#' Kersplat simulation
#' Simulate scRNA-seq count data using the Kersplat model
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param sparsify logical. Whether to automatically convert assays to sparse
#' matrices if there will be a size reduction.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details
#' This functions is for simulating data in a single step. It consists of a
#' call to \code{\link{kersplatSetup}} followed by a call to
#' \code{\link{kersplatSample}}. Please see the documentation for those
#' functions for more details of the individual steps.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{kersplatSetup}}, \code{\link{kersplatSample}}
#' @return SingleCellExperiment containing simulated counts and intermediate
#' values
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' sim <- kersplatSimulate
#' }
#' @export
kersplatSimulate <- function(params = newKersplatParams(), sparsify = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
params <- kersplatSetup(params, verbose, ...)
sim <- kersplatSample(params, sparsify, verbose)
#' Kersplat setup
#' Setup the parameters required for the Kersplat simulation
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details
#' The first stage is a two-step Kersplat simulation is to generate some of the
#' intermediate parameters. The resulting parameters allow multiple simulated
#' datasets to be generated from the same biological structure (using
#' \code{\link{kersplatSample}}). As with all the other parameters these values
#' can be manually overwritten if desired.
#' The setup involves the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Generate a gene network (if not already present)
#' \item Select regulator genes (if not already present)
#' \item Simulate gene means (if not already present)
#' \item Simulate cell paths
#' }
#' The resulting \code{\link{KersplatParams}} object will have the following
#' parameters set (if they weren't already).
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{mean.values}
#' \item \code{network.graph}
#' \item \code{network.regsSet}
#' \item \code{paths.means}
#' }
#' See \code{\link{KersplatParams}} for more details about these parameters and
#' the functions for the individual steps for more details about the process.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{kersplatGenNetwork}}, \code{\link{kersplatSelectRegs}},
#' \code{\link{kersplatSimGeneMeans}}, \code{\link{kersplatSimPaths}},
#' \code{\link{KersplatParams}}
#' @return A complete KersplatParams object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' params <- kersplatSetup()
#' }
kersplatSetup <- function(params = newKersplatParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
checkmate::assertClass(params, "KersplatParams")
params <- setParams(params, ...)
# Set random seed
seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
withr::with_seed(seed, {
if (verbose) {
message("Setting up parameters...")
params <- kersplatGenNetwork(params, verbose)
params <- kersplatSelectRegs(params, verbose)
params <- kersplatSimGeneMeans(params, verbose)
params <- kersplatSimPaths(params, verbose)
#' Kersplat sample
#' Sample cells for the Kersplat simulation
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param sparsify logical. Whether to automatically convert assays to sparse
#' matrices if there will be a size reduction.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' The second stage is a two-step Kersplat simulation is to generate cells based
#' on a complete \code{\link{KersplatParams}} object.
#' intermediate parameters.
#' The sampling process involves the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Simulate library sizes for each cell
#' \item Simulate means for each cell
#' \item Simulate endogenous counts for each cell
#' \item Simulate ambient counts for each cell
#' \item Simulate final counts for each cell
#' }
#' The final output is a
#' \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}} object that
#' contains the simulated counts but also the values for various intermediate
#' steps. These are stored in the \code{\link{colData}} (for cell specific
#' information), \code{\link{rowData}} (for gene specific information) or
#' \code{\link{assays}} (for gene by cell matrices) slots. This additional
#' information includes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{colData}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{Cell}{Unique cell identifier.}
#' \item{Type}{Whether the cell is a Cell, Doublet or Empty.}
#' \item{CellLibSize}{The expected number of endogenous counts for
#' that cell.}
#' \item{AmbientLibSize}{The expected number of ambient counts for
#' that cell.}
#' \item{Path}{The path the cell belongs to.}
#' \item{Step}{How far along the path each cell is.}
#' \item{Path1}{For doublets the path of the first partner in the
#' doublet (otherwise \code{NA}).}
#' \item{Step1}{For doublets the step of the first partner in the
#' doublet (otherwise \code{NA}).}
#' \item{Path2}{For doublets the path of the second partner in the
#' doublet (otherwise \code{NA}).}
#' \item{Step2}{For doublets the step of the second partner in the
#' doublet (otherwise \code{NA}).}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\code{rowData}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{Gene}{Unique gene identifier.}
#' \item{BaseMean}{The base expression level for that gene.}
#' \item{AmbientMean}{The ambient expression level for that gene.}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\code{assays}}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{CellMeans}{The mean expression of genes in each cell
#' after any differential expression and adjusted for expected
#' library size.}
#' \item{CellCounts}{Endogenous count matrix.}
#' \item{AmbientCounts}{Ambient count matrix.}
#' \item{counts}{Final count matrix.}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' Values that have been added by Splatter are named using \code{UpperCamelCase}
#' in order to differentiate them from the values added by analysis packages
#' which typically use \code{underscore_naming}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{kersplatSimLibSizes}}, \code{\link{kersplatSimCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{kersplatSimCellCounts}}, \code{\link{kersplatSimAmbientCounts}},
#' \code{\link{kersplatSimCounts}}
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing the simulated counts and
#' intermediate values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' params <- kersplatSetup()
#' sim <- kersplatSample(params)
#' }
kersplatSample <- function(params, sparsify = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
# Check that parameters are set up
checkmate::assertClass(params, "KersplatParams")
network.graph <- getParam(params, "network.graph")
if (is.null(network.graph)) {
stop("'network.graph' not set, run kersplatSetup first")
network.regsSet <- getParam(params, "network.regsSet")
if (!network.regsSet) {
stop("network regulators not set, run kersplatSetup first")
mean.values <- getParam(params, "mean.values")
if (length(mean.values) == 0) {
stop("'mean.values' not set, run kersplatSetup first")
paths.means <- getParam(params, "paths.means")
if (length(mean.values) == 0) {
stop("'paths.means' not set, run kersplatSetup first")
if (verbose) {
message("Creating simulation object...")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
gene.names <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(nGenes))
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
doublet.prop <- getParam(params, "doublet.prop")
nDoublets <- floor(nCells * doublet.prop)
if (doublet.prop > 0) {
nCells <- nCells - nDoublets
cell.names <- c(
paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells)),
paste0("Doublet", seq_len(nDoublets))
} else {
cell.names <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells))
nEmpty <- getParam(params, "ambient.nEmpty")
if (nEmpty > 0) {
empty.names <- paste0("Empty", seq_len(nEmpty))
cell.names <- c(cell.names, empty.names)
cells <- data.frame(
Cell = cell.names,
Type = rep(
c("Cell", "Doublet", "Empty"),
c(nCells, nDoublets, nEmpty)
row.names = cell.names
features <- data.frame(
Gene = gene.names,
BaseMean = getParam(params, "mean.values"),
row.names = gene.names
sim <- SingleCellExperiment(
rowData = features, colData = cells,
metadata = list(Params = params)
sim <- kersplatSimLibSizes(sim, params, verbose)
sim <- kersplatSimCellMeans(sim, params, verbose)
sim <- kersplatSimCellCounts(sim, params, verbose)
sim <- kersplatSimAmbientCounts(sim, params, verbose)
sim <- kersplatSimCounts(sim, params, verbose)
if (sparsify) {
if (verbose) {
message("Sparsifying assays...")
assays(sim) <- sparsifyMatrices(
auto = TRUE,
verbose = verbose
#' Generate Kersplat gene network
#' Generate a gene network for the Kersplat simulation
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' Currently a very simple approach is used which needs to be improved. A
#' network is generated using the \code{\link[igraph]{sample_forestfire}}
#' function and edge weights are sampled from a standard normal distribution.
#' @return KersplatParams object with gene network
#' @keywords internal
kersplatGenNetwork <- function(params, verbose) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
network.graph <- getParam(params, "network.graph")
if (!is.null(network.graph)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Using provided gene network...")
if (verbose) {
message("Generating gene network...")
graph.raw <- igraph::sample_forestfire(nGenes, 0.1)
graph.data <- igraph::get.data.frame(graph.raw)
graph.data <- graph.data[, c("from", "to")]
graph.data$weight <- rnorm(nrow(graph.data))
graph <- igraph::graph.data.frame(graph.data)
params <- setParam(params, "network.graph", graph)
#' Select Kersplat regulators
#' Select regulator genes in the gene network for a Kersplat simulation
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' Regulators are randomly selected, weighted according to the difference
#' between their out degree and in degree. This is an arbitrary weighting and
#' may be improved or replace in the future.
#' @return KersplatParams object with gene regulators
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSelectRegs <- function(params, verbose) {
network.regsSet <- getParam(params, "network.regsSet")
if (network.regsSet) {
if (verbose) {
message("Using selected regulators...")
if (verbose) {
message("Selecting regulators...")
network.nRegs <- getParam(params, "network.nRegs")
network.graph <- getParam(params, "network.graph")
out.degree <- igraph::degree(network.graph, mode = "out")
in.degree <- igraph::degree(network.graph, mode = "in")
reg.prob <- out.degree - in.degree
reg.prob <- reg.prob + rnorm(length(reg.prob))
reg.prob[reg.prob <= 0] <- 1e-10
reg.prob <- reg.prob / sum(reg.prob)
reg.nodes <- names(rev(sort(reg.prob))[seq_len(network.nRegs)])
is.reg <- igraph::V(network.graph)$name %in% reg.nodes
network.graph <- igraph::set_vertex_attr(
value = is.reg
params <- setParam(params, "network.graph", network.graph)
#' Simulate Kersplat gene means
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' Gene means are simulated in one of two ways depending on the value of the
#' \code{mean.method} parameter.
#' If \code{mean.method} is "fit" (default) then means are sampled from a Gamma
#' distribution with shape equals \code{mean.shape} and rate equals
#' \code{mean.rate}. Expression outliers are then added by replacing some
#' values with the median multiplied by a factor from a log-normal distribution.
#' This is the same process used for the Splat simulation.
#' If \code{mean.method} is "density" then means are sampled from the
#' density object in the \code{mean.density} parameter using a rejection
#' sampling method. This approach is more flexible but may violate some
#' statistical assumptions.
#' @return KersplatParams object with gene means
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimGeneMeans <- function(params, verbose) {
mean.values <- getParam(params, "mean.values")
# Generate means
if (length(mean.values) != 0) {
if (verbose) {
message("Using defined means...")
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating means...")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
mean.method <- getParam(params, "mean.method")
if (mean.method == "fit") {
if (verbose) {
message("Sampling from gamma distribution...")
mean.shape <- getParam(params, "mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParam(params, "mean.rate")
mean.outProb <- getParam(params, "mean.outProb")
mean.outLoc <- getParam(params, "mean.outLoc")
mean.outScale <- getParam(params, "mean.outScale")
mean.values <- rgamma(nGenes, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(
nGenes, mean.outProb, 0, mean.outLoc,
median.means.gene <- median(mean.values)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
mean.values[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]
} else if (mean.method == "density") {
if (verbose) {
message("Sampling from density object...")
mean.dens <- getParam(params, "mean.dens")
mean.values <- exp(sampleDensity(nGenes, mean.dens, lower = -Inf))
params <- setParam(params, "mean.values", mean.values)
#' Simulate Kersplat paths
#' Simulate gene means for each step along each path of a Kersplat simulation
#' @param params KersplatParams object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' The method of simulating paths is inspired by the method used in the PROSSTT
#' simulation. Changes in expression are controlled by \code{paths.nPrograms}
#' regulatory programs. Each of the regulatory genes in the gene network has
#' some association with each program. This is analogous to there being changes
#' in the environment (the programs) which are sensed by receptors (regulatory
#' genes) and cause changes in expression downstream. For each path a random
#' walk is generated for each program and the changes passed on to the
#' regulatory genes. At each step the changes propagate through the network
#' according to the weights on edges between genes. This algorithm is fairly
#' simple but should result in correlation relationships between genes. However
#' it is likely to be improved and adjusted in the future.
#' The path structure itself is specified by the \code{paths.design} parameter.
#' This is a \code{data.frame} with three columns: "Path", "From", and "Steps".
#' The Path field is an ID for each path while the Steps field controls the
#' length of each path. Increasing the number of steps will increase the
#' difference in expression between the ends of the paths. The From field sets
#' the originating point of each path. For example a From of \code{0, 0, 0}
#' would indicate three paths from the origin while a From of \code{0, 1, 1}
#' would give a branching structure with Path 1 beginning at the origin and
#' Path 2 and Path 3 beginning at the end of Path 1.
#' @references
#' Papadopoulos N, Parra RG, Söding J. PROSSTT: probabilistic simulation of
#' single-cell RNA-seq data for complex differentiation processes.
#' Bioinformatics (2019). \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz078}.
#' @return KersplatParams object with path means
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimPaths <- function(params, verbose) {
paths.means <- getParam(params, "paths.means")
if (length(paths.means) != 0) {
if (verbose) {
message("Using defined path means...")
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating paths...")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
paths.design <- getParam(params, "paths.design")
network.graph <- getParam(params, "network.graph")
network.weights <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(
attr = "weight"
network.nRegs <- getParam(params, "network.nRegs")
network.isReg <- igraph::vertex_attr(network.graph, "IsReg")
paths.nPrograms <- getParam(params, "paths.nPrograms")
programs.weights <- matrix(
rnorm(network.nRegs * paths.nPrograms),
nrow = network.nRegs, ncol = paths.nPrograms
paths.changes <- vector("list", nrow(paths.design))
paths.factors <- vector("list", nrow(paths.design))
paths.graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(paths.design)
paths.order <- names(igraph::topo_sort(paths.graph, mode = "in"))
paths.order <- as.numeric(paths.order)
# Remove the origin because it is not a path
paths.order <- paths.order[paths.order != 0]
for (path in paths.order) {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating path ", path, "...")
nSteps <- paths.design$Steps[path]
from <- paths.design$From[path]
changes <- matrix(0, nrow = nGenes, ncol = nSteps + 1)
if (from != 0) {
from.changes <- paths.changes[[from]]
changes[, 1] <- from.changes[, ncol(from.changes)]
for (step in seq_len(nSteps) + 1) {
programs.changes <- rnorm(paths.nPrograms, sd = 0.01)
reg.changes <- as.vector(programs.weights %*% programs.changes)
changes[network.isReg, step] <- reg.changes
change <- as.vector(changes[, step - 1] %*% network.weights)
changes[, step] <- changes[, step] + change
if (from == 0) {
changes <- changes[, seq_len(nSteps)]
factors <- matrixStats::rowCumsums(changes)
} else {
changes <- changes[, seq_len(nSteps) + 1]
from.factors <- paths.factors[[from]][, ncol(paths.factors[[from]])]
factors <- matrixStats::rowCumsums(changes) + from.factors
paths.changes[[path]] <- changes
paths.factors[[path]] <- factors
mean.values <- getParam(params, "mean.values")
paths.means <- lapply(paths.factors, function(x) {
(2^x) * mean.values
names(paths.means) <- paste0("Path", paths.design$Path)
params <- setParam(params, "paths.means", paths.means)
#' Simulate Kersplat library sizes
#' Generate library sizes for cells in the Kersplat simulation
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment containing simulation.
#' @param params KersplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' Library sizes are simulated in one of two ways depending on the value of the
#' \code{lib.method} parameter.
#' If \code{lib.method} is "fit" (default) then means are sampled from a
#' log-normal distribution with meanlog equals \code{lib.loc} and sdlog equals
#' \code{lib.scale}.
#' If \code{mean.method} is "density" then library sizes are sampled from the
#' density object in the \code{lib.density} parameter using a rejection
#' sampling method. This approach is more flexible but may violate some
#' statistical assumptions.
#' Ambient library sizes are also generated from a log-normal distribution based
#' on the parameters for the cell library size and adjusted using the
#' \code{ambient.scale} parameter.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with library sizes
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimLibSizes <- function(sim, params, verbose) {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating library sizes...")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nEmpty <- getParam(params, "ambient.nEmpty")
is.doublet <- colData(sim)$Type == "Doublet"
lib.method <- getParam(params, "lib.method")
if (lib.method == "fit") {
if (verbose) {
message("Sampling from log-normal distribution...")
lib.loc <- getParam(params, "lib.loc")
lib.scale <- getParam(params, "lib.scale")
cell.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
} else if (lib.method == "density") {
if (verbose) {
message("Sampling from density object...")
lib.dens <- getParam(params, "lib.dens")
cell.lib.sizes <- sampleDensity(nCells, lib.dens)
cell.lib.sizes <- c(cell.lib.sizes, rep(0, nEmpty))
cell.lib.sizes[is.doublet] <- 1.5 * cell.lib.sizes[is.doublet]
colData(sim)$CellLibSize <- cell.lib.sizes
ambient.scale <- getParam(params, "ambient.scale")
if (ambient.scale > 0) {
ambient.loc <- log(exp(lib.loc) * ambient.scale)
ambient.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells + nEmpty, ambient.loc, 0.3)
colData(sim)$AmbientLibSize <- ambient.lib.sizes
#' Simulate Kersplat cell means
#' Simulate endogenous counts for each cell in a Kersplat simulation
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment containing simulation.
#' @param params KersplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' Cells are first assigned to a path and a step along that path. This is
#' controlled by the \code{cells.design} parameter which is a \code{data.frame}
#' with the columns "Path", "Probability", "Alpha" and "Beta". The Path field
#' is an ID for each path and the Probability field is the probability that a
#' cell will come from that path (must sum to 1). The Alpha and Beta parameters
#' control the density of cells along the path. After they are assigned to paths
#' the step for each cell is sampled from a Beta distribution with parameters
#' shape1 equals Alpha and shape2 equals beta. This approach is very flexible
#' and allows almost any distribution of cells along a path. The distribution
#' can be viewed using \code{hist(rbeta(10000, Alpha, Beta), breaks = 100)}.
#' Some useful combinations of parameters are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 1}, \code{Beta = 1}}{Uniform distribution along the
#' path}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 0}, \code{Beta = 1}}{All cells at the start of the
#' path.}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 1}, \code{Beta = 0}}{All cells at the end of the
#' path.}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 0}, \code{Beta = 0}}{Cells only at each end of the
#' path.}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 1}, \code{Beta = 2}}{Linear skew towards the start
#' of the path}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 0.5}, \code{Beta = 1}}{Curved skew towards the start
#' of the path}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 2}, \code{Beta = 1}}{Linear skew towards the end
#' of the path}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 1}, \code{Beta = 0.5}}{Curved skew towards the end
#' of the path}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 0.5}, \code{Beta = 0.5}}{Curved skew towards both
#' ends of the path}
#' \item{\code{Alpha = 0.5}, \code{Beta = 0.5}}{Curved skew away from both
#' ends of the path}
#' }
#' Once cells are assigned to paths and steps the correct means are extracted
#' from the \code{paths.means} parameter and adjusted based on each cell's
#' library size. An adjustment for BCV is then applied. Doublets are also
#' simulated at this stage by selecting two path/step combinations and averaging
#' the means.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with cell means
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimCellMeans <- function(sim, params, verbose) {
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nDoublets <- sum(colData(sim)$Type == "Doublet")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells") - nDoublets
cells.design <- getParam(params, "cells.design")
paths.design <- getParam(params, "paths.design")
paths.means <- getParam(params, "paths.means")
cell.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$CellLibSize
nEmpty <- getParam(params, "ambient.nEmpty")
not.empty <- colData(sim)$Type != "Empty"
if (verbose) {
message("Assigning cells to paths...")
cells.paths <- sample(cells.design$Path, nCells,
replace = TRUE,
prob = cells.design$Probability
if (verbose) {
message("Assigning cells to steps...")
paths.cells.design <- merge(paths.design, cells.design)
steps.probs <- apply(paths.cells.design, 1, function(path) {
steps <- path["Steps"]
probs <- getBetaStepProbs(path["Steps"], path["Alpha"], path["Beta"])
# Return a list to avoid getting a matrix if all path lengths are equal
# Remove unnecessary list level
steps.probs <- lapply(steps.probs, "[[", 1)
names(steps.probs) <- paths.cells.design$Path
cells.steps <- vapply(cells.paths, function(path) {
probs <- steps.probs[[path]]
step <- sample(seq_len(length(probs)), 1, prob = probs)
}, c(Step = 0))
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating cell means...")
cells.means <- vapply(seq_len(nCells), function(cell) {
path <- cells.paths[cell]
step <- cells.steps[cell]
means <- paths.means[[path]][, step]
}, as.numeric(seq_len(nGenes)))
if (nDoublets > 0) {
if (verbose) {
message("Assigning doublets...")
doublet.paths1 <- sample(
replace = TRUE,
prob = cells.design$Probability
doublet.paths2 <- sample(
replace = TRUE,
prob = cells.design$Probability
doublet.steps1 <- vapply(doublet.paths1, function(path) {
probs <- steps.probs[[path]]
step <- sample(seq_len(length(probs)), 1, prob = probs)
}, c(Step1 = 0))
doublet.steps2 <- vapply(doublet.paths2, function(path) {
probs <- steps.probs[[path]]
step <- sample(seq_len(length(probs)), 1, prob = probs)
}, c(Step2 = 0))
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating doublet means...")
doublet.means1 <- vapply(seq_len(nDoublets), function(doublet) {
path <- doublet.paths1[doublet]
step <- doublet.steps1[doublet]
means <- paths.means[[path]][, step]
}, as.numeric(seq_len(nGenes)))
doublet.means2 <- vapply(seq_len(nDoublets), function(doublet) {
path <- doublet.paths2[doublet]
step <- doublet.steps2[doublet]
means <- paths.means[[path]][, step]
}, as.numeric(seq_len(nGenes)))
doublet.means <- (doublet.means1 + doublet.means2) * 0.5
cells.means <- cbind(cells.means, doublet.means)
# Adjust mean based on library size
cells.props <- t(t(cells.means) / colSums(cells.means))
cells.means <- t(t(cells.props) * cell.lib.sizes[not.empty])
if (verbose) {
message("Applying BCV adjustment...")
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
bcv.common <- getParam(params, "bcv.common")
bcv.df <- getParam(params, "bcv.df")
if (is.finite(bcv.df)) {
bcv <- (bcv.common + (1 / sqrt(cells.means))) *
sqrt(bcv.df / rchisq(nGenes, df = bcv.df))
} else {
warning("'bcv.df' is infinite. This parameter will be ignored.")
bcv <- (bcv.common + (1 / sqrt(cells.means)))
cells.means <- matrix(
as.numeric(nGenes) * as.numeric(nCells + nDoublets),
shape = 1 / (bcv^2), scale = cells.means * (bcv^2)
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells + nDoublets
empty.means <- matrix(0, nrow = nGenes, ncol = nEmpty)
cells.means <- cbind(cells.means, empty.means)
colnames(cells.means) <- cell.names
rownames(cells.means) <- gene.names
colData(sim)$Path <- factor(c(
cells.paths, rep(NA, nDoublets),
rep(NA, nEmpty)
colData(sim)$Step <- c(cells.steps, rep(NA, nDoublets), rep(NA, nEmpty))
if (nDoublets > 0) {
colData(sim)$Path1 <- factor(c(
rep(NA, nCells), doublet.paths1,
rep(NA, nEmpty)
colData(sim)$Step1 <- c(
rep(NA, nCells), doublet.steps1,
rep(NA, nEmpty)
colData(sim)$Path2 <- factor(c(
rep(NA, nCells), doublet.paths2,
rep(NA, nEmpty)
colData(sim)$Step2 <- c(
rep(NA, nCells), doublet.steps2,
rep(NA, nEmpty)
assays(sim)$CellMeans <- cells.means
#' Simulate Kersplat cell counts
#' Simulate cell counts for the Kersplat simulation
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment containing simulation.
#' @param params KersplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' Counts are sampled from a Poisson distribution with lambda equal to the
#' cell means matrix.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with cell counts
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimCellCounts <- function(sim, params, verbose) {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating cell counts...")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nEmpty <- getParam(params, "ambient.nEmpty")
cells.means <- assays(sim)$CellMeans
cell.counts <- matrix(
as.numeric(nGenes) * as.numeric(nCells + nEmpty),
lambda = cells.means
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells + nEmpty
colnames(cell.counts) <- cell.names
rownames(cell.counts) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$CellCounts <- cell.counts
#' Simulate Kersplat ambient counts
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment containing simulation.
#' @param params KersplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' The overall expression profile to calculated by averaging the cell counts
#' of the (non-empty) cells. This is then multiplied by the ambient library
#' sizes to get a mean for each cell. Counts are then sampled from a Poisson
#' distribution using these means.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with ambient counts
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimAmbientCounts <- function(sim, params, verbose) {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating ambient counts...")
cell.names <- colData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- rowData(sim)$Gene
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
nEmpty <- getParam(params, "ambient.nEmpty")
cell.counts <- assays(sim)$CellCounts
not.empty <- colData(sim)$Type != "Empty"
ambient.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$AmbientLibSize
not.empty.means <- rowMeans(cell.counts[, not.empty])
ambient.props <- not.empty.means / sum(not.empty.means)
ambient.means <- ambient.props %*% t(ambient.lib.sizes)
ambient.counts <- matrix(
as.numeric(nGenes) * as.numeric(nCells + nEmpty),
lambda = ambient.means
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells + nEmpty
colnames(ambient.counts) <- cell.names
rownames(ambient.counts) <- gene.names
assays(sim)$AmbientCounts <- ambient.counts
rowData(sim)$AmbientMean <- not.empty.means
#' Simulate Kersplat final counts
#' Simulate the final counts matrix for a Kersplat simulation
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment containing simulation.
#' @param params KersplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @details
#' The cell counts matrix and ambient counts matrix are added together. The
#' result is then downsampled to the cell library size (for cells and doublets)
#' or the ambient library size (for empty cells) using the
#' \code{\link[scuttle]{downsampleMatrix}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link[scuttle]{downsampleMatrix}}
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with counts matrix
#' @keywords internal
kersplatSimCounts <- function(sim, params, verbose) {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating final counts...")
cell.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$CellLibSize
ambient.lib.sizes <- colData(sim)$AmbientLibSize
empty <- colData(sim)$Type == "Empty"
cell.counts <- assays(sim)$CellCounts
ambient.counts <- assays(sim)$AmbientCounts
lib.sizes <- cell.lib.sizes
lib.sizes[empty] <- ambient.lib.sizes[empty]
counts <- cell.counts + ambient.counts
down.prop <- lib.sizes / colSums(counts)
# Avoid proportion creeping over 1 for empty cells
down.prop <- min(down.prop, 1)
counts <- scuttle::downsampleMatrix(counts, down.prop)
assays(sim)$counts <- counts
#' Get Beta step probabilities
#' Use a Beta distribution for set probabilities along a path
#' @param steps Number of steps
#' @param alpha Alpha parameter
#' @param beta Beta parameter
#' @details
#' The density is sampled from a Beta distribution between 0 and 1. Infinite
#' densities at edges are adjusted and then the values are scaled to give
#' probabilities.
#' @return Vector of probabilities
#' @importFrom stats dbeta
#' @noRd
getBetaStepProbs <- function(steps, alpha, beta) {
dens <- dbeta(seq(0, 1, length.out = steps), alpha, beta)
# Adjust for infinite values at edge of distribution
dens.inf <- !is.finite(dens)
if (any(dens.inf) && all(dens[!dens.inf] == 0)) {
dens[dens.inf] <- 1
if (!is.finite(dens[1])) {
dens[1] <- 1.1 * dens[2]
if (!is.finite(dens[steps])) {
dens[steps] <- 1.1 * dens[steps - 1]
probs <- dens / sum(dens)
#' Sample density
#' Sample from a density object using rejection sampling
#' @param n Number of values to sample
#' @param dens Density object to sample from
#' @param lower Lower x-axis bound on sampled values
#' @details
#' Random points (x and y) are generated inside the range of the density object.
#' If they value is less than the density for that x value (and x is greater
#' than \code{lower}) then that x value is retained. Ten thousand points are
#' generated at a time until enough valid values have been sampled.
#' @return Vector of sampled values
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
#' @noRd
sampleDensity <- function(n, dens, lower = 0) {
xmin <- min(dens$x)
xmax <- max(dens$x)
ymin <- min(dens$y)
ymax <- max(dens$y)
boundary <- approxfun(dens$x, dens$y)
values <- c()
nsel <- 0
while (nsel < n) {
x <- runif(1e4, xmin, xmax)
y <- runif(1e4, ymin, ymax)
sel <- y < boundary(x) & x > lower
nsel <- nsel + sum(sel)
values <- c(values, x[sel])
values <- values[seq_len(n)]
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