processDatasets: Processes JSON as a vector of datasets

View source: R/processors.R

processDatasetsR Documentation

Processes JSON as a vector of datasets


Processes JSON as a vector of datasets





The JSON to process


A data table with information about the queried dataset(s). A list if raw = TRUE. Returns an empty list if no datasets matched.

The fields of the output data.table are:

  • experiment.shortName: Shortname given to the dataset within Gemma. Often corresponds to accession ID

  • Full title of the dataset

  • experiment.ID: Internal ID of the dataset.

  • experiment.description: Description of the dataset

  • experiment.troubled: Did an automatic process within gemma or a curator mark the dataset as "troubled"

  • experiment.accession: Accession ID of the dataset in the external database it was taken from

  • experiment.database: The name of the database where the dataset was taken from

  • experiment.URI: URI of the original database

  • experiment.sampleCount: Number of samples in the dataset

  • experiment.batchEffectText: A text field describing whether the dataset has batch effects

  • experiment.batchCorrected: Whether batch correction has been performed on the dataset.

  • experiment.batchConfound: 0 if batch info isn't available, -1 if batch counfoud is detected, 1 if batch information is available and no batch confound found

  • experiment.batchEffect: -1 if batch p value < 0.0001, 1 if batch p value > 0.1, 0 if otherwise and when there is no batch information is available or when the data is confounded with batches.

  • experiment.rawData: -1 if no raw data available, 1 if raw data was available. When available, Gemma reprocesses raw data to get expression values and batches

  • geeq.qScore: Data quality score given to the dataset by Gemma.

  • geeq.sScore: Suitability score given to the dataset by Gemma. Refers to factors like batches, platforms and other aspects of experimental design

  • Name of the species

  • taxon.scientific: Scientific name for the taxon

  • taxon.ID: Internal identifier given to the species by Gemma

  • taxon.NCBI: NCBI ID of the taxon

  • Underlying database used in Gemma for the taxon

  • taxon.database.ID: ID of the underyling database used in Gemma for the taxon

PavlidisLab/gemma.R documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 12:48 a.m.