must be positive",
sep = " "
} else {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$number_of_replicates <- number_of_replicates
MACSQuant@param.experiment$number_of_conditions <- number_of_conditions
# checking if plot options (xlabs) are present
# and correctly formatted
if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) == 0) {
col <- rep(2, number_of_conditions)
} else if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) ==
number_of_conditions) {
col <- heat.colors(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names))
} else if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) !=
number_of_conditions) {
stop(paste("If you give a name to your conditions:",
"all conditions except controls must be named",
"else rm(c_names) to remove condition names",
sep = " "
# starting messages
message("...To quit press ESC...")
message(paste("...You can now select your conditions replicates",
"(without control condition replicates)...",
sep = " "
# GUI plate plot init
well_letter <- init_GUI()
# initialization of dataframes sorted matrix of replicates
# and statistics
sorted_matrix <- matrix(
data = NA,
ncol = number_of_replicates,
nrow = number_of_conditions
statistics <- data.frame(
Full.path.first = NA,
WID.first = NA,
Fluo.percent.plus = NA,
Fluo.percent.minus = NA,
sd_percent = NA,
Cell.count.minus = NA,
sd_count = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# converting xy plot selecction to well name
message(paste("--> ", number_of_conditions, " conditions: ...", sep = ""))
for (i in seq_len(number_of_conditions)) {
# every condition compute statistics on replicates
# locate replicates for condition i
loc <- locator(type = "n", n = number_of_replicates)
# ensure proper data selection within graph
if (length(loc) == 2 & sum(loc$y < 8.5) == 3 & sum(loc$y > 0.5) == 3
& sum(loc$y < 12.5) == 3 & sum(loc$x > 0.5) == 3) {
sorted_matrix[i, ] <- to_well_names(loc, col[i], well_letter)
if (length(unique(sorted_matrix[i,])) != number_of_replicates)
{stop("Ambiguous selection, please run the function again")}
matched <- match_id_line(MACSQuant, sorted_matrix[i, ])
if (length(matched) != number_of_replicates * 2) {
"Your file may not contains 2 gates",
"for one or more replicates in: ",
sep = " "
paste(sorted_matrix[i, ], collapse = ","), "\nPlease",
"be sure to only have P1 and P1/P2 gates in your file"
statistics[i, ] <- compute_statistics(MACSQuant,
stats = "mean"
# print(statistics[i, ])
message(paste(i, "...", sep = ""))
} else {
warning("Outside of selection field, select your data again")
sorted_matrix_final <- sorted_matrix
if (i != number_of_conditions) {
stop("Process interrupted please start again")
message("\n--> Done: replicates identified")
message("--> Done: statistics on each condition replicates")
if (control == TRUE) {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$control <- TRUE
message("...You can now select your control replicates...")
message("--> 1 control: ...")
# check with users
sorted_matrix_ctrl <- matrix(
data = NA, ncol = number_of_replicates,
nrow = 1
loc2 <- locator(type = "n", n = number_of_replicates)
if (length(loc2) == 2) {
sorted_matrix_ctrl[1, ] <- to_well_names(loc2, 1, well_letter)
matched <- match_id_line(MACSQuant, sorted_matrix_ctrl[1, ])
if (length(matched) != number_of_replicates * 2) {
"Your file may not contains 2 gates",
"for one or more replicates in: ",
sep = " "
paste(sorted_matrix_ctrl[1, ], collapse = ","),
"be sure to only have P1 and P1/P2 gates in your file"
statistics[i + 1, ] <- compute_statistics(MACSQuant, matched,
stats = "mean"
# print(paste('selection',paste(sorted_matrix_ctrl[1,],collapse =
# ','),sep=' '))
message("\n--> Done: statistics on each control replicates")
sorted_matrix_final <- rbind(sorted_matrix_final,
} else {
stop("Outside of selection field, select your data again")
MACSQuant@my_replicates_sorted <- sorted_matrix_final
if (control == FALSE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) == 0)) {
inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = c("Conditions"),
pch = c(1), col = col[1])
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <- c(rep("Conditions",
plt.labels <- c(rep("Conditions", number_of_conditions))
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions))
} else if (control == TRUE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) == 0)) {
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = c(
), pch = c(1), col = c(col[1], 1))
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <- c(
number_of_conditions), "Control")
plt.labels <- c(rep("Conditions", number_of_conditions), "Control")
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions + 1))
} else if (control == FALSE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) != 0)) {
inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names,
pch = c(1), col = col
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <-
plt.labels <- rep(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names)
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions))
} else if (control == TRUE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) != 0)) {
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = c(
), pch = c(1), col = c(col, 1))
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <-
c(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names, "Control")
plt.labels <- c(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names, "Control")
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions + 1))
if (save.files == TRUE) {
MACSQuant@param.output$save.files <- TRUE
MACSQuant <- create_output_folder(MACSQuant)
dev.copy(png, paste(MACSQuant@param.output$path,
"/outputMQ/plate_template.png", sep = ""),
width = 600, height = 600,
units = "px"
message("--> Done: image saved")
write.table(statistics, paste(MACSQuant@param.output$path,
"/outputMQ/statistics.txt ", sep = ""),
sep = "\t")
message("--> Done: statistics table saved")
message("--> Done: replicates stored in variable my_replicates_sorted")
MACSQuant@statistics <- statistics
indices <- order_data(MACSQuant)
MACSQuant@my_data_sorted <- MACSQuant@my_data[indices, ]
if (MACSQuant@param.experiment$control == TRUE &
length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses) != 0) {
col <- c(col, 1)
} else if (MACSQuant@param.experiment$control == TRUE &
length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses) == 0) {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses <- seq_len(number_of_conditions + 1)
col <- c(col, 1)
} else if (MACSQuant@param.experiment$control == FALSE &
length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses) == 0) {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses <- seq_len(number_of_conditions)
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.col <- col
if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses.alt) == 0) {
for (flav in c("counts", "percent"))
p <- barplot_data(MACSQuant, col, plt.flavour = flav,
plt.labels = plt.labels, plt.combo = FALSE)
if (save.files == TRUE) {
"/outputMQ/barplot_", flav, "_pipeline.png", sep = ""),
width = 15.875, height = 15.875,
units = "cm", p)
message("--> Done: image saved")
} else {
message("...You can now run barplot_data(...plt.combo = TRUE)...")
on_plate_selection.internal <- function(MACSQuant,
control = FALSE,
save.files = FALSE) {
# check if data is imported or not
if (is.null(MACSQuant@my_data)) {
stop(paste("Data missing: Please run load_MACSQuant or a",
"new_class_MQ to create MACSQuant object", sep = " "))
# checking if arguments are correct
if (!is.numeric(number_of_conditions) | !is.numeric(number_of_replicates)) {
stop(paste("Both number_of_conditions and number_of_replicates",
"must be numeric",
sep = " "
} else if (number_of_conditions <= 0 | number_of_replicates <= 0) {
stop(paste("Both number_of_conditions and number_of_replicates",
"must be positive",
sep = " "
} else {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$number_of_replicates <- number_of_replicates
MACSQuant@param.experiment$number_of_conditions <- number_of_conditions
# checking if plot options (xlabs) are present
# and correctly formatted
if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) == 0) {
col <- rep(2, number_of_conditions)
} else if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) ==
number_of_conditions) {
col <- heat.colors(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names))
} else if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) !=
number_of_conditions) {
stop(paste("If you give a name to your conditions:",
"all conditions except controls must be named",
"else rm(c_names) to remove condition names",
sep = " "
# starting messages
message("...To quit press ESC...")
message(paste("...You can now select your conditions replicates",
"(without control condition replicates)...",
sep = " "
# GUI plate plot init
well_letter <- init_GUI()
# initialization of dataframes sorted matrix of replicates
# and statistics
sorted_matrix <- matrix(
data = NA,
ncol = number_of_replicates,
nrow = number_of_conditions
statistics <- data.frame(
Full.path.first = NA,
WID.first = NA,
Fluo.percent.plus = NA,
Fluo.percent.minus = NA,
sd_percent = NA,
Cell.count.minus = NA,
sd_count = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# converting xy plot selecction to well name
message(paste("--> ", number_of_conditions, " conditions: ...", sep = ""))
for (i in seq_len(number_of_conditions)) {
# every condition compute statistics on replicates
# locate replicates for condition i
loc <- locator(type = "n", n = number_of_replicates)
# ensure proper data selection within graph
if (length(loc) == 2 & sum(loc$y < 8.5) == 3 & sum(loc$y > 0.5) == 3
& sum(loc$y < 12.5) == 3 & sum(loc$x > 0.5) == 3) {
sorted_matrix[i, ] <- to_well_names(loc, col[i], well_letter)
if (length(unique(sorted_matrix[i,])) != number_of_replicates)
{stop("Ambiguous selection, please run the function again")}
matched <- match_id_line(MACSQuant, sorted_matrix[i, ])
if (length(matched) != number_of_replicates * 2) {
"Your file may not contains 2 gates",
"for one or more replicates in: ",
sep = " "
paste(sorted_matrix[i, ], collapse = ","), "\nPlease",
"be sure to only have P1 and P1/P2 gates in your file"
statistics[i, ] <- compute_statistics(MACSQuant,
stats = "mean"
# print(statistics[i, ])
message(paste(i, "...", sep = ""))
} else {
warning("Outside of selection field, select your data again")
sorted_matrix_final <- sorted_matrix
if (i != number_of_conditions) {
stop("Process interrupted please start again")
message("\n--> Done: replicates identified")
message("--> Done: statistics on each condition replicates")
if (control == TRUE) {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$control <- TRUE
message("...You can now select your control replicates...")
message("--> 1 control: ...")
# check with users
sorted_matrix_ctrl <- matrix(
data = NA, ncol = number_of_replicates,
nrow = 1
loc2 <- locator(type = "n", n = number_of_replicates)
if (length(loc2) == 2) {
sorted_matrix_ctrl[1, ] <- to_well_names(loc2, 1, well_letter)
matched <- match_id_line(MACSQuant, sorted_matrix_ctrl[1, ])
if (length(matched) != number_of_replicates * 2) {
"Your file may not contains 2 gates",
"for one or more replicates in: ",
sep = " "
paste(sorted_matrix_ctrl[1, ], collapse = ","),
"be sure to only have P1 and P1/P2 gates in your file"
statistics[i + 1, ] <- compute_statistics(MACSQuant, matched,
stats = "mean"
# print(paste('selection',paste(sorted_matrix_ctrl[1,],collapse =
# ','),sep=' '))
message("\n--> Done: statistics on each control replicates")
sorted_matrix_final <- rbind(sorted_matrix_final,
} else {
stop("Outside of selection field, select your data again")
MACSQuant@my_replicates_sorted <- sorted_matrix_final
if (control == FALSE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) == 0)) {
inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = c("Conditions"),
pch = c(1), col = col[1])
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <- c(rep("Conditions",
plt.labels <- c(rep("Conditions", number_of_conditions))
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions))
} else if (control == TRUE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) == 0)) {
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = c(
), pch = c(1), col = c(col[1], 1))
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <- c(
number_of_conditions), "Control")
plt.labels <- c(rep("Conditions", number_of_conditions), "Control")
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions + 1))
} else if (control == FALSE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) != 0)) {
inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names,
pch = c(1), col = col
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <-
plt.labels <- rep(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names)
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions))
} else if (control == TRUE &
(length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names) != 0)) {
legend("topright", inset = c(-0.3, 0.05), legend = c(
), pch = c(1), col = c(col, 1))
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.labels <-
c(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names, "Control")
plt.labels <- c(MACSQuant@param.experiment$c_names, "Control")
statistics[, seq(3, 7)] <- vapply(statistics[, seq(3, 7)], function(x) {
}, numeric(number_of_conditions + 1))
if (save.files == TRUE) {
MACSQuant@param.output$save.files <- TRUE
MACSQuant <- create_output_folder(MACSQuant)
dev.copy(png, paste(MACSQuant@param.output$path,
"/outputMQ/plate_template.png", sep = ""),
width = 600, height = 600,
units = "px"
message("--> Done: image saved")
write.table(statistics, paste(MACSQuant@param.output$path,
"/outputMQ/statistics.txt ", sep = ""),
sep = "\t")
message("--> Done: statistics table saved")
message("--> Done: replicates stored in variable my_replicates_sorted")
MACSQuant@statistics <- statistics
indices <- order_data(MACSQuant)
MACSQuant@my_data_sorted <- MACSQuant@my_data[indices, ]
if (MACSQuant@param.experiment$control == TRUE &
length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses) != 0) {
col <- c(col, 1)
} else if (MACSQuant@param.experiment$control == TRUE &
length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses) == 0) {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses <- seq_len(number_of_conditions + 1)
col <- c(col, 1)
} else if (MACSQuant@param.experiment$control == FALSE &
length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses) == 0) {
MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses <- seq_len(number_of_conditions)
MACSQuant@param.output$plt.col <- col
if (length(MACSQuant@param.experiment$doses.alt) == 0) {
for (flav in c("counts", "percent"))
p <- barplot_data(MACSQuant, col, plt.flavour = flav,
plt.labels = plt.labels, plt.combo = FALSE)
if (save.files == TRUE) {
"/outputMQ/barplot_", flav, "_pipeline.png", sep = ""),
width = 15.875, height = 15.875,
units = "cm", p)
message("--> Done: image saved")
} else {
message("...You can now run barplot_data(...plt.combo = TRUE)...")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.