
The SpatialDecon library implements the SpatialDecon algorithm for mixed cell deconvolution in spatial gene expression datasets. (This algorithm also works in bulk expression profiling data.)

Details can be found in the SpatialDecon manuscript: Danaher & Kim (2022), "Advances in mixed cell deconvolution enable quantification of cell types in spatial transcriptomic data."


Download the release version from Bioconductor

Install the release version from Bioconductor

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))




To learn how to start using SpatialDecon, view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:


Guide to functions

Data preparation functions:

SpatialDecon: the core deconvolution function:

spatialdecon runs the SpatialDecon algorithm for estimating mixed cell type abundance in the regions of spatially-resolved gene expression studies. It is also appropriate to apply to bulk gene expression data.

Its minimal required input is:

spatialdecon has numerous advanced options specified in the help file and demonstrated in the vignette. These include:

Plotting functions:

Post-deconvolution analyses:


Computational benchmarking

The below memory usage and runtimes were gathered from applying spatialdecon to increasing numbers of GeoMx AOIs, using a 544-gene x 18 cell-type cell profile matrix:

| n | memory (MB) | runtime (ms) | |---|---|---| | 10 | 324 | 500 | | 50 | 1598 | 2190 | | 100 | 3130 | 4280 | | 200 | 6266 | 8610 | | 500 | 15244 | 21610 | | 1000 | 30451 | 42580 | | 5000 | 61522 | 83720 |

Nanostring-Biostats/SpatialDecon documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 12:57 a.m.