#' Processes JSON as an array
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the probes representing the gene
#' across different platforms.
#' @keywords internal
processGemmaArray <- function(d) {
platform.shortName = accessField(d,"shortName",NA_character_),
platform.name = accessField(d,"name",NA_character_),
platform.ID = accessField(d,'id',NA_integer_),
platform.type = accessField(d, "technologyType", NA_character_),
platform.description = accessField(d, "description", NA_character_),
platform.troubled = accessField(d,"troubled",NA),
d %>% purrr::map('taxon') %>% processTaxon()
#' Processes JSON as a vector of datasets
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the queried dataset(s). A list if
#' \code{raw = TRUE}. Returns an empty list if no datasets matched.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{experiment.shortName}: Shortname given to the dataset within Gemma. Often corresponds to accession ID
#' \item \code{experiment.name}: Full title of the dataset
#' \item \code{experiment.ID}: Internal ID of the dataset.
#' \item \code{experiment.description}: Description of the dataset
#' \item \code{experiment.troubled}: Did an automatic process within gemma or a curator mark the dataset as "troubled"
#' \item \code{experiment.accession}: Accession ID of the dataset in the external database it was taken from
#' \item \code{experiment.database}: The name of the database where the dataset was taken from
#' \item \code{experiment.URI}: URI of the original database
#' \item \code{experiment.sampleCount}: Number of samples in the dataset
#' \item \code{experiment.batchEffectText}: A text field describing whether the dataset has batch effects
#' \item \code{experiment.batchCorrected}: Whether batch correction has been performed on the dataset.
#' \item \code{experiment.batchConfound}: 0 if batch info isn't available, -1 if batch counfoud is detected, 1 if batch information is available and no batch confound found
#' \item \code{experiment.batchEffect}: -1 if batch p value < 0.0001, 1 if batch p value > 0.1, 0 if otherwise and when there is no batch information is available or when the data is confounded with batches.
#' \item \code{experiment.rawData}: -1 if no raw data available, 1 if raw data was available. When available, Gemma reprocesses raw data to get expression values and batches
#' \item \code{geeq.qScore}: Data quality score given to the dataset by Gemma.
#' \item \code{geeq.sScore}: Suitability score given to the dataset by Gemma. Refers to factors like batches, platforms and other aspects of experimental design
#' \item \code{taxon.name}: Name of the species
#' \item \code{taxon.scientific}: Scientific name for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.ID}: Internal identifier given to the species by Gemma
#' \item \code{taxon.NCBI}: NCBI ID of the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.name}: Underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.ID}: ID of the underyling database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processDatasets <- function(d) {
experiment.shortName = accessField(d,'shortName',NA_character_),
experiment.name = accessField(d, "name",NA_character_),
experiment.ID = accessField(d, "id",NA_integer_),
experiment.description = accessField(d, "description",NA_character_),
experiment.troubled = accessField(d, "troubled",NA),
experiment.accession = accessField(d, "accession",NA_character_),
experiment.database = accessField(d, "externalDatabase",NA_character_),
experiment.URI = accessField(d, "externalUri",NA_character_),
experiment.sampleCount = accessField(d, "bioAssayCount",NA_integer_),
experiment.lastUpdated = processDate(accessField(d, "lastUpdated",NA_real_)),
experiment.batchEffectText = accessField(d, "batchEffect",NA_character_),
experiment.batchCorrected = d %>% purrr::map('geeq') %>% accessField('batchCorrected',NA),
experiment.batchConfound = d %>% purrr::map('geeq') %>% accessField("qScorePublicBatchConfound",NA_integer_),
experiment.batchEffect = d %>% purrr::map('geeq') %>% accessField("qScorePublicBatchEffect",NA_integer_),
experiment.rawData = d %>% purrr::map('geeq') %>% accessField("sScoreRawData",NA_integer_),
geeq.qScore = d %>% purrr::map('geeq') %>% accessField("publicQualityScore",NA_real_),
geeq.sScore = d %>% purrr::map('geeq') %>% accessField("publicSuitabilityScore",NA_real_),
d %>% purrr::map('taxon') %>% processTaxon()# ,
# technology.Type = d[["technologyType"]]
#' Processes JSON as an annotation
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with annotations (annotation search result value objects)
#' matching the given identifiers. A list if \code{raw = TRUE}. A \code{400 error} if required parameters are missing.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{category.name}: Category that the annotation belongs to
#' \item \code{category.URI}: URI for the category.name
#' \item \code{value.name}: Annotation term
#' \item \code{value.URI}: URI for the value.name
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processSearchAnnotations <- function(d) {
category.name = accessField(d,'category',NA_character_),
category.URI = accessField(d,"categoryUri",NA_character_),
value.name = accessField(d,"value",NA_character_),
value.URI = accessField(d,"valueUri",NA_character_)
# good test cases 442 (subsets), 448, 200 (interaction), 174
# 200 also has statements, 548 double statements
# for values 326
# GSE26366 has a gene fusion
# GSE106 has measurements
#' Processes JSON as a differential expression analysis
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the differential expression
#' analysis of the queried dataset. Note that this funciton does not return
#' differential expression values themselves. Use \code{\link{get_differential_expression_values}}
#' to get differential expression values (see examples).
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{result.ID}: Result set ID of the differential expression analysis.
#' May represent multiple factors in a single model.
#' \item \code{contrast.ID}: Id of the specific contrast factor. Together with the result.ID
#' they uniquely represent a given contrast.
#' \item \code{experiment.ID}: Id of the source experiment
#' \item \code{factor.category}: Category for the contrast
#' \item \code{factor.category.URI}: URI for the contrast category
#' \item \code{factor.ID}: ID of the factor
#' \item \code{baseline.factors}: Characteristics of the baseline. This field is a data.table
#' \item \code{experimental.factors}: Characteristics of the experimental group. This field is a data.table
#' \item \code{isSubset}: TRUE if the result set belong to a subset, FALSE if not. Subsets are created when performing differential expression to avoid unhelpful comparisons.
#' \item \code{subsetFactor}: Characteristics of the subset. This field is a data.table
#' \item \code{probes.analyzed}: Number of probesets represented in the contrast
#' \item \code{genes.analyzed}: Number of genes represented in the contrast
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processDEA <- function(d) {
# Initialize internal variables to avoid R CMD check notes
result_ids <- d %>% purrr::map('resultSets') %>% purrr::map(function(x){x %>% accessField('id')})
result_factors <- seq_along(result_ids) %>% lapply(function(i){
experiment.ID<- ifelse(is.null(d[[i]]$sourceExperiment),
results <- seq_along(result_ids[[i]]) %>% lapply(function(j){
# re-order experimental factors based on their IDs to ensure compatibility
# with dif exp tables
factor_ids <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>% purrr::map_int('id')
d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors <-
contrast_id <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors[[1]]$values %>%
baseline_id <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$baselineGroup$id
non_control_factors <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors[[1]]$values[!contrast_id %in% baseline_id]
contrast.ID <- contrast_id[!contrast_id %in% baseline_id]
size <- length(contrast.ID)
experimental.factors <- non_control_factors %>%
factor.ID <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors[[1]]$id
factor.category <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors[[1]]$category
factor.category.URI <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors[[1]]$categoryUri
experimental.factors <- experimental.factors %>% lapply(function(x){
x$factor.ID <- factor.ID
x$factor.category <- factor.category
x$factor.category.URI <- factor.category.URI
baseline.factors <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$baselineGroup %>%
processFactorValueValueObject %>% list() %>% rep(size)
# if more than 2 factors are present take a look at the the other
# factor values to idenfity the baseline values
# order the factors based on their ids
factor_ids <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>% purrr::map_int('id')
factor_order <- order(factor_ids)
d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors[factor_order]
factor_ids <- factor_ids[factor_order]
ids <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map('values') %>%
purrr::map(function(x){x %>% accessField('id')}) %>%
names(ids) <- factor_ids
baseline_ids <- d[[i]]$resultSets %>% lapply(function(x){
}) %>% unlist
relevant_ids <- ids[
apply(ids,1, function(x){
!any(x %in% baseline_ids)})
colnames(relevant_ids) <-factor_ids
all_factors <- d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>% lapply(function(y){
factor.ID <- y$id
factor.category <- y$category
factor.category.URI <- y$categoryUri
out <- y$values %>% purrr::map(processFactorValueValueObject) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
out$factor.ID <- factor.ID
out$factor.category <- factor.category
out$factor.category.URI <- factor.category.URI
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
baseline_factors <- seq_along(baseline_ids) %>% lapply(function(i){
all_factors %>%
dplyr::filter(ID == baseline_ids[i] & factor.ID == colnames(relevant_ids)[i])
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
experimental.factors <- seq_len(nrow(relevant_ids)) %>% purrr::map(function(i){
seq_along(relevant_ids[i,]) %>% purrr::map(function(j){
all_factors %>% dplyr::filter(ID == relevant_ids[i,j] & factor.ID == colnames(relevant_ids)[j])
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
size <- length(experimental.factors)
contrast.ID <- unname(apply(relevant_ids,1,paste,collapse = '_'))
baseline.factors <- list(baseline_factors) %>% rep(size)
out <- data.table(
result.ID = d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$id,
contrast.ID = contrast.ID,
experiment.ID = experiment.ID,
factor.category = d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map_chr('category') %>% unlist %>% sort %>%
paste(collapse = ','),
factor.category.URI = d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map_chr('categoryUri') %>% unlist %>% sort %>% paste(collapse = ','),
factor.ID = d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map_int('id') %>% unlist %>% sort %>% paste(collapse=','),
baseline.factors = baseline.factors,
experimental.factors = experimental.factors,
isSubset = !is.null(d[[i]]$subsetFactorValue),
subsetFactor = d[[i]]$subsetFactorValue %>% processFactorValueValueObject %>% list %>% rep(size),
probes.analyzed = d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$numberOfProbesAnalyzed %>% nullCheck(NA_integer_),
genes.analyzed = d[[i]]$resultSets[[j]]$numberOfGenesAnalyzed %>% nullCheck(NA_integer_)
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
result.ID = integer(0),
contrast.ID = integer(0),
experiment.ID = integer(0),
factor.category = character(0),
factor.category.URI = character(0),
factor.ID = character(0),
baseline.factors = list(),
experimental.factors = list(),
isSubset = logical(0),
subsetFactor = list(),
probes.analyzed = integer(0),
genes.analyzed = integer(0)
} else{
#' Process JSON of a result set
#' @return A data table with information about the queried result sets. Note that this function does not return
#' differential expression values themselves. Use \code{\link{get_differential_expression_values}}
#' to get differential expression values
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{result.ID}: Result set ID of the differential expression analysis.
#' May represent multiple factors in a single model.
#' \item \code{contrast.ID}: Id of the specific contrast factor. Together with the result.ID
#' they uniquely represent a given contrast.
#' \item \code{experiment.ID}: Id of the source experiment
#' \item \code{factor.category}: Category for the contrast
#' \item \code{factor.category.URI}: URI for the contrast category
#' \item \code{factor.ID}: ID of the factor
#' \item \code{baseline.factors}: Characteristics of the baseline. This field is a data.table
#' \item \code{experimental.factors}: Characteristics of the experimental group. This field is a data.table
#' \item \code{isSubset}: TRUE if the result set belong to a subset, FALSE if not. Subsets are created when performing differential expression to avoid unhelpful comparisons.
#' \item \code{subsetFactor}: Characteristics of the subset. This field is a data.table
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultSetValueObject = function(d){
out <- d %>% lapply(function(x){
experiment.ID <- ifelse(is.null(x$analysis$sourceExperiment),
# re-order experimental factors based on their IDs to ensure compatibility
# with dif exp tables
factor_ids <- x$experimentalFactors %>% purrr::map_int('id')
x$experimentalFactors <- x$experimentalFactors[order(factor_ids)]
if(length(x$experimentalFactors) == 1){
contrast_id <- x$experimentalFactors[[1]]$values %>% accessField('id',NA_integer_)
baseline_id <- x$baselineGroup$id
non_control_factors <- x$experimentalFactors[[1]]$values[!contrast_id %in% baseline_id]
contrast.ID <- contrast_id[!contrast_id %in% baseline_id]
size <- length(contrast.ID)
experimental.factors <- non_control_factors %>%
factor.ID <- x$experimentalFactors[[1]]$id
factor.category <-x$experimentalFactors[[1]]$category
factor.category.URI <-x$experimentalFactors[[1]]$categoryUri
experimental.factors <- experimental.factors %>% lapply(function(x){
x$factor.ID <- factor.ID
x$factor.category <- factor.category
x$factor.category.URI <- factor.category.URI
baseline.factors <- x$baselineGroup %>% processFactorValueValueObject() %>% list() %>% rep(size)
} else{
# if more than 2 factors are present take a look at the the other
# factor values to idenfity the baseline values
# order the factors based on their ids
factor_ids <- x$experimentalFactors %>% purrr::map_int('id')
factor_order <- order(factor_ids)
x$experimentalFactors <- x$experimentalFactors[factor_order]
factor_ids <- factor_ids[factor_order]
ids <- x$experimentalFactors %>% purrr::map('values') %>%
purrr::map(function(x){x %>% accessField('id')}) %>%
names(ids) <- factor_ids
subsetFactor <- x$analysis$subsetFactorValue %>%
all_sets <- get_result_sets(datasets = experiment.ID,raw = TRUE)
all_sets <- all_sets %>% sapply(function(y){
subset <- y$analysis$subsetFactorValue %>%
all(subsetFactor$ID %in% subset$ID)
}) %>% {all_sets[.]}
baseline_ids <- all_sets %>% lapply(function(y){
}) %>% unlist
relevant_ids <- ids[apply(ids,1, function(y){!any(y %in% baseline_ids)}),]
colnames(relevant_ids) <-factor_ids
all_factors <- x$experimentalFactors %>% lapply(function(y){
factor.ID <- y$id
factor.category <- y$category
factor.category.URI <- y$categoryUri
out <- y$values %>% purrr::map(processFactorValueValueObject) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
out$factor.ID <- factor.ID
out$factor.category <- factor.category
out$factor.category.URI <- factor.category.URI
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
baseline_factors <- all_factors %>% dplyr::filter(ID %in% baseline_ids)
experimental.factors <- seq_len(nrow(relevant_ids)) %>% purrr::map(function(i){
all_factors %>% dplyr::filter(ID %in% relevant_ids[i,])
size <- length(experimental.factors)
contrast.ID <- unname(apply(relevant_ids,1,paste,collapse = '_'))
baseline.factors <- list(baseline_factors) %>% rep(size)
out <- data.table(
result.ID = x$id,
contrast.ID = contrast.ID,
experiment.ID = experiment.ID,
factor.category = x$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map_chr('category') %>% unlist %>% sort %>%
paste(collapse = ','),
factor.category.URI = x$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map_chr('categoryUri') %>% unlist %>% sort %>%
paste(collapse = ','),
factor.ID = x$experimentalFactors %>% purrr::map_int('id') %>% unlist %>% sort %>% paste(collapse=','),
baseline.factors = baseline.factors,
experimental.factors = experimental.factors,
isSubset = !is.null(x$analysis$subsetFactorValue),
subsetFactor = x$analysis$subsetFactorValue %>%
processFactorValueValueObject() %>% list() %>% rep(size)
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
result.ID = integer(0),
contrast.ID = integer(0),
experiment.ID = integer(0),
factor.category = character(0),
factor.category.URI = character(0),
factor.ID = character(0),
baseline.factors = list(),
experimental.factors = list(),
isSubset = logical(0),
subsetFactor = list()
} else{
#' Processes JSON as a result set
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A processed data.table
#' @keywords internal
processResultSetFactors <- function(d) {
d$experimentalFactors %>%
purrr::map('values') %>%
purrr::map(function(x){data.frame(id = accessField(x,'id'),
factorValue = accessField(x,'factorValue'),
category = accessField(x,'category'))}) %>%
#' Processes JSON as a datasets result set
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with the queried datasets' resultSet ID(s). A list if
#' \code{raw = TRUE}. Use
#' \code{\link{get_differential_expression_values}} to get differential expression
#' values (see examples). Use \code{\link{get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses}}
#' to get more detailed information about a result set.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{resultSet.id}: Internal ID given to the result set. Can be used to access the results using \code{\link{get_differential_expression_values}}
#' \item \code{factor.category}: What is the category splitting the experimental groups in the result set (e.g. disease )
#' \item \code{factor.levels}: What are the conditions that are compared in the result set (e.g control, bipolar disorder)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processDatasetResultSets <- function(d) {
resultSet.id = d %>% accessField('id',NA_integer_),
# analysis.id = d$analysis$id,
factors = d %>% purrr::map('experimentalFactors') %>% purrr::map(function(x){data.table(category = accessField(x,'category'),description = accessField(x,'description'))})
) %>%
tidyr::unnest(.data$factors) %>%
"factor.category" = "category",
"factor.levels" = "description"
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$resultSet.id) %>%
factor.category = paste0(.data$factor.category, collapse = " x "),
factor.levels = paste0(.data$factor.levels, collapse = "; ")
) %>%
unique() %>%
#' Processes JSON as annotations
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the annotations of the queried
#' dataset. A list if \code{raw = TRUE}.A \code{404 error} if the given
#' identifier does not map to any object.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{class.name}: Name of the annotation class (e.g. organism part)
#' \item \code{class.URI}: URI for the annotation class
#' \item \code{term.name}: Name of the annotation term (e.g. lung)
#' \item \code{term.URI}: URI for the annotation term
#' \item \code{object.class}: Class of object that the term originated from.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processAnnotations <- function(d) {
class.name = accessField(d,"className",NA_character_),
class.URI = accessField(d,"classUri",NA_character_),
term.name = accessField(d,"termName",NA_character_),
term.URI = accessField(d,"termUri",NA_character_),
object.class = accessField(d,'objectClass',NA_character_)
#' Processes a response as a gzip file
#' @param content The content from an `http_get` request
#' @return A processed data.table
#' @keywords internal
processFile <- function(content) {
attr <- attributes(content)
attributes(content)<- NULL
ret <- read_gzipped_tsv(content)
# Process matrix according to data type
if (colnames(ret)[1] == "Probe") {
ret <- processExpressionMatrix(ret)
} else if (colnames(ret)[1] == "id") {
ret <- processDEMatrix(ret)
} else {
ret <- processDesignMatrix(ret)
attributes(ret) <- c(attributes(ret),attr)
#' Processes JSON as a vector of samples
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the samples of the queried dataset. A list if
#' \code{raw = TRUE}. A \code{404 error} if the given identifier does not map to any object.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{sample.name}: Internal name given to the sample.
#' \item \code{sample.ID}: Internal ID of the sample
#' \item \code{sample.description}: Free text description of the sample
#' \item \code{sample.outlier}: Whether or not the sample is marked as an outlier
#' \item \code{sample.accession}: Accession ID of the sample in it's original database
#' \item \code{sample.database}: Database of origin for the sample
#' \item \code{sample.characteristics}: Characteristics of the sample. This field is a data table
#' \item \code{sample.factorValues}: Experimental factor values of the sample. This field is a data table
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processSamples <- function(d) {
# bioMaterial.Name = checkBounds(d[["sample"]][["name"]]),
sample.name = accessField(d,'name',NA_character_),
sample.ID = d %>% purrr::map('sample') %>% accessField('id',NA_integer_),
# sample.Correspondence = checkBounds(d[["sample"]][["description"]]),
sample.description = accessField(d,"description",NA_character_),
sample.outlier = accessField(d, "outlier",NA),
sample.accession = d %>% purrr::map('accession') %>%
sample.database = d %>% purrr::map('accession') %>%
purrr::map('externalDatabase') %>% accessField('name',NA_character_),
# sample.Processed = processDate(d[["processingDate"]]),# not sure what this format is, the function fails
sample.characteristics = lapply(d %>% purrr::map('sample') %>%
processCharacteristicValueObject) %>%
sample.factorValues = d %>% purrr::map('sample') %>%
purrr::map('factorValueObjects') %>%
purrr::map(function(x){x %>% purrr::map(processFactorValueBasicValueObject)}) %>%
purrr::map(data.table::rbindlist)# ,
# processGemmaArray(d[["arrayDesign"]]
) %>% dplyr::arrange(sample.ID)
#' Processes JSON as a vector of platforms
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the platform(s). A list if \code{raw = TRUE}. A \code{404 error} if the given identifier
#' does not map to any object
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{platform.ID}: Internal identifier of the platform
#' \item \code{platform.shortName}: Shortname of the platform.
#' \item \code{platform.name}: Full name of the platform.
#' \item \code{platform.description}: Free text description of the platform
#' \item \code{platform.troubled}: Whether or not the platform was marked "troubled" by a Gemma process or a curator
#' \item \code{platform.experimentCount}: Number of experiments using the platform within Gemma
#' \item \code{platform.type}: Technology type for the platform.
#' \item \code{taxon.name}: Name of the species platform was made for
#' \item \code{taxon.scientific}: Scientific name for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.ID}: Internal identifier given to the species by Gemma
#' \item \code{taxon.NCBI}: NCBI ID of the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.name}: Underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.ID}: ID of the underyling database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processPlatforms <- function(d) {
platform.ID = accessField(d,"id",NA_integer_),
platform.shortName = accessField(d, "shortName",NA_character_),
platform.name = accessField(d, "name",NA_character_),
platform.description = accessField(d, "description",NA_character_),
platform.troubled = accessField(d, "troubled",NA),
platform.experimentCount = accessField(d, "expressionExperimentCount",NA_integer_),
# platform.GeneCount = accessField(d, "numGenes"),
# platform.ProbeSequenceCount = accessField(d, "numProbeSequences"),
# platform.ProbeAlignmentCount = accessField(d, "numProbeAlignments"),
# platform.ProbeGeneCount = accessField(d, "numProbesToGenes"),
# platform.ElementCount = accessField(d, "designElementCount"),
platform.type = accessField(d, "technologyType",NA_character_),
d %>% purrr::map('taxon') %>% processTaxon()#,
# technology.Color = d[["color"]]
#' Processes JSON as a vector of elements
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the probes representing a gene across
#' all platrofms. A list if \code{raw = TRUE}.
#' A \code{404 error} if the given identifier does not map to any genes.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{element.name}: Name of the element. Typically the probeset name
#' \item \code{element.description}: A free text field providing optional information about the element
#' \item \code{platform.shortName}: Shortname of the platform given by Gemma. Typically the GPL identifier.
#' \item \code{platform.name}: Full name of the platform
#' \item \code{platform.ID}: Id number of the platform given by Gemma
#' \item \code{platform.type}: Type of the platform.
#' \item \code{platform.description}: Free text field describing the platform.
#' \item \code{platform.troubled}: Whether the platform is marked as troubled by a Gemma curator.
#' \item \code{taxon.name}: Name of the species platform was made for
#' \item \code{taxon.scientific}: Scientific name for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.ID}: Internal identifier given to the species by Gemma
#' \item \code{taxon.NCBI}: NCBI ID of the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.name}: Underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.ID}: ID of the underyling database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processElements <- function(d) {
element.name = accessField(d,'name',NA_character_),
element.description =accessField(d,'description',NA_character_),
processGemmaArray(d %>% purrr::map('arrayDesign'))
#' Processes JSON as a vector of genes
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the querried gene(s)
#' A list if \code{raw = TRUE}.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{gene.symbol}: Symbol for the gene
#' \item \code{gene.ensembl}: Ensembl ID for the gene
#' \item \code{gene.NCBI}: NCBI id for the gene
#' \item \code{gene.name}: Name of the gene
#' \item \code{gene.aliases}: Gene aliases. Each row includes a vector
#' \item \code{gene.MFX.rank}: Multifunctionality rank for the gene
#' \item \code{taxon.name}: Name of the species
#' \item \code{taxon.scientific}: Scientific name for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.ID}: Internal identifier given to the species by Gemma
#' \item \code{taxon.NCBI}: NCBI ID of the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.name}: Underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.ID}: ID of the underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processGenes <- function(d) {
gene.symbol = accessField(d,'officialSymbol',NA_character_),
gene.ensembl = accessField(d,'ensemblId',NA_character_),
gene.NCBI = accessField(d,"ncbiId",NA_integer_),
gene.name = accessField(d, "officialName",NA_character_),
gene.aliases = d %>% purrr::map(function(x){
x$aliases %>% unlist
# gene.Aliases = d[["aliases"]],
# gene.GO = d[["numGoTerms"]],
# gene.Homologues = d[["homologues"]],
gene.MFX.rank = accessField(d, "multifunctionalityRank",NA_real_),
processTaxon(d %>% purrr::map('taxon'))
# phenotypes = d[["phenotypes"]]
#' Processes JSON as a vector of taxa
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A processed data.table
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{taxon.name}: Name of the species
#' \item \code{taxon.scientific}: Scientific name for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.ID}: Internal identifier given to the species by Gemma
#' \item \code{taxon.NCBI}: NCBI ID of the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.name}: Underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.ID}: ID of the underyling database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processTaxon <- function(d) {
taxon.name = accessField(d,'commonName',NA_character_),
taxon.scientific = accessField(d, "scientificName",NA_character_),
taxon.ID = accessField(d,'id',NA_integer_),
taxon.NCBI = accessField(d,"ncbiId",NA_integer_),
taxon.database.name = d %>% purrr::map('externalDatabase') %>% accessField('name',NA_character_),
taxon.database.ID = d %>% purrr::map('externalDatabase') %>% accessField('id',NA_integer_)
#' Processes JSON as a vector of gene locations
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the physical location of the
#' queried gene. A list if \code{raw = TRUE}. A \code{404 error} if the given identifier does not map to any object.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{chromosome}: Name of the chromosome the gene is located
#' \item \code{strand}: Which strand the gene is located
#' \item \code{nucleotide}: Nucleotide number for the gene
#' \item \code{length}: Gene length
#' \item \code{taxon.name}: Name of the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.scientific}: Scientific name for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.ID}: Internal ID for the taxon given by Gemma
#' \item \code{taxon.NCBI}: NCBI ID for the taxon
#' \item \code{taxon.database.name}: Name of the database used in Gemma for the taxon
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processGeneLocation <- function(d) {
chromosome = accessField(d,'chromosome',NA_character_),
strand = accessField(d,'strand',NA_character_),
nucleotide = accessField(d,'nucleotide',NA_integer_) ,
length = accessField(d,"nucleotideLength",NA_integer_),
processTaxon(d %>% purrr::map('taxon'))
#' Processes JSON as GO terms
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data table with information about the GO terms assigned to the
#' queried gene. A list if \code{raw = TRUE}. A \code{404 error} if the given identifier does not map to any
#' object.
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{term.name}: Name of the term
#' \item \code{term.ID}: ID of the term
#' \item \code{term.URI}: URI of the term
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processGO <- function(d) {
term.name = accessField(d,'term',NA_character_),
term.ID = accessField(d, "goId", NA_character_),
term.URI = accessField(d, "uri", NA_character_)
#' Processes design matrix
#' @param m The design matrix to process
#' @return A processed matrix
#' @keywords internal
processDesignMatrix <- function(m) {
# Remove redundant strings from sample names, unnecessary columns
data.frame(m, row.names = stringr::str_extract(m$Bioassay, "(?<=Name=).*")) %>%
dplyr::select(-c("ExternalID", "Bioassay"))
#' Processes expression matrix
#' @param m The expression matrix to process
#' @return A processed matrix
#' @keywords internal
processExpressionMatrix <- function(m) {
m <- m[,!colnames(m) %in% c('Sequence','GemmaId'),with = FALSE]
# here we standardize the output column names so that they fit output
# from other endpoints
m_cols <- make.names(colnames(m))
dataset <- parent.frame(n=2)$dataset
# we use the order returned by get_dataset_samples as authoritative which makes
# it a bit awkward when we need to access a property left out of the processed output
samples <- get_dataset_samples(dataset)
raw_ids <- attributes(samples)$env$response %>% purrr::map('sample') %>%
sample_internal_names <- attributes(samples)$env$response %>%
purrr::map('sample') %>% purrr::map_chr('name') %>%
sample_names <- samples$sample.name
sample_matches <- sample_internal_names %>% gsub(' ','',.,fixed = TRUE) %>%
make.names %>% purrr::map_int(function(x){
o <- grep(paste0(x,'_'),m_cols, fixed = TRUE)
} else{
sample_names_reord <- sample_names[!is.na(sample_matches)]
sample_matches <- sample_matches[!is.na(sample_matches)]
# reorder to match sample output
colnames(m)[sample_matches] <- sample_names_reord
assertthat::assert_that(all(sample_names %in% colnames(m)))
non_samples <- colnames(m)[!colnames(m) %in% sample_names]
m %>% data.table::setcolorder(c(non_samples,sample_names))
#' Processes differential expression matrix
#' @param m The differential expression matrix to process
#' @return A processed matrix
#' @keywords internal
processDEMatrix <- function(m) {
m <- m[,!colnames(m) %in% c('id','probe_id','gene_id','gene_name'),with = FALSE]
m <- m %>%
Probe = "probe_name",
GeneSymbol = "gene_official_symbol",
GeneName = "gene_official_name",
NCBIid = "gene_ncbi_id"
# match the order of factors with the order returned from the result set endpoints
result_set <- get_result_sets(resultSets = parent.frame(n=2)$resultSet)
colnames(m)[grepl('contrast_[0-9]+?_[0-9]+?_',colnames(m))] <-
colnames(m)[grepl('contrast_[0-9]+?_[0-9]+?_',colnames(m))] %>% strsplit('_') %>% sapply(function(x){
ifelse(glue::glue("{x[2]}_{x[3]}") %in% result_set$contrast.ID,
paste(x,collapse = '_'),
# just to make sure something horribly wrong is happening
assertthat::assert_that(glue::glue("{x[3]}_{x[2]}") %in% result_set$contrast.ID)
o <- x[2]; x[2] <- x[3]; x[3] <- o;
paste(x,collapse = '_')
#' Replaces factor ids by the factors strings in DE table columns
#' @param rs The resultSet matrix to process
#' @return A processed matrix
#' @keywords internal
processDEcontrasts <- function(rs, rsID) {
factors <- get_result_sets(resultSets = rsID)$experimental.factors %>%
do.call(rbind,.) %>% unique
colnames(rs) <- stringr::str_replace(colnames(rs), "log2fc", "logFoldChange")
# Replace factor IDs by the factor names
for (f in factors$ID) {
colnames(rs) <- stringr::str_replace(colnames(rs), as.character(f), factors[factors$ID == f,]$summary)
#' Returns the ids of the found results
#' @return A data.table or a list of resultObjects
#' @keywords internal
process_search <- function(d){
if (attributes(d)$searchSettings$resultTypes[[1]] == "ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment"){
d %>% purrr::map('resultObject') %>% processDatasets()
} else if(attributes(d)$searchSettings$resultTypes[[1]] == 'ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene'){
d %>% purrr::map('resultObject') %>% processGenes()
} else if(attributes(d)$searchSettings$resultTypes[[1]] == "ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign"){
d %>% purrr::map('resultObject') %>% processPlatforms()
} else{
d %>% purrr::map('resultObject')
#' @keywords internal
process_dataset_gene_expression <- function(d){
datasets <- d %>% purrr::map('datasetId')
out<- lapply(d,function(x){
dataset_exp <- x$geneExpressionLevels %>% lapply(function(y){
expression <- y$vectors %>% lapply(function(z){
z$bioAssayExpressionLevels %>% purrr::map_dbl(function(t){
} else{
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
gene_data <- data.table(
Probe = y$vectors %>% accessField('designElementName',NA_character_),
GeneSymbol = y$geneOfficialSymbol,
NCBIid = y$geneNcbiId
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
samples <- get_dataset_samples(x$datasetId)
gene_data <- data.table(Probe = character(0),
GeneSymbol = character(0),
NCBIid = integer(0))
expression <- samples$sample.name %>% lapply(function(x){numeric(0)})
names(expression) = samples$sample.name
return(cbind(gene_data, do.call(data.table,expression)))
} else{
c(colnames(dataset_exp)[!colnames(dataset_exp) %in% samples$sample.name],
names(out) <- datasets
#' processQuantitationTypeValueObject
#' @param d The JSON to process
#' @return A data.table containing the quantitation types
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{id}: If of the quantitation type. Any raw quantitation type
#' can be accessed by \code{\link{get_dataset_raw_expression}} function using
#' this id.
#' \item \code{name}: Name of the quantitation type
#' \item \code{description}: Description of the quantitation type
#' \item \code{type}: Type of the quantitation type. Either raw or processed.
#' Each dataset will have one processed quantitation type which is the data
#' returned using \code{\link{get_dataset_processed_expression}}
#' \item \code{ratio}: Whether or not the quanitation type is a ratio of multiple
#' quantitation types. Typically TRUE for processed TWOCOLOR quantitation type.
#' \item \code{preferred}: The preferred raw quantitation type. This version
#' is used in generation of the processed data within gemma.
#' \item \code{recomputed}: If TRUE this quantitation type is generated by
#' recomputing raw data files Gemma had access to.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processQuantitationTypeValueObject <- function(d){
# data.table(
# id = d %>% accessField('id'),
# description = d %>% accessField('description'),
# generalType = d %>% accessField('generalType'),
# isBackground = d %>% accessField('isBackground'),
# isBackgroundSubtracted = d %>% accessField('isBackgroundSubtracted'),
# isBatchCorrected = d %>% accessField('isBatchCorrected'),
# isMaskedPreferred = d %>% accessField('isMaskedPreferred'),
# isNormalized = d %>% accessField('isNormalized'),
# isPreferred = d %>% accessField('isPreferred'),
# isRatio = d %>% accessField('isRatio'),
# isRecomputedFromRawData = d %>% accessField('isRecomputedFromRawData'),
# name = d %>% accessField('name'),
# representation = d %>% accessField('representation'),
# scale = d %>% accessField('scale'),
# type = d %>% accessField('type'),
# vectorType = d %>% accessField('vectorType')
# )
id = d %>% accessField('id'),
name = d %>% accessField('name'),
description = d %>% accessField('description'),
type = d %>% accessField('vectorType') %>% grepl('ProcessedExpressionDataVector',.) %>% ifelse('processed','raw'),
ratio = d %>% accessField('isRatio'),
scale = d %>% accessField('scale'),
preferred = d %>% accessField('isPreferred'),
recomputed = d %>% accessField('isRecomputedFromRawData')
# processDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultByGeneValueObject <- function(data){
# return(data)
# }
#' processDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultByGeneValueObject_tsv
#' @return A data.table containing differential expression results. This table
#' is stripped down some relevant information for speed of execution. Details about
#' the contrasts can be accessesed via \code{\link{get_result_sets}} function
#' The fields of the output data.table are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{result.ID}: Result set ID of the differential expression analysis.
#' May represent multiple factors in a single model.
#' \item \code{contrast.ID}: Id of the specific contrast factor. Together with the result.ID
#' they uniquely represent a given contrast.
#' \item \code{experiment.ID}: Id of the source experiment
#' \item \code{factor.coefficient}: Model coefficient calculated for the specific contrast factor
#' \item \code{factor.logfc}: Log 2 fold change calculated for the specific contrast factor
#' \item \code{factor.pvalue}: p values calculated for the specific contrast factor
#' }
#' @keywords internal
processDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultByGeneValueObject_tsv <- function(content){
attr <- attributes(content)
attributes(content)<- NULL
ret <- read_gzipped_tsv(content)
contrast_data <- ret$contrasts %>% strsplit('\\|')
contrast_counts <- purrr::map_int(contrast_data,length)
contrast.ID <- contrast_data %>% purrr::map(function(x){
stringr::str_extract(x,'factor=[0-9:]*') %>%
gsub('factor=',"",.) %>% strsplit(':') %>% purrr::map(sort) %>%
purrr::map(paste,collapse='_') %>% unlist
}) %>% unlist
factor_bit <- function(property){
extract <- glue::glue('{property}=[0-9.E-]*')
sub <- glue::glue('{property}=')
contrast_data %>% purrr::map(function(x){
}) %>% unlist %>% as.numeric
factor.coefficient <- factor_bit('coefficient')
factor.logfc <- factor_bit('log2fc')
factor.tstat <- factor_bit('tstat')
factor.pvalue <- factor_bit('pvalue')
rep_indiv <- function (vc, n) {
assertthat::assert_that(length(vc) == length(n))
output<- seq_along(vc) %>% lapply(function(i){
}) %>% do.call(c,.)
result.ID = rep_indiv(ret$result_set_id,contrast_counts),
contrast.ID = contrast.ID,
experiment.ID = rep_indiv(ret$source_experiment_id,contrast_counts),
pvalue = rep_indiv(ret$pvalue,contrast_counts),
correctedPValue = rep_indiv(ret$corrected_pvalue,contrast_counts),
rank = rep_indiv(ret$rank,contrast_counts),
factor.coefficient = factor.coefficient,
factor.logfc = factor.logfc,
factor.pvalue = factor.pvalue,
baseline.ID = rep_indiv(ret$baseline,contrast_counts)
# processSVD <- function(d){
# d$vMatrix$rawMatrix
# browser()
# }
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