# SpatialDecon: mixed cell deconvolution for spatial and/or bulk gene expression
# data
# Copyright (C) 2020, NanoString Technologies, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# Contact us:
# NanoString Technologies, Inc.
# 530 Fairview Avenue N
# Seattle, WA 98109
# Tel: (888) 358-6266
# pdanaher@nanostring.com
#' Mixed cell deconvolution of spatiall-resolved gene expression data
#' Runs the spatialdecon algorithm with added optional functionalities.
#' Workflow is:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item compute weights from raw data
#' \item Estimate a tumor profile and merge it into the cell profiles matrix
#' \item run deconvolution once
#' \item remove poorly-fit genes from first round of decon
#' \item re-run decon with cleaned-up gene set
#' \item combine closely-related cell types
#' \item compute p-values
#' \item rescale abundance estimates, to proportions of total, proportions of
#' immune, cell counts
#' }
#' @param norm p-length expression vector or p * N expression matrix - the
#' actual (linear-scale) data
#' @param bg Same dimension as norm: the background expected at each data point.
#' @param X Cell profile matrix. If NULL, the safeTME matrix is used.
#' @param raw Optional for using an error model to weight the data points.
#' p-length expression vector or p * N expression matrix - the raw
#' (linear-scale) data
#' @param wts Optional, a matrix of weights.
#' @param resid_thresh A scalar, sets a threshold on how extreme individual data
#' points' values
#' can be (in log2 units) before getting flagged as outliers and set to NA.
#' @param lower_thresh A scalar. Before log2-scale residuals are calculated,
#' both observed and fitted
#' values get thresholded up to this value. Prevents log2-scale residuals from
#' becoming extreme in
#' points near zero.
#' @param align_genes Logical. If TRUE, then Y, X, bg, and wts are row-aligned
#' by shared genes.
#' @param is_pure_tumor A logical vector denoting whether each AOI consists of
#' pure tumor. If specified,
#' then the algorithm will derive a tumor expression profile and merge it with
#' the immune profiles matrix.
#' @param cell_counts Number of cells estimated to be within each sample. If
#' provided alongside norm_factors,
#' then the algorithm will additionally output cell abundance esimtates on the
#' scale of cell counts.
#' @param cellmerges A list object holding the mapping from beta's cell names to
#' combined cell names. If left
#' NULL, then defaults to a mapping of granular immune cell definitions to
#' broader categories.
#' @param n_tumor_clusters Number of tumor-specific columns to merge into the
#' cell profile matrix.
#' Has an impact only when is_pure_tumor argument is used to indicate pure
#' tumor AOIs.
#' Takes this many clusters from the pure-tumor AOI data and gets the average
#' expression profile in each cluster. Default 10.
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations. Default 1000.
#' @return a list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item beta: matrix of cell abundance estimates, cells in rows and
#' observations in columns
#' \item sigmas: covariance matrices of each observation's beta estimates
#' \item p: matrix of p-values for H0: beta == 0
#' \item t: matrix of t-statistics for H0: beta == 0
#' \item se: matrix of standard errors of beta values
#' \item prop_of_all: rescaling of beta to sum to 1 in each observation
#' \item prop_of_nontumor: rescaling of beta to sum to 1 in each observation,
#' excluding tumor abundance estimates
#' \item cell.counts: beta rescaled to estimate cell numbers, based on
#' prop_of_all and nuclei count
#' \item beta.granular: cell abundances prior to combining closely-related
#' cell types
#' \item sigma.granular: sigmas prior to combining closely-related cell types
#' \item cell.counts.granular: cell.counts prior to combining closely-related
#' cell types
#' \item resids: a matrix of residuals from the model fit.
#' (log2(pmax(y, lower_thresh)) - log2(pmax(xb, lower_thresh))).
#' \item X: the cell profile matrix used in the decon fit.
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(mini_geomx_dataset)
#' data(safeTME)
#' data(safeTME.matches)
#' # estimate background:
#' mini_geomx_dataset$bg <- derive_GeoMx_background(
#' norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized,
#' probepool = rep(1, nrow(mini_geomx_dataset$normalized)),
#' negnames = "NegProbe"
#' )
#' # run basic decon:
#' res0 <- spatialdecon(
#' norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized,
#' bg = mini_geomx_dataset$bg,
#' X = safeTME
#' )
#' # run decon with bells and whistles:
#' res <- spatialdecon(
#' norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized,
#' bg = mini_geomx_dataset$bg,
#' X = safeTME,
#' cellmerges = safeTME.matches,
#' cell_counts = mini_geomx_dataset$annot$nuclei,
#' is_pure_tumor = mini_geomx_dataset$annot$AOI.name == "Tumor"
#' )
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
spatialdecon <- function(norm, bg, X = NULL,
raw = NULL, wts = NULL,
resid_thresh = 3, lower_thresh = 0.5,
align_genes = TRUE,
is_pure_tumor = NULL, n_tumor_clusters = 10,
cell_counts = NULL,
cellmerges = NULL,
maxit = 1000) {
#### preliminaries ---------------------------------
# check formatting:
if (!is.matrix(norm)) {
stop("norm should be a matrix")
if ((length(X) > 0) & (!is.matrix(X))) {
stop("X should be a matrix")
if ((length(raw) > 0) & (!is.matrix(raw))) {
stop("raw must be a matrix")
if ((length(wts) > 0) & (!is.matrix(wts))) {
stop("wts must be a matrix")
if ((length(cell_counts) > 0) & (!is.numeric(cell_counts))) {
stop("cell_counts must be numeric")
if (length(bg) == 1) {
bg <- matrix(bg, nrow(norm), ncol(norm),
dimnames = list(rownames(norm), colnames(norm))
# If a matrix other than safeTME is input, rescale training matrix to avoid bad convergence properties:
if (length(X) > 0) {
# rescale matrix so its 99th percentile is near that of safeTME (which has a 99th percentile = 2.3)
X <- X * 2 / quantile(X, 0.99)
# prep training matrix:
if (length(X) == 0) {
utils::data("safeTME", envir = environment())
X <- SpatialDecon::safeTME
sharedgenes <- intersect(rownames(norm), rownames(X))
if (length(sharedgenes) == 0) {
stop("no shared gene names between norm and X")
if (length(sharedgenes) < 100) {
"Only ", length(sharedgenes),
" genes are shared between norm and X - this may not be enough
to support accurate deconvolution."
# calculate weights based on expected SD of counts
# wts = replace(norm, TRUE, 1)
if (length(raw) > 0) {
weight.by.TIL.resid.sd <-
length(intersect(colnames(X), colnames(SpatialDecon::safeTME))) > 10
wts <- deriveWeights(norm,
raw = raw, error.model = "dsp",
weight.by.TIL.resid.sd = weight.by.TIL.resid.sd
#### if pure tumor AOIs are specificed, get tumor expression profile --------
if (sum(is_pure_tumor) > 0) {
# derive tumor profiles and merge into X:
# (derive a separate profile for each tissue)
X <- mergeTumorIntoX(
norm = norm,
bg = bg,
pure_tumor_ids = is_pure_tumor,
X = X[sharedgenes, ],
K = n_tumor_clusters
sharedgenes <- intersect(rownames(norm), rownames(X))
#### Run decon -----------------------------------
res <- algorithm2(
Y = norm[sharedgenes, ],
bg = bg[sharedgenes, ],
X = X[sharedgenes, ],
weights = wts[sharedgenes, ],
maxit = maxit,
resid_thresh = resid_thresh,
lower_thresh = lower_thresh
#### combine closely-related cell types ------------------------------------
if (length(cellmerges) > 0) {
tempconv <- convertCellTypes(
beta = res$beta,
matching = cellmerges,
stat = sum,
na.rm = FALSE,
sigma = res$sigmas
# overwrite original beta with merged beta:
res$beta.granular <- res$beta
res$sigma.granular <- res$sigmas
res$sigmas <- NULL
res$beta <- tempconv$beta
res$sigma <- tempconv$sigma
#### compute p-values -------------------------------------------
tempbeta <- res$beta
tempse <- tempp <- tempt <- tempbeta * NA
for (i in seq_len(ncol(tempse))) {
tempse[, i] <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(diag(res$sigma[, , i])))
tempt <- (tempbeta / tempse)
tempp <- 2 * (1 - stats::pnorm(tempt))
res$p <- tempp
res$t <- tempt
res$se <- tempse
#### rescale abundance estimates --------------------------------
# (to proportions of total, proportions of immune, cell counts)
# proportions:
res$prop_of_all <- sweep(res$beta, 2, colSums(res$beta), "/")
nontumorcellnames <- rownames(res$beta)[!grepl("tumor", rownames(res$beta))]
res$prop_of_nontumor <- sweep(
res$beta[nontumorcellnames, ], 2,
colSums(res$beta[nontumorcellnames, ]), "/"
# on scale of cell counts:
if (length(cell_counts) > 0) {
res$cell.counts <- convertCellScoresToCounts(
beta = res$beta,
nuclei.counts = cell_counts,
omit.tumor = TRUE
if (length(res$beta.granular) > 0) {
res$cell.counts.granular <- convertCellScoresToCounts(
beta = res$beta.granular,
nuclei.counts = cell_counts,
omit.tumor = TRUE
# add other pertinent info to res:
res$X <- X[rownames(res$resids), ]
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