#' Given the output from getConsensusPeaks, generate a barplot
#' of countstatistics
#' @param samplepeaks output generated from getConsensusPeaks
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param xlabel label for x-axis (default, types of peaks - e.g.
#' ConsensusPeaks, rep1, rep2, etc.)
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param ylabel label for y-axis (default, "Peak Counts")
#' @param xlabelsize size of xlabel (default, 15px)
#' @param ylabelsize size of ylabel (default, 15px)
#' @param maintitle main title (default, "Peak Counts by Cell Type")
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @param subtitle subtitle (default, "For bioreplicates and their merged
#' consensus track")
#' @param subtitlesize subitle size (default 15px)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks,
#' minreps = 2)
#' plotConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = consensusPeaks)}
#' @export
plotConsensusPeaks <- function(samplepeaks,
viewer = TRUE,
palette = "Set1",
xlabel = NULL,
ylabel = "Peak Counts",
xlabelsize = '15px',
ylabelsize ='15px',
maintitle = "Peak Counts by Cell Type",
subtitle = "For bioreplicates and their merged consensus track",
maintitlesize = "20px",
subtitlesize = "15px") {
if( viewer == TRUE ){
if (length(palette) == 4) {
cols <- c(palette)
else if (length(palette) == 1) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
else {
stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors")
} else{
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
CellType <- NULL
#without this R CMD check throws no visible binding for global variable error
consPeaksStats <- samplepeaks$consPeaksStats
row.names(consPeaksStats) <- NULL
consPeaksStats[, 2] <-
consPeaksStats[, 3] <-
statsFormated <-
tidyr::gather(consPeaksStats, "CellType", "Count", 2:3)
plottingData <- split(statsFormated, statsFormated$CellType)
col1 <- cols[1]
col2 <- cols[2]
if ( is.null(xlabel) ) {
xLabel <- as.character(samplepeaks$consPeaksStats$PeakType)
} else {
xLabel <- xlabel
p <- highchart(width = 520, height = 650) %>%
hc_title(text = maintitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontSize = maintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')) %>%
hc_subtitle(text = subtitle,
style = list(fontSize = subtitlesize)) %>%
color = col1,
data = plottingData[[1]]$Count,
name = names(plottingData[1]),
type = "column",
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
rotation = 270,
color = '#FFFFFF',
y = 40
) %>%
color = col2,
data = plottingData[[2]]$Count,
name = names(plottingData[2]),
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
rotation = 270,
color = '#FFFFFF',
y = 40
type = "column"
) %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = ylabel,
style = list(fontSize = ylabelsize)),
labels = list(format = "{value}")) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = xLabel,
labels = list(style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
enabled = TRUE,
layout = "horizontal",
align = "center",
horizontalAlign = "middle",
verticalAlign = "top",
floating = FALSE,
maxHeight = 100,
y = 50
) %>%
headerFormat = "<b>{series.name}_{point.key}</b><br>",
pointFormat = "{point.y}",
valueSuffix = ' peaks'
) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
#' Given the output from combineAnnotatePeaks,
#' plot a barplot showing number of peaks before/after merging or length of
#' peaks before/after merging
#' (only works if peaks were merged)
#' @param conspeaks output generated from combineAnnotatePeaks
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param xlabels labels for x-axis (default, Before merging/After merging)
#' @param leftylabel label for y-axis for number of REs plot (default, "Number of REs")
#' @param rightylabel label for y-axis for mean length plot (default, "Mean length of REs")
#' @param xlabelsize size of xlabel (default, 15px)
#' @param leftylabelsize size of leftylabel (default, 15px)
#' @param rightylabelsize size of rightylabel (default, 15px)
#' @param leftmaintitle main title for number of REs plot (default, "Number of REs")
#' @param rightmaintitle main title for mean length of REs plot (default, "Mean length of REs")
#' @param leftmaintitlesize main title size for number of REs plot (default, 20px)
#' @param rightmaintitlesize main title size for mean length of REs plot (default 15px)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks,
#' minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' plotCombineAnnotatePeaks(consensusPeaksAnnotated)
#' }
#' @export
plotCombineAnnotatePeaks <- function(conspeaks,
viewer = TRUE,
palette = "Set1",
rightmaintitle = "Mean Length of REs",
leftmaintitle = "Number of REs",
xlabels = c("Before merging","After merging"),
leftylabel = "Number of REs",
rightylabel = "Mean Length of REs",
xlabelsize = "15px",
leftylabelsize = "15px",
rightylabelsize = "15px",
leftmaintitlesize = "20px",
rightmaintitlesize = "20px") {
if ( viewer == TRUE ){
if (length(palette) == 4) {
cols <- c(palette)
else if (length(palette) == 1) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
else {
stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors")
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
CellType <- NULL
#R CMD check throws no visible binding for global variable error
mergeStats <- conspeaks$mergestats
row.names(mergeStats) <- NULL
mergeStats[, 2] <- as.numeric(as.character(mergeStats[[2]]))
mergeStats[, 3] <- as.numeric(as.character(mergeStats[[3]]))
mergeStatsFormatted <-
tidyr::gather(mergeStats, "CellType", "Count", 2:3)
if (nrow(mergeStatsFormatted) == 1) {
"No plot to show since merging was not performed
when calling combineAnnotatePeaks function"
feature <- "TotalNumber"
if (feature == "TotalNumber") {
mergeStatsTotal <- dplyr::filter(mergeStatsFormatted,
CellType == "TotalNumber")
thecondition <-
matrix(unlist(strsplit(mergeStatsTotal$Condition, "_")),
nrow = 3, ncol = 4)[2, ]
mergeStatsBefore <- dplyr::filter(mergeStatsTotal,
thecondition == "before")
mergeStatsAfter <- dplyr::filter(mergeStatsTotal,
thecondition == "after")
p1 <- highchart(height = 400) %>%
hc_title(text = leftmaintitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontSize = leftmaintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')) %>%
data = mergeStatsBefore$Count,
name = c("TSS-distal"),
type = "column",
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
rotation = 270,
color = '#FFFFFF',
y = 40
) %>%
data = mergeStatsAfter$Count,
name = c("TSS-proximal"),
type = "column",
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
rotation = 270,
color = '#FFFFFF',
y = 40
) %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = leftylabel,
style = list(fontSize = leftylabelsize)),
labels = list(format = "{value}")) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = xlabels,
labels = list(style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
enabled = TRUE,
layout = "horizontal",
align = "center",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
floating = FALSE,
maxHeight = 100,
x = 0,
y = 17
) %>%
headerFormat = "<b>{series.name}_{point.key}</b><br>",
pointFormat = "{point.y}",
valueSuffix = ' peaks'
) %>%
hc_colors(cols) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
feature <- "MeanLength"
if (feature == "MeanLength") {
mergeStatsMean <- dplyr::filter(mergeStatsFormatted,
CellType == "MeanLength")
thecondition <-
matrix(unlist(strsplit(mergeStatsMean$Condition, "_")),
nrow = 3,
ncol = 4)[2,]
mergeStatsBefore <- dplyr::filter(mergeStatsMean,
thecondition == "before")
mergeStatsAfter <- dplyr::filter(mergeStatsMean,
thecondition == "after")
p2 <- highchart(height = 400) %>%
hc_title(text = rightmaintitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontSize = rightmaintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')) %>%
data = mergeStatsBefore$Count,
name = c("TSS-distal"),
type = "column",
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
rotation = 270,
color = '#FFFFFF',
y = 40
) %>%
data = mergeStatsAfter$Count,
name = c("TSS-proximal"),
type = "column",
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
rotation = 270,
color = '#FFFFFF',
y = 40
) %>%
title = list(text = rightylabel,
style = list(fontSize = rightylabelsize)),
labels = list(format = "{value}")
) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = xlabels,
labels = list(style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
enabled = TRUE,
layout = "horizontal",
align = "center",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
floating = FALSE,
maxHeight = 100,
x = 0,
y = 17
) %>%
headerFormat = "<b>{series.name}_{point.key}</b><br>",
pointFormat = "{point.y}",
valueSuffix = ' peaks'
) %>%
hc_colors(cols) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
if (viewer == TRUE) {
p <-
htmltools::browsable(hw_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 2, rowheight = 550))
else {
p <- hw_grid(p1, p2)
#' Given the output from getCounts, plot a density plot of
#' log2 RPKM values of regulation regions
#' @param countsConsPeaks output generated from getCounts
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param xlabel label for x-axis (default, "log2 normalized read counts")
#' @param ylabel label for y-axis (default, "Density")
#' @param xlabelsize size of xlabel (default, 15px)
#' @param ylabelsize size of ylabel (default, 15px)
#' @param maintitle main title (default, "Density of log2 read counts
#' (normalized by library and region sizes)")
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks,
#' minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' consensusPeaksCounts <- getCounts(annotpeaks = consensusPeaksAnnotated,
#' sampleinfo = csvfile,
#' reference = 'SAEC',
#' chrom = 'chr21')
#' plotGetCounts(consensusPeaksCounts)}
#' @export
plotGetCounts <- function(countsConsPeaks,
viewer = TRUE,
palette = "Set1",
xlabel = "Log2 Normalized Read Counts",
ylabel = "Density",
xlabelsize = "15px",
ylabelsize = "15px",
maintitle = "Density of log2 read counts\n(normalized by library and region sizes)",
maintitlesize = "20px"
) {
region <- NULL
variable <- NULL
value = Reference_specific = Shared = Experiment_specific = c()
#set to null forR CMD Check error: Undefined global functions/variables
if( viewer == TRUE ){
if (length(palette) == 4) {
cols <- c(palette)
else if (length(palette) == 1) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
else {
stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors")
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
mydf <- countsConsPeaks$regioncountsforplot
# varstack <- suppressMessages(reshape2::melt(mydf))
varstack <-
suppressMessages(tidyr::gather(mydf, variable, value, -region))
varstack$variable = gsub("_.*", "", varstack$variable)
mysamps <- unique(varstack$variable)
samp1dist <- dplyr::filter(varstack,
region == "TSS-distal" &
variable == mysamps[1])
samp2dist <- dplyr::filter(varstack,
region == "TSS-distal" &
variable == mysamps[2])
samp1prox <- dplyr::filter(varstack,
region == "TSS-proximal" &
variable == mysamps[1])
samp2prox <- dplyr::filter(varstack,
region == "TSS-proximal" &
variable == mysamps[2])
round <- JS(
"function() { return '<b>'+'log2 read count' +'</b>:'+
Highcharts.numberFormat(this.x, 2) + ', <b>'+'density' +'</b>:' +
Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 2); }"
p <- hchart(
area = TRUE,
name = paste(mysamps[1], "TSS-distal")
) %>%
text = maintitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontSize = maintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')
) %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = ylabel,
style = list(fontSize = ylabelsize))) %>%
hc_xAxis(title = list(text = xlabel,
style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
area = TRUE,
name = paste(mysamps[1], "TSS-proximal")
) %>%
area = TRUE,
name = paste(mysamps[2], "TSS-distal")
) %>%
area = TRUE,
name = paste(mysamps[2], "TSS-proximal")
) %>%
hc_colors(cols) %>%
hc_tooltip(formatter = round) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE) %>%
enabled = TRUE,
layout = "horizontal",
align = "center",
horizontalAlign = "middle",
verticalAlign = "top",
floating = TRUE,
maxHeight = 100,
y = 50)
#' Create a volcano plot from the output of categAltrePeaks
#' @param altrepeakscateg output generated from countanalysis() then
#' categAltrePeaks()
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param xlabel label for x-axis (default, "-log10 pvalue")
#' @param ylabel label for y-axis (default, "Density")
#' @param xlabelsize size of xlabel (default, 15px)
#' @param ylabelsize size of ylabel (default, 15px)
#' @param maintitlelefty main title (default, "TSS-distal")
#' @param maintitlerighty main title (default, "TSS-proximal")
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks, minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' consensusPeaksCounts <- getCounts(annotpeaks = consensusPeaksAnnotated,
#' reference = 'SAEC',
#' sampleinfo = csvfile,
#' chrom = 'chr21')
#' alteredPeaks <- countanalysis(counts=consensusPeaksCounts,
#' pval=0.01,
#' lfcvalue=1)
#' alteredPeaksCategorized <- categAltrePeaks(alteredPeaks,
#' lfctypespecific = 1.5,
#' lfcshared = 1.2,
#' pvaltypespecific = 0.01,
#' pvalshared = 0.05)
#' plotCountAnalysis(altrepeakscateg = alteredPeaksCategorized)
#' }
#' @export
plotCountAnalysis <- function(altrepeakscateg, viewer = TRUE,
palette = c("#C71585", "#d3d3d3", "#00E5EE", "#000080"),
maintitlelefty = "TSS-distal",
maintitlerighty = "TSS-proximal",
ylabel = "-log10 pvalue",
xlabel = "log2fold change",
xlabelsize = "15px",
ylabelsize = "15px",
maintitlesize = "20px") {
#Either use an R color brewer palette or your own palette.
if ( viewer == TRUE ) {
if (length(palette) == 4) {
cols <- c(palette)
else if (length(palette) == 1) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
} else {
stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors")
} else{
if (!is.null(palette)) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
#To prevent R CMD check error
log2FoldChange <- NULL
padj <- NULL
REaltrecateg <- REaltrecategplot <- NULL
Referencespecificsamples <- altrepeakscateg[[3]]
allsamples <- colnames(altrepeakscateg$analysisresults)[12:13]
Experimentspecificsamples <- allsamples[which(!(allsamples %in% Referencespecificsamples))]
Referencespecific <- paste0(Referencespecificsamples, "SpecificByIntensity")
Experimentspecific <- paste0(Experimentspecificsamples, "SpecificByIntensity")
Referencespecificlabels <- paste0(Referencespecificsamples, "-Specific (by intensity)")
Experimentspecificlabels <- paste0(Experimentspecificsamples, "-Specific (by intensity)")
toplot <- altrepeakscateg$analysisresults[ , c("region",
replacement <- sub(Referencespecific, Referencespecificlabels, toplot$REaltrecategplot)
replacement <- sub(Experimentspecific, Experimentspecificlabels, replacement)
toplot$REaltrecategplot <- replacement
tssdist <- toplot[which(toplot$region == "TSS-distal"), ]
tssdist$padj <- -log10(tssdist$padj)
tssprox <- toplot[which(toplot$region == "TSS-proximal"), ]
tssprox$padj <- -log10(tssprox$padj)
# remove the NAs
tssdist <- tssdist[!is.na(tssdist$padj), -1]
tssprox <- tssprox[!is.na(tssprox$padj), -1]
# order values
tssdist <- tssdist[order(tssdist$padj,
decreasing = TRUE), ]
tssprox <- tssprox[order(tssprox$padj,
decreasing = TRUE), ]
if ((dim(tssdist)[1] + dim(tssprox)[1]) > 6000) {
message("Plot doesn't show all data points. Data around the origin has been trimmed")
# remove shared
tssdist <- tssdist[!(tssdist$REaltrecategplot == "Shared"), ]
tssprox <- tssprox[!(tssprox$REaltrecategplot == "Shared"), ]
# trim the data
cutoff_p <- 5
cutoff_fold <- 4
tssdistEdges <- tssdist[tssdist$padj > cutoff_p &
(abs(tssdist$log2FoldChange) > cutoff_fold), ]
tssdistCenter <- tssdist[!(tssdist$padj > cutoff_p &
(abs(tssdist$log2FoldChange) > cutoff_fold)), ]
tssproxEdges <- tssprox[tssprox$padj > cutoff_p &
(abs(tssprox$log2FoldChange) > cutoff_fold), ]
tssproxCenter <- tssprox[!(tssprox$padj > cutoff_p &
(abs(tssprox$log2FoldChange) > cutoff_fold)), ]
n1 <- dim(tssdistCenter)[1]
n2 <- dim(tssproxCenter)[1]
nsamp <- 1000
idx1 <- sort(stats::rexp(min(nsamp , 3*(n1 %/% 4)), 2))
idx1 <- unique(floor(n1 * (idx1 / max(idx1))))
idx2 <- sort(stats::rexp(min(nsamp , 3*(n2 %/% 4)), 2))
idx2 <- unique(floor(n2 * (idx2 / max(idx2))))
tssdistCenter <- tssdistCenter[idx1, ]
tssproxCenter <- tssproxCenter[idx2, ]
tssdist <- rbind(tssdistEdges, tssdistCenter)
tssprox <- rbind(tssproxEdges, tssproxCenter)
} else{
message("Plot shows all data points. Data around the origin has not been trimmed")
p1 <- highchart() %>%
hc_chart(type = "scatter") %>%
scatter = list(marker = list(radius = 2),
turboThreshold = 0)
) %>%
text = maintitlelefty,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontSize = maintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')
) %>%
data = tssdist,
x = log2FoldChange,
y = padj,
type = "scatter",
group = REaltrecategplot
) %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = ylabel,
style = list(fontSize = ylabelsize))) %>%
hc_xAxis(title = list(text = xlabel,
style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
hc_tooltip(headerFormat = "",
pointFormat = "<b>log2FC</b> = {point.x}<br> <b>-log10pvalue</b>
= {point.y}<br>") %>%
hc_colors(c(cols[1], cols[2], cols[3], cols[4])) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
p2 <- highchart() %>%
scatter = list(marker = list(radius = 2))
) %>%
hc_chart(type = "scatter") %>%
text = maintitlerighty,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontSize = maintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')
) %>%
data = tssprox,
x = log2FoldChange,
y = padj,
type = "scatter",
group = REaltrecategplot
) %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = ylabel,
style = list(fontSize = ylabelsize))) %>%
hc_xAxis(title = list(text = xlabel,
style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
hc_tooltip(headerFormat = "",
pointFormat = "<b>log2FC</b> = {point.x}
<br> <b>-log10pvalue</b> = {point.y}<br>",
valueDecimals = 2) %>%
hc_colors(c(cols[1], cols[2], cols[3], cols[4])) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
if (viewer == TRUE) {
p <-
htmltools::browsable(hw_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 2))
}else {
p <- hw_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
#' Creates a boxplot to see the distribution of read counts in type-specific and
#' shared TSS-proximal and TSS-distal regions.
#' Takes the rlog transformation of the RRKM (Reads Per Kilobase of transcript
#' per Million) of the read counts of type-specific and shared regulatory
#' regions and plots the distribution of those read counts in all sample types
#' analyzed in the workflow.
#' @param analysisresults output generated from countanalysis() then
#' categAltrePeaks()
#' @param counts output generated from getCounts()
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3",
#' "Pastel1", "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param ylabel label for y-axis (default, "Observations")
#' @param ylabelsize size of ylabel (default, 15px)
#' @param xlabelsize size of xlabel (default, 15px)
#' @param xlabel label for x-axis (default, sample names)
#' @param maintitle main title (default, "Distribution of Normalized Counts")
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @return a highcharter object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks,
#' minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' consensusPeaksCounts <- getCounts(annotpeaks = consensusPeaksAnnotated,
#' sampleinfo = csvfile,
#' reference = 'SAEC',
#' chrom = 'chr21')
#' alteredPeaks <- countanalysis(counts = consensusPeaksCounts,
#' pval = 0.01,
#' lfcvalue = 1)
#' alteredPeaksCategorized <- categAltrePeaks(alteredPeaks,
#' lfctypespecific = 1.5,
#' lfcshared = 1.2,
#' pvaltypespecific = 0.01,
#' pvalshared = 0.05)
#' plotDistCountAnalysis(analysisresults = alteredPeaksCategorized, counts = consensusPeaksCounts)
#' }
#' @export
plotDistCountAnalysis <-
viewer = TRUE,
palette = c("#C71585", "#d3d3d3", "#00E5EE", "#000080"),
xlabelsize = "13px",
ylabel = "log2(FPKM)",
ylabelsize = "13px",
maintitle = "Distribution of Normalized Counts (peaks types determine by intensity)",
maintitlesize = "20px",
xlabel = NULL) {
altrecateg <- altrecategplot <- REaltrecategplot <- c()
#Make sure to names things are from the user-entered sample names
reference <- analysisresults$reference
allSamples <- colnames(analysisresults$analysisresults)[12:13]
nonreference <- allSamples[which(!(allSamples %in% reference))]
Referencespecific <- paste0(reference, "SpecificByIntensity")
Experimentspecific <- paste0(nonreference, "SpecificByIntensity")
if ( viewer == TRUE ){
if (length(palette) == 4) {
cols <- c(palette)
else if (length(palette) == 1) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
else {
stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors")
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
readcounts <- counts$regioncounts
analysisresults <- analysisresults$analysisresults
errortest = try(SummarizedExperiment::assay(readcounts), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(errortest, 'try-error') == TRUE) {
stop("The input for the readcounts arguement is
not a summerized experiment object!")
if (is.data.frame(analysisresults) == FALSE)
stop("The input for the analysisresults arguement is not a dataframe!")
# Check that counts and analysisresults are in the same order
countsinfo <-
countcoord <-
paste0(countsinfo$seqnames, countsinfo$start, countsinfo$end)
analcoord <- paste0(analysisresults$chr,
if (!all.equal(analcoord, countcoord)) {
stop("The peaks in the analysisresults and counts are not the same")
PEcateg <- analysisresults$region
altrecategplot <- analysisresults$REaltrecategplot
# Get log2FPM values:
log2FPM <- log2(DESeq2::fpkm(readcounts, robust = TRUE) + 0.001)
# Average log2FPM values over replicats:
sampletypes <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(readcounts)$sample
meanlog2FPM <- c()
for (i in unique(sampletypes)) {
samp <- which(sampletypes == i)
meanlog2FPM <- cbind(meanlog2FPM,
as.numeric(apply(log2FPM[, samp], 1, mean)))
colnames(meanlog2FPM) <- unique(sampletypes)
mydf <- data.frame(meanlog2FPM = meanlog2FPM,
PEcateg = PEcateg,
altrecateg = altrecategplot)
#TSSdistal <- dplyr::filter(mydf, PEcateg == "TSS-distal")
distal1 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == Experimentspecific)
distal2 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == "Ambiguous")
distal3 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == "Shared")
distal4 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == Referencespecific)
#TSSproximal <- dplyr::filter(mydf, PEcateg == "TSS-proximal")
proximal1 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == Experimentspecific)
proximal2 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == "Ambiguous")
proximal3 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == "Shared")
proximal4 <- dplyr::filter(mydf, altrecateg == Referencespecific)
mysamps = as.character(unique(sampletypes))
distal1_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(distal1[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
proximal1_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal1[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
distal1_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(distal1[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
proximal1_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal1[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
distal2_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(distal2[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
proximal2_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal2[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
distal2_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(distal2[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
proximal2_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal2[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
distal3_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(distal3[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
proximal3_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal3[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
distal3_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(distal3[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
proximal3_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal3[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
distal4_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(distal4[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
proximal4_5num_samp1 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal4[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[1], sep = ".")]])
distal4_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(distal4[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
proximal4_5num_samp2 <-
stats::fivenum(proximal4[[paste("meanlog2FPM", mysamps[2], sep = ".")]])
Experimentspecific_list <- list(distal1_5num_samp1,
Ambiguous_list <- list(distal2_5num_samp1,
Shared_list <- list(distal3_5num_samp1,
Referencespecific_list <- list(distal4_5num_samp1,
if (is.null(xlabel)) {
categ <- c(paste0(mysamps[1],' TSS-distal'),
paste0(mysamps[1],' TSS-proximal'),
paste0(mysamps[2],' TSS-distal'),
paste0(mysamps[2],' TSS-proximal'))
}else(categ <- xlabel)
explabel <- paste0(nonreference, "-specific (by intensity)")
reflabel <- paste0(reference, "-specific (by intensity)")
p <- highchart(width = 750, height = 750 ) %>%
hc_title(text = maintitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontWeight = 'bold',
fontSize = maintitlesize)) %>%
boxplot = list(
fillColor = '#ffffff',
lineWidth = 2,
medianColor = '#000000',
medianWidth = 2,
stemColor = '#000000',
stemDashStyle = 'dot',
stemWidth = 1,
whiskerColor = '#000000',
whiskerLength = '20%',
whiskerWidth = 3
) %>%
hc_add_series(data = Experimentspecific_list,
fillColor = cols[3],
name = explabel,
type = "boxplot") %>%
hc_add_series(data = Ambiguous_list,
fillColor = cols[2],
name = 'Ambiguous',
type = "boxplot") %>%
hc_add_series(data = Shared_list,
fillColor = cols[4],
name = 'Shared',
type = "boxplot") %>%
hc_add_series(data = Referencespecific_list,
fillColor = cols[1],
name = reflabel,
type = "boxplot") %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = ylabel,
style = list(fontSize = ylabelsize)),
labels = list(format = "{value}")) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = categ,
labels = list(style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
hc_tooltip(valueDecimals = 2) %>%
hc_colors(c(cols[3], cols[2], cols[4], cols[1])) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
#' Plots a pie that compares altered regions as determined by peak
#' presence or by #' differential counts. The type of regulatory region
#' (TSS-proximal, TSS-distal, or both) and type of peak comparison
#' (intensity or peak) must be specified.
#' @param analysisresultsmatrix analysisresults of Intensity analysis place into
#' analysisresults matrix by the analyzeanalysisresults function
#' @param region pick a region, regions can be 'TSS-distal', 'TSS-proximal',
#' or 'both' -- INCLUDE quotes
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param method pick a method, methods can be 'Intensity' or 'Peak'
#' include quotes
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3", "Pastel1",
#' "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param maintitle main title (default generated from sample names)
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @return pie chart
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks,
#' minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' consensusPeaksCounts <- getCounts(annotpeaks = consensusPeaksAnnotated,
#' sampleinfo = csvfile,
#' reference = 'SAEC',
#' chrom = 'chr21')
#' alteredPeaks <- countanalysis(counts = consensusPeaksCounts,
#' pval = 0.01,
#' lfcvalue = 1)
#' alteredPeaksCategorized <- categAltrePeaks(alteredPeaks,
#' lfctypespecific = 1.5,
#' lfcshared = 1.2,
#' pvaltypespecific = 0.01,
#' pvalshared = 0.05)
#' comparePeaksAnalysisResults <- comparePeaksAltre(alteredPeaksCategorized)
#' plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix = comparePeaksAnalysisResults)
plotCompareMethods <- function(analysisresultsmatrix,
viewer = TRUE,
region = "both",
method = "Intensity",
palette = c("#C71585", "#d3d3d3", "#00E5EE", "#000080"),
maintitle = NULL,
maintitlesize = "16px") {
analysisresultsmatrix <- as.matrix(analysisresultsmatrix$compareresults[,c("peak","intensity")])
if ( viewer == TRUE ){
if (length(palette) == 4) {
cols <- c(palette)
else if (length(palette) == 1) {
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
else {
stop("palette must either be an RColorBrewer palette or a vector of hex colors")
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, palette)
if (region == "TSS-proximal") {
feature <- c("TSS-proxs")
coordinates <- c(2, 5, 8)
if (region == "TSS-distal") {
feature <- c("TSS-dists")
coordinates <- c(1, 4, 7)
if (region == "both") {
region <- c("All")
feature <- c("TSS-dists", "TSS-proxs")
coordinates <- c(3, 6, 9)
# identifies the correct numbers from the
# analysisresults matrix based on the
# regulatory region of interest
if (method == "Intensity") {
case <- analysisresultsmatrix[coordinates[1], "intensity"]
reference <- analysisresultsmatrix[coordinates[2], "intensity"]
shared <- analysisresultsmatrix[coordinates[3], "intensity"]
if (method == "Peak") {
case <- analysisresultsmatrix[coordinates[1], "peak"]
reference <- analysisresultsmatrix[coordinates[2], "peak"]
shared <- analysisresultsmatrix[coordinates[3], "peak"]
#stringsplit <- strsplit(string, " ")
#uniquestringsplit <- unique(stringsplit[[1]])
split <-
unlist(strsplit(rownames(analysisresultsmatrix)[1], split = " "))
names <- split[!(split %in% c("TSS-dists"))]
names <- paste(names, collapse = " ")
casename <- names
split <-
unlist(strsplit(rownames(analysisresultsmatrix)[4], split = " "))
names <- split[!(split %in% c("TSS-dists"))]
names <- paste(names, collapse = " ")
referencename <- names
# this is a way to the name of the 'case'
# from the analysisresults matrix
if (is.null(maintitle)) {
mtitle <- paste(region, method)
} else {
mtitle <- maintitle
p <- highchart() %>%
hc_chart(type = "pie") %>%
text = mtitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',
fontWeight = 'bold',
fontSize = maintitlesize)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(series = list(showInLegend = TRUE)) %>%
enabled = TRUE,
layout = "horizontal",
align = "center",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
floating = FALSE,
maxHeight = 100,
x = 0,
y = 16
) %>%
data = list(
y = case,
name = casename,
dataLabels = FALSE
y = reference,
name = referencename,
dataLabels = FALSE
y = shared,
name = "Shared",
dataLabels = FALSE
name = paste(region, method)
) %>%
hc_colors(c(cols[3], cols[1], cols[4])) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
#' Plots pie charts for comparison of two methods of identifying altered
#' regulatory regions. Makes pie charts for TSS-proximal, TSS-distal, and
#' combined for both intensity-based peaks and for peaks identified by hotspot
#' calling algorithms. There is no return value. Six pie charts swill be
#' plotted.
#' @param analysisresultsmatrix analysisresults of countanalysis function
#' place into a a analysisresults matrix by the analyzeanalysisresults function
#' @param viewer whether the plot should be displayed in the RStudio viewer or
#' in Shiny/Knittr
#' @param palette choose an RColorBrewer palette ("Set1", "Set2", "Set3", "Pastel1",
#' "Pastel2", "Paired", etc.) or submit a vector of colors
#' @param title11 title of the first graph in the first row
#' @param title12 title of the second graph in the first row
#' @param title13 title of the third graph in the first row
#' @param title21 title of the first graph in the second row
#' @param title22 title of the second graph in the second row
#' @param title23 title of the third graph in the second row
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks,
#' minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' consensusPeaksCounts <- getCounts(annotpeaks = consensusPeaksAnnotated,
#' sampleinfo = csvfile,
#' reference = 'SAEC',
#' chrom = 'chr21')
#' alteredPeaks <- countanalysis(counts = consensusPeaksCounts,
#' pval = 0.01,
#' lfcvalue = 1)
#' alteredPeaksCategorized <- categAltrePeaks(alteredPeaks,
#' lfctypespecific = 1.5,
#' lfcshared = 1.2,
#' pvaltypespecific = 0.01,
#' pvalshared = 0.05)
#' comparePeaksAnalysisResults <- comparePeaksAltre(alteredPeaksCategorized)
#' plotCompareMethodsAll(comparePeaksAnalysisResults)
#' }
#' @export
plotCompareMethodsAll <- function(analysisresultsmatrix,
viewer = TRUE,
palette = c("#C71585", "#d3d3d3", "#00E5EE", "#000080"),
title11 = NULL,
title12 = NULL,
title13 = NULL,
title21 = NULL,
title22 = NULL,
title23 = NULL,
maintitlesize = "20px"
) {
p1 <- plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix,
region = "TSS-proximal",
method = "Intensity",
palette = palette,
maintitle = title11,
maintitlesize = maintitlesize)
p2 <- plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix,
region = "TSS-distal",
method = "Intensity",
palette = palette,
maintitle = title12,
maintitlesize = maintitlesize)
p3 <- plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix,
region = "both",
method = "Intensity",
palette = palette,
maintitle = title13,
maintitlesize = maintitlesize)
p4 <- plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix,
region = "TSS-proximal",
method = "Peak",
palette = palette,
maintitle = title21,
maintitlesize = maintitlesize)
p5 <- plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix,
region = "TSS-distal",
method = "Peak",
palette = palette,
maintitle = title22,
maintitlesize = maintitlesize)
p6 <- plotCompareMethods(analysisresultsmatrix,
region = "both",
method = "Peak",
palette = palette,
maintitle = title23,
maintitlesize = maintitlesize)
if (viewer == TRUE) {
p <- htmltools::browsable(hw_grid(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, ncol = 3,
rowheight = 300))
else {
p <- hw_grid(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, ncol = 3)
#' Given the output from processPathways(), creates a heatmap from
#' the ouput of the GREAT enrichment analysis. Presence or absence of
#' the pathway in enrichment of both type-specific (increased or decreased
#' log2fold change, low p-value) and shared (no change, higher p-value)
#' regulatory regions is plotted.
#' @param input results from GREAT enrichment analysis
#' @param pathwaycateg ontology, to see available ontologies in your input results (e.g. named
#' GREATpathways, type getOntologies(GREATpathways)
#' @param test character, "Binom" uses binomial test restuls, "Hyper" uses
#' hypergeometric test results. Default is "Binom"
#' @param numshow number of top pathways (ranked according to p-value) of each type
#' (expt, reference, shared) to show in the plot (default=10)
#' @param maintitle main title (default, "GREAT Enrichment Analysis")
#' @param maintitlesize main title size (default, 20px)
#' @param subtitle subtitle (default, "color corresponds to p-value")
#' @param subtitlesize subitle size (default 15px)
#' @param xlabelsize size of xlabel (default, 10px)
#' @param ylabelsize size of ylabel (default, 10px)
#' @param xlabel label for x-axis (default, Experiment-specific, shared, Reference-specific )
#' @return heatmap
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' csvfile <- loadCSVFile("DNaseEncodeExample.csv")
#' samplePeaks <- loadBedFiles(csvfile)
#' consensusPeaks <- getConsensusPeaks(samplepeaks = samplePeaks, minreps = 2)
#' TSSannot <- getTSS()
#' consensusPeaksAnnotated <- combineAnnotatePeaks(conspeaks = consensusPeaks,
#' TSS = TSSannot,
#' merge = TRUE,
#' regionspecific = TRUE,
#' distancefromTSSdist = 1500,
#' distancefromTSSprox = 1000)
#' consensusPeaksCounts <- getCounts(annotpeaks = consensusPeaksAnnotated,
#' reference = 'SAEC',
#' sampleinfo = csvfile,
#' chrom = 'chr21')
#' alteredPeaks <- countanalysis(counts=consensusPeaksCounts,
#' pval=0.01,
#' lfcvalue=1)
#' alteredPeaksCategorized <- categAltrePeaks(analysisresults = alteredPeaks,
#' lfctypespecific = 1.5,
#' lfcshared = 1.2,
#' pvaltypespecific = 0.01,
#' pvalshared = 0.05)
#' callPaths <- runGREAT(peaks = alteredPeaksCategorized)
#' pathResults <- processPathways(callPaths, pathway_category = "GO",
#' enrichcutoff = 2, adjpvalcutoff = 0.05)
#' plotGREATenrich(pathResults, maintitle = "GREAT Enrichment Analysis",
#' pathwaycateg = "GO_Molecular_Function")
#' @export
plotGREATenrich <- function(input,
maintitle = "GREAT Enrichment Analysis",
pathwaycateg = NULL,
test = "Binom",
numshow = 10,
maintitlesize = "20px",
ylabelsize = "10px",
xlabelsize = "10px",
xlabel = NULL,
subtitle = "(color corresponds to p-value)",
subtitlesize = "13px") {
variable = value = Experiment_specific = Reference_specific = Shared = c()
if (is.null(pathwaycateg)) {
stop("Please designate a pathway with the parameter pathwaycateg")
if (is.list(input) == FALSE) {
"The input is not a list! Please make sure you are
using the output from the enrichment analysis"
if (is.na(match(test, c("Hyper", "Binom")))) {
stop("test must be either 'Hyper' or 'Binom'")
mycols = c("name",
paste0(test, "_Fold_Enrichment"),
paste0(test, "_adj_PValue"))
if (is.list(input$ExperimentSpecificByIntensity$Sig_Pathways) == FALSE |
is.list(input$ReferenceSpecificByIntensity$Sig_Pathways) == FALSE |
is.list(input$Shared$Sig_Pathways) == FALSE |
length(input) != 3 |
)))) !=
length(mycols) |
)))) !=
length(mycols) |
colnames(input$Shared$Sig_Pathways[[pathwaycateg]]))) !=
length(mycols) |
names(input) != c(
)) {
"The input is not a list of three dataframes or there are no enriched pathways to plot.
Be sure the input is the output from running processPathways(()"
up <-
input$ExperimentSpecificByIntensity$Sig_Pathways[[pathwaycateg]][, mycols]
if (is.null(nrow(up))) {
up$name <- NA
} else {
if (nrow(up) > numshow) {
# order by last row, which is always adjusted p-value
up <- up[order(up[, 3])[1:numshow], ]
reference <-
if (is.null(nrow(reference))) {
reference$name <- NA
} else {
if (nrow(reference) > numshow) {
# order by last row, which is always adjusted p-value
reference <- reference[order(reference[, 3])[1:numshow], ]
shared <- input$Shared$Sig_Pathways[[pathwaycateg]][, mycols]
if (is.null(nrow(shared))) {
shared$name <- NA
} else {
if (nrow(shared) > numshow) {
# order by last row, which is always adjusted p-value
shared <- shared[order(shared[, 3])[1:numshow], ]
# make a list of all the pathways in up, down, and shared
pathways <- unique(c(up$name,
pathways <- pathways[!is.na(pathways)]
if (is.na(pathways) || length(pathways) == 0) {
stop("No pathways are significant!")
# make a matrix with as many row as there are pathways
heatmapmatrix <- matrix(data = NA,
nrow = length(pathways),
ncol = 3)
# name the rows with the pathway names
row.names(heatmapmatrix) <- pathways
colnames(heatmapmatrix) <-
c("Experiment_specific", "Reference_specific", "Shared")
# places the adjusted p-value in the matrix is there is one
for (i in 1:nrow(heatmapmatrix)) {
if (row.names(heatmapmatrix)[i] %in% up$name) {
num1 <- which(up$name == row.names(heatmapmatrix)[i])
heatmapmatrix[i, 1] <- up[num1, mycols[3]]
if (row.names(heatmapmatrix)[i] %in% reference$name) {
num2 <- which(reference$name == row.names(heatmapmatrix)[i])
heatmapmatrix[i, 2] <- reference[num2, mycols[3]]
if (row.names(heatmapmatrix)[i] %in% shared$name) {
num3 <- which(shared$name == row.names(heatmapmatrix)[i])
heatmapmatrix[i, 3] <- shared[num3, mycols[3]]
# Create a data.frame of the heatmapmatrix and sort
heatmapdata <- as.data.frame(heatmapmatrix)
heatmapdata <- heatmapdata[order(
decreasing = TRUE
# Create ids:
heatmapdata$id <- rownames(heatmapdata)
rownames(heatmapdata) <- c(1:nrow(heatmapdata))
#suppressMessages(meltedheatmapdata <- reshape2::melt(heatmapdata))
meltedheatmapdata <- tidyr::gather(
meltedheatmapdata$newid <-
stringr::str_wrap(meltedheatmapdata$id, width = 80)
meltedheatmapdata$id <- factor(meltedheatmapdata$id,
levels = unique(meltedheatmapdata$id))
#all possible values of X (type) and Y (pathways)
theXAxis <- as.character(meltedheatmapdata[, 2])
theYAxis <- meltedheatmapdata[, 4]
#unique values of X and Y
theUniqueY <- unique(meltedheatmapdata$newid)
theUniqueX <-
c("Experiment_specific", "Shared", "Reference_specific")
# Substitute words with position on the meatrix
for (i in 0:(length(theUniqueY) - 1))
num <- which(theYAxis == theUniqueY[i + 1])
theYAxis[num] <- i
for (i in 0:(length(theUniqueX) - 1))
num <- which(theXAxis == theUniqueX[i + 1])
theXAxis[num] <- i
#create final formatting
dataforHeatmap <- as.data.frame(cbind(
formattedHeatmapData <- list_parse2(dataforHeatmap)
fntltp <- JS(
return 'pval='+this.point.value;
if (is.null(xlabel))
{categ = c("Experiment-specific", "Shared", "Reference-specific")}
{categ = xlabel}
p <- highchart(width = 800, height = 700) %>%
hc_chart(type = "heatmap", spacingRight = 160) %>%
hc_title(text = maintitle,
style = list(color = '#2E1717',fontSize = maintitlesize,
fontWeight = 'bold')) %>%
hc_subtitle(text = subtitle,
style = list(fontSize = subtitlesize)) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = categ,
labels = list(style = list(fontSize = xlabelsize))) %>%
hc_yAxis(categories = theUniqueY, labels = list(style = list(fontSize = ylabelsize))) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "matrix location, p-value",
data = formattedHeatmapData) %>%
hc_tooltip(formatter = fntltp, valueDecimals = 2) %>%
hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(2, colors = c("#5097D1", "#DEEFF5")),
min = min(as.numeric(dataforHeatmap[ , 3]), na.rm = T),
max = max(as.numeric(dataforHeatmap[ , 3]), na.rm = T)) %>%
enabled = TRUE,
layout = "vertical",
align = "right",
verticalAlign = "top",
floating = FALSE,
maxWidth = 200,
x = -10, # 90
y = 100, # 70
padding = 2
#title = list(text="p-value")
) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE)
#create final formatting
} # end plotGREATenrich
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.