
Defines functions plot_model_explorer get_nmi_scores get_auc_similarity_scores plot_cdf_consensus consensus_matrix

Documented in consensus_matrix get_auc_similarity_scores plot_cdf_consensus plot_model_explorer

#'Compute consensus matrix from labels
#'@param labels a matrix with each column corresponding to a the results of a
#'  single clustering routine. Each column should give the cluster assignment
#'  FIXME: What is the required format of entries??
#'@param scale  boolean, optional, default: TRUE. Whether to rescale the
#'  resulting consensus matrix so that entries correspond to proportions.
#'@return a symmetric matrix of size NxN, where N is the number of rows of the
#'  input matrix \code{labels}. Each i,j entry of the matrix corresponds the
#'  number of times the two rows were in the same cluster across the clusterings
#'  (\code{scale=FALSE}) or the proportion of clustering that the two rows are
#'  in the same cluster (\code{scale=TRUE}).
#' @examples 
#' data(exampleData)
#' moanin <- create_moanin_model(data=testData,meta=testMeta)
#' #small function to run splines_kmeans on subsample of 50 genes
#' subsampleCluster<-function(){
#'    ind<-sample(1:nrow(moanin),size=50,replace=FALSE)
#'    km<-splines_kmeans(moanin[ind,],n_clusters=3)
#'    assign<-splines_kmeans_predict(moanin,km, 
#'       method="distance")
#'   }
#' kmClusters=replicate(10,subsampleCluster())
#' cm<-consensus_matrix(kmClusters)
#' heatmap(cm)
#' @export
consensus_matrix <- function(labels, scale=TRUE){
    melted_labels <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(labels))
    colnames(melted_labels) <- c("Gene", "Clustering", "Label")
    melted_labels$Clustering_lab <- 
    w <- reshape2::dcast(melted_labels, Gene~Clustering_lab, 
                        value.var="Clustering_lab", fun.aggregate=length)
    x <- as.matrix(w[,-1])
    x[is.na(x)] <- 0
    x <- apply(x, 2,  function(x) as.numeric(x > 0))
    consensus <- tcrossprod(x) 
        # EAP: Slightly faster:
        diag_elements <- matrix(diag(consensus),
        consensus <- consensus/diag_elements
        consensus <- consensus/t(diag_elements)
        diag(consensus) <- 0

#' @details For each element of the list \code{labels},
#'   \code{plot_cdf_consensus} calculates the consensus between the clusterings
#'   in the matrix, i.e. the number of times that pairs of rows are in the same
#'   cluster for different clusterings (columns) of the matrix using the
#'   \code{\link{consensus_matrix}} function. Then the set of values (the N(N-1)
#'   values in the upper triangle of the matrix), are converted into a cdf
#'   function and plotted.
#' @return \code{plot_cdf_consensus} invisibily returns list of the upper
#'   triangle values, with the list of same length as that of \code{labels}.
#' @rdname get_auc_similarity_scores
#' @export
plot_cdf_consensus <- function(labels){
    all_labels <- labels
    n_clusters <- names(all_labels)
    colors <- grDevices::rainbow(length(n_clusters))
    xrange <- c(0, 1)
    yrange <- c(0, 1)
    graphics::plot(xrange, yrange, type="n")
    for(i in seq_along(n_clusters)){
        cluster <- n_clusters[i]
        color <- colors[i]
        labels <- all_labels[[cluster]]
        consensus <- consensus_matrix(labels, scale=FALSE)
        consensus <- consensus / max(consensus)
        consensus <- sort(consensus[upper.tri(consensus)])
        x_axis <- seq_along(consensus) / length(consensus)
        graphics::lines(consensus, x_axis, type="b",
    graphics::legend("bottomright", legend=n_clusters,
            lty=rep(1, length(n_clusters)),
            pch=rep(16, length(n_clusters)),
            title="Clusters", text.font=4)

#' Evaluate the consensus between sets of clusterings
#' @description Methods for evaluating the consensus between sets of
#'   clusterings, usually in the context of subsetting of the data or different
#'   numbers of clusters.
#' @param labels a list. Each element of
#'   the list is a matrix that gives the results of a clustering routine in each
#'   column (see \code{\link{consensus_matrix}}). Usually each column would be
#'   the result of running the clustering on a subsample or bootstrap resample
#'   of the data.
#' @param method method for calculation of similarity for the AUC measure, one
#'   of "consensus" or "nmi". See details.
#' @details For each set of clusterings given by \code{labels} (i.e. for each
#'   matrix \code{M} which is an element of the list \code{labels})
#'   \code{get_auc_similarity_scores} calculates a pairwise measure of
#'   similarity between the columns of \code{M}. These pairwise scores are
#'   plotted against their rank, and the final AUC measure is the area under
#'   this curve.
#' @details For method "consensus", the pairwise measure is given by calculating
#'   the consensus matrix using \code{\link{consensus_matrix}} with
#'   \code{scale=FALSE}. The consensus matrix is divided by the max of \code{M}.
#' @details For method "nmi", the pairwise value is the NMI value between each
#'   pair of columns of the matrix of clusterings using the
#'   \code{\link[NMI]{NMI}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{consensus_matrix}}, \code{\link[NMI]{NMI}},
#'   \code{\link{plot_cdf_consensus}}
#' @returns \code{get_auc_similarity_scores} returns a vector, equal to length
#'   of the list \code{labels}, giving the AUC value for each element of
#'   \code{labels}.
#' @aliases plot_cdf_consensus plot_model_explorer
#' @examples 
#' data(exampleData)
#' moanin <- create_moanin_model(data=testData,meta=testMeta)
#' #small function to run splines_kmeans on subsample of 50 genes
#' subsampleCluster<-function(){
#'    ind<-sample(1:nrow(moanin),size=50)
#'    km<-splines_kmeans(moanin[ind,],n_clusters=3)
#'    assign<-splines_kmeans_score_and_label(moanin, km, 
#'        proportion_genes_to_label=1.0)$label
#' }
#' kmClusters1=replicate(10,subsampleCluster())
#' kmClusters2=replicate(10,subsampleCluster())
#' # Note, because of the small number of replicates (10), 
#' # these plots are not representative of what to expect.
#' out<-plot_cdf_consensus(labels=list(kmClusters1,kmClusters2)) 
#' get_auc_similarity_scores(list(kmClusters1,kmClusters2))
#' plot_model_explorer(list(kmClusters1,kmClusters2))
#' @export
get_auc_similarity_scores <- function(labels, method=c("consensus", "nmi")){
    all_labels <- labels
    n_clusters <- names(all_labels)
    auc_scores <- rep(0, length(n_clusters))
    for(i in seq_along(n_clusters)){
        cluster <- n_clusters[i]
        labels <- all_labels[[cluster]]
        if(method == "consensus"){
            consensus <- consensus_matrix(labels, scale=FALSE)
            consensus <- consensus / max(consensus)
            scores <- consensus[upper.tri(consensus)]
        }else if(method == "nmi"){
            scores <- get_nmi_scores(labels) 
        scores <- sort(scores)
        y_axis <- seq_along(scores) / length(scores)
        auc_score <- sum(diff(scores) * zoo::rollmean(y_axis, 2))
        auc_scores[i] <- auc_score

get_nmi_scores <- function(labels){
    nmi <- function(x, y){
        x_dataframe <- as.data.frame(x)
        colnames(x_dataframe) <- c("Label")
        x_dataframe$Gene <- row.names(x_dataframe)
        x_dataframe <- x_dataframe[c("Gene", "Label")]
        y_dataframe <- as.data.frame(y)
        colnames(y_dataframe) <- c("Label")
        y_dataframe$Gene <- row.names(y_dataframe)
        y_dataframe <- y_dataframe[c("Gene", "Label")]
        return(NMI::NMI(x_dataframe, y_dataframe))
    n_trials <- dim(labels)[2]
    scores <- NULL
    for(trial in seq_len(n_trials)){
        if(trial == n_trials){
        column <- colnames(labels)[trial]
        columns_to_consider <- (trial+1):n_trials
        label <- labels[,trial]
        scores <- c(scores, as.vector(
            unlist(lapply(labels[, columns_to_consider, drop=FALSE], 
                          function(x){nmi(x, label)}))))

#' Plot model explorer
#' @param colors a vector of colors, of length equal to the length of
#'   \code{labels}
#' @return This function is a plotting function does not return anything
#' @rdname get_auc_similarity_scores
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
plot_model_explorer <- function(labels, colors=rainbow(length(labels))){
    all_labels <- labels
        names(all_labels) <- paste("Set",seq_along(all_labels))
    n_clusters <- names(all_labels)
    if(length(colors) != length(labels)) {
        stop("colors argument should be same length as labels")
    nmi_scores <- list()
    max_trial <- 0
    min_score <- 1
    max_score <- 0
    for(i in seq_along(n_clusters)){
        n_cluster <- n_clusters[i]
        color <- colors[i]
        labels <- all_labels[[n_cluster]]
        scores <- get_nmi_scores(labels)
        nmi_scores[[n_cluster]] <- sort(scores)
        max_trial <- max(max_trial, length(scores))
        min_score <- min(min_score, min(scores))
        max_score <- max(max_score, max(scores))
    xrange <- c(min_score, max_score)
    yrange <- c(1, max_trial)
    graphics::plot(xrange, yrange, type="n", xlab="NMI", ylab="")
    for(i in seq_along(n_clusters)){
        color <- colors[i]
        scores <- nmi_scores[[i]]
        graphics::lines(sort(scores), seq_along(scores), type="b",
    graphics::legend(min_score, length(scores)*0.9, legend=n_clusters,
                        lty=rep(1, length(scores)),
                        pch=rep(16, length(scores)),
                        title="Clusterings", text.font=4)
NelleV/moanin documentation built on July 28, 2021, 7:34 p.m.